def compute_ik(self, pos, ori=None, ns=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Compute the inverse kinematics solution given the position and orientation of the end effector. Args: pos (list or np.ndarray): position (shape: :math:`[3,]`). ori (list or np.ndarray): orientation. It can be euler angles ([roll, pitch, yaw], shape: :math:`[3,]`), or quaternion ([qx, qy, qz, qw], shape: :math:`[4,]`), or rotation matrix (shape: :math:`[3, 3]`). ns (bool): whether to use the nullspace options in pybullet, True if nullspace should be used. Defaults to False. Returns: list: solution to inverse kinematics, joint angles which achieve the specified EE pose (shape: :math:`[DOF]`). """ kwargs.setdefault('jointDamping', self._ik_jds) if ns: kwargs.setdefault('lowerLimits', self.jnt_lower_limits) kwargs.setdefault('upperLimits', self.jnt_upper_limits) kwargs.setdefault('jointRanges', self.jnt_ranges) kwargs.setdefault('restPoses', self.jnt_rest_poses) if ori is not None: ori = arutil.to_quat(ori) jnt_poss = self._pb.calculateInverseKinematics( self.robot_id, self.ee_link_id, pos, ori, **kwargs) else: jnt_poss = self._pb.calculateInverseKinematics( self.robot_id, self.ee_link_id, pos, **kwargs) jnt_poss = list(map(arutil.ang_in_mpi_ppi, jnt_poss)) arm_jnt_poss = [jnt_poss[i] for i in self.arm_jnt_ik_ids] return arm_jnt_poss
def load_pose_6dofgraspnet(pose_path): """ warning: this function only for grasp pose predicted by ***6dof-graspnet: <> *** pos is bottom point, ori is rotation matrix Args: pose_path: str, grasp pose and score, .npy file Returns: poses(quaternion, center, approaching vec)(format is customized in get_grasp_points()), score """ data = np.load(pose_path, allow_pickle=True).item() grasps = data['grasp'] scores = data['score'] poses = [] for pose in grasps: center = np.array(pose[:3, 3]) quat = ut.to_quat(pose[:3, :3]) approching_vec = get_approaching_vec(quat) poses.append([center, quat, approching_vec]) # center is bottom point, change it to center of two contact points, offset=0.10527 is the distance from bottom # point to center of two contact points, you can see comments of -> get_grasp_points() for details offset_along_ori = 0.10527 for center, _, vec in poses: center += pos_offset_along_approach_vec(vec, offset_along_ori) return poses, scores
def load_pose_graspnet_baseline(pose_path): """ warning: this function only for grasp pose predicted by *** graspnet-baseline: <> *** pos is bottom point, ori is rotation matrix grasp pose format is recorded in Args: pose_path: str, grasp pose and score, .npy file Returns: poses(quaternion, center, approaching vec)(format is customized in get_grasp_points()), score """ data = np.load(pose_path) sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) scores = data[:, 0] rotation_matrix = data[:, 4:13].reshape((-1, 3, 3)) centers = data[:, 13:16] poses = [] for index, rot in enumerate(rotation_matrix): approaching_vec = get_approaching_vec(rot, up_vector=[1, 0, 0]) poses.append([centers[index], rot, approaching_vec]) # see why we do the rotation and offset in -> get_grasp_points() for pose in poses: rot = pose[1] te_1 = ut.euler2rot(np.array([0, np.pi / 2, 0])) te_2 = ut.euler2rot(np.array([np.pi / 2, 0, 0])) final_rot =, te_2), te_1) pose[1] = ut.to_quat(final_rot) offset_along_ori = 0.02 for center, _, vec in poses: center += pos_offset_along_approach_vec(vec, offset_along_ori) return poses, scores
def compute_ik(self, pos, ori=None, qinit=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Compute the inverse kinematics solution given the position and orientation of the end effector (self.cfgs.ARM.ROBOT_EE_FRAME). Args: pos (list or np.ndarray): position (shape: :math:`[3,]`). ori (list or np.ndarray): orientation. It can be euler angles ([roll, pitch, yaw], shape: :math:`[4,]`), or quaternion ([qx, qy, qz, qw], shape: :math:`[4,]`), or rotation matrix (shape: :math:`[3, 3]`). If it's None, the solver will use the current end effector orientation as the target orientation. qinit (list or np.ndarray): initial joint positions for numerical IK (shape: :math:`[6,]`). Returns: list: inverse kinematics solution (joint angles) """ if ori is not None: ee_quat = arutil.to_quat(ori) else: ee_pos, ee_quat, ee_rot_mat, ee_euler = self.get_ee_pose() ori_x = ee_quat[0] ori_y = ee_quat[1] ori_z = ee_quat[2] ori_w = ee_quat[3] if qinit is None: qinit = self.get_jpos().tolist() elif isinstance(qinit, np.ndarray): qinit = qinit.flatten().tolist() pos_tol = self.cfgs.ARM.IK_POSITION_TOLERANCE ori_tol = self.cfgs.ARM.IK_ORIENTATION_TOLERANCE jnt_poss = self._num_ik_solver.get_ik(qinit, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], ori_x, ori_y, ori_z, ori_w, pos_tol, pos_tol, pos_tol, ori_tol, ori_tol, ori_tol) if jnt_poss is None: return None return list(jnt_poss)
