예제 #1
파일: producer.py 프로젝트: bralicea/Trades
class BaseProducer(abc.ABC):


        'gzip': (has_gzip, LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.CODEC_GZIP),
        'snappy': (has_snappy, LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.CODEC_SNAPPY),
        'lz4': (has_lz4, LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.CODEC_LZ4),

    _closed = None  # Serves as an uninitialized flag for __del__
    _source_traceback = None

    def __init__(self, *, loop, bootstrap_servers='localhost',
                 metadata_max_age_ms=300000, request_timeout_ms=40000,
                 api_version='auto', acks=_missing,
                 key_serializer=None, value_serializer=None,
                 compression_type=None, max_batch_size=16384,
                 partitioner=DefaultPartitioner(), max_request_size=1048576,
                 linger_ms=0, send_backoff_ms=100,
                 retry_backoff_ms=100, security_protocol="PLAINTEXT",
                 ssl_context=None, connections_max_idle_ms=540000,
                 enable_idempotence=False, transactional_id=None,
                 transaction_timeout_ms=60000, sasl_mechanism="PLAIN",
                 sasl_plain_password=None, sasl_plain_username=None,
        if acks not in (0, 1, -1, 'all', _missing):
            raise ValueError("Invalid ACKS parameter")
        if compression_type not in ('gzip', 'snappy', 'lz4', None):
            raise ValueError("Invalid compression type!")
        if compression_type:
            checker, compression_attrs = self._COMPRESSORS[compression_type]
            if not checker():
                raise RuntimeError("Compression library for {} not found"
            compression_attrs = 0
        self._compression_attrs = compression_attrs

        if acks is _missing:
            acks = 1
        elif acks == 'all':
            acks = -1

        AIOKafkaProducer._PRODUCER_CLIENT_ID_SEQUENCE += 1
        if client_id is None:
            client_id = 'aiokafka-producer-%s' % \
        self._bootstrap_servers = bootstrap_servers
        self._client_id = client_id
        self._metadata_max_age_ms = metadata_max_age_ms
        self._request_timeout_ms = request_timeout_ms
        self._api_version = api_version
        self._acks = acks
        self._key_serializer = key_serializer
        self._value_serializer = value_serializer
        self._compression_type = compression_type
        self._max_batch_size = max_batch_size
        self._partitioner = partitioner
        self._max_request_size = max_request_size
        self._linger_ms = linger_ms
        self._send_backoff_ms = send_backoff_ms
        self._retry_backoff_ms = retry_backoff_ms
        self._security_protocol = security_protocol
        self._ssl_context = ssl_context
        self._connections_max_idle_ms = connections_max_idle_ms
        self._transaction_timeout_ms = transaction_timeout_ms
        self._transaction_timeout_ms = transaction_timeout_ms
        self._on_irrecoverable_error = on_irrecoverable_error
        self._sasl_mechanism = sasl_mechanism
        self._sasl_plain_username = sasl_plain_username
        self._sasl_plain_password = sasl_plain_password
        self._sasl_kerberos_service_name = sasl_kerberos_service_name
        self._sasl_kerberos_domain_name = sasl_kerberos_domain_name

        self.client = AIOKafkaClient(
            loop=loop, bootstrap_servers=bootstrap_servers,
            client_id=client_id, metadata_max_age_ms=metadata_max_age_ms,
            api_version=api_version, security_protocol=security_protocol,
        self._metadata = self.client.cluster
        self._loop = loop
        if loop.get_debug():
            self._source_traceback = traceback.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1))
        self._closed = False

    # Warn if producer was not closed properly
    # We don't attempt to close the Consumer, as __del__ is synchronous
    def __del__(self, _warnings=warnings):
        if self._closed is False:
            if PY_36:
                kwargs = {'source': self}
                kwargs = {}
            _warnings.warn("Unclosed AIOKafkaProducer {!r}".format(self),
            context = {'producer': self,
                       'message': 'Unclosed AIOKafkaProducer'}
            if self._source_traceback is not None:
                context['source_traceback'] = self._source_traceback

    def _on_set_api_version(self, api_version):

    def _message_accumulator_for(self, transactional_id, tp):

    def _transactional_id_or_default(self, transactional_id):

    def _verify_txn_started(self, transactional_id):

    def _wait_for_sender(self):

    def _ensure_transactional(self):

    async def __aenter__(self):
        await self.start()
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        await self.stop()

    async def start(self):
        """Connect to Kafka cluster and check server version"""
        log.debug("Starting the Kafka producer")  # trace
        await self.client.bootstrap()
        if self._closed:
        api_version = self.client.api_version

        await self._start_sender()

        self._producer_magic = 0 if api_version < (0, 10) else 1
        log.debug("Kafka producer started")

    def _verify_api_version(self, api_version):
        if self._compression_type == 'lz4':
            assert self.client.api_version >= (0, 8, 2), \
                'LZ4 Requires >= Kafka 0.8.2 Brokers'

    async def stop(self):
        """Flush all pending data and close all connections to kafka cluster"""
        if self._closed:
        self._closed = True

        await self._wait_for_sender()

        await self.client.close()
        log.debug("The Kafka producer has closed.")

