def handle_api_devices(self, http_context): path = '/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/default-school/devices.csv' fieldnames = [ 'room', 'hostname', 'group', 'mac', 'ip', 'officeKey', 'windowsKey', 'dhcpOptions', 'sophomorixRole', 'lmnReserved10', 'pxeFlag', 'lmnReserved12', 'lmnReserved13', 'lmnReserved14', 'sophomorixComment', 'options', ] if http_context.method == 'GET': return list( csv.DictReader(CSVSpaceStripper(open(path)), delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames)) if http_context.method == 'POST': data = http_context.json_body() for item in data: item.pop('_isNew', None) item.pop('null', None) lmn_backup_file(path) with open(path, 'w') as f: csv.DictWriter(f, delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames).writerows(data)
def handle_api_subnet(self, http_context): school = 'default-school' path = '/etc/linuxmuster/subnets.csv' fieldnames = [ 'network', 'routerIp', 'beginRange', 'endRange', 'setupFlag', ] if http_context.method == 'GET': return list( csv.DictReader(CSVSpaceStripper(open(path)), delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames)) if http_context.method == 'POST': data = http_context.json_body() header = """ # modified by Webui at %s # /etc/linuxmuster/subnets.csv # # [email protected] # # Network/Prefix ; Router-IP (last available IP in network) ; 1. Range-IP ; Last-Range-IP ; SETUP-Flag # # server subnet definition """ % ("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) separator = """ # add your subnets below # """ tmp = path + '_tmp' with open(tmp, 'w') as f: f.write(header) # Write setup subnet : Sure that data[0] contains the setup subnet ? csv.DictWriter( f, delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames, #encoding='utf-8' ).writerows([data[0]]) # Write custom subnets f.write(separator) csv.DictWriter( f, delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames, #encoding='utf-8' ).writerows(data[1:]) if not filecmp.cmp(tmp, path): lmn_backup_file(path) os.rename(tmp, path) else: os.unlink(tmp) try: subprocess.check_call( 'linuxmuster-import-subnets > /tmp/import_devices.log', shell=True) except Exception as e: raise EndpointError(None, message=str(e))
def handle_api_extra_courses(self, http_context): school = 'default-school' path = '/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/' + school + '/extraclasses.csv' if os.path.isfile(path) is False: os.mknod(path) fieldnames = [ 'course', 'base_name', 'count', 'birthday', 'gecos', 'password', 'removal_date', ] if http_context.method == 'GET': with authorize('lm:users:extra-courses:read'): return list( csv.DictReader(CSVSpaceStripper( open(path), encoding=http_context.query.get('encoding', 'utf-8')), delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames)) if http_context.method == 'POST': with authorize('lm:users:extra-courses:write'): data = http_context.json_body() for item in data: item.pop('_isNew', None) lmn_backup_file(path) with open(path, 'w') as f: csv.DictWriter(f, delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames, encoding=http_context.query.get( 'encoding', 'utf-8')).writerows(data)
def handle_api_printers(self, http_context): access_path = '/etc/cups/access.conf' printers_path = '/etc/cups/printers.conf' if http_context.method == 'GET': result = [] found_names = [] for line in open(access_path): if line.startswith('<Location'): printer = { 'name': line.split()[-1].rstrip(' >').split('/')[-1], 'items': [] } found_names.append(printer['name']) result.append(printer) if line.strip().startswith('Allow From'): printer['items'].append(line.strip().split()[-1]) for line in open(printers_path): if line.startswith('<Printer'): printer = { 'name': line.split()[-1].rstrip(' >').split('/')[-1], 'items': [] } if printer['name'] not in found_names: result.append(printer) return result if http_context.method == 'POST': content = '' for printer in http_context.json_body(): if len(printer['items']) == 0: continue content += '<Location /printers/%s>\n' % printer['name'] content += '\tOrder Deny,Allow\n' content += '\tDeny From All\n' for item in printer['items']: content += '\tAllow From %s\n' % item for v in psutil.net_if_addrs().values(): for x in v: if not ':' in x.address: content += '\tAllow From %s\n' % x.address content += '</Location>\n' lmn_backup_file(access_path) with open(access_path, 'w') as f: f.write(content)
