def read(self, pkgdir, f_cmake, digraph): has_action = False add_ac_dot_model = AddActionFilesDotModel() p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) p.text = 'List of generated ' dep_href = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) dep_href.set("href", "") dep_href.set("target", "_blank") dep_href.text = "action file :" p.append(dep_href) ul = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.ul) for msg in re.finditer(r"(.*?)\.action", f_cmake): msfound = if '#' not in msfound: li = HtmlElement( rac = msfound.replace(' ', '') li.text = rac add_ac_dot_model.add(rac) ul.append(li) has_action = True p.append(ul) self.append(p) if has_action is True: digraph.addNode(add_ac_dot_model) digraph.connect(digraph.getRootNode(), add_ac_dot_model) return has_action
def __init__(self, pkgdir, pkg_xml): HtmlElement.__init__(self, tag=html.Sections.article, attrib={"class": "pkg-dep"}) self._dep_lists = [] p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) p.text = 'List of first order ' dep_href = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) dep_href.set("href", "") dep_href.set("target", "_blank") dep_href.text = "package dependencies :" p.append(dep_href) ul = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.ul) for dep in pkg_xml.iter("build_depend"): li = HtmlElement( li.text = dep.text self._dep_lists.append(dep.text) ul.append(li) p.append(ul) self.append(p)
def read(self, pkgdir, f_cmake, digraph): has_exec = False add_exec_dot_model = AddExecutableDotModel() p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) p.text = 'List of generated ' dep_href = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) dep_href.set("href", "") dep_href.set("target", "_blank") dep_href.text = "executables :" p.append(dep_href) ul = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.ul) for lib in re.finditer("(.*?)add_executable\((?P<exec>(.+?){1,})", f_cmake): libfound = if '#' not in libfound: li = HtmlElement( rexec ='exec').split('/')[0].split(' ')[0] li.text = rexec add_exec_dot_model.add(rexec) ul.append(li) has_exec = True p.append(ul) self.append(p) if has_exec is True: digraph.addNode(add_exec_dot_model) digraph.connect(digraph.getRootNode(), add_exec_dot_model) return has_exec
def addItem(self, parent, item_name, href="#"): """ Append element "<li><a href="$href">$pkg_name</a></li>" into <ul> parent stack element """ li = HtmlElement( a = HtmlElement(tag=html.Text.a) a.set(html.Attrib.href, href) a.text = item_name li.append(a) parent.append(li) return li
def __init__(self, name, href='#', subitem=True): HtmlElement.__init__(self, root = HtmlElement(tag=html.Text.a) root.set(html.Attrib.href, href) root.text = name self.append(root) self._container_menu = HtmlElement(tag=html.Grouping.ul) if subitem: self.append(self._container_menu)
def addSubItem(self, parent, item_name): """ Append element "<li><a>$menu_name</a><ul/></li>" into parent element """ item = HtmlElement( name = HtmlElement(tag=html.Text.a) name.text = item_name item.append(name) subitem = HtmlElement(tag=html.Grouping.ul) item.append(subitem) parent.append(item) return subitem
def read(self, pkgdir, pkg_name, digraph): has_exec = False add_exec_dot_model = AddExecutableDotModel( "add_py_executable", "Python executable generated") p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) p.text = 'List of generated ' dep_href = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) dep_href.set("href", "") dep_href.set("target", "_blank") dep_href.text = "python executables :" p.append(dep_href) ul = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.ul) fscripts = pkgdir + '/scripts' fnodes = pkgdir + '/nodes' if os.path.isdir(fscripts): for filename in os.listdir(fscripts): if filename != "": li = HtmlElement( li.text = filename add_exec_dot_model.add(filename) ul.append(li) has_exec = True if os.path.isdir(fnodes): for filename in os.listdir(fnodes): if filename != "": li = HtmlElement( li.text = filename add_exec_dot_model.add(filename) ul.append(li) has_exec = True p.append(ul) self.append(p) if has_exec is True: digraph.addNode(add_exec_dot_model) digraph.connect(digraph.getRootNode(), add_exec_dot_model) return has_exec
def read(self, node_name, node_xml, isection, iarticle): item_index = 0 try: node_desc = NodeDescription() if, node_xml) is True: item_index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h4) title.text = "%i.%i.%i. Description"%(isection, iarticle, item_index) self.append(title) self.append(node_desc) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex,self) try: node_io = NodeInputOutput() if, node_xml) is True: item_index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h4) title.text = "%i.%i.%i. Input/Output"%(isection, iarticle, item_index) self.append(title) self.append(node_io) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex,self) try: node_params = NodeParameters() if, node_xml) is True: item_index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h4) title.text = "%i.%i.%i. Parameter(s)"%(isection, iarticle, item_index) self.append(title) self.append(node_params) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex,self) if item_index is 0: return False else: return True
