예제 #1
def fused_bn_update(input1, input2, input3, input4, dtype, c1, c2, c3, c4):
    fused operator.

        input1 ~ input4: tvm.tensor.Tensor.
        dtype: dtype of Tensor.
        c1 ~ c4: const.

        Three output (list of tvm.tensor.Tensor).
    const1 = tvm.const(c1, dtype)
    mul0 = topi.multiply(input2, const1)
    mul1 = topi.multiply(input1, const1)
    mul2 = topi.multiply(mul1, mul1)
    sigma2 = topi.subtract(mul0, mul2)
    const2 = tvm.const(c2, dtype)
    rsqrt_val = topi.rsqrt(topi.add(sigma2, const2))

    const3 = tvm.const(c3, dtype)
    mul3 = topi.multiply(sigma2, const3)
    sub1 = topi.subtract(input3, mul3)
    const4 = tvm.const(c4, dtype)
    data1 = topi.multiply(const4, sub1)

    sub2 = topi.subtract(input4, mul1)
    data2 = topi.multiply(const4, sub2)

    return (rsqrt_val, data1, data2)
예제 #2
def fused_mul_div_rsqrt_mul_isfinite_red(input1, input2, out_dtype):
    fused operator.

        input1: tvm.tensor.Tensor.
        input2: tvm.tensor.Tensor.
        dtype: dtype of Tensor.

        list of tvm.tensor.Tensor.
    mul_param1 = topi.multiply(input2, input2)
    divide_val = topi.divide(1, mul_param1)
    rsqrt_val = topi.rsqrt(divide_val)
    mul_param0 = topi.multiply(input1, rsqrt_val)
    isfinite = topi.isfinite(mul_param0)
    reduce_and = topi.all(isfinite)

    if mul_param0.dtype != out_dtype:
        mul_param0 = topi.cast(mul_param0, out_dtype)
        rsqrt_val = topi.cast(rsqrt_val, out_dtype)
        divide_val = topi.cast(divide_val, out_dtype)

    return [reduce_and, mul_param0, rsqrt_val, divide_val]
예제 #3
파일: asin.py 프로젝트: zhuyawen/akg
def _sqrt(data):
    """Calculate sqrt by using three times newton iteration(Mini) or vsqrt(Cloud)."""
    if utils.product_is_mini():
        data_sqrt = topi.rsqrt(data)
        data_sqrt = _newton_iter(data, data_sqrt)
        data_sqrt = _newton_iter(data, data_sqrt)
        data_sqrt = _newton_iter(data, data_sqrt)
        return topi.multiply(data, data_sqrt)
        return topi.sqrt(data)
예제 #4
파일: asin_grad.py 프로젝트: zhuyawen/akg
def _vrsqrt_newton(num_to_vrsqrt):
    """Calculate vrsqrt(num_to_vrsqrt) with newton's method."""

    start_value = topi.rsqrt(num_to_vrsqrt)

    # use newton's method 3 times
    newton_res_1 = _newton(start_value, num_to_vrsqrt)
    newton_res_2 = _newton(newton_res_1, num_to_vrsqrt)
    newton_res_3 = _newton(newton_res_2, num_to_vrsqrt)

    return newton_res_3
예제 #5
파일: asinh.py 프로젝트: mindspore-ai/akg
def sqrt_mini_newton_iter_impl(x):
    """sqrt compute on mini with the Newton's Iteration"""

    # mini supports the rsqrt instruction, but not the sqrt instruction
    x_rsqrt = topi.rsqrt(x)
    x_sqrt = topi.divide(1, x_rsqrt)

    # newton_iter: x(n+1) = 1/2 *(x(n) + a/x(n))
    steps = 3
    half = tvm.const(0.5, x.dtype)
    shape = x.shape
    for i in range(steps):
        x_sqrt = tvm.compute(shape,
                             lambda *indice: half *
                             (x_sqrt(*indice) + x(*indice) / x_sqrt(*indice)),
                             name="x_sqrt_%s" % i)
    return x_sqrt