예제 #1
파일: test.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def execute(self, args=None):
        prevCwd = os.getcwd()
        noseroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'test'), 'pkgs'), 'nose-0.11.0')
        coverageroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'test'), 'pkgs'), 'coverage-3.2b3')

        command = join(join(noseroot, 'bin/'), 'nosetests')

        args = [] if not args else args
        args += [

        fullcommandwithargs = [command] + args
        relcommandwithargs = [relpath(command)] + args

        logging.info('Executing %s' % relcommandwithargs)

        pythonpath = ':'.join([noseroot] + getGaeLibs())

        p = Popen(fullcommandwithargs, env={'PYTHONPATH': pythonpath, 'PATH': os.environ['PATH']})  # todo: just yield a generator or get all .py files
        sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]

        return sts
예제 #2
파일: coverage.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def execute(self, args=None):
        prevCwd = os.getcwd()
        noseroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'test'), 'pkgs'), 'nose-0.11.0')
        coverageroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'test'), 'pkgs'), 'coverage-3.2b3')

        command = join(join(noseroot, 'bin/'), 'nosetests')

        args = [] if not args else args
        args += [

        fullcommandwithargs = [command] + args
        relcommandwithargs = [relpath(command)] + args

        logging.info('Executing %s' % relcommandwithargs)

        pythonpath = ':'.join([noseroot, coverageroot] + getGaeLibs())

        p = Popen(fullcommandwithargs, env={'PYTHONPATH': pythonpath, 'PATH': os.environ['PATH']})
        sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]

        return sts
예제 #3
파일: tidy.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def install(self, args=None):
        download('http://www.lacusveris.com/PythonTidy/PythonTidy-1.16.python', 'pythontidy.py')
        shutil.move(join(alePath('tmp'), 'pythontidy.py'), finalTidyPath)
        os.system('chmod +x %s' % finalTidyPath)

        logging.info('Patching tidy to wrap at 120 columns instead of 80 ...')
        os.system('patch %s %s' % (finalTidyPath, join(alePath('recipes_all/tidy/'), 'tidy80col.patch')))
예제 #4
파일: pyflakes.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def install(self, args=None):
        extractPath = os.path.join(os.path.join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'pyflakes'), 'pkgs')

        downloadAndExtract('http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pyflakes/pyflakes-0.3.0.tar.gz', extractPath)

        pyflakesPyPath = join(alePath('recipes_installed/pyflakes/pkgs/pyflakes-0.3.0/pyflakes/scripts'), 'pyflakes.py')
        patch1Path = join(alePath('recipes_all/pyflakes/'), 'pyflakeignore.patch')

        logging.info('Patching pyflakes to allow the pyflakes:ignore directive ...')
        os.system('patch %s %s' % (pyflakesPyPath, patch1Path))
예제 #5
파일: test.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def install(self, args=None):
        extractPath = os.path.join(os.path.join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'test'), 'pkgs')

        downloadAndExtract('http://python-nose.googlecode.com/files/nose-0.11.0.tar.gz', extractPath)
        downloadAndExtract('http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/c/coverage/coverage-3.2b3.tar.gz', extractPath)

        coverPyPath = join(alePath('recipes_installed/test/pkgs/nose-0.11.0/nose/plugins'), 'cover.py')
        patch1Path = join(alePath('recipes_all/test/'), 'excludecoveragepatch.patch')
        patch2Path = join(alePath('recipes_all/test/'), 'excludenosepatch.patch')

        logging.info('Patching coverage plugin...')
        os.system('patch %s %s' % (coverPyPath, patch1Path))
        os.system('patch %s %s' % (coverPyPath, patch2Path))

        logging.info('Adding to .gitignore...')
예제 #6
파일: tidy.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
 def tidy(file):
     tmpFile = join(alePath('tmp'), os.path.split(file)[1] + '_tmp')
     command = finalTidyPath + ' ' + file + ' ' + tmpFile
     logging.info('Tidying %s' % file)
     returnCode = os.system(command)
     if returnCode == 0:
         shutil.move(tmpFile, file)
     return returnCode
예제 #7
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
def download(remotePath, localFileNameInTmpDir=None):

    if not localFileNameInTmpDir:
        (head, tail) = os.path.split(remotePath)
        localDlPath = os.path.join(alePath('tmp'), tail)
        localDlPath = os.path.join(alePath('tmp'), localFileNameInTmpDir)