def _read_cmakelists(self, pkgdir, cmakefile): try: pkg = PackageGenerations() dep_list = self._dep_pkg.get_dependencies_lists() if, cmakefile, dep_list) is True: pkg_build_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h2) pkg_build_title.text = "%i. Package generation(s)" % self.index_h2( ) self.append(pkg_build_title) self.append(pkg) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self)
def read(self, node_name, node_xml): digraph = self._create_digraph(node_name) for child in node_xml.find('io'): if child.tag == "topics": try: self._read_topics(child, digraph) except: continue elif child.tag == "actionlib": try: self._read_actionlibs(child, digraph) except: continue elif child.tag == "services": try: self._read_services(child, digraph) except: continue else: html.HTMLException( "Unknown io tag '%s' from node %s !" % (child.tag, node_name), self) digraph.saveDot(env.ROSDOC_DOT + "/io/" % node_name) digraph.dotToPng(env.ROSDOC_DOT + "/io/%s.png" % node_name) p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) p.set("align", "center") img = HtmlElement(html.EmbeddedContent.img) img.set("src", "../dot/io/%s.png" % node_name) p.append(img) self.append(p) return True
def __init__(self, index, launch_file): HtmlElementTree.__init__(self, index.getroot()) self._filename = launch_file.split("/")[-1] div = self.getroot().find("./body/div") section = HtmlElement(html.Sections.section) #{ title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h1) title.text = self._filename.replace(".launch","") section.append(title) diagram_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h2) diagram_title.text = "1. Launch diagram" section.append(diagram_title) roslaunch = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) roslaunch.text = """roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS nodes locally and remotely via SSH, as well as setting parameters on the Parameter Server. It includes options to automatically respawn processes that have already died. roslaunch takes in one or more XML configuration files (with the .launch extension) that specify the parameters to set and nodes to launch, as well as the machines that they should be run on.""" section.append(roslaunch) try: launch_dot_generator = ConfigLaunch() section.append(launch_dot_generator) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, section) #} div.append(section)
def __init__(self, packages_dir_list): HtmlElement.__init__(self, tag=html.Sections.article, attrib={"class":"ros_ws"}) self.generate_ws_dot(packages_dir_list) a = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) a.set(html.Attrib.href,"../dot/agi_workspace.png") a.set("target", "_blank") p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) p.set("align","center") img = HtmlElement(html.EmbeddedContent.img) img.set("src","../dot/agi_workspace.png") img.set("width","1024") img.set("height","150") p.append(img) a.append(p) self.append(a)
def read(self, launch_file): digraph = Digraph("LaunchGraph") digraph.setAttrib(Digraph.NODESEP, 0.1) # digraph.setAttrib(Digraph.RANKDIR, 'LR') nconf = NODE("node") nconf.setAttrib(NODE.SHAPE, SHAPE.Plaintext) digraph.addNode(nconf) name = launch_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] pkg = NODE(name) pkg.setAttrib(NODE.SHAPE, SHAPE.Ellipse) pkg.setAttrib(NODE.STYLE, STYLE.FILLED) pkg.setAttrib(NODE.COLOR, RgbColor.CornflowerBlue) pkg.setAttrib(NODE.FONTSIZE, 22) digraph.addRootNode(pkg) self._parse(launch_file, digraph) digraph.saveDot(env.ROSDOC_DOT+"/launch/"%name) digraph.dotToPng(env.ROSDOC_DOT+"/launch/%s.png"%name) a = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) a.set(html.Attrib.href,"../dot/launch/%s.png"%name) a.set("target", "_blank") p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) p.set("align","center") img = HtmlElement(html.EmbeddedContent.img) img.set("src","../dot/launch/%s.png"%name) p.append(img) a.append(p) self.append(a)
def __init__(self, pkgdir, pkg_xml): HtmlElement.__init__(self, tag=html.Grouping.ul) version = HtmlElement( version.text = "Version : %s"%pkg_xml.find("./version").text self.append(version) mtr = pkg_xml.find("./maintainer") maintainer_li = HtmlElement( maintainer_li.text = "Maintainer : " maintainer = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) try: maintainer.set(html.Attrib.href, "mailto:%s"%mtr.attrib['email']) except: pass maintainer.text = mtr.text maintainer_li.append(maintainer) self.append(maintainer_li) llicense = HtmlElement( llicense.text = "License : %s"%pkg_xml.find("./license").text self.append(llicense) if pkg_xml.find("./url") is not None: li = HtmlElement( li.text = "Link : " url = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) url.set("href",pkg_xml.find("./url").text) url.set("target", "_blank") url.text = pkg_xml.find("./url").text li.append(url) self.append(li) if pkg_xml.find("./export/rosdoc") is not None: li = HtmlElement( li.text = "Sources : " doxygen = HtmlElement(html.Text.a) ref = pkgdir+"/doc/html/index.html" doxygen.set("href", ref) doxygen.set("target", "_blank") doxygen.text = "doxygen" li.append(doxygen) self.append(li)
