async def user_groups_ids(aiopg_engine: Engine) -> Iterator[List[int]]: """Inits groups table and returns group identifiers""" cols = ("gid", "name", "description", "type", "thumbnail", "inclusion_rules") data = [ (34, "john.smith", "primary group for user", "PRIMARY", None, {}), ( 20001, "Team Black", "External testers", "STANDARD", "", {"email": "@(foo|testers|mib)+.(org|com)$"}, ), ] # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter async with aiopg_engine.acquire() as conn: for row in data: # NOTE: The 'default' dialect with current database version settings does not support in-place multirow inserts stmt = groups.insert().values(**dict(zip(cols, row))) await conn.execute(stmt) gids = [ 1, ] + [items[0] for items in data] yield gids async with aiopg_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(services_meta_data.delete()) await conn.execute(groups.delete().where(groups.c.gid.in_(gids[1:])))
async def user_id(pg_engine: Engine) -> int: async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: # a 'me' user uid = await conn.scalar( users.insert().values(**(random_user())).returning( yield uid # cleanup async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: # a 'me' user uid = await conn.execute(users.delete().where( == uid))
async def output_file(user_id: int, project_id: str, postgres_engine: Engine) -> Iterable[FileMetaData]: node_id = "fd6f9737-1988-341b-b4ac-0614b646fa82" # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter file = FileMetaData() file.simcore_from_uuid(f"{project_id}/{node_id}/filename.txt", bucket_name="master-simcore") file.entity_tag = "df9d868b94e53d18009066ca5cd90e9f" file.user_name = "test" file.user_id = str(user_id) async with postgres_engine.acquire() as conn: stmt = ( file_meta_data.insert().values(**attr.asdict(file), ).returning( literal_column("*"))) result = await conn.execute(stmt) row = await result.fetchone() # hacks defect file.user_id = str(user_id) file.location_id = str(file.location_id) # -- assert file == FileMetaData(**dict(row)) # type: ignore yield file result = await conn.execute(file_meta_data.delete().where( file_meta_data.c.file_uuid == row.file_uuid))
async def login(*, db: Engine, credentials_data: dict, living_time: int, private_key: str) -> str: """ Steps for authenticate user: 1. check its credentials, by login and password, exists in database etc 2. create refresh token 3. create access token with link to refresh token link for refresh token needs to a later refresh and logout :param db: database engine :param credentials_data: dict user credentials :param living_time: token's living time (in sec.) :param private_key: private key for signature JWT :return: JWT for user """ async with db.acquire() as conn: # type: SAConnection user = await identity_user(conn=conn, credentials_data=credentials_data) refresh_token = await create_refresh_token(conn=conn, user=user) user_data_token = to_user_data_token(user) token = await create_access_token(user_data_token=user_data_token, refresh_token=refresh_token, living_time=living_time, private_key=private_key) return token
async def reenter_txn(pool: SAEngine, conn: SAConnection): if conn is None: async with pool.acquire() as conn, conn.begin(): yield conn else: async with conn.begin_nested(): yield conn
async def top( cls, pg: Engine, phrase: str, from_date: str, to_date: str, top_count: int = 3, ): """Top Authors.""" rows = [] query = text(""" SELECT json_build_object( 'author_id', a.author_id, 'counter', sum(a.counter)) as data FROM authors a JOIN query q ON a.query_id = WHERE lower(q.phrase) = lower(:phrase) AND a.published_at >= date(:from_date) AND a.published_at <= date(:to_date) GROUP BY a.author_id ORDER BY sum(a.counter) DESC LIMIT :top_count """) async with pg.acquire() as conn: async for row in conn.execute( query, dict( phrase=phrase, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date, top_count=top_count, ), ): rows.append(row[0]) return rows
async def project_id(user_id: int, postgres_engine: Engine) -> Iterable[UUID]: # inject a random project for user in db. This will give user_id, the full project's ownership # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter stmt = (projects.insert().values(**random_project( prj_owner=user_id)).returning(projects.c.uuid)) print(str(stmt)) async with postgres_engine.acquire() as conn: result = await conn.execute(stmt) [prj_uuid] = (await result.fetchone()).as_tuple() yield UUID(prj_uuid) async with postgres_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(projects.delete().where(projects.c.uuid == prj_uuid) )
