예제 #1
파일: main.py 프로젝트: taphi/Goldeneye
	def __init__(self,path):
		name = os.path.basename(path)
		inputImage = Image.open(path)

		grayImageObject = algorithms.grayscaledImage(inputImage)
		grayscaleImage = grayImageObject.grayImage
		grayscaleImage.save("out/gray-" + name)

		blurredImageObject = algorithms.blurredImage(grayscaleImage)
		blurredImage = blurredImageObject.blurImage
		blurredImage.save("out/blur-" + name)

		thresholdedImageObject = algorithms.thresholdedImage(blurredImage,1,1)
		self.thresholdedImage = thresholdedImageObject.thresholdImage

		self.thresholdedImage.save("out/thresh-" + name)
		#return thresholdedImage

		####This is starting to work, but is not yet fully functional.
		CannyHoughObject = algorithms.CannyHough(self.thresholdedImage)
		#CannyCircleImage = CannyHoughObject.cvPupil
		self.xPoint = CannyHoughObject.x
		self.yPoint = CannyHoughObject.y
		self.rPoint = CannyHoughObject.r
예제 #2
    def process(self, path):
        # Start timing
        initTime = time.time()

        # Create path for saving
        pathArr = string.split(path, "/")
        ##savePath = "out/" + pathArr[1] + "/" + pathArr[2] + "/"
        savePath = "out/"

        # Make sure directory structure exists for saving
        self.ensure_dir(savePath + "/polar/")
        self.ensure_dir(savePath + "/circles/")

        # Get the image name
        name = os.path.basename(path)

        # Windows is dumb and creates a Thumbs.db file for each directory with an image.
        # When doing batch processing, its a good idea to ignore this file.
        if name == "Thumbs.db":

        print "Processing File: ", name

        # Open image
        inputImage = Image.open(path)

        w, h = inputImage.size
        #                print "Size: ",w,h

        # If image is not 8-bit, grayscale it
        preGS = time.time()
        grayImageObject = algorithms.grayscaledImage(inputImage)
        grayscaleImage = grayImageObject.grayImage
        GStime = time.time() - preGS

        # Blur the image for pupil detection
        preB = time.time()
        blurredImageObject = algorithms.blurredImage(grayscaleImage, 11)
        blurredImage = blurredImageObject.blurImage
        Btime = time.time() - preB

        prePT = time.time()
        hist = blurredImage.histogram()
        ind = range(256)
        threshObj = threshold.threshold(hist)
        pupilThreshold = threshObj.pupilThresh(0, 70)
        lut = [255 if v > pupilThreshold else 0 for v in range(256)]

        pupilThreshImage = blurredImage.point(lut)
        PTtime = time.time() - prePT

        preB2 = time.time()
        iBlurredImageObject = algorithms.blurredImage(grayscaleImage, 3)
        iBlurredImage = blurredImageObject.blurImage
        B2time = time.time() - preB2

        irisThresh = threshObj.irisThresh(pupilThreshold, 240)

        lut = [255 if v > irisThresh else 0 for v in range(256)]

        irisThreshImage = iBlurredImage.point(lut)

        preSP = time.time()
        SobelPupilObject = algorithms.sobelFilter(pupilThreshImage)
        SobelPupilImage = SobelPupilObject.outputImage
        SPtime = time.time() - preSP

        ###########Pre-hough pupil-processing.############
        #Looks for clusters of black to estimate the
        #pupil size and location. This is a quick hack and
        #does not work in all cases, such as an image with
        #a lot of areas as dark as the pupil##############
        prePH = time.time()
        pupilPixels = pupilThreshImage.load()
        sumx = 0
        sumy = 0
        amount = 0

        for x in range(10, w):
            for y in range(10, h):
                if pupilPixels[x, y] == 0:
                    sumx += x
                    sumy += y
                    amount += 1

        if sumx == 0 or sumy == 0:
            print "Sorry brah, the pupil's gone"

        sumx /= amount
        sumy /= amount

        pupilBoxCenter = (sumx, sumy)

        # sumx is the average x-location of the black pixels
        # sumy is the average y-location of the black pixels
        # A good idea would to have radii calculated for 4
        # directions, left and right, x and y, then average
        radiusXL = sumx
        while pupilPixels[radiusXL, sumy] == 0:
            radiusXL += 1
        radiusXL -= sumx - 2

        radiusYD = sumy
        while pupilPixels[sumx, radiusYD] == 0:
            radiusYD += 1
        radiusYD -= sumy - 2

        rad = (radiusXL, radiusYD)

        avgRad = int((radiusXL + radiusYD) / 2)

