def bdcut(path): try: pic = if pic.mode == "P": pic = pic.convert('RGB') # 有些图片有P通道,base编码后会出问题 (wf,hf) = pic.size BD_VIP='否' BD_AI_client = AipBodyAnalysis('替换appid','替换apikey','替换secrekey') with open(path, 'rb') as fp: x_nose = int(BD_AI_client.bodyAnalysis(["person_info"][0]['body_parts']['nose']['x']) # 返回鼻子横坐标 if BD_VIP == '否': time.sleep(0.4) # 免费用户QPS=2 else: time.sleep( 1/int(1.1*BD_VIP) ) if x_nose + 1/3*hf > wf: # 判断鼻子在图整体的位置 x_left = wf-2/3*hf # 以右为边 elif x_nose - 1/3*hf < 0: x_left = 0 # 以左为边 else: x_left = x_nose-1/3*hf # 以鼻子为中线向两边扩展 fixed_pic = pic.crop((x_left,0,x_left+2/3*hf,hf))'fanart','poster'), quality=95) print('[+]百度AI裁剪操作成功') except: imagecut=1 print('[-] '+ path +' AI 分析失败,跳过 AI 直接裁剪。\n')
class BaiduAIP(object): def __init__(self): self.client = AipBodyAnalysis(cfg.APP_ID, cfg.API_KEY, cfg.SECRET_KEY) def bodyAnalysis(self, img_jpg): etval, buffer = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img_jpg) result = self.client.bodyAnalysis(buffer) # 内部把buffer转换为base64了 return result
def fanHuiTuPianGuanDianX_Y(url): #从百度AI获取到图片关键点返回值,参数为图片路径 """ 你的 APPID AK SK """ APP_ID = '22952436' API_KEY = 'a5UrzVfjQHyuK0GSCXk8QoQH' SECRET_KEY = '8wguEEmbNTnMfAOOOigMr1cM1SZXvq1c' client = AipBodyAnalysis(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) def get_file_content(filePath): with open(filePath, 'rb') as fp: return image = get_file_content(url) return client.bodyAnalysis(image)
class BaiDuAPI(object): #特殊 构造函数 初始化函数 def __init__(self, filePath): target = configparser.ConfigParser(), encoding='utf-8-sig') self.client = AipBodyAnalysis(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) """ 读取图片 """ def get_file_content(self, photoPath): with open(photoPath, 'rb') as fp: return """ 主函数 """ def file_main(self, photoPath): #转码 #base64_data = base64.b64encode(photoPath) # add by me f = open(photoPath, 'rb') img = base64.b64encode( #img = self.get_file_content('{}'.format(photoPath)) """ 调用人体关键点识别 """ #此处只能对一个人进行关键点识别 #也就是说一个图片如果有好多人的话,只能标出一个人的关节特征 #此处可以做修改,即进行把一张图所有人的关节特征都表达出来 #------ print(self.client.bodyAnalysis(img)) result = self.client.bodyAnalysis(img)['person_info'][0]['body_parts'] jo = joint.Joint(result) jo.xunhun(photoPath) print(result)
def bodypart(filename): # APP_ID = 'd90755ad2f2047dbabb12ad0adaa0b03' # API_KEY = 'b7b0f4d01f7f4aef9b5453f6558c23b1' # SECRET_KEY = '6ad666162ef24213b5bde7bdd904fcbe' client = AipBodyAnalysis(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) # """ 读取图片 """ image = get_file_content(filename) # """ 调用人体关键点识别 """ para = client.bodyAnalysis(image) # print(para) # time.sleep(2) return para
def face_center(filename, model): app_id = config.getInstance().conf.get("face", "appid") api_key = config.getInstance().conf.get("face", "key") app_secret = config.getInstance().conf.get("face", "secret") client = AipBodyAnalysis(app_id, api_key, app_secret) with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: img = result = client.bodyAnalysis(img) if 'error_code' in result: raise ValueError(result['error_msg']) print('[+]Found person ' + str(result['person_num'])) # 中心点取鼻子x坐标 maxRight = 0 maxTop = 0 for person_info in result["person_info"]: x = int(person_info['body_parts']['nose']['x']) top = int(person_info['location']['top']) if x > maxRight: maxRight = x maxTop = top return maxRight, maxTop
选择需要的功能 1.人体关键点识别 2.人体属性识别 3.人流量统计 ''') return int(i) if __name__ == "__main__": while(1): a=input('请输入图片(小于4M)的位置:') image = get_file_content(a) i=select_power() if(i==1): """ 调用人体关键点识别 """ j=client.bodyAnalysis(image) """decode(’utf-8’)表示将utf-8编码的字符串转换成unicode编码。 encode(‘gb2312’),表示将unicode编码的字符串转换成gb2312编码。""" print(json.dumps(j,sort_keys=True,indent=4,separators=(',',':'))) print_div(a,j) if(i==2): """ 调用人体属性识别 client.bodyAttr(image);""" """ 如果有可选参数 """ options = {} options["type"] = "gender,age" """ 带参数调用人体属性识别 """ j=client.bodyAttr(image, options) d=json.dumps(j,sort_keys=True,indent=4,separators=(',',':'),ensure_ascii=False) print(d)