async def create_cluster( pg_engine: Engine, faker: Faker ) -> AsyncIterable[Callable[..., Awaitable[int]]]: cluster_ids = [] async def creator(**overrides) -> int: insert_values = { "name": "default cluster name", "type": ClusterType.ON_PREMISE, "description": None, "endpoint": faker.domain_name(), "authentication": faker.pydict(value_types=str), } insert_values.update(overrides) async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: cluster_id = await conn.scalar( clusters.insert().values(**insert_values).returning( ) cluster_ids.append(cluster_id) assert cluster_id return cluster_id yield creator # cleanup async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(clusters.delete().where(
async def engine(pg_engine: Engine): # injects ... async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: # a 'me' user user_id = await conn.scalar(users.insert().values(**random_user( name=USERNAME)).returning( # has a project 'parent' await conn.execute(projects.insert().values( **random_project(prj_owner=user_id, name=PARENT_PROJECT_NAME))) yield pg_engine
async def test_cannot_remove_owner_that_owns_cluster( pg_engine: Engine, user_id: int, user_group_id: int, create_cluster: Callable[..., Awaitable[int]], ): cluster_id = await create_cluster(owner=user_group_id) # now try removing the user async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: with pytest.raises(ForeignKeyViolation): await conn.execute(users.delete().where( == user_id)) # now remove the cluster async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(clusters.delete().where( == cluster_id)) # removing the user should work now async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(users.delete().where( == user_id))
async def services_db_tables_injector(aiopg_engine: Engine) -> Callable: """Returns a helper function to init services_meta_data and services_access_rights tables Can use service_catalog_faker to generate inputs Example: await services_db_tables_injector( [ service_catalog_faker( "simcore/services/dynamic/jupyterlab", "0.0.1", team_access=None, everyone_access=None, product=target_product, ), service_catalog_faker( "simcore/services/dynamic/jupyterlab", "0.0.7", team_access=None, everyone_access=None, product=target_product, ), ] ) """ # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter async def inject_in_db(fake_catalog: List[Tuple]): # [(service, ar1, ...), (service2, ar1, ...) ] async with aiopg_engine.acquire() as conn: # NOTE: The 'default' dialect with current database version settings does not support in-place multirow inserts for service in [items[0] for items in fake_catalog]: insert_meta = pg_insert(services_meta_data).values(**service) upsert_meta = insert_meta.on_conflict_do_update( index_elements=[ services_meta_data.c.key, services_meta_data.c.version, ], set_=service, ) await conn.execute(upsert_meta) for access_rights in itertools.chain(items[1:] for items in fake_catalog): stmt_access = services_access_rights.insert().values( access_rights) await conn.execute(stmt_access) yield inject_in_db async with aiopg_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(services_access_rights.delete()) await conn.execute(services_meta_data.delete())
async def user_id(postgres_engine: Engine) -> Iterable[int]: # inject a random user in db # NOTE: Ideally this (and next fixture) should be done via webserver API but at this point # in time, the webserver service would bring more dependencies to other services # which would turn this test too complex. # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter stmt = users.insert().values(**random_user(name="test")).returning( print(str(stmt)) async with postgres_engine.acquire() as conn: result = await conn.execute(stmt) row = await result.fetchone() assert isinstance(, int) yield async with postgres_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(users.delete().where( ==
async def logout(*, db: Engine, user_data_token: UserDataToken) -> None: """ Steps for logout user: 1. Delete refresh token form database Without refresh token user cannot do refresh """ async with db.acquire() as conn: # type: SAConnection try: await delete_refresh_token(conn=conn, id=user_data_token.jti) except app_exceptions.DoesNotExist: logger.debug(f'Logout: Refresh token does not exist') raise auth_exceptions.AuthenticateErrorRefreshToken
async def user(pg_engine: Engine) -> RowProxy: # some user async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: result: Optional[ResultProxy] = await conn.execute( users.insert().values(**random_user( name=USERNAME)).returning(users)) assert result.rowcount == 1 _user: Optional[RowProxy] = await result.first() assert _user assert == USERNAME return _user
