예제 #1
    def __init__(self, conv_base_model=None):
        # 设置卷积网络和子网络,子网络在之后给定层的特征可视化中使用
        self.conv_base_model = conv_base_model if conv_base_model else alexnet_model(
        self.conv_sub_models = [None] + [
            AlexNet(i, self.conv_base_model) for i in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
        ]  # Make it 1-based

        # Get deconvolutional layers from Deconv_Layers instance
        DeconvLayers_Instance = DeconvLayers(self.conv_base_model)
        self.deconv_layers = DeconvLayers_Instance.deconv_layers
        self.bias3D = DeconvLayers_Instance.bias3D

        # This attributes will be filled by 'project_down' method
        self.array = None  # Tensor being projected down from feature space to image space
        self.activation_maxpool = None  # Activation for max_pool layer 1 and 2, needed for switches
        self.current_layer = None  # Changes as array is passed on
        self.f = None  # Filter whose activation is projected down
예제 #2
    def getAlexNet(self, train_images, train_labels, load_saved_model,
                   model_save_path, use_pretraining, pretrained_weights_path, train_dir, val_dir,
                   fine_tuning_method, batch_size, num_epochs, optimizer, loss, initial_epoch, sample, lr=None):

        :param load_saved_model: boolean (whether to just load the model from weights path)
        :param model_save_path: (final model weights path, if load_pretrained is true)
        :param pretrained_weights_path: if load_trained is false and if use_pretraining is true, the path of weights to load for pre-training
        :param train_dir: training data directory
        :param val_dir: validation data directory
        :param use_pretraining: boolean, whether to use pre-training or train from scratch
        :param fine_tuning_method: whether to use end-to-end pre-training or phase-by-phase pre-training
        :param batch_size: batch_size to use while fitting the model
        :param num_epochs: number of epochs to train the model
        :param optimizer: type of optimizer to use (sgd|adagrad)
        :param loss: type of loss to use (mse|l1)
        :param initial_epoch: starting epoch to start training
        :return: Returns the AlexNet model according to the parameters provided


        print(get_time_string() + 'Creating AlexNet model..')

        img_rows, img_cols = 227, 227  # Resolution of inputs
        channels = 3

        if load_saved_model:
            if model_save_path is None:
                raise Exception('Unable to load trained model as model_save_path is None!')
            print(get_time_string() + 'Loading saved model weights from ' + model_save_path + '..')
            model = alexnet_model(img_rows=img_rows, img_cols=img_cols, channels=channels,
                                  use_pretraining=use_pretraining, pretrained_weights_path=pretrained_weights_path,
                                  optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, fine_tuning_method=fine_tuning_method,
            model = alexnet_model(img_rows=img_rows, img_cols=img_cols, channels=channels,
                                  use_pretraining=use_pretraining, pretrained_weights_path=pretrained_weights_path,
                                  optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, fine_tuning_method=fine_tuning_method)

        if initial_epoch >= num_epochs:
            print(get_time_string() + 'Not fitting the model since initial_epoch is >= num_epochs. Returning model..')
            return model

        # Start Fine-tuning
        print(get_time_string() + 'Fitting the model..')
        for e in range(initial_epoch, num_epochs):
            print('Starting epoch ' + str(e))
            completed = 0

            for x_chunk, y_chunk in chunks(train_images, train_labels, batch_size, ALEXNET_ARCHITECTURE):
                print(get_time_string() + 'Fitting model for chunk of size ' + str(len(x_chunk)) + '...')
                model.fit(x_chunk, y_chunk,
                completed += len(x_chunk)
                print(get_time_string() + str(completed) + ' of ' + str(len(train_images)) + ' complete. ')

            # Not saving model since there's some bug while loading from saved model
            # file_name = self.getCheckpointFileName(base_model_save_path=model_save_path, epoch=e)
            # print(get_time_string() + 'Saving model to ' + file_name)
            # model.save(file_name)

            file_name = self.getWeightCheckpointFileName(base_model_save_path=model_save_path, epoch=e)
            print(get_time_string() + 'Saving model weights to ' + file_name)

            print(get_time_string() + 'Epoch ' + str(e) + ' complete. Evaluating on validation set..')
            evaluateYearbookFromModel(model=model, architecture=ALEXNET_ARCHITECTURE, sample=sample)


        print(get_time_string() + 'Fitting complete. Returning model..')

        if model_save_path is not None:
            print(get_time_string() + 'Saving final model to ' + model_save_path + '..')

        return model
예제 #3
from torchvision import transforms
import torch
import alexnet

url, filename = ("https://github.com/pytorch/hub/raw/master/dog.jpg",
    urllib.URLopener().retrieve(url, filename)
    urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename)

input_image = Image.open(filename)
preprocess = transforms.Compose([
    transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224,
input_tensor = preprocess(input_image)
input_batch = input_tensor.unsqueeze(
    0)  # create a mini-batch as expected by the model

alex_model = alexnet.alexnet_model(pretrained=True)
with torch.no_grad():
    output = alex_model(input_batch)
# Tensor of shape 1000, with confidence scores over Imagenet's 1000 classes
# The output has unnormalized scores. To get probabilities, you can run a softmax on it.
print(torch.nn.functional.softmax(output[0], dim=0))
예제 #4
from alexnet import alexnet_model
from alexnet import freeze_layer

model = alexnet_model(n_classes=2, freeze=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])