class Guest_Recognition: def __init__(self): APP_ID = '18721308' API_KEY = 'lNQGdBNazTPv8LpSP4x0GQlI' SECRET_KEY = 'nW8grONY777n4I2KvpOVuKGDNiY03omI' self.client_face = AipFace(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) self.client_body = AipBodyAnalysis(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) self.image_type = "BASE64" msg = reception_image() self.guest = Guest() # = None # self.age = None # self.image = None # self.gender = None # self.drink = None self.options_body = {} self.options_body["type"] = "gender,upper_color,upper_wear_fg" self.options_face = {} self.options_face["face_field"] = "age,gender" self.options_face["max_face_num"] = 3 self.options_face["face_type"] = "LIVE" #ros params self.sub_image_raw_topic_name = None self.sub_destination_topic_name = None self.pub_gender_recognition_topic_name = None self.pub_object_position2d = None # self.depth_img = np.array((480,640)) self.get_params() #发布器 self.objpos_pub = rospy.Publisher('/image/object_position2d', String, queue_size=1) #订阅器 self.control_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/control", reception, self.controlCallback) self.speech_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/speech/check_door', String, self.find_people) # -------------- def get_params(self): self.sub_image_raw_topic_name = rospy.get_param( 'sub_image_raw_topic_name', '/camera/rgb/image_raw') # self.sub_depth_image_topic_name = rospy.get_param('sub_depth_image_topic_name', '/camera/depth/image_raw') self.pub_gender_recognition_topic_name = rospy.get_param( 'pub_gender_recognition_topic_name', '/kamerider_image/gender_recognition') self.objpos_pub = rospy.get_param('objpos_pub', '/image/object_position2d') #定义R发布器和订阅器,话题名通过ROS PARAM参数服务器获取 rospy.Subscriber(self.sub_image_raw_topic_name, Image, self.imageCallback) # rospy.Subscriber(self.sub_depth_image_topic_name, Image, self.depthCallback) self.pub_result = rospy.Publisher( self.pub_gender_recognition_topic_name, String, queue_size=1) # self.pub_person_pos = rospy.Publisher(self.pub_person_pos_topic_name, Pose,queue_size=1) self.objpos_pub = rospy.Publisher('/image/object_position2d', String, queue_size=1) def depthCallback(self, msg): bridge = CvBridge() try: cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, '16UC1') self.depth_img = cv_image except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) # ------------------------------------- # 人体数据转换 def msgtobody(self, image_msg, file_name='image_body.png'): # 转为base64存储 cv2.imwrite(file_name, image_msg) with open(file_name, 'rb') as fp: return # 人脸库搜索 groupIdList="用户组名称" def face_search(filepath, groupIdList): image = fileopen(filepath) imageType = "BASE64" result =, imageType, groupIdList) # print(result) # 打印出所有信息 print(result['result']['user_list'][0]['user_id']) # 判断人脸是否已知 def judger(result): result_sc = result['result']['user_list'][0]['score'] if result_sc > 80: return result['result']['user_list'][0]['user_id'] else: return False """ 调用人脸视频比对人脸库 """ def face_comparision(window_name='image', camera_idx=0): cv2.namedWindow(window_name) #视频来源,可以来自一段已存好的视频,也可以直接来自USB摄像头 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_idx) while cap.isOpened(): ok, frame = #读取一帧数据 if not ok: break c = cv2.waitKey(100) #按q退出 if c == ord('q'): break cv2.imshow(window_name, frame) base64_data = frame2base64(frame) image = str(base64_data, 'utf-8') imageType = "BASE64" result =, imageType, 'test_group') if result['error_code'] == 0: judger(result) cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() def find_people(): # msg_nav=msh # bridge = CvBridge() # try: # cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, 'bgr8') # except CvBridgeError as e: # print (e) cap = cv2.ViseoCapture(0) while cap.isOpened(): ret, imgraw0 = if ret: if cnt % 10 == 0: imgraw = cv2.resize(imgraw0, (512, 512)) cv2.imwrite(filepath, imgraw) with open(filepath, "rb") as fp: segment_data = result = client_body.bodyAttr(segment_data, options_body) # print(result) # 解析位置信息 if 'person_num' in result: person_num = result['person_num'] else: person_num = 0 for num in range(0, int(person_num)): print(num) location = result['person_info'][num - 1]['location'] print('upper_color:', upper_color, ' upper_wear_fg:', upper_wear_fg) A = (int(location['left']), int(location['top'])) B = (int(location['left']) + int(location['width']), int(location['top'])) C = (int(location['left']) + int(location['width']), int(location['top']) + int(location['height'])) D = (int(location['left']), int(location['top']) + int(location['height'])) cv2.waitKey(1000) # self.objpos_pub.publish() cnt += 1 cv2.waitKey(0) def imageCallback(self, msg): if self.take_photo_signal: print("[INFO] Start to take photo") bridge = CvBridge() self.take_photo_signal = False try: cv_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, 'bgr8') cv2.imwrite(self.path_to_save_image, cv_image) except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) self.detection() # 挥手检测 # image——输入的cv类型 # gender——是否检查性别 def detectWave(self, image, gender=False): #if time.time()-self.time < self.tau: # return None # self.time = time.time() print("CHECK") data = self.msgtobody(image, "image_body.png") # ----------挥手检测---------- result = self.client_body.bodyAnalysis(data) wave = [] loaction = [] point_t = [] # 存在人 if result['person_num'] > 0: id_ = -1 # 对每个人进行检查 for info in result['person_info']: id_ += 1 keypoint = info['body_parts'] # 腕高 if keypoint['right_elbow']['y'] > keypoint['right_wrist']['y']: # 腕在外侧 if keypoint['right_wrist']['x'] < keypoint[ 'right_shoulder']['x']: wave.append(id_) loc = [] loc.append(int(info['location']['left'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['left'] + info['location']['width'])) loc.append(int(info['location']['top'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['top'] + info['location']['height'])) loaction.append(copy.deepcopy(loc)) # 腕高 elif keypoint['left_elbow']['y'] > keypoint['left_wrist']['y']: # 腕在外侧 if keypoint['left_wrist']['x'] > keypoint['left_shoulder'][ 'x']: wave.append(id_) loc = [] loc.append(int(info['location']['left'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['left'] + info['location']['width'])) loc.append(int(info['location']['top'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['top'] + info['location']['height'])) loaction.append(copy.deepcopy(loc)) # 存在挥手 if len(loaction) > 0: # 女性检测 # ----------性别检测---------- if gender: options = {} options["type"] = "gender" # 保证存在挥手 for locate in loaction: img = image[locate[2]:locate[3], locate[0]:locate[1]] img = self.msgtobody(img, "try__.png") result = self.client_body.bodyAttr(img, options) try: result['person_info'][0]['attributes'][ 'gender'] == "女性" except: continue # 女性则直接返回女性位置 if result['person_info'][0]['attributes'][ 'gender'] == "女性": loc = [] loc.append(locate[0]) loc.append(locate[1]) loc.append(locate[2]) loc.append(locate[3]) return locate # 随机返回一个人 locate = loaction[0] loc = [] loc.append(locate[0]) loc.append(locate[1]) loc.append(locate[2]) loc.append(locate[3]) return locate return None
