예제 #1
def post_process_act(das):
    #return das
    das = das[0]
    #print 'in das:', das
    #import pdb
    da_des = get_dialogue_act_metadata(das)
    #FILTER from/to borough out of user act if this turn doesn' include from/to street, stop and also keep inform borough with prob. of 0.5
    if 'inform' in da_des and 'from_borough' in da_des['inform']['slots'] and len(da_des['inform']['slots'])>1:
        lst = matlab.subtract(['from_stop'], da_des['inform']['slots'])
        prob = 0.7
        if len(lst)<1:
        if is_only_borough(da_des):
            prob = 0.0
        if sample_a_prob(prob):
            das.dais.remove('inform(from_borough="' + da_des['inform']['slot_value']['from_borough'] + '")')
            print 'remove from_borough'

    if 'inform' in da_des and 'to_borough' in da_des['inform']['slots'] and len(da_des['inform']['slots'])>1:
        lst = matlab.subtract(['to_stop'], da_des['inform']['slots'])
        prob = 0.7#70% remove borough from inform
        if len(lst)<1:#has to_stop, remove with 30%
        if is_only_borough(da_des):#only borough don't remove
            prob = 0.0
        if sample_a_prob(prob):
            das.dais.remove('inform(to_borough="' + da_des['inform']['slot_value']['to_borough'] + '")')
            print 'remove to_borough'

    return [das]
예제 #2
    def _get_random_goal(self):
        '''Sample a final goal of user.

            A dict represent slots and their values sampled.
        self.goal_id = sample_from_dict(self._goal_dist)
        goal_des = self.metadata['goals'][self.goal_id]
        goal = {}
        self.goal = goal
        sampled_slots = []

        for s, v in goal_des['fixed_slots']:#fixed slots
            goal[s] = v

        for key in goal_des['same_table_slot_keys']:#same table slots NOTE same_table_slot was coded without testing since data hadn't faked yet
            slots_values = self._get_random_same_table_slots_values(key)
            for slot in slots_values.keys():
                if slot in goal_des['changeable_slots']:
                    goal[slot] = slots_values[slot]

        for one_set in goal_des['one_of_slot_set']:#get value for  one slot set and ignore other slots
            slot_set = sample_from_dict(one_set)
            for slot in slot_set:
                goal[slot] = self._get_random_slot_value(slot)
            for key in one_set.keys():

        remain_slots = matlab.subtract(goal_des['changeable_slots'], sampled_slots)
        for slot in remain_slots:#changeable slots
            goal[slot] = self._get_random_slot_value(slot)

        '''Don't fill default slots, only return when system ask
        for slot, value in goal_des['default_slots_values']:#fill the default slot which was not being filled
            if slot not in goal.keys():
                goal[slot] = value
        fun = get_dict_value(goal_des,'goal_post_process_fun')
        if fun is not None:
            #goal = fun(self, goal)
            goal = fun(goal)

        #for debug:
        #self.goal_id = 0
        #goal = {'to_city': u'Allerton', 'task': 'find_connection', 'from_city': u'North Massapequa',}
        return goal
예제 #3
    def _get_combined_slots(self, act_in, act_out_des, answer_type, used_slots):
        '''Find combineable slots for 

            act_in: A dict presenting the metadata of system act.
            act_out_des: A dict describing the setting of answer act.
            answer_type: A string showing the type of answer such as direct_answer, over_answer
            used_slots: A list of slots which the act already used in previous turns.
            A list of combineable slots.

            NotImplementedError:    The source providing slots for the action was not implemented.
                                    Or the answer_type used was not implemented.
        #print 'get_combined_slot, act_in=', act_in, ' act_out_des=', act_out_des
        lst = []

        remain_slots = self.goal.keys()

        if 'combineable_slots' in act_out_des.keys():#figured out list of combineable slot in the config file, but still have to filter at status slot
            #return act_out_des['combineable_slots']
            remain_slots = act_out_des['combineable_slots']

        #print '--combined slots1', lst
        if 'accept_used_slots' in act_out_des.keys() and act_out_des['accept_used_slots']==False:#filter used slot
            remain_slots = matlab.subtract(remain_slots, used_slots)

        #print '--combined slots2', lst
        if 'slot_from' in act_out_des.keys():#take all slot in the type figured in slot_from
            if act_out_des['slot_from']=='sys_da':
            elif act_out_des['slot_from']=='none':
                pass#dont take slot from sys_da
            elif act_out_des['slot_from']=='goal':
                raise NotImplementedError('slot_from=%s unhandled yet'%act_out_des['slot_from'])
        #print '--combined slots3', lst
        #process answer_type
        if answer_type=='direct_answer':
            pass#every slot in sys_da already included
        elif answer_type=='over_answer':
            #only over or complete answer for slot not mentioned
            remain_slots = matlab.subtract(remain_slots, lst)
        elif answer_type=='complete_answer':
            remain_slots = matlab.subtract(remain_slots, lst)
        elif answer_type is None:
            raise NotImplementedError('answer_type=%s unhandled yet'%answer_type)            

        #print '--combined slots4', lst
        #process litmited slots
        if 'limited_slots' in act_out_des.keys():
            limits = act_out_des['limited_slots']
            limits = matlab.subtract(limits, act_in['slots'])#limited slots will be used when system ask
            #lst = matlab.subtract(lst, act_out_des['limited_slots'])
            lst = matlab.subtract(lst, limits)

        #process status included
        if 'status_included' in act_out_des.keys():
            status_included = act_out_des['status_included']
            lst = self._filter_slot_status(act_in, lst, status_included)
        #print '--combined slots5', lst
        # the act required all its slot need to be have the same status
        if 'status_in_all_slots' in act_out_des.keys() and act_out_des['status_in_all_slots']:
            if len(lst)!= len(act_in['slots']):#TODO this way of testing may give trouble in some cases in future, but currently it works.
                lst = []#this action require all of requested slot must satisfy the given status

        #add atlesat slots
        if 'atleast_slots' in act_out_des.keys():
            for slot in act_out_des['atleast_slots']:
                if slot not in lst:

        #process slot_used_sequence
        goal_des = self.metadata['goals'][self.goal_id]
        if 'slot_used_sequence' in goal_des.keys():
            use_sequence = get_dict_value(act_out_des, 'use_slot_sequence')
            if use_sequence is not None and use_sequence:#default dont using slot sequence 
                lst = self._filter_slot_used_sequence(goal_des['slot_used_sequence'], lst)

        #print '--combined slots', lst
        return lst