async def test_creating_snapshots(engine: Engine, create_snapshot: Callable, exclude: Set): async with engine.acquire() as conn: # get parent res: ResultProxy = await conn.execute( == PARENT_PROJECT_NAME)) parent_prj: Optional[RowProxy] = await res.first() assert parent_prj # take one snapshot first_snapshot_id = await create_snapshot(0, parent_prj, conn) # modify parent updated_parent_prj = await (await conn.execute( projects.update().values(description="foo").where( == assert updated_parent_prj assert == assert updated_parent_prj.description != parent_prj.description assert updated_parent_prj.creation_date < updated_parent_prj.last_change_date # take another snapshot second_snapshot_id = await create_snapshot(1, updated_parent_prj, conn) second_snapshot = await (await conn.execute( == second_snapshot_id))).first() assert second_snapshot assert != first_snapshot_id assert second_snapshot.created_at == updated_parent_prj.last_change_date # get project corresponding to first snapshot j = projects.join(projects_snapshots, projects.c.uuid == projects_snapshots.c.project_uuid) selected_snapshot_project = await (await conn.execute( == second_snapshot_id))).first() assert selected_snapshot_project assert selected_snapshot_project.uuid == second_snapshot.project_uuid assert parent_prj.uuid == second_snapshot.parent_uuid def extract(t): return {k: t[k] for k in t if k not in exclude.union({"name"})} assert extract(selected_snapshot_project) == extract( updated_parent_prj)
async def scicrunch_orm(pg_engine: Engine) -> Iterator[BaseOrm[str]]: # This is a table without dependencies and therefore easy to use as fixture class ScicrunchOrm(BaseOrm[str]): def __init__(self, connection: SAConnection): super().__init__( scicrunch_resources, connection, readonly={"creation_date", "last_change_date"}, writeonce={"rrid"}, ) async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: orm_obj = ScicrunchOrm(conn) yield orm_obj
async def test_access_rights_on_owned_project(user_id: int, project_id: UUID, postgres_engine: Engine): async with postgres_engine.acquire() as conn: access = await get_project_access_rights(conn, user_id, str(project_id)) assert access == AccessRights.all() # still NOT registered in file_meta_data BUT with prefix {project_id} owned by user access = await get_file_access_rights( conn, user_id, f"{project_id}/node_id/not-in-file-metadata-table.txt") assert access == AccessRights.all()
async def save(cls, pg: Engine, query: str) -> int: """Upsert by unique `phrase` row into table `query`. Return it's `id`. Upsert `on_conflict_do_nothing` do not return `id`, so we need fetch it. """ async with pg.acquire() as conn: async for row in conn.execute(cls.upsert({"phrase": query})): if row: return row[0] async for row in conn.execute(cls.get_by_phrasee(query)): return row[0] assert row return row[0]
async def project(pg_engine: Engine, user: RowProxy) -> RowProxy: # a user's project async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: result: Optional[ResultProxy] = await conn.execute( projects.insert().values( **random_project(, name=PARENT_PROJECT_NAME)).returning(projects) ) assert result.rowcount == 1 _project: Optional[RowProxy] = await result.first() assert _project assert == PARENT_PROJECT_NAME return _project
async def raise_if_migration_not_ready(engine: Engine): """Ensures db migration is complete :raises DBMigrationError :raises """ async with engine.acquire() as conn: version_num = await conn.scalar( 'SELECT "version_num" FROM "alembic_version"') head_version_num = get_current_head() if version_num != head_version_num: raise DBMigrationError( f"Migration is incomplete, expected {head_version_num} but got {version_num}" )
async def products_names(aiopg_engine: Engine) -> Iterator[List[str]]: """Inits products db table and returns product names""" data = [ # already upon creation: ("osparc", r"([\.-]{0,1}osparc[\.-])"), ("s4l", r"(^s4l[\.-])|(^sim4life\.)|(^api.s4l[\.-])|(^api.sim4life\.)"), ("tis", r"(^tis[\.-])|(^ti-solutions\.)"), ] # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter async with aiopg_engine.acquire() as conn: # NOTE: The 'default' dialect with current database version settings does not support in-place multirow inserts for name, regex in data: stmt = products.insert().values(name=name, host_regex=regex) await conn.execute(stmt) names = [ "osparc", ] + [items[0] for items in data] yield names async with aiopg_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(products.delete())
async def test_multiple_snapshots_of_same_project(engine: Engine, create_snapshot: Callable): async with engine.acquire() as conn: # get parent res: ResultProxy = await conn.execute( == PARENT_PROJECT_NAME)) parent_prj: Optional[RowProxy] = await res.first() assert parent_prj # take first snapshot await create_snapshot(0, parent_prj, conn) # no changes in the parent! with pytest.raises(UniqueViolation): await create_snapshot(1, parent_prj, conn)