class BodyCheck: def __init__(self): self.time = time.time() APP_ID = '18889374' API_KEY = 'pUNweNaSK4rWz57vGs9KpuW1' SECRET_KEY = 'ru5LqWM0lrcVYBh9cjd32fy951nagqcA' self.imageType = "BASE64" self.client_face = AipFace(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) self.client_body = AipBodyAnalysis(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) self.bridge = CvBridge() ##############人类数据 self.filepath = "/home/dell/img/" self.option_face = {} self.option_body = {} self.option_face["face_field"] = "age,gender,glasses,race" self.option_face["max_face_num"] = 1 self.option_body["type"] = "upper_wear,upper_color" ##############跟踪数据 self.roi = None ##############话题名称 # 接收器与发布器 self.sub_image_name = rospy.get_param('~image_raw_topic_name', '/usb_cam/image_raw') # 发布器 self.pub_pos_name = rospy.get_param('~object_view_topic_name', 'roi') self.pub_img_name = rospy.get_param('~image_test_topic_name', '/image/test') self.pub_fet_name = rospy.get_param('~feature_topic_name', '/image/feature') ##############发布器 self.img_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.pub_img_name, Image) self.roi_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.pub_pos_name, RegionOfInterest) self.fet_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.pub_fet_name, Description) self.img_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.sub_image_name, Image, self.imgCallback) print("============================================================") # 人体数据转换 def msgtobody(self, image_msg, file_name='image_body.png'): # 转为base64存储 cv2.imwrite(self.filepath + file_name, image_msg) with open(self.filepath + file_name, 'rb') as fp: return # 人脸数据转换 def msgtoface(self, image_msg, file_name='image_faces.png'): cv2.imwrite(self.filepath + file_name, image_msg) with open(self.filepath + file_name, 'rb') as fp: data = base64.b64encode( # python2.7 data = str(data).encode('utf-8') return data # 挥手检测,返回一个挥手的人的方框xxyy数据 def detectWave(self, image, gender=False): print("============================================================") print("CHECK") data = self.msgtobody(image, "image_body.png") # ----------挥手检测---------- result = self.client_body.bodyAnalysis(data) wave = [] loaction = [] # 存在人 if result['person_num'] > 0: id_ = -1 # 对每个人进行检查 for info in result['person_info']: id_ += 1 keypoint = info['body_parts'] # 腕高 if keypoint['right_elbow']['y'] > keypoint['right_wrist']['y']: # 腕在外侧 if keypoint['right_wrist']['x'] < keypoint[ 'right_shoulder']['x']: wave.append(id_) loc = [] loc.append(int(info['location']['left'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['left'] + info['location']['width'])) loc.append(int(info['location']['top'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['top'] + info['location']['height'])) loaction.append(copy.deepcopy(loc)) # 腕高 elif keypoint['left_elbow']['y'] > keypoint['left_wrist']['y']: # 腕在外侧 if keypoint['left_wrist']['x'] > keypoint['left_shoulder'][ 'x']: wave.append(id_) loc = [] loc.append(int(info['location']['left'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['left'] + info['location']['width'])) loc.append(int(info['location']['top'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['top'] + info['location']['height'])) loaction.append(copy.deepcopy(loc)) if len(loaction) > 0: # 返回挥手的随机一个人的位置 locate = loaction[0] loc = [] loc.append(locate[0]) loc.append(locate[1]) loc.append(locate[2]) loc.append(locate[3]) return locate return None # 照片的回调函数,发布挥手人的位置 def imgCallback(self, image): #try: #cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "bgr8") #except CvBridgeError as e: #print(e) cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "bgr8") position = self.detectWave(cv_image) if position is not None: msg = Description() msg.hair_style = "unknowm" msg.pose = "unknowm" # 特征检测——人脸和人体 img_body = cv_image[position[2]:position[3], position[0]:position[1]] face = self.msgtoface(img_body) result1 = self.client_face.detect(face, self.imageType, self.option_face) print(result1["result"]["face_list"][0]["gender"]["type"]) print(result1["result"]["face_list"][0]["glasses"]["type"]) print(result1["result"]["face_list"][0]["race"]["type"]) print(str(result1["result"]["face_list"][0]["age"])) data = result1["result"]["face_list"][0] # 性别 + 眼睛 + 肤色 + 年龄 msg.gender = data["gender"]["type"] msg.glasses = data["glasses"]["type"] msg.skin_color = data["race"]["type"] msg.age = str(data["age"]) # 颜色 + 服装 body = self.msgtobody(img_body) result2 = self.client_body.bodyAttr(body, self.option_body) print( result2["person_info"][0]["attributes"]["upper_wear"]["name"]) data = result2["person_info"][0]["attributes"] # 红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫、粉、黑、白、灰、棕 color = data["upper_color"]["name"] if color == "红": msg.clothes_color = "red" elif color == "橙": msg.clothes_color = "orange" elif color == "黄": msg.clothes_color = "yellow" elif color == "绿": msg.clothes_color = "green" elif color == "蓝": msg.clothes_color = "blue" elif color == "紫": msg.clothes_color = "purple" elif color == "粉": msg.clothes_color = "pink" elif color == "黑": msg.clothes_color = "black" elif color == "白": msg.clothes_color = "white" elif color == "灰": msg.clothes_color = "gray" else: msg.clothes_color = "brown" type_ = data["upper_wear"]["name"] if type_ == "长袖": msg.clothes = "Coat" else: msg.clothes = "Short" self.fet_pub.publish(msg) # 如果存在人 try: cv2.rectangle(cv_image, (position[1], position[3]), (position[0], position[2]), (0, 0, 255)) roi = RegionOfInterest() roi.x_offset = position[0] roi.y_offset = position[2] roi.width = position[1] - position[0] roi.height = position[3] - position[2] self.roi = roi self.roi_pub.publish(roi) print("One Wave!") except: pass cv_image = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, "bgr8") self.img_pub.publish(cv_image)
class BodyClient(object): # APP_ID = '44eab39f0ed44844b94f487a6e88fdbc' # 'd90755ad2f2047dbabb12ad0adaa0b03' # API_KEY = '55e735d6888b46908915f3533a6b7442' # '22f1025b88f54494bcf5d980697b4b83 ' # SECRET_KEY = '41213cbdaffa483d9ed9a59a24157d4b' # '4a4b41139c204905be1db659d751355f' APP_ID = '18176250' # 'd90755ad2f2047dbabb12ad0adaa0b03' API_KEY = 'jgfFvfLmKWBTuuIFdFgF4YXI' # '22f1025b88f54494bcf5d980697b4b83 ' SECRET_KEY = 'NCnPnPOcSRexlxoz9fI75fUmEGl3H15f' # '4a4b41139c204905be1db659d751355f' def __init__(self): self.client = AipBodyAnalysis(BodyClient.APP_ID, BodyClient.API_KEY, BodyClient.SECRET_KEY) def _body_seg(self,filename): image = get_file_content(filename) res = self.client.bodySeg(image) labelmap = base64.b64decode(res['labelmap']) nparr_labelmap = np.fromstring(labelmap, np.uint8) labelmapimg = cv2.imdecode(nparr_labelmap, 1) im_new_labelmapimg = np.where(labelmapimg == 1, 255, labelmapimg) return im_new_labelmapimg def _canny_points(self,img,rect=None): if rect: x,y,w,h = rect else: x,y=0,0 h,w = img.shape[:2] body = img[y:y + h, x:x + w] edges = cv2.Canny(body, 10, 100) edgesmat = np.mat(edges) points = [(j + x, i + y) for i in range(h) for j in range(w) if edgesmat[i, j] == 255] return points def body_seg_points(self,filename): img_seg=self._body_seg(filename) return self._canny_points(img_seg) def body_seg(self,filename): img_seg = self._body_seg(filename) h, w = img_seg.shape[:2] return self._canny_points(img_seg),w,h ''' {'person_num': 2, 'person_info': [{'body_parts': {'left_hip': {'y': 549.78125, 'x': 423.34375, 'score': 0.8641700744628906}, 'top_head': {'y': 295.46875, 'x': 394.0, 'score': 0.8867737650871277}, 'right_mouth_corner': {'y': 344.375, 'x': 384.21875, 'score': 0.8865712285041809}, 'neck': {'y': 363.9375, 'x': 394.0, 'score': 0.8912984728813171}, 'left_shoulder': {'y': 383.5, 'x': 442.90625, 'score': 0.8800243139266968}, 'left_knee': {'y': 657.375, 'x': 433.125, 'score': 0.8804177045822144}, 'left_ankle': {'y': 755.1875, 'x': 