예제 #1
파일: geo.py 프로젝트: aio-libs/aioredis
    def geopos(self, key, member, *members, **kwargs):
        """Returns longitude and latitude of members of a geospatial index.

        :rtype: list[GeoPoint or None]
        fut = self.execute(b'GEOPOS', key, member, *members, **kwargs)
        return wait_convert(fut, make_geopos)
예제 #2
파일: geo.py 프로젝트: aio-libs/aioredis
    def geodist(self, key, member1, member2, unit='m'):
        """Returns the distance between two members of a geospatial index.

        :rtype: list[float or None]
        fut = self.execute(b'GEODIST', key, member1, member2, unit)
        return wait_convert(fut, make_geodist)
예제 #3
파일: server.py 프로젝트: aio-libs/aioredis
    def client_list(self):
        """Get the list of client connections.

        Returns list of ClientInfo named tuples.
        fut = self.execute(b'CLIENT', b'LIST', encoding='utf-8')
        return wait_convert(fut, to_tuples)
예제 #4
    def zrevrangebyscore(self, key, max=float('inf'),  min=float('-inf'),
                         *, exclude=None, withscores=False,
                         offset=None, count=None):
        """Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score,
        with scores ordered from high to low.

        :raises TypeError: if min or max is not float or int
        :raises TypeError: if both offset and count are not specified
        :raises TypeError: if offset is not int
        :raises TypeError: if count is not int
        if not isinstance(min, (int, float)):
            raise TypeError("min argument must be int or float")
        if not isinstance(max, (int, float)):
            raise TypeError("max argument must be int or float")

        if (offset is not None and count is None) or \
                (count is not None and offset is None):
            raise TypeError("offset and count must both be specified")
        if offset is not None and not isinstance(offset, int):
            raise TypeError("offset argument must be int")
        if count is not None and not isinstance(count, int):
            raise TypeError("count argument must be int")

        min, max = _encode_min_max(exclude, min, max)

        args = []
        if withscores:
            args = [b'WITHSCORES']
        if offset is not None and count is not None:
            args.extend([b'LIMIT', offset, count])
        fut = self._conn.execute(b'ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', key, max, min, *args)
        if withscores:
            return wait_convert(fut, pairs_int_or_float)
        return fut
예제 #5
파일: set.py 프로젝트: krkd/aioredis
 def sscan(self, key, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
     """Incrementally iterate Set elements."""
     tokens = [key, cursor]
     match is not None and tokens.extend([b"MATCH", match])
     count is not None and tokens.extend([b"COUNT", count])
     fut = self._conn.execute(b"SSCAN", *tokens)
     return wait_convert(fut, lambda obj: (int(obj[0]), obj[1]))
예제 #6
파일: hash.py 프로젝트: Natim/aioredis
 def hscan(self, key, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
     """Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values."""
     args = [key, cursor]
     match is not None and args.extend([b'MATCH', match])
     count is not None and args.extend([b'COUNT', count])
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'HSCAN', *args)
     return wait_convert(fut, lambda obj: (int(obj[0]), obj[1]))
예제 #7
 def xrevrange(self, stream, start='+', stop='-', count=None):
     """Retrieve messages from a stream in reverse order."""
     if count is not None:
         extra = ['COUNT', count]
         extra = []
     fut = self.execute(b'XREVRANGE', stream, start, stop, *extra)
     return wait_convert(fut, parse_messages)
예제 #8
 def xclaim(self, stream, group_name, consumer_name, min_idle_time,
            id, *ids):
     """Claim a message for a given consumer"""
     fut = self.execute(
         b'XCLAIM', stream, group_name, consumer_name, min_idle_time,
         id, *ids
     return wait_convert(fut, parse_messages)
예제 #9
파일: server.py 프로젝트: aio-libs/aioredis
    def role(self):
        """Return the role of the server instance.

        Returns named tuples describing role of the instance.
        For fields information see http://redis.io/commands/role#output-format
        fut = self.execute(b'ROLE', encoding='utf-8')
        return wait_convert(fut, parse_role)
예제 #10
    def zincrby(self, key, increment, member):
        """Increment the score of a member in a sorted set.

        :raises TypeError: increment is not float or int
        if not isinstance(increment, (int, float)):
            raise TypeError("increment argument must be int or float")
        fut = self._conn.execute(b'ZINCRBY', key, increment, member)
        return wait_convert(fut, int_or_float)
예제 #11
    def xread(self, streams, timeout=0, count=None, latest_ids=None):
        """Perform a blocking read on the given stream

        :raises ValueError: if the length of streams and latest_ids do
                            not match
        args = self._xread(streams, timeout, count, latest_ids)
        fut = self.execute(b'XREAD', *args)
        return wait_convert(fut, parse_messages_by_stream)
예제 #12
    def renamenx(self, key, newkey):
        """Renames key to newkey only if newkey does not exist.

