def paint_scenario(self): = GraphSearch(self.nono, Agenda) gs_gen = start = time.time() for solution in gs_gen: if solution['solved']: self.display_time.configure( text="%.2f" % ((time.time() - start) + self.nono.init_time)) self.display_closed.configure(text="%s" % solution['closed']) break y = -1 for i in range(self.nono.total_rows): domain = solution['node'].get_domain(i)[0] x = -1 y += 1 for item in domain[1]: x += 1 if not item: self.canvas.create_rectangle(x * 30, y * 30, (x + 1) * 30, (y + 1) * 30, fill="white", tags='rectangle') elif item: self.canvas.create_rectangle(x * 30, y * 30, (x + 1) * 30, (y + 1) * 30, fill="blue", tags='rectangle')
def recreate(self, graph=None): self.clear_grid() self.vcp = VertexColoringProblem() if not graph: graph = self.selected_graph.get() self.vcp.set_graph(graph, self.selected_k_value.get()) self.create_grid() self.create_graph() = GraphSearch(problem=self.vcp, frontier=Agenda)
def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master.title("Vertex Color Problem") self.pack() self.vcp = VertexColoringProblem() self.vcp.set_graph() = GraphSearch(self.vcp, frontier=Agenda) self.solution_queue = Queue() self.graph_nodes = {} self.edges = [] self.colors = { 0: "#FF0000", 1: "#33CC33", 2: "#3366CC", 3: "#FFFF00", 4: "#FF6600", 5: "#FF3399", 6: "#993300", 7: "#990033", 8: "#808080", 9: "#99FFCC", 10: "#9900DD", 11: "#000000" } = None self.ts = None self.timer = None self.steps = None self.open_c = None self.canvas = None self.closed_c = None self.btn_load = None self.btn_start = None self.label_open = None self.path_length = None self.label_timer = None self.label_steps = None # Yay for unreadable shit! :D self.label_closed = None self.selected_graph = None self.input_function = None self.missing_colors = None self.selected_k_value = None self.unsatisfied_cons = None self.label_path_length = None self.input_function_field = None self.label_missing_colors = None self.label_unsatisfied_cons = None self.thread_stopper = threading.Event() self.thread_stopper.set() self.create_gui()
def set_map(self, scenario=None): self.canvas.delete('all') if scenario: self.nono.set_scenario('modul3/scenarioes/' + scenario) else: self.nono.set_scenario('modul3/scenarioes/' + self.selected_scenario.get()) self.display_time.configure(text="0.00") self.display_closed.configure(text="0") = GraphSearch(self.nono, Agenda)
def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master.title("Nonogram Solver") self.pack() self.nono = NonogramProblem() self.nono.set_scenario('modul3/scenarioes/scenario0.txt') = GraphSearch(self.nono, Agenda) self.canvas = None self.selected_scenario = None self.btn_load = None self.display_time = None self.display_open = None self.display_closed = None self.label_time = None self.label_open = None self.label_closed = None self.cells = [[]] self.create_gui()
class Gui(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master.title("Nonogram Solver") self.pack() self.nono = NonogramProblem() self.nono.set_scenario('modul3/scenarioes/scenario0.txt') = GraphSearch(self.nono, Agenda) self.canvas = None self.selected_scenario = None self.btn_load = None self.display_time = None self.display_open = None self.display_closed = None self.label_time = None self.label_open = None self.label_closed = None self.cells = [[]] self.create_gui() def create_gui(self): # Initializing the variables the option menus will use self.selected_scenario = StringVar(self) # Setting default values for option menu variables self.selected_scenario.set("scenario0.txt") # Creating the GUI components group_state = LabelFrame(self, text="State", padx=5, pady=5) group_stats = LabelFrame(self, text="Stats", padx=40, pady=5) group_options = LabelFrame(self, text="Options", padx=5, pady=5) self.canvas = Canvas(group_state, width=600, height=600, bg="#F0F0F0", highlightbackground="black", highlightthickness=1) scenario_menu = OptionMenu(group_options, self.selected_scenario, "scenario0.txt", "scenario1.txt", "scenario2.txt", "scenario3.txt", "scenario4.txt", "scenario5.txt", "scenario6.txt", "sweet-one.txt", command=self.set_map) btn_start = Button(group_options, text="Solve", padx=5, pady=5, bg="light green", command=self.paint_scenario) btn_exit = Button(group_options, text="Exit", padx=5, pady=5, bg="red", command=self.quit) self.btn_load = Button(group_options, text="Load file", padx=5, pady=5, command=self.load_scenario) # Stats and numbers self.label_time = Label(group_stats, text="Time:") self.label_closed = Label(group_stats, text="Closed nodes:") self.display_time = Label(group_stats, text="0.00") self.display_closed = Label(group_stats, text="0") # Placing GUI components in a grid group_options.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W + E) group_options.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) scenario_menu.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N + E + S + W) btn_start.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky=E) btn_exit.grid(row=0, column=6, sticky=E) self.btn_load.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) group_state.grid(row=1, column=0) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0) group_stats.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=N + S) self.label_time.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.label_closed.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) self.display_time.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E) self.display_closed.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=E) def paint_scenario(self): = GraphSearch(self.nono, Agenda) gs_gen = start = time.time() for solution in gs_gen: if solution['solved']: self.display_time.configure( text="%.2f" % ((time.time() - start) + self.nono.init_time)) self.display_closed.configure(text="%s" % solution['closed']) break y = -1 for i in range(self.nono.total_rows): domain = solution['node'].get_domain(i)[0] x = -1 y += 1 for item in domain[1]: x += 1 if not item: self.canvas.create_rectangle(x * 30, y * 30, (x + 1) * 30, (y + 1) * 30, fill="white", tags='rectangle') elif item: self.canvas.create_rectangle(x * 30, y * 30, (x + 1) * 30, (y + 1) * 30, fill="blue", tags='rectangle') def set_map(self, scenario=None): self.canvas.delete('all') if scenario: self.nono.set_scenario('modul3/scenarioes/' + scenario) else: self.nono.set_scenario('modul3/scenarioes/' + self.selected_scenario.get()) self.display_time.configure(text="0.00") self.display_closed.configure(text="0") = GraphSearch(self.nono, Agenda) def load_scenario(self): file = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=self, filetypes=[('Text Files', '.txt')], title='Select a scenario file') file = file.split('/')[-1] self.set_map(file)
class Gui(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master.title("Vertex Color Problem") self.pack() self.vcp = VertexColoringProblem() self.vcp.set_graph() = GraphSearch(self.vcp, frontier=Agenda) self.solution_queue = Queue() self.graph_nodes = {} self.edges = [] self.colors = { 0: "#FF0000", 1: "#33CC33", 2: "#3366CC", 3: "#FFFF00", 4: "#FF6600", 5: "#FF3399", 6: "#993300", 7: "#990033", 8: "#808080", 9: "#99FFCC", 10: "#9900DD", 11: "#000000" } = None self.ts = None self.timer = None self.steps = None self.open_c = None self.canvas = None self.closed_c = None self.btn_load = None self.btn_start = None self.label_open = None self.path_length = None self.label_timer = None self.label_steps = None # Yay for unreadable shit! :D self.label_closed = None self.selected_graph = None self.input_function = None self.missing_colors = None self.selected_k_value = None self.unsatisfied_cons = None self.label_path_length = None self.input_function_field = None self.label_missing_colors = None self.label_unsatisfied_cons = None self.thread_stopper = threading.Event() self.thread_stopper.set() self.create_gui() def create_gui(self): # Initializing the variables the option menus will use self.selected_graph = StringVar(self) self.selected_k_value = StringVar(self) self.input_function = StringVar(self) # Setting default values for option menu variables self.selected_graph.set("graph1.txt") self.input_function.set("x!