423.34375, 'score': 0.8549085855484009}, 'left_mouth_corner': {'y': 344.375, 'x': 403.78125, 'score': 0.8695278763771057}, 'right_elbow': {'y': 442.1875, 'x': 305.96875, 'score': 0.9053295850753784}, 'right_ear': {'y': 324.8125, 'x': 374.4375, 'score': 0.8913755416870117}, 'nose': {'y': 324.8125, 'x': 394.0, 'score': 0.8767616748809814}, 'left_eye': {'y': 315.03125, 'x': 403.78125, 'score': 0.8842508792877197}, 'right_eye': {'y': 315.03125, 'x': 384.21875, 'score': 0.872444748878479}, 'right_hip': {'y': 549.78125, 'x': 374.4375, 'score': 0.8706536293029785}, 'left_wrist': {'y': 491.09375, 'x': 462.46875, 'score': 0.8681846857070923}, 'left_ear': {'y': 324.8125, 'x': 413.5625, 'score': 0.8833358883857727}, 'left_elbow': {'y': 432.40625, 'x': 491.8125, 'score': 0.8757244944572449}, 'right_shoulder': {'y': 383.5, 'x': 345.09375, 'score': 0.8604100942611694}, 'right_ankle': {'y': 755.1875, 'x': 364.65625, 'score': 0.883700966835022}, 'right_knee': {'y': 657.375, 'x': 364.65625, 'score': 0.8726198673248291}, 'right_wrist': {'y': 491.09375, 'x': 335.3125, 'score': 0.8524751663208008}}, 'location': {'height': 522.3967895507812, 'width': 213.4878540039062, 'top': 279.5125427246094, 'score': 0.9985131025314331, 'left': 288.0614013671875}}, {'body_parts': {'left_hip': {'y': 539.0, 'x': 413.25, 'score': 0.2676204741001129}, 'top_head': {'y': 741.5, 'x': 524.625, 'score': 0.0297189150005579}, 'right_mouth_corner': {'y': 478.25, 'x': 463.875, 'score': 0.009633682668209076}, 'neck': {'y': 852.875, 'x': 332.25, 'score': 0.01634016819298267}, 'left_shoulder': {'y': 377.0, 'x': 423.375, 'score': 0.0272684283554554}, 'left_knee': {'y': 650.375, 'x': 423.375, 'score': 0.3098172545433044}, 'left_ankle': {'y': 751.625, 'x': 433.5, 'score': 0.4415453672409058}, 'left_mouth_corner': {'y': 478.25, 'x': 463.875, 'score': 0.01229123119264841}, 'right_elbow': {'y': 427.625, 'x': 494.25, 'score': 0.08809270709753036}, 'right_ear': {'y': 680.75, 'x': 750, 'score': 0.02279716171324253}, 'nose': {'y': 488.375, 'x': 453.75, 'score': 0.02511453814804554}, 'left_eye': {'y': 488.375, 'x': 443.625, 'score': 0.02269705384969711}, 'right_eye': {'y': 751.625, 'x': 750, 'score': 0.02191649936139584}, 'right_hip': {'y': 539.0, 'x': 372.75, 'score': 0.1868444383144379}, 'left_wrist': {'y': 488.375, 'x': 474.0, 'score': 0.3365231156349182}, 'left_ear': {'y': 893.375, 'x': 403.125, 'score': 0.007937739603221416}, 'left_elbow': {'y': 437.75, 'x': 484.125, 'score': 0.1944440901279449}, 'right_shoulder': {'y': 377.0, 'x': 433.5, 'score': 0.02875573188066483}, 'right_ankle': {'y': 751.625, 'x': 423.375, 'score': 0.1604309529066086}, 'right_knee': {'y': 670.625, 'x': 372.75, 'score': 0.1398747861385345}, 'right_wrist': {'y': 488.375, 'x': 474.0, 'score': 0.07319473475217819}}, 'location': {'height': 539.47509765625, 'width': 126.1507263183594, 'top': 458.58251953125, 'score': 0.00636356882750988, 'left': 622.8492431640625}}], 'log_id': 1953527121404955486} ''' def _body_part(self,filename): image = get_file_content(filename) para = self.client.bodyAnalysis(image) if DEBUG: print(para) person_num=para.get('person_num',0) if person_num < 1: raise NoBodyException("文件%s 没有检测到人像,详细信息:%s"%(filename,para)) person=para['person_info'][0] # score = person['location']['score'] # if score < 0.5: # raise NoBodyException() loc = person['location'] x_left = int(loc['left']) y_top = int(loc['top']) w = int(loc['width']) h = int(loc['height']) return person['body_parts'],(x_left,y_top,w,h) #top_head, left_ankle, right_ankle def body_points(self,filename): parts,rect = self._body_part(filename) points = {k: (v['x'], v['y']) for k, v in parts.items()} return points,rect def process_body(self,filename): img = cv2.imread(filename) height, width = img.shape[:2] body_points, rect = self.body_points(filename) x_left, y_top, w, h = rect new_rect=expand_rect(x_left,y_top,w,h,width,height) img_seg = self._body_seg(filename) # cv2.imshow("seg",img_seg) outline_points = self._canny_points(img_seg, new_rect) # print(outline_points) return body_points, outline_points, rect
