예제 #1
def test_cyclic():
    g = Graph()
    g.add_edge(Edge(1, 3))
    g.add_edge(Edge(2, 1))
    assert not g.cyclic()
    g.add_edge(Edge(3, 2))
    assert g.cyclic()
예제 #2
def test_traverse():
    g = Graph()
    g.add_edge(Edge(1, 2))
    g.add_edge(Edge(1, 3))
    g.add_edge(Edge(2, 4))
    g.add_edge(Edge(2, 5))
    g.add_edge(Edge(5, 3))
    """ Test bfs """
    trace = []
    g.bfs(1, func_in=lambda vertex: trace.append(vertex))
    assert trace == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    """ Test dfs """
    trace = []
    g.dfs(1, func_in=lambda vertex: trace.append(vertex))
    assert trace == [1, 2, 4, 5, 3]
    """ Test traverse """
    trace = []
    g.traverse(order=g.ORDER_BFS, func_in=lambda vertex: trace.append(vertex))
    assert trace == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
    """ Test cyclic """
    g.add_edge(Edge(3, 2))
    assert g.cyclic()
    """ Test acyclic """
    g.remove_edge(Edge(3, 2))
    assert not g.cyclic()
    """ Test topological sort """
    assert g.topological() == [6, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4]
    """ Test sptree """
    assert not g.sptree().cyclic()
예제 #3
def test_bellmanford():
    g = Graph()
    g.add_edge(Edge("a", "x", 1))
    g.add_edge(Edge("x", "y", -1))
    g.add_edge(Edge("y", "z", -1))
    g.add_edge(Edge("z", "x", -1))
    d, p = g.bellmanford("a")
    assert d["a"] == 0 and p["a"] is None
    assert d["x"] == -np.inf and p["x"] == "z"
    assert d["y"] == -np.inf and p["y"] == "x"
    assert d["z"] == -np.inf and p["z"] == "y"
예제 #4
def test_sssp():
    # sssp = single source shortest path
    # CLRS(2009) p659
    g = Graph()
    g.add_edge(Edge("s", "t", 10))
    g.add_edge(Edge("s", "y", 5))
    g.add_edge(Edge("t", "y", 2))
    g.add_edge(Edge("t", "x", 1))
    g.add_edge(Edge("x", "z", 4))
    g.add_edge(Edge("z", "x", 6))
    g.add_edge(Edge("z", "s", 7))
    g.add_edge(Edge("y", "t", 3))
    g.add_edge(Edge("y", "x", 9))
    g.add_edge(Edge("y", "z", 2))
    d, p = g.dijkstra("s")
    assert d["s"] == 0 and p["s"] is None
    assert d["t"] == 8 and p["t"] == "y"
    assert d["x"] == 9 and p["x"] == "t"
    assert d["z"] == 7 and p["z"] == "y"
    assert d["y"] == 5 and p["y"] == "s"
    d, p = g.bellmanford("s")
    assert d["s"] == 0 and p["s"] is None
    assert d["t"] == 8 and p["t"] == "y"
    assert d["x"] == 9 and p["x"] == "t"
    assert d["z"] == 7 and p["z"] == "y"
    assert d["y"] == 5 and p["y"] == "s"
예제 #5
def test_topological():
    g = Graph()
    g.add_edge(Edge(1, 3))
    g.add_edge(Edge(2, 1))
    assert g.topological() == [2, 1, 3]