        :raises ValueError: if key == newkey
        if key == newkey:
            raise ValueError("key and newkey are the same")
        fut = self.execute(b'RENAMENX', key, newkey)
        return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #13
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: Natim/aioredis
 def scan(self, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
     """Incrementally iterate the keys space."""
     args = []
     if match is not None:
         args += [b'MATCH', match]
     if count is not None:
         args += [b'COUNT', count]
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'SCAN', cursor, *args)
     return wait_convert(fut, lambda o: (int(o[0]), o[1]))
예제 #14
파일: string.py 프로젝트: Natim/aioredis
    def incrbyfloat(self, key, increment):
        """Increment the float value of a key by the given amount.

        :raises TypeError: if increment is not int
        if not isinstance(increment, float):
            raise TypeError("increment must be of type int")
        fut = self._conn.execute(b'INCRBYFLOAT', key, increment)
        return wait_convert(fut, float)
예제 #15
    def pexpire(self, key, timeout):
        """Set a milliseconds timeout on key.

        :raises TypeError: if timeout is not int
        if not isinstance(timeout, int):
            raise TypeError("timeout argument must be int, not {!r}"
        fut = self.execute(b'PEXPIRE', key, timeout)
        return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #16
    def pexpireat(self, key, timestamp):
        """Set expire timestamp on key, timestamp in milliseconds.

        :raises TypeError: if timeout is not int
        if not isinstance(timestamp, int):
            raise TypeError("timestamp argument must be int, not {!r}"
        fut = self.execute(b'PEXPIREAT', key, timestamp)
        return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #17
    def xread_group(self, group_name, consumer_name, streams, timeout=0,
                    count=None, latest_ids=None):
        """Perform a blocking read on the given stream as part of a consumer group

        :raises ValueError: if the length of streams and latest_ids do
                            not match
        args = self._xread(streams, timeout, count, latest_ids)
        fut = self.execute(
            b'XREADGROUP', b'GROUP', group_name, consumer_name, *args
        return wait_convert(fut, parse_messages_by_stream)
예제 #18
    def zscan(self, key, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
        """Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores."""
        args = []
        if match is not None:
            args += [b'MATCH', match]
        if count is not None:
            args += [b'COUNT', count]
        fut = self._conn.execute(b'ZSCAN', key, cursor, *args)

        def _converter(obj):
            return (int(obj[0]), pairs_int_or_float(obj[1]))

        return wait_convert(fut, _converter)
예제 #19
파일: server.py 프로젝트: aio-libs/aioredis
    def info(self, section='default'):
        """Get information and statistics about the server.

        If called without argument will return default set of sections.
        For available sections, see http://redis.io/commands/INFO

        :raises ValueError: if section is invalid

        if not section:
            raise ValueError("invalid section")
        fut = self.execute(b'INFO', section, encoding='utf-8')
        return wait_convert(fut, parse_info)
예제 #20
    def move(self, key, db):
        """Move key from currently selected database to specified destination.

        :raises TypeError: if db is not int
        :raises ValueError: if db is less than 0
        if not isinstance(db, int):
            raise TypeError("db argument must be int, not {!r}".format(db))
        if db < 0:
            raise ValueError("db argument must be not less than 0, {!r}"
        fut = self.execute(b'MOVE', key, db)
        return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #21
    def expire(self, key, timeout):
        """Set a timeout on key.

        if timeout is float it will be multiplyed by 1000
        coerced to int and passed to `pexpire` method.

        Otherwise raises TypeError if timeout argument is not int.
        if isinstance(timeout, float):
            return self.pexpire(key, int(timeout * 1000))
        if not isinstance(timeout, int):
            raise TypeError("timeout argument must be int, not {!r}"
        fut = self._conn.execute(b'EXPIRE', key, timeout)
        return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #22
    def expireat(self, key, timestamp):
        """Set expire timestamp on a key.

        if timeout is float it will be multiplied by 1000
        coerced to int and passed to `pexpireat` method.

        Otherwise raises TypeError if timestamp argument is not int.
        if isinstance(timestamp, float):
            return self.pexpireat(key, int(timestamp * 1000))
        if not isinstance(timestamp, int):
            raise TypeError("timestamp argument must be int, not {!r}"
        fut = self.execute(b'EXPIREAT', key, timestamp)
        return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #23
    def zrevrange(self, key, start, stop, withscores=False):
        """Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index,
        with scores ordered from high to low.

        :raises TypeError: if start or stop is not int
        if not isinstance(start, int):
            raise TypeError("start argument must be int")
        if not isinstance(stop, int):
            raise TypeError("stop argument must be int")
        if withscores:
            args = [b'WITHSCORES']
            args = []
        fut = self._conn.execute(b'ZREVRANGE', key, start, stop, *args)
        if withscores:
            return wait_convert(fut, pairs_int_or_float)
        return fut
예제 #24
    def zrange(self, key, start=0, stop=-1, withscores=False,
        """Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.