class BodyCheck: def __init__(self): self.time = time.time() APP_ID = '18889374' API_KEY = 'pUNweNaSK4rWz57vGs9KpuW1' SECRET_KEY = 'ru5LqWM0lrcVYBh9cjd32fy951nagqcA' self.image_type = "BASE64" self.client_face = AipFace(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) self.client_body = AipBodyAnalysis(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) self.client_body.setConnectionTimeoutInMillis(2000) self.client_body.setSocketTimeoutInMillis(2000) self.client_face.setConnectionTimeoutInMillis(2000) self.client_face.setSocketTimeoutInMillis(2000) self.bridge = CvBridge() self.ispub = False ##############人类数据 self.filepath = "/home/qian/catkin_ws/src/fare_src/kamerider_image/kamerider_image_api/imgfile/" ##############跟踪数据 self.roi = None self.depth_array = None self.target_pos = Pose() ##############话题名称 # 接收器与发布器 self.check_gender = rospy.get_param('~check_gender', 'False') if (type(self.check_gender) == type('text')): self.check_gender = False ##############发布器 self.img_pub = rospy.Publisher("/image/test", Image, queue_size=1) self.roi_pub = rospy.Publisher("roi", RegionOfInterest, queue_size=1) self.img_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/usb_cam/image_raw", Image, self.imgCallback, queue_size=1) self.word_pub = rospy.Publisher("/xfwords", String, queue_size=1) self.face_pub = rospy.Publisher("/start_recognize_faces", String, queue_size=1) print("============================================================") # 人体数据转换 def msgtobody(self, image_msg, file_name='image_body.png'): # 转为base64存储 cv2.imwrite(self.filepath + file_name, image_msg) with open(self.filepath + file_name, 'rb') as fp: return # 人脸数据转换 def msgtoface(self, image_msg, file_name='image_faces.png'): cv2.imwrite(self.filepath + file_name, image_msg) with open(self.filepath + file_name, 'rb') as fp: data = base64.b64encode( # python2.7 data = str(data).encode('utf-8') return data # 挥手检测,返回一个挥手的人的方框xxyy数据 def detectWave(self, image, gender=False): print("CHECK") data = self.msgtobody(image, "image_body.png") # ----------挥手检测---------- result = self.client_body.bodyAnalysis(data) wave = [] loaction = [] point_t = [] # 存在人 if result['person_num'] > 0: id_ = -1 # 对每个人进行检查 for info in result['person_info']: id_ += 1 keypoint = info['body_parts'] # 腕高 if keypoint['right_elbow']['y'] > keypoint['right_wrist']['y']: # 腕在外侧 if keypoint['right_wrist']['x'] < keypoint[ 'right_shoulder']['x']: wave.append(id_) loc = [] loc.append(int(info['location']['left'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['left'] + info['location']['width'])) loc.append(int(info['location']['top'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['top'] + info['location']['height'])) loaction.append(copy.deepcopy(loc)) # 腕高 elif keypoint['left_elbow']['y'] > keypoint['left_wrist']['y']: # 腕在外侧 if keypoint['left_wrist']['x'] > keypoint['left_shoulder'][ 'x']: wave.append(id_) loc = [] loc.append(int(info['location']['left'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['left'] + info['location']['width'])) loc.append(int(info['location']['top'])) loc.append( int(info['location']['top'] + info['location']['height'])) loaction.append(copy.deepcopy(loc)) # 存在挥手 if len(loaction) > 0: # 女性检测 # ----------性别检测---------- if gender: options = {} options["type"] = "gender" # 保证存在挥手 for locate in loaction: img = image[locate[2]:locate[3], locate[0]:locate[1]] img = self.msgtobody(img, "image_face.png") result = self.client_body.bodyAttr(img, options) try: result['person_info'][0]['attributes'][ 'gender'] == "女性" except: continue # 女性则直接返回女性位置 if result['person_info'][0]['attributes'][ 'gender'] == "女性": loc = [] loc.append(locate[0]) loc.append(locate[1]) loc.append(locate[2]) loc.append(locate[3]) return locate # 随机返回一个人 locate = loaction[0] loc = [] loc.append(locate[0]) loc.append(locate[1]) loc.append(locate[2]) loc.append(locate[3]) return locate return None # 照片的回调函数,发布挥手人的位置 def imgCallback(self, image): num = 0 try: cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as e: print(e) # 如果存在人 roi = RegionOfInterest() try: position = self.detectWave(cv_image, self.check_gender) cv2.rectangle(cv_image, (position[1], position[3]), (position[0], position[2]), (0, 0, 255)) roi.x_offset = position[0] roi.y_offset = position[2] roi.width = position[1] - position[0] roi.height = position[3] - position[2] self.roi = roi self.roi_pub.publish(roi) if self.ispub == False: stringq = "I can tell one wave. Now I will recognize people. " self.word_pub.publish(stringq) stringq = "ok " self.face_pub.publish(stringq) self.ispub = True rospy.loginfo("One Wave!") num = 1 except: self.roi = roi if num == 0: self.roi_pub.publish(roi) cv_image = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(cv_image, "bgr8") self.img_pub.publish(cv_image)
class BaiduApiUtil: def __init__(self, configPath, configSection): keyInfo = fu.readConfig(configPath, configSection) self.appid = keyInfo['appid'] self.api_key = keyInfo['api_key'] self.secret_key = keyInfo['secret_key'] self.client = AipBodyAnalysis(self.appid, self.api_key, self.secret_key) self.filename = None self.picture = None self.picture_size = None self.picture_format = None def upload(self, filename): self.picture = fu.readPicture(filename) self.filename = filename.split('.')[0] img = self.picture_size = img.size self.picture_format = img.format def getAccessToken(self, configPath, configSection): keyInfo = fu.readConfig(configPath, configSection) host = keyInfo['addr'] % (keyInfo['grant_type'], keyInfo['client_id'], keyInfo['client_secret']) response = if response.status_code != 200: print('Error Happened When Acquiring Access Token') return -1 content = demjson.decode(response.text) if 'error' in content.keys(): print('Invalid API Key or Secret Key') return -1 return content['refresh_token'] def getBodyAnalysis(self): response = self.client.bodyAnalysis(self.picture) if 'error_code' in response.keys(): print(response['error_msg']) exit(-1) return response def getBodySeg(self): result = self.client.bodySeg(self.picture, {'type':'labelmap'}) # foreground = base64.b64decode(result['foreground']) labelmap = base64.b64decode(result['labelmap']) # scoremap = base64.b64decode(result['scoremap']) # nparr_foreground = np.fromstring(foreground, np.uint8) # foregroundimg = cv2.imdecode(nparr_foreground, 1) # foregroundimg = cv2.resize(foregroundimg, self.picture_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # im_new_foreground = np.where(foregroundimg == 1, 10, foregroundimg) # cv2.imwrite(self.filename + '-foreground.png', im_new_foreground) nparr_labelmap = np.fromstring(labelmap, np.uint8) labelmapimg = cv2.imdecode(nparr_labelmap, 1) labelmapimg = cv2.resize(labelmapimg, self.picture_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) im_new_labelmapimg = np.where(labelmapimg == 1, 255, labelmapimg) cv2.imwrite(self.filename + '-labelmap.png', im_new_labelmapimg) # nparr_scoremap = np.fromstring(scoremap, np.uint8) # scoremapimg = cv2.imdecode(nparr_scoremap, 1) # scoremapimg = cv2.resize(scoremapimg, self.picture_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # im_new_scoremapimg = np.where(scoremapimg == 1, 255, scoremapimg) # cv2.imwrite(self.filename + '-scoremap.png', im_new_scoremapimg)