=y") self.selected_k_value.set(4) # Creating the GUI components group_state = LabelFrame(self, text="State", padx=5, pady=5) group_stats = LabelFrame(self, text="Stats", padx=40, pady=5) group_options = LabelFrame(self, text="Options", padx=5, pady=5) self.canvas = Canvas(group_state, width=600, height=600, bg="#F0F0F0", highlightbackground="black", highlightthickness=1) graph_menu = OptionMenu(group_options, self.selected_graph, "graph1.txt", "graph2.txt", "graph3.txt", "graph4.txt", "graph5.txt", "graph6.txt", command=self.change) k_value_menu = OptionMenu(group_options, self.selected_k_value, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, command=self.change) self.input_function_field = Entry(group_options) self.input_function_field.insert(0, 'x!=y') label_input_function = Label(group_options, text="Input function:") self.timer = Label(group_stats, text="0.00") self.btn_start = Button(group_options, text="Start", padx=5, pady=5, bg="light green", command=self.thready_search) btn_exit = Button(group_options, text="Exit", padx=5, pady=5, bg="red", command=self.exit) self.btn_load = Button(group_options, text="Load graph", padx=5, pady=5, command=self.load_graph) # Stats self.label_timer = Label(group_stats, text="Time:") self.label_steps = Label(group_stats, text="Total GAC-nodes in tree:") self.label_open = Label(group_stats, text="Opened GAC nodes:") self.label_closed = Label(group_stats, text="Popped and expanded nodes:") self.label_path_length = Label(group_stats, text="Path length:") self.label_missing_colors = Label(group_stats, text="Vertices missing color:") self.label_unsatisfied_cons = Label(group_stats, text="Unsatisfied constraints:") self.steps = Label(group_stats, text="0") self.open_c = Label(group_stats, text="0") self.closed_c = Label(group_stats, text="0") self.path_length = Label(group_stats, text="0") self.missing_colors = Label(group_stats, text="0") self.unsatisfied_cons = Label(group_stats, text="0") # Placing GUI components in a grid group_options.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W + E) group_state.grid(row=1, column=0) group_stats.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=N + S) group_options.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) graph_menu.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N + E + S + W) k_value_menu.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) label_input_function.grid(row=0, column=2) self.input_function_field.grid(row=0, column=3) self.btn_load.grid(row=0, column=4, sticky=W) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0) self.label_timer.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.label_steps.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) self.label_closed.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) self.label_path_length.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W) self.label_missing_colors.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=W) self.label_unsatisfied_cons.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=W) self.timer.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=E) self.steps.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=E) self.missing_colors.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky=E) self.unsatisfied_cons.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=E) self.closed_c.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=E) self.path_length.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=E) self.btn_start.