#getting output prefix
        prefix = prefixes[m]
        m += 1

        #saving the feature matrix and labels in a binary file

        #setting output file name
        ofname = features_str()
        if prefix:
            ofname = prefix + '_' + ofname
        if scale:
            ofname = ofname + '.' + scaled_str()

        if excluf:
            excl_ofname = au.excluded_str() + au.feats_str()
            if prefix:
                excl_ofname = prefix + '_' + excl_ofname
            if scale:
                excl_ofname = excl_ofname + '.' + au.scaled_str()

        filename = get_filepath(outdir, ofname, otype)
        if os.path.exists(filename):
            print(filename + ' already exists. Jumping to the next.')
            print('Creating ' + filename)

        #reading mask volume
        if not os.path.exists(maskf):
            err = 'Mask file not found: ' + maskf
            raise IOError(err)
예제 #2
def save_data (outdir, prefix, dataname, otype, excluding, leave, feats, labels, exclfeats, exclulabels, dmin, dmax, scale, scale_min, scale_max, lthr, uthr, thrp, absolute):

    #setting output file name
    ofname = au.feats_str()

    if leave > -1:
        ofname += '.' + au.excluded_str() + str(leave)

    if absolute:  ofname += '.' + au.abs_str()
    if lthr:      ofname += '.lthr_' + str(lthr)
    if uthr:      ofname += '.uthr_' + str(uthr)
    if thrp:      ofname += '.thrP_' + str(thrp)
    if scale:     ofname += '.' + au.scaled_str()

    if excluding:
        excl_ofname  = au.excluded_str() + '_' + ofname
        exclfilename = get_filepath (outdir, excl_ofname , otype)

    if prefix:
        ofname = prefix + '_' + ofname
        excl_ofname = prefix + '_' + excl_ofname

    filename = get_filepath (outdir, ofname, otype)

    #writing in a text file the scaling values of this training set
    if scale:
        write_scalingrange_file (outdir + os.path.sep + ofname + '.scaling_range', dmin, dmax, scale_min, scale_max)

    #saving binary file depending on output type
    if otype == 'numpybin':
        np.save (filename, feats)

        if excluding:
            np.save (exclfilename, exclfeats)

    elif otype == 'octave':
        sio.savemat (filename, {au.feats_str(): feats, au.labels_str(): labels})
        if excluding:
            exclulabels[exclulabels == 0] = -1
            sio.savemat (exclfilename, {au.feats_str(): exclfeats, au.labels_str(): exclulabels})

    elif otype == 'svmperf':
        labels[labels == 0] = -1
        ae.write_svmperf_dat(filename, dataname, feats, labels)

        if excluding:
            exclulabels[exclulabels == 0] = -1
            ae.write_svmperf_dat(exclfilename, dataname, exclfeats, exclulabels)

    elif otype == 'arff':
        featnames = np.arange(nfeats) + 1
        ae.write_arff (filename, dataname, featnames, feats, labels)

        if excluding:
            ae.write_arff (exclfilename, dataname, featnames, exclfeats, exclulabels)

        err = 'Output method not recognised!'

    return [filename, exclfilename]
        np.savetxt(outdir + os.path.sep + au.excluded_subjlabels_str(),

    #saving the feature matrix and labels in a binary file

    filename = set_filename(outdir, prefix + '_' + au.features_str(), otype)

    print('Creating ' + filename)

    if otype == 'numpybin':
        np.save(filename, feats)

    elif otype == 'octave':
        sio.savemat(filename, {au.feats_str(): feats, au.labels_str(): labels})

    elif otype == 'svmperf':
        labels[labels == 0] = -1
        ae.write_svmperf_dat(filename, dataname, feats, labels)
        if excluf:
            exclulabels[exclulabels == 0] = -1
            exclfilename = set_filename(
                outdir, prefix + '_' + au.excluded_str() + au.feats_str(),
            ae.write_svmperf_dat(exclfilename, dataname, exclfeats,

    elif otype == 'arff':
        featnames = np.arange(nfeats) + 1
        ae.write_arff(filename, dataname, featnames, feats, labels)
        # getting output prefix
        prefix = prefixes[m]
        m += 1

        # saving the feature matrix and labels in a binary file

        # setting output file name
        ofname = features_str()
        if prefix:
            ofname = prefix + "_" + ofname
        if scale:
            ofname = ofname + "." + scaled_str()

        if excluf:
            excl_ofname = au.excluded_str() + au.feats_str()
            if prefix:
                excl_ofname = prefix + "_" + excl_ofname
            if scale:
                excl_ofname = excl_ofname + "." + au.scaled_str()

        filename = get_filepath(outdir, ofname, otype)
        if os.path.exists(filename):
            print(filename + " already exists. Jumping to the next.")
            print("Creating " + filename)

        # reading mask volume
        if not os.path.exists(maskf):
            err = "Mask file not found: " + maskf
            raise IOError(err)
   if excluf:
      np.savetxt(outdir + os.path.sep + au.excluded_subjects_str(),   exclusubjs,  fmt='%s')
      np.savetxt(outdir + os.path.sep + au.excluded_subjlabels_str(), exclulabels, fmt='%i')

   #saving the feature matrix and labels in a binary file

   filename = set_filename (outdir, prefix + '_' + au.features_str(), otype)

   print ('Creating ' + filename)

   if otype == 'numpybin':
      np.save (filename, feats)

   elif otype == 'octave':
      sio.savemat (filename, {au.feats_str(): feats, au.labels_str(): labels})

   elif otype == 'svmperf':
      labels[labels == 0] = -1
      ae.write_svmperf_dat(filename, dataname, feats, labels)
      if excluf:
         exclulabels[exclulabels == 0] = -1
         exclfilename = set_filename(outdir, prefix + '_' + au.excluded_str() + au.feats_str(), otype)
         ae.write_svmperf_dat(exclfilename, dataname, exclfeats, exclulabels)

   elif otype == 'arff':
      featnames = np.arange(nfeats) + 1
      ae.write_arff (filename, dataname, featnames, feats, labels)

      err = 'Output method not recognised!'