def TimSort(arr): i = 0 runs = queue() while i < len(arr): start,end = ascending(arr,i) if start == end: start,end = descending(arr,i) reverse(arr,start,end) runs.insert((start,end)) print("insert the queue: ",(start,end)) i = end+1 while runs.not_empty(): run1 = runs.pop() run2 = runs.pop() if run1 and run2: if run1 > run2: runs.insert(run1) run1 = runs.pop() run1,run2 = run2,run1 start,middle = run1 s2,end = run2 print("Merge:" ,(start,middle),(s2,end)) Merge(arr,start,middle,end) runs.insert((start,end))
def BFS(i, j, color): fila = queue() fila.insert((i, j)) paint_position(screen, i, j, color, show=True) while fila.not_empty(): i, j = fila.pop() if ((i + 1 < ROWS) and grid[i + 1][j] != Black and grid[i + 1][j] != color): paint_position(screen, i + 1, j, color, show=True) fila.insert((i + 1, j)) if ((0 < i) and grid[i - 1][j] != Black and grid[i - 1][j] != color): paint_position(screen, i - 1, j, color, show=True) fila.insert((i - 1, j)) if ((j + 1 < COLS) and grid[i][j + 1] != Black and grid[i][j + 1] != color): paint_position(screen, i, j + 1, color, show=True) fila.insert((i, j + 1)) if ((j > 0) and grid[i][j - 1] != Black and grid[i][j - 1] != color): paint_position(screen, i, j - 1, color, show=True) fila.insert((i, j - 1))
def BFS(i, j): fila = queue() fila.insert((i, j)) while fila.not_empty(): i, j = fila.pop() if ((i + 1 < ROWS) and (grid[i + 1][j] == White)): grid[i + 1][j] = Lime just_paint(screen, j, i + 1, Lime) fila.insert((i + 1, j)) if ((0 < i) and (grid[i - 1][j] == White)): grid[i - 1][j] = Lime just_paint(screen, j, i - 1, Lime) fila.insert((i - 1, j)) if ((j + 1 < COLS) and (grid[i][j + 1] == White)): grid[i][j + 1] = Lime just_paint(screen, j + 1, i, Lime) fila.insert((i, j + 1)) if ((j > 0) and (grid[i][j - 1] == White)): grid[i][j - 1] = Lime just_paint(screen, j - 1, i, Lime) fila.insert((i, j - 1))
def BFS(i, j, color): fila = queue() fila.insert((i, j)) color_bfs = Dark_yellow while fila.not_empty(): i, j = fila.pop() if ((i + 1 < ROWS) and grid[i + 1][j] == color): grid[i + 1][j] = color_bfs paint_position(screen, i + 1, j, grid[i + 1][j], show=True) fila.insert((i + 1, j)) if ((0 < i) and grid[i - 1][j] == color): grid[i - 1][j] = color_bfs paint_position(screen, i - 1, j, grid[i - 1][j], show=True) fila.insert((i - 1, j)) if ((j + 1 < COLS) and grid[i][j + 1] == color): grid[i][j + 1] = color_bfs paint_position(screen, i, j + 1, grid[i][j + 1], show=True) fila.insert((i, j + 1)) if ((j > 0) and grid[i][j - 1] == color): grid[i][j - 1] = color_bfs paint_position(screen, i, j - 1, grid[i][j - 1], show=True) fila.insert((i, j - 1))
def kruskanimatedfs(graph,node_position, steps_mode = False): from math import hypot from algorithms.data_struct.UnionFind import UnionFind from algorithms.data_struct.queue import queue import pygame,time Black = (0,0,0) White = (255,255,255) Red = (255,0,0) Dark_red = (150,0,0) Lime = (0,255,0) Blue = (0,0,200) Yellow = (255,255,0) Dark_yellow = (250,200,0) Flame = (226,88,34) Cyan = (0,255,255) Magenta = (255,0,255) Gray = (128,128,128) Dark_gray = (50, 50, 50) Maroon = (128,0,0) Olive = (128,128,0) Green = (0,180,0) Purple = (128,0,128) Teal = (0,128,128) Navy = (0,0,128) Light_sky = (135,206,250) Castanho = (165,42,42) Carmesim = (220,20,60) Cream = (245,255,250) Some_grey = (112,128,144) Light_grey = (119,136,153) Melada = (240,255,240) Orange = (255,165,0) Springgreen = (0,255,127) Dark_grey = (41,41,41) skyblue = (135,206,235) deepskyblue = (0,191,255) lightsteelblue = (176,196,222) dodgerblue = (30,144,255) cornflowerblue = (100,149,237) steelblue = (70,130,180) cadetblue = (95,158,160) mediumslateblue = (123,104,238) royalblue = (65,105,225) list_colors = [ Purple , Some_grey , Carmesim , Lime , royalblue , Light_grey , skyblue , Dark_gray , Maroon , Olive , Green , deepskyblue , Dark_red , Light_sky , Castanho , Cyan , Springgreen , Flame , Magenta , Gray , Yellow , Orange , Teal , Melada , Cream , lightsteelblue , dodgerblue , cornflowerblue , steelblue , cadetblue , mediumslateblue , Dark_yellow , ] SP = 0 node_radius = 5 node_color = Blue cur_edge_color = Green choose_edge_color = Cyan not_choosen_color = Black number_size = 12 weight_color = Cyan memory_color = Red current_color = Lime visited_color = Cyan screen_height = 700 screen_width = 1200 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width,screen_height)) screen.fill((0,0,0)) pygame.init() disjoint_set = UnionFind(len(graph)) edge_list = [] set_color = list( list_colors[x%len(list_colors)] for x in range(len(graph))) #functions def distance(node1,node2): return int(hypot(node1[0]-node2[0], node1[1]-node2[1])) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',number_size) for node in range(len(graph)): for neighbour in graph[node]: node1 = node_position[node] node2 = node_position[neighbour] pygame.draw.line(screen,Dark_grey, node1, node2,1) #draw circles (nodes) for node_number in range(len(graph)): # draw nodes, node_color, node_position[node_number], node_radius) pygame.display.update() #show information font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',30) text = font.render("Kruskal ",True,Cyan) screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (1050,70))) text = font.render("animated",True,Cyan) screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (1050,100))) text = font.render("with BFS",True,Cyan) screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (1050,140))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(1) edge_dict = {} font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',number_size-1) for node1 in range(len(graph)): for node2 in graph[node1]: weight = distance(node_position[node1], node_position[node2]) if (weight,node2,node1) in edge_list: continue edge_list.append((weight,node1, node2)) time.sleep(1) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',25) text = font.render("Sort edges",True,Cyan) screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (1100,250))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(1) pygame.draw.rect(screen,Black,(1000,230,200,100)) edge_list.sort() font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',30) text = font.render("edges",True, Black) screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (780,20))) # animation loop edge_id = 0 N_edge_MST = 0 pause = False while True: # pygame stuff: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() #exit pygame, quit() #exit() program if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: #press breakspace to pause or play pause = not pause time.sleep(0.2) if pause: continue if N_edge_MST == len(graph)-1: if edge_id == len(edge_list): continue _,node1,node2 = edge_list.pop(edge_id) edge_id+1 pygame.draw.line(screen,Black,node_position[node1], node_position[node2],2) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.003) continue weight,node1,node2 = edge_list[edge_id] pygame.draw.line(screen,cur_edge_color,node_position[node1], node_position[node2],2) pygame.display.update() if not pause: time.sleep(0.1) if disjoint_set.Find(node1) != disjoint_set.Find(node2): pygame.draw.line(screen,choose_edge_color,node_position[node1], node_position[node2],5) Patriarch1 = disjoint_set.Find(node1) Patriarch2 = disjoint_set.Find(node2) Q = queue() seen = list(False for _ in range(len(graph))) Q.insert(node1) seen[node1]=True while Q.not_empty(): node = Q.pop() pos = node_position[node] set_color[node] = set_color[Patriarch2],set_color[Patriarch2],pos,8) for neighbour in graph[node]: if not seen[neighbour] and( disjoint_set.Find(neighbour) == Patriarch1 ): Q.insert(neighbour) seen[neighbour] = True pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.003),set_color[node2],pos,8) disjoint_set.Union(node1,node2),set_color[Patriarch2],node_position[node2],8) pygame.display.update() N_edge_MST += 1 elif (node1,node2) not in edge_dict and (node2,node1) not in edge_dict: pygame.draw.line(screen,not_choosen_color,node_position[node1], node_position[node2],2),set_color[node1],node_position[node1],8),set_color[node2],node_position[node2],8) pygame.display.update() edge_dict[(node1,node2)] = True edge_id += 1 if edge_id == len(edge_list) or N_edge_MST == len(graph)-1: pause = True