    if not os.path.exists(localDlPath):
        logging.info('Downloading %s' % remotePath)
        curlCmd = 'curl -L -o %s %s' % (localDlPath, remotePath)
        logging.info('Using cached file %s' % relpath(localDlPath))
        pass  # we should do an MD5 check here

    return localDlPath
예제 #8
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
def getGaeLibs():
    from ale.core import isCommandInstalled

    if isCommandInstalled('gae'):
        return [os.path.join(alePath('recipes_installed/gae/pkgs/google_appengine_1.3.1/google_appengine/'), d)
                for d in ('.', 'lib/django', 'lib/webob', 'lib/yaml/lib', 'lib/antlr3')]

    if os.path.exists('/usr/local/google_appine'):
        return [os.path.join('/usr/local/google_appine', d) for d in ('.', 'lib/django', 'lib/webob', 'lib/yaml/lib',

    return []
예제 #9
파일: pyflakes.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def execute(self, args=None):
        pyflakesroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'pyflakes'), 'pkgs'), 'pyflakes-0.3.0')
        command = join(pyflakesroot, 'bin/pyflakes')

        allSuccess = True

        def check(file):

            p = Popen([command, file], env={'PYTHONPATH': pyflakesroot})  # todo: just yield a generator or get all .py files
            sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]
            return sts

        return recurse(check, 'py', *args)
예제 #10
파일: pyautotest.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def execute(self, args=None):
        modipydroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'pyautotest'), 'pkgs'), 'ishikawa-modipyd-1516eeb')

        arg = '.' if not args else args[0]

        command = join(modipydroot, 'bin/pyautotest')
        logging.info('Executing %s %s' % (relpath(command), arg))
        print 'Modify a source file to trigger any dependent tests to re-execute'

        commandwithargs = [command, arg] if arg else [command]

        pythonpath = ':'.join([modipydroot] + ['.'] + ['lib'] + getGaeLibs())

        p = Popen(commandwithargs, env={'PATH':os.environ['PATH'], 'PYTHONPATH': pythonpath})  # todo: just yield a generator or get all .py files
        sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]

        return sts
예제 #11
파일: shell.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def execute(self, args=None):
        ipythonroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'shell'), 'pkgs'), 'ipython-0.10')

        command = join(ipythonroot, 'ipython.py')
        logging.info('%s' % command)

        logging.info('Executing %s %s' % (relpath(command), args))

        commandwithargs = [command] + args if args else [command]
        commandwithargs += ['-ipythondir', join(ipythonroot, 'UserConfig')]
        commandwithargs += ['-color_info']

        pythonpath = ':'.join(['.'] + ['lib'] + getGaeLibs())

        p = Popen(commandwithargs, env={'PATH':os.environ['PATH'], 'PYTHONPATH': pythonpath, 'HOME': os.environ['HOME']})
        sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]

        return sts
예제 #12
파일: pyautotest.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import logging
from os.path import join as join
from aleconfig import alePath
from utils import extract, download, relpath, getGaeLibs
from ale.base import Command
from subprocess import Popen

extractPath = os.path.join(os.path.join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'pyautotest'), 'pkgs')

class PyautotestCommand(Command):

    name = 'pyautotest'
    shorthelp = 'run pyautotest (continuous test runner) against the project or pyautotest [dir]'
    tags = 'experimental'

    def execute(self, args=None):
        modipydroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'pyautotest'), 'pkgs'), 'ishikawa-modipyd-1516eeb')

        arg = '.' if not args else args[0]

        command = join(modipydroot, 'bin/pyautotest')
        logging.info('Executing %s %s' % (relpath(command), arg))
        print 'Modify a source file to trigger any dependent tests to re-execute'

        commandwithargs = [command, arg] if arg else [command]
예제 #13
파일: pep8.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
 def install(self, args=None):
     download("http://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8/raw/49fb01f94e27242c5604bbc3cb04ab7e8a593e34/pep8.py", "pep8.py")
     shutil.move(join(alePath("tmp"), "pep8.py"), finalPep8Path)
     os.system("chmod +x %s" % finalPep8Path)
예제 #14
파일: pep8.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
from os.path import join as join
from aleconfig import alePath
from utils import download, recurse, mkdir
from ale.base import Command
from subprocess import Popen
import shutil

pep8root = join(os.path.join(alePath("recipes_installed"), "pep8"), "pkgs")
finalPep8Path = join(pep8root, "pep8.py")

class Pep8Command(Command):

    name = "pep8"
    shorthelp = "run PEP8 against the project"

    def execute(self, args=None):
        command = join(pep8root, "pep8.py")

