async def test_socks5_invalid_address_type(loop): async with FakeSocksSrv(loop, b'\x05\x02\x01\x00\x05\x00\x00\xFF') as srv: addr = aiosocksy.Socks5Addr('', srv.port) auth = aiosocksy.Socks5Auth('usr', 'pwd') dst = ('', 80) with pytest.raises(aiosocksy.SocksError) as ct: await aiosocksy.create_connection(None, addr, auth, dst, loop=loop) assert 'invalid data' in str(ct)
async def test_socks5_cmd_not_granted(loop): async with FakeSocksSrv(loop, b'\x05\x02\x01\x00\x05\x01\x00') as srv: addr = aiosocksy.Socks5Addr('', srv.port) auth = aiosocksy.Socks5Auth('usr', 'pwd') dst = ('', 80) with pytest.raises(aiosocksy.SocksError) as ct: await aiosocksy.create_connection(None, addr, auth, dst, loop=loop) assert 'General SOCKS server failure' in str(ct)
async def test_socks5_auth_failed(loop): async with FakeSocksSrv(loop, b'\x05\x02\x01\x01') as srv: addr = aiosocksy.Socks5Addr('', srv.port) auth = aiosocksy.Socks5Auth('usr', 'pwd') dst = ('', 80) with pytest.raises(aiosocksy.SocksError) as ct: await aiosocksy.create_connection(None, addr, auth, dst, loop=loop) assert 'authentication failed' in str(ct)
async def test_socks5_auth_ver_err(loop): async with FakeSocksSrv(loop, b'\x04\x02') as srv: addr = aiosocksy.Socks5Addr('', srv.port) auth = aiosocksy.Socks5Auth('usr', 'pwd') dst = ('', 80) with pytest.raises(aiosocksy.SocksError) as ct: await aiosocksy.create_connection(None, addr, auth, dst, loop=loop) assert 'invalid version' in str(ct)
async def test_socks4_srv_error(loop): pld = b'\x00\x5b\x04W\x01\x01\x01\x01' async with FakeSocksSrv(loop, pld) as srv: addr = aiosocksy.Socks4Addr('', srv.port) auth = aiosocksy.Socks4Auth('usr') dst = ('', 80) with pytest.raises(aiosocksy.SocksError) as ct: await aiosocksy.create_connection(None, addr, auth, dst, loop=loop) assert '0x5b' in str(ct)
async def test_socks5_atype_domain(loop): pld = b'\x05\x02\x01\x00\x05\x00\x00\x03\\x04W' async with FakeSocksSrv(loop, pld) as srv: addr = aiosocksy.Socks5Addr('', srv.port) auth = aiosocksy.Socks5Auth('usr', 'pwd') dst = ('', 80) transport, protocol = await aiosocksy.create_connection(None, addr, auth, dst, loop=loop) assert protocol.proxy_sockname == (b'', 1111) transport.close()
async def test_socks5_connect_success_usr_pwd(loop): pld = b'\x05\x02\x01\x00\x05\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x04Wtest' async with FakeSocksSrv(loop, pld) as srv: addr = aiosocksy.Socks5Addr('', srv.port) auth = aiosocksy.Socks5Auth('usr', 'pwd') dst = ('', 80) transport, protocol = await aiosocksy.create_connection(None, addr, auth, dst, loop=loop) assert protocol.proxy_sockname == ('', 1111) data = await assert data == b'test' transport.close()