def load_pose_GPNet(pose_path): """ Warning: this function only for grasp pose predicted by ***GPNet*** pos is center of two contact points, ori is quaternion for GPNet repository, the return hasn't contain scores currently Args: pose_path: str, grasp pose txt file path or npy file path Returns: poses(quaternion, center, approaching vec)(format is customized in get_grasp_points()), score """ poses = [] scores = None data = np.load(pose_path) for center, quat in data: approching_vec = get_approaching_vec(quat) quat = ut.to_quat(quat) poses.append([center, quat, approching_vec]) return poses, None
def set_ee_pose(self, pos=None, ori=None, wait=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Set cartesian space pose of end effector. Args: pos (list or np.ndarray): Desired x, y, z positions in the robot's base frame to move to (shape: :math:`[3,]`). ori (list or np.ndarray, optional): It can be euler angles ([roll, pitch, yaw], shape: :math:`[4,]`), or quaternion ([qx, qy, qz, qw], shape: :math:`[4,]`), or rotation matrix (shape: :math:`[3, 3]`). If it's None, the solver will use the current end effector orientation as the target orientation. wait (bool): wait until the motion completes. Returns: bool: Returns True is robot successfully moves to goal pose. """ if ori is None and pos is None: return True if ori is None: pose = self.get_ee_pose() # last index is euler angles quat = pose[1] else: quat = arutil.to_quat(ori) if pos is None: pose = self.get_ee_pose() pos = pose[0] pose = self.moveit_group.get_current_pose() pose.pose.position.x = pos[0] pose.pose.position.y = pos[1] pose.pose.position.z = pos[2] pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[0] pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[1] pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[2] pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[3] self.moveit_group.set_pose_target(pose) success = self.moveit_group.go(wait=wait) return success
def set_ee_pose(self, pos=None, ori=None, wait=True, ik_first=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Set cartesian space pose of end effector. Args: pos (list or np.ndarray): Desired x, y, z positions in the robot's base frame to move to (shape: :math:`[3,]`). ori (list or np.ndarray, optional): It can be euler angles ([roll, pitch, yaw], shape: :math:`[4,]`), or quaternion ([qx, qy, qz, qw], shape: :math:`[4,]`), or rotation matrix (shape: :math:`[3, 3]`). If it's None, the solver will use the current end effector orientation as the target orientation. wait (bool): wait until the motion completes. ik_first (bool, optional): Whether to use the solution computed by IK, or to use UR built in movel function which moves linearly in tool space (movel may sometimes fail due to sinularities). This parameter takes effect only when self._use_urscript is True. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: Returns True is robot successfully moves to goal pose. """ if ori is None and pos is None: return True success = False if ori is None: pose = self.get_ee_pose() # last index is euler angles quat = pose[1] else: quat = arutil.to_quat(ori) if pos is None: pose = self.get_ee_pose() pos = pose[0] if self._use_urscript: if ik_first: jnt_pos = self.compute_ik(pos, quat) # use movej instead of movel success = self.set_jpos(jnt_pos, wait=wait) else: rotvec = arutil.quat2rotvec(quat) ee_pos = [ pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], rotvec[0], rotvec[1], rotvec[2] ] # movel moves linear in tool space, may go through singularity # orientation in movel is specified as a rotation vector! # not euler angles! prog = 'movel(p[%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f], a=%f, v=%f, r=%f)' % ( ee_pos[0], ee_pos[1], ee_pos[2], ee_pos[3], ee_pos[4], ee_pos[5], self._motion_acc, self._motion_vel, 0.0) self._send_urscript(prog) if wait: args_dict = { 'get_func': self.get_ee_pose, 'get_func_derv': self.get_ee_vel, 'timeout': self.cfgs.ARM.TIMEOUT_LIMIT, 'pos_tol': self.cfgs.ARM.MAX_EE_POS_ERROR, 'ori_tol': self.cfgs.ARM.MAX_EE_ORI_ERROR } success = wait_to_reach_ee_goal(pos, quat, **args_dict) else: pose = self.moveit_group.get_current_pose() pose.pose.position.x = pos[0] pose.pose.position.y = pos[1] pose.pose.position.z = pos[2] pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[0] pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[1] pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[2] pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[3] self.moveit_group.set_pose_target(pose) success = self.moveit_group.go(wait=wait) return success