def show_tree(delay=0.1): from algorithms.data_struct.queue import queue xL, yD, xR, yU = 10, 10, screen_width, screen_height vertical = False Q = queue() Q.insert((root, xL, yD, xR, yU, vertical)) pause = False running = True while running: # pygame stuff: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() #exit pygame, running = False #exit() program if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: pause = not pause time.sleep(0.2) if pause: continue if Q.not_empty(): cur, xL, yD, xR, yU, vertical = Q.pop() else: if delay != 0: time.sleep(1) break print_point((cur.x, cur.y), (vertical) * Cyan + (not vertical) * Red, radius=6, show=(delay != 0)) print_lines((cur.x, cur.y), vertical, xL, yD, xR, yU, show=(delay != 0)) time.sleep(delay) if vertical == True: if cur.right: Q.insert((cur.right, xL, cur.y, xR, yU, not vertical)) arrow(screen, (cur.x, cur.y), (cur.right.x, cur.right.y), show=(delay != 0)) time.sleep(delay / 2) if cur.left: Q.insert((cur.left, xL, yD, xR, cur.y, not vertical)) arrow(screen, (cur.x, cur.y), (cur.left.x, cur.left.y), show=(delay != 0)) time.sleep(delay / 2) else: if cur.right: Q.insert((cur.right, cur.x, yD, xR, yU, not vertical)) arrow(screen, (cur.x, cur.y), (cur.right.x, cur.right.y), show=(delay != 0)) time.sleep(delay / 2) if cur.left: Q.insert((cur.left, xL, yD, cur.x, yU, not vertical)) arrow(screen, (cur.x, cur.y), (cur.left.x, cur.left.y), show=(delay != 0)) time.sleep(delay / 2)
import pygame, time from threading import Thread, Lock, Condition from random import randint from algorithms.data_struct.queue import queue from algorithms.data_struct.stack import stack from algorithms.colors import * mutex_stack = Lock() mutex_ponto = Lock() mutex_ponto = Condition() mutex_display = Lock() N_operantes = 0 Q = queue() pygame.init() screen_height = 700 screen_width = 1300 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height)) screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) square_width = 3 space = 2 index_color = (0, 200, 0) index2_color = (200, 200, 0) numb_color = (50, 50, 250) const_color = (255, 255, 255) sum_color = (250, 250, 0) duplicate_color = (255, 0, 0) ground = 500
def cycleWith2Nodes(graph, node_position, s=0, t=1, steps_mode=False): from algorithms.colors import Dark_red, Flame, Cyan, White, Blue, royalblue, Black, Springgreen, Green, Lime, Cream, Dark_yellow, Yellow, skyblue from algorithms.data_struct.queue import queue from algorithms.data_struct.stack import stack pygame.init() screen_height = 700 screnn_width = 1300 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screnn_width, screen_height)) screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) N = len(graph) #number of nodes in the graph display_graph(screen, graph, N, node_position, s, t) for _ in range(N): graph.append([]) for node in range(N): if node != s and node != t: for neighbour in graph[node]: graph[node + N].append(neighbour) graph[node] = [node + N] temp_list = graph[t] graph[t] = [] for neighbour in temp_list: graph[t].append(neighbour + N) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) text = font.render("Find shortest cycle", True, Dark_yellow) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 70))) text = font.render("with the 2 yellow nodes", True, Dark_yellow) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 90))), Cyan, (880, 450), 14) text = font.render("visited", True, Cyan) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(980, 450))), skyblue, (880, 500), 12) text = font.render("sender in queue", True, skyblue) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(980, 500))) text = font.render("s", True, Flame) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(880, 500))), Springgreen, (880, 550), 12) text = font.render("receiver in queue", True, Springgreen) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(980, 550))) text = font.render("r", True, Flame) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(880, 550))), Lime, (880, 600), 14) text = font.render("current", True, Lime) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(980, 600))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(3.5) # ALGORITHM STARTS HERE font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) text = font.render("Split each not yellow node", True, White) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 150))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(2) text = font.render("in sender and receiver nodes", True, White) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 170))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(2.5) pygame.draw.rect(screen, Black, (0, 0, 800, 2000)) display_graph(screen, graph, N, node_position, s, t, edges_animation=True, first_display=False) pygame.draw.rect(screen, Black, (800, 130, 500, 200)) time.sleep(1) predecessor = list(-1 for _ in range(2 * N)) predecessor[s] = s flow_to = list(-1 for _ in range(2 * N)) Q = queue() start = True bfs = True path = False cycle = False first_iteration = True pause = False while True: # pygame stuff: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() #exit pygame, quit() #exit() program if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: #press breakspace to pause or play pause = not pause time.sleep(0.2) if pause: continue if steps_mode: #pause every step of the algorithm pause = True #when this iteration ends,the animation is paused if bfs: if start: font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 20) if first_iteration: text = font.render("First BFS", True, Cyan) else: pygame.draw.rect(screen, Black, (800, 130, 500, 200)) text = font.render("Second BFS", True, Cyan) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 150))) text = font.render("Searching augmenting path", True, royalblue) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 170))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(2.5) for neighbour in graph[s]: Q.insert(neighbour) predecessor[neighbour] = s memorize(screen, node_position[neighbour], Time=0.05, sender_on=False) start = False cur = Q.pop() visit(screen, node_position[cur % N], radius=14, Time=0.07) for neighbour in graph[cur]: if predecessor[neighbour] < 0: # has not seen the node Q.insert(neighbour) predecessor[neighbour] = cur memorize(screen, node_position[neighbour % N], Time=0.02, sender_on=(neighbour >= N)) if neighbour == t: bfs = False path = True pygame.draw.rect(screen, Black, (800, 130, 500, 200)) text = font.render("Found T", True, Dark_yellow) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 170))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(2) break mark(screen, node_position[cur % N], Black, radius=14, show=False) visited(screen, node_position[cur % N], radius=12, Time=0.02) if cur < N and flow_to[cur] < 0: change(screen, node_position[cur % N], Time=0.01) elif path: pygame.draw.rect(screen, Black, (800, 130, 500, 200)) text = font.render("Update augmenting path", True, Dark_yellow) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 170))) pygame.display.update() cur = t S = stack() path_edge_dict = {} while cur != s: pred = predecessor[cur] S.insert((pred, cur)) # insert to make a good animation latter path_edge_dict[(pred, cur)] = True #reverse edge graph[cur].append(pred) graph[pred].remove(cur) if flow_to[pred] == cur: #counter flux S.pop() S.insert((-pred, -cur)) else: flow_to[cur] = pred cur = pred while S.not_empty(): # animation showing path node1, node2 = S.pop() if node1 < 0 or node2 < 0: node1, node2 = -node1, -node2 pygame.draw.line(screen, Black, node_position[node1 % N], node_position[node2 % N], 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, White, node_position[node1 % N], node_position[node2 % N], 1) mark(screen, node_position[node1 % N], Blue, radius=14) mark(screen, node_position[node2 % N], Blue, radius=14) pygame.display.update() else: arrow(screen, node_position[node1 % N], node_position[node2 % N], Dark_yellow, Dark_red, 