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky=E) btn_exit.grid(row=0, column=6, sticky=E) self.change() def change(self, _=None): if self.thread_stopper.is_set(): self.recreate() else: self.thread_stopper.set() self.recreate() def recreate(self, graph=None): self.clear_grid() self.vcp = VertexColoringProblem() if not graph: graph = self.selected_graph.get() self.vcp.set_graph(graph, self.selected_k_value.get()) self.create_grid() self.create_graph() = GraphSearch(problem=self.vcp, frontier=Agenda) def clear_grid(self): self.canvas.delete("all") def create_grid(self): self.clear_grid() self.graph_nodes = deepcopy(self.vcp.node_domain) def create_graph(self): vcp = self.vcp self.vcp.coordinates = self.scale_coords(self.get_graph_dims(vcp), vcp) for i in range(0, len(vcp.constraints)): start_x = vcp.coordinates[int(vcp.constraints[i].variables[0])][0] start_y = vcp.coordinates[int(vcp.constraints[i].variables[0])][1] end_x = vcp.coordinates[int(vcp.constraints[i].variables[1])][0] end_y = vcp.coordinates[int(vcp.constraints[i].variables[1])][1] self.edges.append( self.canvas.create_line(start_x + 3.75, start_y + 3.75, end_x + 3.75, end_y + 3.75)) for i in vcp.coordinates: c = 11 if len(vcp.get_domain(i)) > 1 else vcp.get_domain(i)[0] self.graph_nodes[i] = self.canvas.create_oval( vcp.coordinates[i][0], vcp.coordinates[i][1], vcp.coordinates[i][0] + 7.5, vcp.coordinates[i][1] + 7.5, fill=self.colors[c], tags=c) def thready_search(self): #self.change() self.timer.config(text="0.00") self.thread_stopper.clear() self.solution_queue = Queue() = ThreadedDrawer(self, self.solution_queue, self.thread_stopper) self.ts = ThreadedSearch(self, self.solution_queue,, self.thread_stopper, time.time()) self.ts.start() self.btn_start.config(state='disabled') def update_graph_node(self, node, domain): self.canvas.itemconfig(self.graph_nodes[node], fill=self.colors[domain]) def paint_graph(self, vcp): vcp.coordinates = self.scale_coords(self.get_graph_dims(vcp), vcp) for i in vcp.coordinates: self.graph_nodes[i] = self.canvas.create_oval( vcp.coordinates[i][0], vcp.coordinates[i][1], vcp.coordinates[i][0] + 15, vcp.coordinates[i][1] + 15, fill=self.colors[vcp.get_domain(i)[0]]) for i in range(0, len(vcp.constraints)): start_x = vcp.coordinates[int(vcp.constraints[i].variables[0])][0] start_y = vcp.coordinates[int(vcp.constraints[i].variables[0])][1] end_x = vcp.coordinates[int(vcp.constraints[i].variables[1])][0] end_y = vcp.coordinates[int(vcp.constraints[i].variables[1])][1] self.canvas.create_line(start_x + 7.5, start_y + 7.5, end_x + 7.5, end_y + 7.5) def get_graph_dims(self, vcp): """ Method to get the maximum and minimum coordinates of the vertices in the graph for scaling the graph to the Tkinter canvas :param vcp: Takes in a complete vcp problem :return: A dictionary with required values to scale the graph """ x_positions, y_positions = [], [] for i in vcp.coordinates: x_positions.append(vcp.coordinates[i][0]) y_positions.append(vcp.coordinates[i][1]) max_x = max(x_positions) max_y = max(y_positions) min_x = min(x_positions) min_y = min(y_positions) canvas_width = self.canvas['width'] canvas_height = self.canvas['height'] dimensions = { "max_x": max_x, "max_y": max_y, "min_x": min_x, "min_y": min_y, "c_width": canvas_width, "c_height": canvas_height } return dimensions def scale_coords(self, dim, vcp): """ Method to do the actual scaling :param dim: Dictionary with max and min coordinates for vertices, and canvas size :param vcp: Complete vcp problem :return: """ dim = dim x_scale, y_scale = 1, 1 x_offset, y_offset = 0, 0 if dim['min_x'] < 0: x_offset = -dim['min_x'] if dim['min_y'] < 0: y_offset = -dim['min_y'] if (10 + (x_offset + dim['max_x']) * 15) > (int(self.canvas['width']) - 10): x_scale = (int(self.canvas['width']) - 20) / (10 + (x_offset + dim['max_x']) * 15) if (10 + (y_offset + dim['max_y']) * 15) > (int(self.canvas['height']) - 10): y_scale = (int(self.canvas['height']) - 20) / (10 + (y_offset + dim['max_y']) * 15) scaled_coordinates = {} for i in vcp.coordinates: scaled_coordinates[i] = [ (10 + (x_offset + vcp.coordinates[i][0]) * 15) * x_scale, (10 + (y_offset + vcp.coordinates[i][1]) * 15) * y_scale ] return scaled_coordinates def load_graph(self): file = filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=self, filetypes=[('Text Files', '.txt')], title='Select a graph file') file = file.split('/')[-1] self.recreate(file) def exit(self): self.change() self.after(500, self.quit)