        HoughObject = hough.HoughTransform(SobelPupilImage,
                                           (sumx - 1, sumy - 1), (4, 4),
                                           min(rad) - 5,
                                           max(rad) + 3)
        pX, pY, pR = HoughObject.pupilHough()

        PHtime = time.time() - prePH

        preSI = time.time()
        SobelIrisObject = algorithms.sobelFilter(irisThreshImage)
        SobelIrisImage = SobelIrisObject.outputImage
        SItime = time.time() - preSI

        preIH = time.time()
        irisHoughObj = hough.HoughTransform(SobelIrisImage, (0, 0), (0, 0), 0,
        iR = irisHoughObj.irisHough(pX, pY, pR)
        IHtime = time.time() - preIH

        preUW = time.time()
        unwrapObj = demod.unwrap(grayscaleImage, (pX, pY), pR, iR)
        polarImg = unwrapObj.unwrap()
        polarImg.save(savePath + "/polar/" + name)
        UWtime = time.time() - preUW

        gaborObj = demod.demod(polarImg)
        irisCode = gaborObj.demod()

        # Save various images.
        # Mainly used to debug in case of a failure.
        # This will be set in the prefences.
        self.saveImagePref = 0
        if (self.saveImagePref == 1):
            grayscaleImage.save(savePath + "gray-" + name)
            blurredImage.save(savePath + "blur-" + name)
            pupilThreshImage.save(savePath + "threshp-" + name)
            irisThreshImage.save(savePath + "threshi-" + name)
            SobelPupilImage.save(savePath + "sobelp-" + name)
            SobelIrisImage.save(savePath + "sobeli-" + name)

        self.saveHist = 0
        if (self.saveHist == 1):
            plt.bar(ind, hist, color='b')
            plt.savefig(savePath + "hist-" + name + ".png")

        # Draw circles on result image
        pupilDrawObject = imgUtils.Utils(inputImage)
        pupilDraw = pupilDrawObject.drawCircle(pX, pY, pR)
        irisDrawObject = imgUtils.Utils(inputImage)
        irisDraw = irisDrawObject.drawCircle(pX, pY, iR)
        inputImage.save(savePath + "/circles/" + name)

        del grayscaleImage
        del blurredImage
        del pupilThreshImage
        del irisThreshImage
        del SobelPupilImage
        del SobelIrisImage

        print "Done"
        segTime = time.time() - initTime
        print "It took %.3f" % (1000 * segTime), "ms\n"
        return irisCode, inputImage
예제 #3
파일: main.py 프로젝트: goldeni/Goldeneye
        def process(self,path):
                # Start timing  
                initTime = time.time()

                # Create path for saving
                pathArr = string.split(path,"/")
                ##savePath = "out/" + pathArr[1] + "/" + pathArr[2] + "/"
                savePath = "out/"

                # Make sure directory structure exists for saving
                self.ensure_dir(savePath + "/polar/")
                self.ensure_dir(savePath + "/circles/")
                # Get the image name
                name = os.path.basename(path)

                # Windows is dumb and creates a Thumbs.db file for each directory with an image.
                # When doing batch processing, its a good idea to ignore this file.
                if name == "Thumbs.db":

                print "Processing File: ",name

                # Open image
                inputImage = Image.open(path)

                w,h = inputImage.size
#                print "Size: ",w,h

                # If image is not 8-bit, grayscale it
                preGS = time.time()
                grayImageObject = algorithms.grayscaledImage(inputImage)
                grayscaleImage = grayImageObject.grayImage
                GStime = time.time() - preGS