    async def partitions_for(self, topic):
        """Returns set of all known partitions for the topic."""
        return (await self.client._wait_on_metadata(topic))

    def _serialize(self, topic, key, value):
        if self._key_serializer:
            serialized_key = self._key_serializer(key)
            serialized_key = key
        if self._value_serializer:
            serialized_value = self._value_serializer(value)
            serialized_value = value

        message_size = LegacyRecordBatchBuilder.record_overhead(
        if serialized_key is not None:
            message_size += len(serialized_key)
        if serialized_value is not None:
            message_size += len(serialized_value)
        if message_size > self._max_request_size:
            raise MessageSizeTooLargeError(
                "The message is %d bytes when serialized which is larger than"
                " the maximum request size you have configured with the"
                " max_request_size configuration" % message_size)

        return serialized_key, serialized_value

    def _partition(self, topic, partition, key, value,
                   serialized_key, serialized_value):
        if partition is not None:
            assert partition >= 0
            assert partition in self._metadata.partitions_for_topic(topic), \
                'Unrecognized partition'
            return partition

        all_partitions = list(self._metadata.partitions_for_topic(topic))
        available = list(self._metadata.available_partitions_for_topic(topic))
        return self._partitioner(
            serialized_key, all_partitions, available)

    async def send(
        self, topic, value=None, key=None, partition=None,
        timestamp_ms=None, headers=None, transactional_id=None
        """Publish a message to a topic.

            topic (str): topic where the message will be published
            value (optional): message value. Must be type bytes, or be
                serializable to bytes via configured value_serializer. If value
                is None, key is required and message acts as a 'delete'.
                See kafka compaction documentation for more details:
                (compaction requires kafka >= 0.8.1)
            partition (int, optional): optionally specify a partition. If not
                set, the partition will be selected using the configured
            key (optional): a key to associate with the message. Can be used to
                determine which partition to send the message to. If partition
                is None (and producer's partitioner config is left as default),
                then messages with the same key will be delivered to the same
                partition (but if key is None, partition is chosen randomly).
                Must be type bytes, or be serializable to bytes via configured
            timestamp_ms (int, optional): epoch milliseconds (from Jan 1 1970
                UTC) to use as the message timestamp. Defaults to current time.

            asyncio.Future: object that will be set when message is

            kafka.KafkaTimeoutError: if we can't schedule this record (
                pending buffer is full) in up to `request_timeout_ms`

            The returned future will wait based on `request_timeout_ms`
            setting. Cancelling the returned future **will not** stop event
            from being sent, but cancelling the ``send`` coroutine itself
        assert value is not None or self.client.api_version >= (0, 8, 1), (
            'Null messages require kafka >= 0.8.1')
        assert not (value is None and key is None), \
            'Need at least one: key or value'
        transactional_id = self._transactional_id_or_default(transactional_id)

        # first make sure the metadata for the topic is available
        await self.client._wait_on_metadata(topic)

        # Ensure transaction is started and not committing

        if headers is not None:
            if self.client.api_version < (0, 11):
                raise UnsupportedVersionError(
                    "Headers not supported before Kafka 0.11")
            # Record parser/builder support only list type, no explicit None
            headers = []

        key_bytes, value_bytes = self._serialize(topic, key, value)
        partition = self._partition(topic, partition, key, value,
                                    key_bytes, value_bytes)

        tp = TopicPartition(topic, partition)
        log.debug("Sending (key=%s value=%s) to %s", key, value, tp)

        message_accumulator = self._message_accumulator_for(
            transactional_id, tp)
        fut = await message_accumulator.add_message(
            tp, key_bytes, value_bytes, self._request_timeout_ms / 1000,
            timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms, headers=headers)
        return fut

    async def send_and_wait(self, topic, value=None, key=None, partition=None,
        """Publish a message to a topic and wait the result"""
        future = await self.send(
            topic, value, key, partition, timestamp_ms)
        return (await future)