async def basic_consume( self, queue: str, consumer_callback: ConsumerCallback, *, no_ack: bool = False, exclusive: bool = False, arguments: ArgumentsType = None, consumer_tag: str = None ) -> spec.Basic.ConsumeOk: consumer_tag = consumer_tag or "ctag%i.%s" % ( self.number, hexlify(os.urandom(16)).decode(), ) if consumer_tag in self.consumers: raise exc.DuplicateConsumerTag(self.number) self.consumers[consumer_tag] = awaitable(consumer_callback) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return await self.rpc( spec.Basic.Consume( queue=queue, no_ack=no_ack, exclusive=exclusive, consumer_tag=consumer_tag, arguments=arguments, ), )
async def register(self, method_name, func: CallbackType, **kwargs): """ Method creates a queue with name which equal of `method_name` argument. Then subscribes this queue. :param method_name: Method name :param func: target function. Function **MUST** accept only keyword arguments. :param kwargs: arguments which will be passed to `queue_declare` :raises RuntimeError: Function already registered in this :class:`RPC` instance or method_name already used. """ arguments = kwargs.pop("arguments", {}) arguments.update({"x-dead-letter-exchange": self.DLX_NAME}) kwargs["arguments"] = arguments queue = await, **kwargs) if func in self.consumer_tags: raise RuntimeError("Function already registered") if method_name in self.routes: raise RuntimeError( "Method name already used for %r" % self.routes[method_name], ) self.consumer_tags[func] = await queue.consume( partial(self.on_call_message, method_name), ) self.routes[method_name] = awaitable(func) self.queues[func] = queue
async def basic_consume( self, queue: str, consumer_callback: ConsumerCallback, *, no_ack: bool = False, exclusive: bool = False, arguments: ArgumentsType = None, consumer_tag: str = None, timeout: TimeoutType = None) -> spec.Basic.ConsumeOk: consumer_tag = consumer_tag or "ctag%i.%s" % ( self.number, UUID(int=getrandbits(128), version=4).hex, ) if consumer_tag in self.consumers: raise DuplicateConsumerTag(self.number) self.consumers[consumer_tag] = awaitable(consumer_callback) return await self.rpc( spec.Basic.Consume( queue=queue, no_ack=no_ack, exclusive=exclusive, consumer_tag=consumer_tag, arguments=arguments, ), timeout=timeout, )
async def create_worker(self, channel_name: str, func: Callable, **kwargs) -> Worker: """ Creates a new :class:`Worker` instance. """ queue = await self.create_queue(channel_name, **kwargs) if hasattr(func, "_is_coroutine"): fn = func else: fn = awaitable(func) consumer_tag = await queue.consume(partial(self.on_message, fn)) return Worker(queue, consumer_tag, self.loop)
def __init__(self, constructor: ConstructorType, *args, max_size: int = None, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.__closed = False self.__constructor = awaitable(constructor) self.__constructor_args = args or () self.__created = 0 self.__item_set = set() self.__items = asyncio.Queue() self.__lock = asyncio.Lock() self.__max_size = max_size