                # Blur the image for pupil detection
                preB = time.time()
                blurredImageObject = algorithms.blurredImage(grayscaleImage,11)
                blurredImage = blurredImageObject.blurImage
                Btime = time.time() - preB

                prePT = time.time()
                hist = blurredImage.histogram()
                ind = range(256)
                threshObj = threshold.threshold(hist)
                pupilThreshold = threshObj.pupilThresh(0,70)
                lut = [255 if v > pupilThreshold else 0 for v in range(256)]
                pupilThreshImage = blurredImage.point(lut)
                PTtime = time.time() - prePT

                preB2 = time.time()
                iBlurredImageObject = algorithms.blurredImage(grayscaleImage,3)
                iBlurredImage = blurredImageObject.blurImage
                B2time = time.time() - preB2

                irisThresh = threshObj.irisThresh(pupilThreshold,240)

                lut = [255 if v > irisThresh else 0 for v in range(256)]

                irisThreshImage = iBlurredImage.point(lut)

                preSP = time.time()
                SobelPupilObject = algorithms.sobelFilter(pupilThreshImage)
                SobelPupilImage = SobelPupilObject.outputImage
                SPtime = time.time() - preSP

                ###########Pre-hough pupil-processing.############
                #Looks for clusters of black to estimate the
                #pupil size and location. This is a quick hack and
                #does not work in all cases, such as an image with
                #a lot of areas as dark as the pupil##############
                prePH = time.time()
                pupilPixels = pupilThreshImage.load()
                sumx = 0
                sumy = 0
                amount = 0

                for x in range(10,w):
                        for y in range(10,h):
                                if pupilPixels[x,y] == 0:
                                        sumx += x
                                        sumy += y
                                        amount += 1

                if sumx == 0 or sumy == 0:
                        print "Sorry brah, the pupil's gone"

                sumx /= amount
                sumy /= amount

                pupilBoxCenter = (sumx, sumy)
                # sumx is the average x-location of the black pixels
                # sumy is the average y-location of the black pixels
                # A good idea would to have radii calculated for 4
                # directions, left and right, x and y, then average
                radiusXL = sumx
                while pupilPixels[radiusXL,sumy] == 0:
                        radiusXL += 1
                radiusXL -= sumx - 2

                radiusYD = sumy
                while pupilPixels[sumx,radiusYD] == 0:
                        radiusYD += 1
                radiusYD -= sumy - 2

                rad = (radiusXL,radiusYD)

                avgRad =  int((radiusXL+radiusYD)/2)

                HoughObject = hough.HoughTransform(SobelPupilImage,(sumx-1,sumy-1),(4,4),min(rad)-5,max(rad)+3)
                pX,pY,pR = HoughObject.pupilHough()

                PHtime = time.time() - prePH

                preSI = time.time() 
                SobelIrisObject = algorithms.sobelFilter(irisThreshImage)
                SobelIrisImage = SobelIrisObject.outputImage
                SItime = time.time() - preSI

                preIH = time.time()
                irisHoughObj = hough.HoughTransform(SobelIrisImage,(0,0),(0,0),0,0)
                iR = irisHoughObj.irisHough(pX,pY,pR)
                IHtime = time.time() - preIH

                preUW = time.time()
                unwrapObj = demod.unwrap(grayscaleImage,(pX,pY),pR,iR)
                polarImg = unwrapObj.unwrap()
                polarImg.save(savePath + "/polar/" + name)
                UWtime = time.time() - preUW

                gaborObj = demod.demod(polarImg)
                irisCode = gaborObj.demod()
                # Save various images.
                # Mainly used to debug in case of a failure.
                # This will be set in the prefences.
                self.saveImagePref = 0
                if (self.saveImagePref == 1):
                        grayscaleImage.save(savePath + "gray-" + name)
                        blurredImage.save(savePath + "blur-" + name)
                        pupilThreshImage.save(savePath + "threshp-" + name)
                        irisThreshImage.save(savePath + "threshi-" + name)
                        SobelPupilImage.save(savePath + "sobelp-"+name)
                        SobelIrisImage.save(savePath + "sobeli-"+name)

                self.saveHist = 0
                if (self.saveHist == 1):
                        plt.savefig(savePath + "hist-" + name + ".png")

                # Draw circles on result image
                pupilDrawObject = imgUtils.Utils(inputImage)
                pupilDraw = pupilDrawObject.drawCircle(pX,pY,pR)
                irisDrawObject = imgUtils.Utils(inputImage)
                irisDraw = irisDrawObject.drawCircle(pX,pY,iR)
                inputImage.save(savePath + "/circles/" + name)

                del grayscaleImage
                del blurredImage
                del pupilThreshImage
                del irisThreshImage
                del SobelPupilImage
                del SobelIrisImage

                print "Done"
                segTime = time.time()-initTime
                print "It took %.3f" % (1000 * segTime),"ms\n"
                return irisCode, inputImage