예제 #1
def report_image(request):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    permalink = request.GET.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404

    reason = request.GET.get('reason')
    if not reason:
        raise Http404

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo:
        raise Http404

    photo.n_flagged += 1
    if reason == 'offs':
        photo.n_flagged_offs = photo.n_flagged_offs + 1
    elif reason == 'cprv':
        photo.n_flagged_cprv = photo.n_flagged_cprv + 1
    elif reason == 'othr':
        photo.n_flagged_othr = photo.n_flagged_othr + 1

    return HttpResponse(photo.n_flagged)
예제 #2
def report_image(request):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    permalink = request.GET.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404

    reason = request.GET.get('reason')
    if not reason:
        raise Http404

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo:
        raise Http404

    photo.n_flagged += 1
    if reason == 'offs':
        photo.n_flagged_offs = photo.n_flagged_offs + 1
    elif reason == 'cprv':
        photo.n_flagged_cprv = photo.n_flagged_cprv + 1
    elif reason == 'othr':
        photo.n_flagged_othr = photo.n_flagged_othr + 1

    return HttpResponse(photo.n_flagged)
예제 #3
def comments(request):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    permalink = request.GET.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo:
        raise Http404

    return render_to_response('api_comments.html',
                              {'comments': getcomments(photo) })
예제 #4
def comments(request):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    permalink = request.GET.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo:
        raise Http404

    return render_to_response('api_comments.html',
                              {'comments': getcomments(photo)})
예제 #5
def like(request):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    permalink = request.GET.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo:
        raise Http404

    photo.n_likes += 1
    return HttpResponse(photo.n_likes)
예제 #6
def like(request):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    permalink = request.GET.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo:
        raise Http404

    photo.n_likes += 1
    return HttpResponse(photo.n_likes)
예제 #7
def submit_comment(request):
    if request.method != 'POST':
        raise Http404
    permalink = request.POST.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404
    author = request.POST.get('author')
    if (not author) or (author.strip() == ""):
        author = 'Anonymous'
    if (author.strip().lower() == "moderator"):
        author = "Imposter"
    if (len(author) > 25):
        author = author[0:25]
    comment = request.POST.get('comment')
    if (not comment) or (comment.strip() == ""):
        return HttpResponse("")
    parent = request.POST.get('parent')
    if (not parent) or (parent.strip() == ""):
        parentobj = None
        parentobj = get_object_or_404(Comment, id=parent)
    if (len(comment) > 250):
        comment = comment[0:250]

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo:
        raise Http404

    ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
    #check if user is posting too many comments
    timediff = 0.5  # can only post 1 comment in this many minutes
    recent = Comment.objects.filter(
        ip=ip, dt_posted__gte=(datetime.today() - timedelta(minutes=timediff)))
    if (len(recent) > 0):
        return HttpResponse(
            "You are posting too frequently. Please wait a while before posting again"
    new_comment = Comment(photo=photo,
    return HttpResponse("")
예제 #8
def submit_comment(request):
    if request.method != 'POST':
        raise Http404
    permalink = request.POST.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404
    author = request.POST.get('author')
    if (not author) or (author.strip() == ""):
        author = 'Anonymous'
    if (author.strip().lower() == "moderator"):
        author = "Imposter"
    if (len(author) > 25):
        author = author[0:25]
    comment = request.POST.get('comment')
    if (not comment) or (comment.strip() == ""):
        return HttpResponse("")
    parent = request.POST.get('parent')
    if (not parent) or (parent.strip() == ""):
        parentobj = None
        parentobj = get_object_or_404(Comment, id=parent)
    if (len(comment) > 250):
        comment = comment[0:250]

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo:
        raise Http404

    ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
    #check if user is posting too many comments
    timediff = 0.5 # can only post 1 comment in this many minutes
    recent = Comment.objects.filter(ip=ip,
    if (len(recent) > 0):
        return HttpResponse("You are posting too frequently. Please wait a while before posting again")
    new_comment = Comment(photo=photo, parent=parentobj, comment=comment,
                          author=author, dt_posted=datetime.today(),
                          n_flagged=0, ip=ip)
    return HttpResponse("")
예제 #9
def details(request):
    """Returns the details for a photo aka everything when a user
    clicks on it"""

    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    request_get = request.GET
    permalink = request_get.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo.approved:
        raise Http404

    # find size of the image to display (fit into a maxsize by maxsize box)
    maxsize = 600
    height = 0
    width = 0
    if (photo.width < photo.height):
        height = maxsize
        width = round(photo.width / (photo.height/maxsize))
        width = maxsize
        height = round(photo.height / (photo.width/maxsize))

    data = {
        "photo": photo.photo,
        "permalink": permalink,
        "width": width ,
        "height": height,
        "caption": photo.caption,
        "dt_submitted": photo.dt_submitted.date(),
	"comments": getcomments(photo)
    return render_to_response('details.html', data)
예제 #10
def details(request):
    """Returns the details for a photo aka everything when a user
    clicks on it"""

    if request.method != 'GET':
        raise Http404

    request_get = request.GET
    permalink = request_get.get('id')
    if not permalink:
        raise Http404

    photo = Photo.get_by_permalink(permalink)
    if not photo.approved:
        raise Http404

    # find size of the image to display (fit into a maxsize by maxsize box)
    maxsize = 600
    height = 0
    width = 0
    if (photo.width < photo.height):
        height = maxsize
        width = round(photo.width / (photo.height / maxsize))
        width = maxsize
        height = round(photo.height / (photo.width / maxsize))

    data = {
        "photo": photo.photo,
        "permalink": permalink,
        "width": width,
        "height": height,
        "caption": photo.caption,
        "dt_submitted": photo.dt_submitted.date(),
        "comments": getcomments(photo)
    return render_to_response('details.html', data)