        :raises TypeError: if start is not int
        :raises TypeError: if stop is not int
        if not isinstance(start, int):
            raise TypeError("start argument must be int")
        if not isinstance(stop, int):
            raise TypeError("stop argument must be int")
        if withscores:
            args = [b'WITHSCORES']
            args = []
        fut = self.execute(b'ZRANGE', key, start, stop, *args,
        if withscores:
            return wait_convert(fut, pairs_int_or_float)
        return fut
예제 #25
    def scan(self, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
        """Incrementally iterate the keys space.

        Usage example:

        >>> match = 'something*'
        >>> cur = b'0'
        >>> while cur:
        ...     cur, keys = await redis.scan(cur, match=match)
        ...     for key in keys:
        ...         print('Matched:', key)

        args = []
        if match is not None:
            args += [b'MATCH', match]
        if count is not None:
            args += [b'COUNT', count]
        fut = self.execute(b'SCAN', cursor, *args)
        return wait_convert(fut, lambda o: (int(o[0]), o[1]))
예제 #26
파일: geo.py 프로젝트: aio-libs/aioredis
    def georadius(self, key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit='m', *,
                  with_dist=False, with_hash=False, with_coord=False,
                  count=None, sort=None, encoding=_NOTSET):
        """Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members
        matching a given maximum distance from a point.

        Return value follows Redis convention:

        * if none of ``WITH*`` flags are set -- list of strings returned:

            >>> await redis.georadius('Sicily', 15, 37, 200, 'km')
            [b"Palermo", b"Catania"]

        * if any flag (or all) is set -- list of named tuples returned:

            >>> await redis.georadius('Sicily', 15, 37, 200, 'km',
            ...                       with_dist=True)
            [GeoMember(name=b"Palermo", dist=190.4424, hash=None, coord=None),
             GeoMember(name=b"Catania", dist=56.4413, hash=None, coord=None)]

        :raises TypeError: radius is not float or int
        :raises TypeError: count is not int
        :raises ValueError: if unit not equal ``m``, ``km``, ``mi`` or ``ft``
        :raises ValueError: if sort not equal ``ASC`` or ``DESC``

        :rtype: list[str] or list[GeoMember]
        args = validate_georadius_options(
            radius, unit, with_dist, with_hash, with_coord, count, sort