def _read_agi_doc_xml(self, pkgdir, pkg_xml): agidoc_elem = pkg_xml.find("./export/agidoc") if agidoc_elem is not None: if 'src' in agidoc_elem.attrib: fdoc = os.path.join(pkgdir, agidoc_elem.attrib['src']) if os.path.isfile(fdoc): agi = AgiDoc() if, html.loadHtml(fdoc), self._h2_index + 1) is True: title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h2) title.text = "%i. More description" % self.index_h2() self.append(title) self.append(agi) else: html.HTMLException("Cannot open agidoc '%s'" % fdoc, self) else: html.HTMLException("AGI documentation not found !", self)
def __init__(self, index, packages_dir): HtmlElementTree.__init__(self, index.getroot()) div = self.getroot().find("./body/div") section = HtmlElement(html.Sections.section) #{ title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h2) title.text = "1. Overview" section.append(title) aros_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) aros_title.text = "1.1 About ROS" section.append(aros_title) aros_article = HtmlElement(html.Sections.article) aros_article.text = """The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a flexible framework for writing robot software. It is a collection of tools, libraries, and conventions that aim to simplify the task of creating complex and robust robot behavior across a wide variety of robotic platforms.""" section.append(aros_article) ws_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) ws_title.text = "1.2 AGI ROS Workspace" section.append(ws_title) try: section.append(RosWorkspace(packages_dir)) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, section) dev_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) dev_title.text = "1.3 Team" section.append(dev_title) ref_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) ref_title.text = "1.4 References" section.append(ref_title) #} div.append(section)
def read(self, pkgdir, agi_xml, index): index_node = 0 for node_xml in agi_xml.iter('node'): index_node += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) node_name = node_xml.attrib['name'] title.text = "%i.%i. %s" % (index, index_node, node_name) self.append(title) try: ros_node = RosNode() if, node_xml, index, index_node) is True: self.append(ros_node) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) if index_node is 0: return False else: return True
def _read_pkg_xml(self, pkgdir, pkg_xml): pkg_name = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h1) pkg_name.text = pkg_xml.find("./name").text self.append(pkg_name) p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) p.set("align", "center") img = HtmlElement(html.EmbeddedContent.img) img.set("src", "../dot/gen/%s.png" % pkg_xml.find("./name").text) p.append(img) self.append(p) pkg_summary_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h2) pkg_summary_title.text = "%i. Package Summary" % self.index_h2() self.append(pkg_summary_title) try: self.append(PackageSummary(pkgdir, pkg_xml)) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) pkg_desc_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h2) pkg_desc_title.text = "%i. Package description" % self.index_h2() self.append(pkg_desc_title) try: self.append(PackageDescription(pkgdir, pkg_xml)) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) pkg_dep_title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h2) pkg_dep_title.text = "%i. Package dependencies" % self.index_h2() self.append(pkg_dep_title) try: self._dep_pkg = PackageDependencies(pkgdir, pkg_xml) self.append(self._dep_pkg) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self)
def read(self, pkgdir, f_cmake, dep_pkg_list): index = 0 pkg_name = pkgdir.split('/')[-1] digraph = self._create_digraph(pkg_name, dep_pkg_list) # p = HtmlElement(html.Grouping.p) # img = HtmlElement(html.EmbeddedContent.img) # img.set("src","resources/dot/gen/%s.png"%pkg_name) # # p.append(img) # self.append(p) try: msgs = MessageFilesGeneration() if, f_cmake, digraph) is True: index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) title.text = "4.%i Message(s)" % index self.append(title) self.append(msgs) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) try: ac = ActionFilesGeneration() if, f_cmake, digraph) is True: index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) title.text = "4.%i Action(s)" % index self.append(title) self.append(ac) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) try: srv = ServiceFilesGeneration() if, f_cmake, digraph) is True: index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) title.text = "4.%i Service(s)" % index self.append(title) self.append(srv) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) try: lib = LibrarieGeneration() if, f_cmake, digraph) is True: index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) title.text = "4.%i Librarie(s)" % index self.append(title) self.append(lib) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) try: exe = ExecutableGeneration() if, f_cmake, digraph) is True: index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) title.text = "4.%i Executable(s)" % index self.append(title) self.append(exe) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) try: pyexe = PyExecutableGeneration() if, pkg_name, digraph) is True: index += 1 title = HtmlElement(html.Sections.h3) title.text = "4.%i Python executable(s)" % index self.append(title) self.append(pyexe) except Exception as ex: html.HTMLException(ex, self) digraph.saveDot(env.ROSDOC_DOT + "/gen/" % pkg_name) digraph.dotToPng(env.ROSDOC_DOT + "/gen/%s.png" % pkg_name) if index is 0: return False else: return True