5, 5) mark(screen, node_position[node1 % N], Blue, radius=14) time.sleep(0.05) if first_iteration == True: pygame.draw.rect(screen, Black, (0, 0, 2000, 2000)) #print edges for node in range(2 * N): for neighbour in graph[node]: if ((neighbour, node) not in path_edge_dict) and ( (node, neighbour) not in path_edge_dict): pygame.draw.line(screen, White, node_position[node % N], node_position[neighbour % N], 1) path_edge_dict = {} cur = t while cur != s: pred = predecessor[cur] pygame.draw.line(screen, Dark_yellow, node_position[cur % N], node_position[pred % N], 5) cur = pred #print nodes for node in range(N): mark(screen, node_position[node % N], Blue, 12, False) pygame.display.update() first_flow_to_t = flow_to[t] flow_to[t] = -1 predecessor = list(-1 for _ in range(2 * N)) predecessor[s] = s Q = queue() start = True first_iteration = False path = False bfs = True mark(screen, node_position[t], Dark_yellow, 14) mark(screen, node_position[s], Dark_yellow, 14) time.sleep(2) else: cycle = True path = False mark(screen, node_position[t], Dark_yellow, 14) mark(screen, node_position[s], Dark_yellow, 14) time.sleep(1.5) elif cycle: pygame.draw.rect(screen, Black, (800, 130, 500, 200)) text = font.render("Shortest Cycle", True, Dark_yellow) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(950, 170))) pygame.display.update() # cur = t # S = stack() # while cur != s: # pred = flow_to[cur] # S.insert((pred,cur)) # cur = pred # # while S.not_empty(): # node1,node2 = S.pop() # arrow(screen,node_position[node1%N],node_position[node2%N],Lime,Green,6,4) # time.sleep(0.3) # # cur = first_flow_to_t # arrow(screen,node_position[t],node_position[cur%N]) # while cur != s: # node2,node1 = flow_to[cur],cur # arrow(screen,node_position[node1%N],node_position[node2%N],Lime,Green,6,4) # cur = flow_to[cur] # time.sleep(0.3) cycle = False pause = True
if UF.Find((ROWS, 0)) == UF.Find((ROWS, 1)): paint_position(screen, x, y, Yellow, show=True) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 30) text = font.render("Percolated!", True, Yellow) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(1000, 200))) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(5) for i in range(ROWS): for j in range(COLS): if grid[i][j] == Cyan or grid[i][j] == Lime: grid[i][j] = Springgreen parent = list( list((-1, -1) for _ in range(COLS)) for _ in range(ROWS)) fila = queue() for j in range(COLS): fila.insert((0, j)) parent[0][j] = 0, j color = Springgreen i, j = 0, 0 while fila.not_empty(): i, j = fila.pop() if i == ROWS - 1: break if ((i + 1 < ROWS) and grid[i + 1][j] == color and parent[i + 1][j] == (-1, -1)): parent[i + 1][j] = (i, j) paint_position(screen, i + 1, j, color, show=True) fila.insert((i + 1, j))
pygame.draw.rect(screen , Lime , ( 50 + 5*x , 50 + 5*y , 5 , 5 ) ) pygame.display.update() current = (x,y) if current == source: pygame.draw.rect(screen , Green , ( 50 + 5*x , 50 + 5*y , 5 , 5 ) ) pygame.display.update() running = False continue else: running = False if __name__ == "__main__": Q1 = queue() Q2 = queue() S1 = stack() S2 = stack() NO = Thread(target=runner, args = ( 0, Blue, (1,1) , Q1 , 0.01 ) ) NE = Thread(target=runner, args = ( 1, Cyan,(COLS-1,1) , Q2 , 0.01 ) ) SE = Thread(target=runner, args = ( 2, Dark_red,(1,ROWS-1) , S1 , 0.01 ) ) SO = Thread(target=runner, args = ( 3, Dark_yellow,(COLS-1,ROWS-1), S2 , 0.01 ) ) NO.start() NE.start() SE.start() SO.start() NO.join()
def bfs(graph, node_position, source = 0,steps_mode = False): from algorithms.data_struct.queue import queue import pygame,time from algorithms.colors import Springgreen,Cyan,Red,Green,Yellow,Lime,Black,White,deepskyblue process_list = queue() seen = list(False for x in range(len(graph))) # haven't seen anyone yet screen_height = 700 screen_width = 1300 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width,screen_height)) screen.fill((0,0,0)) pygame.init() Black = (0,0,0) White = (255,255,255) Red = (255,0,0) Lime = (0,255,0) Blue = (0,0,200) Yellow = (255,255,0) Dark_yellow = (250,200,0) Cyan = (0,255,255) Green = (0,180,0) Springgreen = (0,255,127) source_color = Green node_color = Blue current_color = Lime source_radius = 5 node_radius = 5 font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',30) text = font.render("BFS",True,(0,255,0)) # informative node screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (1150,50))) font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',25),(0,255,255), (1000,185),10) text = font.render("memory queue",True,(0,255,255)) screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (1110,183))) # informative node text = font.render("(fila de processamento)",True,(0,255,255)) screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (1100,220))), Lime,(1000,250) ,10 ), Springgreen, (1000,250) ,7 ) text = font.render("seen",True,Springgreen,20) screen.blit(text,text.get_rect(center = (1060,250))) pygame.display.update() for node in range(len(graph)): for neighbour in graph[node]: node1 = node_position[node] node2 = node_position[neighbour] pygame.draw.line(screen,(255,255,255), node1, node2,2) #draw circles (nodes) for node_number in range(len(graph)): # draw nodes if node_number == source:,source_color,node_position[node_number],source_radius) else:, node_color, node_position[node_number], node_radius) pygame.display.update() n_layer = 0 # number of nodes in cur layer missing = 1 # missing nodes in current node pause = True current = source process_list.insert(source) while True : for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() #exit pygame, quit() #exit() program if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: #press breakspace to pause or play pause = not pause time.sleep(0.2) if pause: continue if steps_mode: #pause every step of the algorithm pause = True #when this iteration ends,the animation is paused if process_list.not_empty(): if missing == 0: time.sleep(1) missing = n_layer n_layer = 0, Lime, node_position[current] ,8 ), Springgreen, node_position[current] ,6 ) missing -= 1 current = process_list.pop() seen[current] = True, Lime , node_position[current] , 6) for neighbour in graph[current]: if seen[neighbour]: continue else: n_layer += 1, Cyan, node_position[neighbour] , 8) process_list.insert(neighbour) pygame.display.update()
def cycleWith1NodeShortest(graph, node_position, source=0, Time=0.15, cycle_color=(255, 255, 255)): from algorithms.colors import Dark_red, Flame, Cyan, White, Blue, Red, Black, Springgreen, Green, Lime, Cream, Dark_yellow, Yellow, lightsteelblue, Teal from algorithms.data_struct.queue import queue pygame.init() screen_height = 700 screen_width = 1300 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height)) screen.fill((200, 200, 200)) N = len(graph) #number of nodes in the graph display_graph(screen, graph, node_position, source) color = list(Blue for _ in range(N)) color[source] = White parent = list(-1 for _ in range(N)) Q = queue() color_list = [Springgreen, Dark_yellow, Teal, Red] i = 0 for node in graph[source]: color[node] = color_list[i] i += 1 parent[node] = source mark(screen, node_position[node], color[node]) Q.insert(node) pause = False running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: #press breakspace to pause or play pause = not pause time.sleep(0.2) if pause: continue if Q.not_empty(): cur = Q.pop() mark(screen, node_position[cur], color[cur], Time=Time) for neighbour in graph[cur]: if color[neighbour] == Blue: color[neighbour] = color[cur] parent[neighbour] = cur Q.insert(neighbour) mark(screen, node_position[neighbour], Cyan, Time=Time) elif neighbour != source and color[neighbour] != color[cur]: font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 30) text = font.render("Found!", True, cycle_color) screen.blit(text, text.get_rect(center=(930, 400))) mark(screen, node_position[neighbour], cycle_color) time.sleep(2) arrow(screen, node_position[neighbour], node_position[cur], cycle_color, Black) show_cycle(screen, parent, node_position, neighbour, cur, source, cycle_color=cycle_color) Q = queue() #empty queue pause = True break