예제 #1
def define(name, expr):
    Take an expression of 't' (possibly complicated)
    and make it a '%s(t)' % name, such that
    when it evaluates it has the right values.

    expr : sympy expression, with only 't' as a Symbol
    name : str

    nexpr: sympy expression

    >>> t = Term('t')
    >>> expr = t**2 + 3*t
    >>> print expr
    3*t + t**2
    >>> newexpr = define('f', expr)
    >>> print newexpr
    >>> import aliased
    >>> f = aliased.lambdify(t, newexpr)
    >>> f(4)
    >>> 3*4+4**2

    v = vectorize(expr)
    return aliased_function(name, v)(Term('t'))
예제 #2
def _getint(f, dt=0.02, t=50):
    lf = vectorize(f)
    tt = np.arange(dt,t+dt,dt)
    return lf(tt).sum() * dt 
예제 #3
def convolve_functions(fn1, fn2, interval, dt, padding_f=0.1, name=None):
    Convolve fn1 with fn2.
        fn1 : sympy expr
            An expression that is a function of t only.
        fn2 : sympy expr
            An expression that is a function of t only.
        interval : [float, float]
            The interval over which to convolve the two functions.
        dt : float
            Time step for discretization 
        padding_f : float
            Padding added to the left and right in the convolution.
        name : str
            Name of the convolved function in the resulting expression. 
            Defaults to one created by linear_interp.
    f : sympy expr
            An expression that is a function of t only.

    >>> import sympy
    >>> t = sympy.Symbol('t')
    >>> # This is a square wave on [0,1]
    >>> f1 = (t > 0) * (t < 1)
    >>> # The convolution of with itself is a triangular wave on [0,2], peaking at 1 with height 1
    >>> tri = convolve_functions(f1, f1, [0,2], 1.0e-03, name='conv')
    >>> print tri
    >>> ftri = vectorize(tri)
    >>> x = np.linspace(0,2,11)
    >>> y = ftri(x)
    >>> # This is the resulting y-value (which seem to be numerically off by dt
    >>> y
    array([ -3.90255908e-16,   1.99000000e-01,   3.99000000e-01,
           5.99000000e-01,   7.99000000e-01,   9.99000000e-01,
           7.99000000e-01,   5.99000000e-01,   3.99000000e-01,
           1.99000000e-01,   6.74679706e-16])

    max_interval, min_interval = max(interval), min(interval)
    ltime = max_interval - min_interval
    time = np.arange(min_interval, max_interval + padding_f * ltime, dt)

    f1 = vectorize(fn1)
    f2 = vectorize(fn2)
    _fn1 = np.array(f1(time))
    _fn2 = np.array(f2(time))

    _fft1 = FFT.rfft(_fn1)
    _fft2 = FFT.rfft(_fn2)

    value = FFT.irfft(_fft1 * _fft2) * dt
    _minshape = min(time.shape[0], value.shape[-1])
    time = time[0:_minshape]
    value = value[0:_minshape]

    return linear_interp(time + min_interval, value, bounds_error=False, name=name)
예제 #4
    coef = peak_location**(-alpha) * np.exp(peak_location / beta)
    return coef * ((t >= 0) * (t+1.0e-14))**(alpha) * exp(-(t+1.0e-14)/beta)

# Glover canonical HRF models
# they are both Sympy objects

def _getint(f, dt=0.02, t=50):
    lf = vectorize(f)
    tt = np.arange(dt,t+dt,dt)
    return lf(tt).sum() * dt 

deft = DeferredVector('t')
_gexpr = gamma_params(5.4, 5.2) - 0.35 * gamma_params(10.8,7.35)
_gexpr = _gexpr / _getint(_gexpr)
_glover = vectorize(_gexpr)
glover = aliased_function('glover', _glover)
n = {}
glovert = vectorize(glover(deft))

# Derivative of Glover HRF

_dgexpr = _gexpr.diff(t)
dpos = Derivative((t >= 0), t)
_dgexpr = _dgexpr.subs(dpos, 0)
_dgexpr = _dgexpr / _getint(abs(_dgexpr))
_dglover = vectorize(_dgexpr)
dglover = aliased_function('dglover', _dglover)
dglovert = vectorize(dglover(deft))

del(_glover); del(_gexpr); del(dpos); del(_dgexpr); del(_dglover)