def handle_api_quotas(self, http_context): path = '/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/quota.txt' ## TODO DELETE mpath = '/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/mailquota.txt' if http_context.method == 'GET': r = {} for line in open(path): if ':' in line and not line.startswith('#'): k, v = line.split(':', 1) r[k.strip()] = { 'home': int(v.split('+')[0].strip()), 'var': int(v.split('+')[1].strip()), } for line in open(mpath): if ':' in line and not line.startswith('#'): k, v = line.split(':', 1) k = k.strip() if k in r: r[k]['mail'] = int(v.strip()) return r if http_context.method == 'POST': lmn_backup_file(path) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join('%s: %s+%s' % ( k, v['home'], v['var'], ) for k, v in http_context.json_body().items())) lmn_backup_file(mpath) with open(mpath, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join('%s: %s' % ( k, v['mail'], ) for k, v in http_context.json_body().items() if v.get('mail', None)))
def handle_api_teachers(self, http_context): school = 'default-school' path = '/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/' + school + '/teachers.csv' if os.path.isfile(path) is False: os.mknod(path) fieldnames = [ 'class', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'birthday', 'login', 'password', 'usertoken', 'quota', 'mailquota', 'reserved', ] if http_context.method == 'GET': with authorize('lm:users:teachers:read'): return list( csv.DictReader(CSVSpaceStripper( open(path), encoding=http_context.query.get('encoding', 'utf-8')), delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames)) if http_context.method == 'POST': with authorize('lm:users:teachers:write'): data = http_context.json_body() for item in data: item.pop('_isNew', None) lmn_backup_file(path) with open(path, 'w') as f: csv.DictWriter(f, delimiter=';', fieldnames=fieldnames, encoding=http_context.query.get( 'encoding', 'utf-8')).writerows(data)
def handle_api_settings(self, http_context): school = 'default-school' path = '/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/' + school + '/school.conf' if http_context.method == 'GET': # Parse csv config file config = ConfigParser() settings = {} for section in config.sections(): settings[section] = {} for (key, val) in config.items(section): if val.isdigit(): val = int(val) #settings[section][key] = val if val == 'no': val = False if val == 'yes': val = True settings[section][key] = val return settings if http_context.method == 'POST': content = '' data = http_context.json_body() if 'admins_print' in data: for k, v in self.EMAIL_MAPPING.items(): data['admins_print'] = data['admins_print'].replace(k, v) def convert_value(v): if type(v) is int: return str(v) elif type(v) is bool: return 'yes' if v else 'no' else: return '%s' % v section_name = '' set_control = 0 for line in open(path): originalLine = line # remove everything before comment if '#' in line: line = line.split('#', 1)[1] line = '#' + line if line.startswith('#'): content += originalLine continue # if new section found if line.startswith('['): # check if last section contained all keys if set_control is 1: for k in data[section_name]: if k not in keys_found: k = k.strip() v = v.strip() content += "\t%s = %s\n" % ( k.upper(), convert_value(data[section_name][k])) # start of with new section set_control = 1 keys_found = [] section_name = line.strip('[]\n') else: k, v = line.split('=', 1) k = k.strip().lower() v = v.strip() if k in data[section_name]: newValue = convert_value(data[section_name][k]) keys_found.append(k) originalLine = originalLine.replace(v, newValue) if newValue not in v: originalLine = originalLine.lstrip('#') content += originalLine lmn_backup_file(path) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(content)
def handle_api_config(self, http_context, name=None): path = os.path.join(self.LINBO_PATH, name) if http_context.method == 'GET': config = { 'config': {}, 'partitions': [], 'os': [], } for line in open(path, 'rb'): line = line.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') line = line.split('#')[0].strip() if line.startswith('['): section = {} section_name = line.strip('[]') if section_name == 'Partition': config['partitions'].append(section) elif section_name == 'OS': config['os'].append(section) else: config['config'][section_name] = section elif '=' in line: k, v = line.split('=', 1) v = v.strip() if v in ['yes', 'no']: v = v == 'yes' section[k.strip()] = v return config if http_context.method == 'DELETE': lmn_backup_file(path) os.unlink(path) if http_context.method == 'POST': content = '' data = http_context.json_body() def convert(v): if type(v) is bool: return 'yes' if v else 'no' return v for section_name, section in data['config'].items(): content += '[%s]\n' % section_name for k, v in section.items(): content += '%s = %s\n' % (k, convert(v)) content += '\n' for partition in data['partitions']: content += '[Partition]\n' for k, v in partition.items(): if k[0] == '_': continue content += '%s = %s\n' % (k, convert(v)) content += '\n' for partition in data['os']: content += '[OS]\n' for k, v in partition.items(): content += '%s = %s\n' % (k, convert(v)) content += '\n' lmn_write_configfile(path, content) os.chmod(path, 0o755)