async def check_credentials(db_engine: Engine, username: str, password: str) -> bool: """Производит аутентификацию пользователя.""" async with db_engine.acquire() as conn: where = and_(models.users.c.login == username, ) query = result = await conn.execute(query) user = await result.fetchone() if user is not None: password_hash = user.passwd return sha256_crypt.verify(password, password_hash) return False
async def test_operations_on_group_classifiers(pg_engine: Engine, classifiers_bundle: Dict): # NOTE: mostly for TDD async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: # creates a group stmt = (groups.insert().values(**random_group( name="MyGroup")).returning(groups.c.gid)) gid = await conn.scalar(stmt) # adds classifiers to a group stmt = (group_classifiers.insert().values(bundle=classifiers_bundle, gid=gid).returning( literal_column("*"))) result = await conn.execute(stmt) row = await result.first() assert row[group_classifiers.c.gid] == gid assert row[group_classifiers.c.bundle] == classifiers_bundle # get bundle in one query bundle = await conn.scalar([group_classifiers.c.bundle ]).where(group_classifiers.c.gid == gid)) assert bundle assert classifiers_bundle == bundle # Cannot add more than one classifier's bundle to the same group # pylint: disable=no-member with pytest.raises(psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation): await conn.execute(group_classifiers.insert().values(bundle={}, gid=gid)) # deleting a group deletes the classifier await conn.execute(groups.delete().where(groups.c.gid == gid)) # FIXME: count returns 1 but the db is empty!?? groups_count = 0 # await conn.scalar(groups.count()) classifiers_count = await conn.scalar(group_classifiers.count()) assert groups_count == 0 assert classifiers_count <= groups_count # no bundle bundle = await conn.scalar([group_classifiers.c.bundle ]).where(group_classifiers.c.gid == gid)) assert bundle is None
async def test_load_products(pg_engine: Engine, make_products_table, product_sample): async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: await make_products_table(conn) stmt =[, products.c.host_regex]) result: ResultProxy = await conn.execute(stmt) assert result.returns_rows rows: List[RowProxy] = await result.fetchall() assert { row[]: row[products.c.host_regex] for row in rows } == product_sample
async def fake_scicrunch_ids(pg_engine: Engine) -> List[str]: row1 = dict(rrid="RRID:foo", name="foo", description="fooing") row2 = dict(rrid="RRID:bar", name="bar", description="barring") row_ids = [] async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: for row in (row1, row2): row_id = await conn.scalar( scicrunch_resources.insert() .values(**row) .returning(scicrunch_resources.c.rrid) ) assert row_id, f"{row} failed" row_ids.append(row_id) return row_ids
async def unique_tweets(cls, pg: Engine, phrase: str, count: int, offset: int = 0): """Return unique tweets by phrase with limit/offset.""" rows = [] count = min([count, 100]) query = text(""" SELECT to_jsonb(t) FROM tweets t JOIN query q ON t.query_id = WHERE lower(q.phrase) = lower(:phrase) ORDER BY t.published_at desc LIMIT :count OFFSET :offset """) async with pg.acquire() as conn: async for row in conn.execute( query, dict(phrase=phrase, count=count, offset=offset)): rows.append(row[0]) return rows
async def count_tweets(cls, pg: Engine, phrase: str, from_date: str, to_date: str): """Count of tweets for given phrase and from_date/to_date.""" rows = [] query = text(""" SELECT json_build_object('counter', count( as data FROM tweets t JOIN query q ON t.query_id = WHERE lower(q.phrase) = lower(:phrase) AND t.published_at >= date(:from_date) AND t.published_at <= date(:to_date) """) async with pg.acquire() as conn: async for row in conn.execute( query, dict(phrase=phrase, from_date=from_date, to_date=to_date), ): rows.append(row[0]) return rows
async def engine(pg_engine: Engine): async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: await conn.execute(users.insert().values(**random_user(name="A"))) await conn.execute(users.insert().values(**random_user())) await conn.execute(users.insert().values(**random_user())) await conn.execute( projects.insert().values(**random_project(prj_owner=1))) await conn.execute( projects.insert().values(**random_project(prj_owner=2))) await conn.execute( projects.insert().values(**random_project(prj_owner=3))) with pytest.raises(ForeignKeyViolation): await conn.execute( projects.insert().values(**random_project(prj_owner=4))) yield pg_engine
async def test_cluster_owner_has_all_rights( pg_engine: Engine, user_group_id: int, create_cluster: Callable[..., Awaitable[int]], ): cluster_id = await create_cluster(owner=user_group_id) async with pg_engine.acquire() as conn: result: ResultProxy = await conn.execute( cluster_to_groups.c.cluster_id == cluster_id)) assert result.rowcount == 1 row = await result.fetchone() assert row is not None assert == True assert row.write == True assert row.delete == True