def test5(): print("\n\nTest 5 - Algorithm Tweaks (Bias & Variance)") print("Expected / Actual:") print("\nRegularized Linear Regression: ") X, y = ut.read_mat('mat/ex5data1.mat') X = ut.create_design(X) theta = np.array([1, 1]) print("303.993 / ", alg.SSD(theta, X, y, 1)) grad = alg.SSD_gradient(theta, X, y, 1) print("-15.30 / ", grad[0]) print("598.250 / ", grad[1]) print("\nLearning Curve:") raw = ut.read_mat_raw('mat/ex5data1.mat') X = raw['X'] y = raw['y'].reshape(-1) Xval = raw['Xval'] yval = raw['yval'].reshape(-1) print("Check plot") # pt.plot_learning_curve(ut.create_design(X), y, ut.create_design(Xval), yval, 0) print("\nFitting polynomial regression:") p = 8 X_poly = ut.poly_features(X, p) X_poly, mu, sigma = ut.normalize_features(X_poly) X_poly = ut.create_design(X_poly) Xval = ut.poly_features(Xval, p) Xval -= mu Xval /= sigma Xval = ut.create_design(Xval) l = 0.01 theta = alg.parametrize_linear(X_poly, y, l) print("Check plot, l =", l) pt.fit_plot(X, y, mu, sigma, theta, p) pt.plot_learning_curve(X_poly, y, Xval, yval, l) print("\nOptimize regularization:") print("Check plot") l = pt.plot_validation_curve(X_poly, y, Xval, yval) Xtest = raw['Xtest'] ytest = raw['ytest'].reshape(-1) Xtest = ut.poly_features(Xtest, p) Xtest -= mu Xtest /= sigma Xtest = ut.create_design(Xtest) theta = alg.parametrize_linear(X_poly, y, l) print("3.8599 / ", alg.SSD(theta, Xtest, ytest, 0)) print("\nRandomized learning curve:") print("Check plot") pt.plot_randomized_learning_curve(X_poly, y, Xval, yval, 0.01) return
def plot_learning_curve( X, y, Xval, yval, l ): train_err = np.zeros(y.shape) valid_err = np.zeros(y.shape) for i in range(y.shape[0]): theta = alg.parametrize_linear(X[0:i+1, :], y[0:i+1], l) train_err[i] = alg.SSD(theta, X[0:i+1], y[0:i+1], 0) valid_err[i] = alg.SSD(theta, Xval, yval, 0) pt.plot(np.arange(1, train_err.shape[0]+1), train_err, label='Training') pt.plot(np.arange(1, valid_err.shape[0]+1), valid_err, label='Validation') pt.xlabel('# of Training Examples') pt.ylabel('Error') pt.legend() return
def plot_randomized_learning_curve( X, y, Xval, yval, l, iter=50 ): train_err = np.zeros(y.shape) valid_err = np.zeros(y.shape) for i in range(y.shape[0]): for j in range(iter): idx = np.random.randint(0, high=y.shape[0], size=i+1) theta = alg.parametrize_linear(X[idx, :], y[idx], l) train_err[i] += alg.SSD(theta, X[idx, :], y[idx], 0) valid_err[i] += alg.SSD(theta, Xval[idx, :], yval[idx], 0) train_err[i] /= iter valid_err[i] /= iter pt.plot(np.arange(1, train_err.shape[0]+1), train_err, label='Training') pt.plot(np.arange(1, valid_err.shape[0]+1), valid_err, label='Validation') pt.xlabel('# of Training Examples') pt.ylabel('Error') pt.legend() return
def plot_validation_curve( X, y, Xval, yval ): l_vec = np.array([0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.3, 10]) train_err = np.zeros(l_vec.shape) valid_err = np.zeros(l_vec.shape) for i in range(l_vec.shape[0]): theta = alg.parametrize_linear(X, y, l_vec[i]) train_err[i] = alg.SSD(theta, X, y, 0) valid_err[i] = alg.SSD(theta, Xval, yval, 0) if(i == 0): print("Lambda\t\tTraining Error\tValidation Error") print("%f\t%f\t%f" % (l_vec[i], train_err[i], valid_err[i])) pt.plot(l_vec, train_err, label='Training') pt.plot(l_vec, valid_err, label='Validation') pt.legend('Training', 'Validation') pt.xlabel('Lambda') pt.ylabel('Error') pt.legend() l = l_vec[np.argmin(valid_err)] return l
def test1(): print("\n\nTest 1 - Linear Regression") print("Expected / Actual:") print("\nBatch gradient descent: ") X, y = ut.read_csv('csv/ex1data1.csv') X = ut.create_design(X) theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], )) iterations = 1500 alpha = 0.01 print("32.0727 / ", alg.SSD(theta, X, y)) print("52.2425 / ", alg.SSD(np.array([-1, 2]), X, y)) alg.batch_gd(X, y, theta, alpha, iterations, alg.SSD_gradient) print("-3.630291 / ", theta[0]) print("1.166362 / ", theta[1]) print("34962.991574 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[6.1101]]), theta)[0] * 10**4) print("45342.450129 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[7]]), theta)[0] * 10**4) print("\nWith optimization: ") theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1]), ) res = opt.minimize(alg.SSD, theta, (X, y), jac=alg.SSD_gradient, method='Newton-CG', options={"maxiter": 1500}) theta = res.x print("-3.630291 / ", theta[0]) print("1.166362 / ", theta[1]) print("34962.991574 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[6.1101]]), theta)[0] * 10**4) print("45342.450129 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[7]]), theta)[0] * 10**4) print("\nNormalized batch gradient descent:") X, y = ut.read_csv('csv/ex1data2.csv') X, mu, sigma = ut.normalize_features(X) X = ut.create_design(X) alpha = 0.1 iterations = 400 theta = np.zeros((X.shape[1], )) alg.batch_gd(X, y, theta, alpha, iterations, alg.SSD_gradient) print("2000.680851 / ", mu[0]) print("3.170213 / ", mu[1]) print("794.7024 / ", sigma[0]) print("0.7610 / ", sigma[1]) print("340412.659574 / ", theta[0]) print("110631.048958 / ", theta[1]) print("-6649.472950 / ", theta[2]) print("\nNormal equation:") X, y, = ut.read_csv('csv/ex1data2.csv') X = ut.create_design(X) alg.normal_eqn(X, y) print("340412.659574 / ", theta[0]) print("110631.048958 / ", theta[1]) print("-6649.472950 / ", theta[2]) print("\nNormalized prediction:") print("293081.464622 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[1650, 3]]), theta, mu, sigma)[0]) print("284343.447245 / ", ut.predict(np.array([[1650, 4]]), theta, mu, sigma)[0]) return