        allSuccess = True

        def check(file):
            # print 'Checking %s' % file
            commandWithArgs = [command, "--show-source", "--statistics", "--count", "--show-pep8", file]
            p = Popen(commandWithArgs, env={"PYTHONPATH": pep8root})
            sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]
            return sts
예제 #15
파일: createapp.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
    def execute(self, args=None):
        validTemplateNames = ['helloworld', 'helloworldwebapp', 'pale'] + customStarterApps
        if not args:
            print self.shorthelp
            print 'available app templates:'
            print 'helloworld           -- simple helloworld app'
            print 'helloworldwebapp     -- simple helloworld app using webapp fmk'
            print 'xmppsendandreply     -- simple xmpp (instant message) send and reply'
            print 'emailreceive         -- simple e-mail receive example'
            print 'emailsendui          -- simple e-mail send example'
            print 'deferredemail        -- simple deferred lib queued e-mail send example'
            print 'starter_pale         -- a basic project layout with buckets for most things you could want and an import fix built in'
            templateName = args[0].lower()

            if templateName not in validTemplateNames:
                print 'Unknown app name %s' % args[0]
            if templateName in customStarterApps:
                tarballurl = 'http://github.com/mpstx/appengine_py_%s/tarball/master' % templateName
                tmpPath = join(join(alePath('tmp'), templateName + '.tar.gz'))
                download(tarballurl, '%s.tar.gz' % templateName)
                logging.info("Extracting %s here" % templateName)
                os.system('tar xzf %s --strip 1 -C .' % tmpPath)
            elif templateName == 'helloworld':
                logging.info('creating ./helloworld.py')
                FILE = open('./helloworld.py', 'w')
print 'Content-Type: text/plain'
print ''
print 'Hello, world!  This is a bare bones app engine application'

                logging.info('creating ./app.yaml')
                FILE = open('./app.yaml', 'w')
application: helloworld
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1

- url: /.*
  script: helloworld.py        
            elif templateName == 'helloworldwebapp':
                logging.info('creating ./helloworld.py')
                FILE = open('./helloworld.py', 'w')
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app

class MainPage(webapp.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
        self.response.out.write('Hello, webapp World!')

application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
                                     [('/', MainPage)],

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

                logging.info('creating ./app.yaml')
                FILE = open('./app.yaml', 'w')
application: helloworldwebapp
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1

- url: /.*
  script: helloworld.py        
                pkgPath = join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'createapp'), 'pkgs')
                templateZipPath = join(pkgPath, '%s.zip' % templateName)

                if os.path.exists(templateZipPath):
                    extract(templateZipPath, '.')
                    logging.error('Could not find template: %s' % templateName)

            return 0
예제 #16
파일: shell.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import logging
from os.path import join as join
from ale.base import Command
from aleconfig import alePath
from utils import extract, download, relpath, getGaeLibs
from subprocess import Popen

extractPath = os.path.join(os.path.join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'shell'), 'pkgs')

class ShellCommand(Command):
    name = 'shell'

    shorthelp = 'Launch iPython (local) shell with the proper python path'

    def execute(self, args=None):
        ipythonroot = join(join(join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'shell'), 'pkgs'), 'ipython-0.10')

        command = join(ipythonroot, 'ipython.py')
        logging.info('%s' % command)

        logging.info('Executing %s %s' % (relpath(command), args))

        commandwithargs = [command] + args if args else [command]
        commandwithargs += ['-ipythondir', join(ipythonroot, 'UserConfig')]
        commandwithargs += ['-color_info']

        pythonpath = ':'.join(['.'] + ['lib'] + getGaeLibs())
예제 #17
파일: tidy.py 프로젝트: mattorb/Ale
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import logging
from os.path import join as join
from aleconfig import alePath
from utils import download, mkdir, recurse
from ale.base import Command
import shutil

finalTidyDir = join(os.path.join(alePath('recipes_installed'), 'tidy'), 'pkgs')
finalTidyPath = join(finalTidyDir, 'pythontidy.py')

class PythonTidyCommand(Command):

    name = 'tidy'
    shorthelp = 'run PythonTidy to beautify the python source files'
    tags = 'experimental'

    def execute(self, args=None):

        def tidy(file):
            tmpFile = join(alePath('tmp'), os.path.split(file)[1] + '_tmp')
            command = finalTidyPath + ' ' + file + ' ' + tmpFile
            logging.info('Tidying %s' % file)
            returnCode = os.system(command)
            if returnCode == 0:
                shutil.move(tmpFile, file)
            return returnCode