        fut = self.execute(
            b'GEORADIUS', key, longitude, latitude, radius,
            unit, *args, encoding=encoding
        if with_dist or with_hash or with_coord:
            return wait_convert(fut, make_geomember,
        return fut
 def zscore(self, key, member):
     """Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set."""
     fut = self.execute(b'ZSCORE', key, member)
     return wait_convert(fut, optional_int_or_float)
예제 #28
파일: hash.py 프로젝트: waketzheng/aioredis
 def hincrbyfloat(self, key, field, increment=1.0):
     """Increment the float value of a hash field by the given number."""
     fut = self.execute(b"HINCRBYFLOAT", key, field, increment)
     return wait_convert(fut, float)
예제 #29
파일: hash.py 프로젝트: waketzheng/aioredis
 def hexists(self, key, field):
     """Determine if hash field exists."""
     fut = self.execute(b"HEXISTS", key, field)
     return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #30
 def setnx(self, key, value):
     """Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist."""
     fut = self.execute(b"SETNX", key, value)
     return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #31
파일: server.py 프로젝트: kernel0/aioredis
 def client_list(self):
     """Get the list of client connections."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'CLIENT', b'LIST', encoding='utf-8')
     return wait_convert(fut, to_tuples)
예제 #32
 def config_get(self, parameter):
     """Get the value of a configuration parameter."""
     if not isinstance(parameter, str):
         raise TypeError("parameter must be str")
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'CONFIG', b'GET', parameter)
     return wait_convert(fut, to_dict)
예제 #33
파일: hash.py 프로젝트: Natim/aioredis
 def hexists(self, key, field):
     """Determine if hash field exists."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'HEXISTS', key, field)
     return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #34
 def time(self):
     """Return current server time."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'TIME')
     return wait_convert(fut, lambda obj: float(b'.'.join(obj)))
예제 #35
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: mindis/aioredis
 def persist(self, key):
     """Remove the existing timeout on key."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'PERSIST', key)
     return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #36
 def cluster_slaves(self, node_id):
     """List slave nodes of the specified master node."""
     fut = self.execute(b'CLUSTER', b'SLAVES', node_id)
     return wait_convert(fut,
예제 #37
 def time(self):
     """Return current server time."""
     fut = self.execute(b'TIME')
     return wait_convert(fut, to_time)
예제 #38
 def cluster_nodes(self):
     """Get Cluster config for the node."""
     fut = self.execute(b'CLUSTER', b'NODES')
     return wait_convert(fut, parse_cluster_nodes, encoding=self.encoding)
예제 #39
 def xinfo_groups(self, stream):
     """Retrieve the consumer groups for a stream"""
     fut = self.execute(b'XINFO', b'GROUPS', stream)
     return wait_convert(fut, parse_lists_to_dicts)
예제 #40
 def cluster_slots(self):
     """Get array of Cluster slot to node mappings."""
     fut = self.execute(b'CLUSTER', b'SLOTS')
     return wait_convert(fut, parse_cluster_slots)
예제 #41
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: mindis/aioredis
 def exists(self, key):
     """Check if key exists."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'EXISTS', key)
     return wait_convert(fut, bool)
예제 #42
 def unlink(self, key, *keys):
     """Delete a key asynchronously in another thread."""
     return wait_convert(self.execute(b'UNLINK', key, *keys), int)
예제 #43
 def info(self, section):
     """Get information and statistics about the server."""
     # TODO: check section
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'INFO', section, encoding='utf-8')
     return wait_convert(fut, parse_info)
예제 #44
파일: hash.py 프로젝트: Natim/aioredis
 def hincrbyfloat(self, key, field, increment=1.0):
     """Increment the float value of a hash field by the given number."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'HINCRBYFLOAT', key, field, increment)
     return wait_convert(fut, float)
예제 #45
파일: generic.py 프로젝트: mindis/aioredis
 def delete(self, key, *keys):
     """Delete a key."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'DEL', key, *keys)
     return wait_convert(fut, int)
예제 #46
 def xinfo_help(self):
     """Retrieve help regarding the ``XINFO`` sub-commands"""
     fut = self.execute(b"XINFO", b"HELP")
     return wait_convert(fut, lambda l: b"\n".join(l))
예제 #47
 def zscore(self, key, member):
     """Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'ZSCORE', key, member)
     return wait_convert(fut, optional_int_or_float)
예제 #48
 def xinfo_help(self):
     """Retrieve help regarding the ``XINFO`` sub-commands"""
     fut = self.execute(b'XINFO', b'HELP')
     return wait_convert(fut, lambda l: b'\n'.join(l))
예제 #49
 def xgroup_delconsumer(self, stream, group_name, consumer_name):
     """Delete a specific consumer from a group"""
     fut = self.execute(b'XGROUP', b'DELCONSUMER', stream, group_name,
     return wait_convert(fut, int)
예제 #50
 def cluster_info(self):
     """Provides info about Redis Cluster node state."""
     fut = self.execute(b'CLUSTER', b'INFO')
     return wait_convert(fut, parse_info, encoding=self.encoding)
예제 #51
파일: hash.py 프로젝트: Natim/aioredis
 def hgetall(self, key):
     """Get all the fields and values in a hash."""
     fut = self._conn.execute(b'HGETALL', key)
     return wait_convert(fut, to_dict)
예제 #52
 def xclaim(self, stream, group_name, consumer_name, min_idle_time, id,
     """Claim a message for a given consumer"""
     fut = self.execute(b'XCLAIM', stream, group_name, consumer_name,
                        min_idle_time, id, *ids)
     return wait_convert(fut, parse_messages)
예제 #53
    def xinfo_consumers(self, stream, group_name):
        """Retrieve consumers of a consumer group"""
        fut = self.execute(b'XINFO', b'CONSUMERS', stream, group_name)

        return wait_convert(fut, parse_lists_to_dicts)
예제 #54
파일: geo.py 프로젝트: waketzheng/aioredis
    def georadius(
        """Query a sorted set representing a geospatial index to fetch members
        matching a given maximum distance from a point.

        Return value follows Redis convention:

        * if none of ``WITH*`` flags are set -- list of strings returned:

            >>> await redis.georadius('Sicily', 15, 37, 200, 'km')
            [b"Palermo", b"Catania"]

        * if any flag (or all) is set -- list of named tuples returned:

            >>> await redis.georadius('Sicily', 15, 37, 200, 'km',
            ...                       with_dist=True)
            [GeoMember(name=b"Palermo", dist=190.4424, hash=None, coord=None),
             GeoMember(name=b"Catania", dist=56.4413, hash=None, coord=None)]

        :raises TypeError: radius is not float or int
        :raises TypeError: count is not int
        :raises ValueError: if unit not equal ``m``, ``km``, ``mi`` or ``ft``
        :raises ValueError: if sort not equal ``ASC`` or ``DESC``

        :rtype: list[str] or list[GeoMember]
        args = validate_georadius_options(
            radius, unit, with_dist, with_hash, with_coord, count, sort

        fut = self.execute(
        if with_dist or with_hash or with_coord:
            return wait_convert(
        return fut