def setUpClass(cls): # Set test mode for alignak backend os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print ("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split( 'mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME']) ) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen(['uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/']) time.sleep(3) print ("Feeding backend...") exit_code = shlex.split('alignak-backend-import --delete cfg/default/_main.cfg') ) assert exit_code == 0 # Start broker module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "alignakbackendarbit" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf) cls.objects = cls.arbmodule.get_objects()
def setUpClass(cls): # Set test mode for alignak backend os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print ("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split( 'mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ[ 'ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME']) ) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen(['uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/']) time.sleep(3) cls.backend = Backend('') cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force") realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm') for cont in realms['_items']: cls.realm_all = cont['_id'] # add commands data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_ping ="command", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_http ="command", data) # add host data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_host ="host", data) # add 2 services data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_ping.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_ping ="service", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_http.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_http['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_http ="service", data) # Start broker module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_broker" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.brokmodule = AlignakBackendBroker(modconf)
def test_00_connection_accepted(self): # Start broker module with admin user modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_broker" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' broker_module = AlignakBackendBroker(modconf) self.assertTrue(broker_module.backendConnection()) self.assertTrue(broker_module.logged_in)
def test_01_connection_refused(self): # Start broker module with not allowed user modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_broker" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' broker_module = AlignakBackendBroker(modconf) self.assertFalse(broker_module.backendConnection()) self.assertFalse(broker_module.logged_in)
def test_get_endpoint(self): modconf = Module() modconf.module_name = "alignakbackend" modconf.api_url = 'http://www.alignak.local:5000' module = AlignakBackendBrok(modconf) self.assertEqual('http://www.alignak.local:5000', module.url) endp = module.endpoint('liveservice?embedded={"service_description":1}') self.assertEqual('http://www.alignak.local:5000/liveservice?embedded={"service_description":1}', endp)
def setUp(self): self.maxDiff = None # Start arbiter backend module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_arbiter" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' self.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf) self.objects = self.arbmodule.get_objects() # Start broker module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_broker" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' self.brokmodule = AlignakBackendBroker(modconf) # Set up the broker module self.brokmodule.get_refs()
def setUpClass(cls): # Set test mode for alignak backend os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print ("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split( 'mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME']) ) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen(['uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/']) time.sleep(3) test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print(("Current test directory: %s" % test_dir)) print(("Feeding Alignak backend... %s" % test_dir)) exit_code = shlex.split( 'alignak-backend-import --delete %s/cfg/default/_main.cfg' % test_dir) ) assert exit_code == 0 # Start arbiter module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_arbiter" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf) cls.objects = cls.arbmodule.get_objects()
def setUpClass(cls): # Set test mode for alignak backend # Uncomment to log the bakend REST API # os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ[ 'ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split('mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'])) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen([ 'uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/' ]) time.sleep(3) cls.backend = Backend('') cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force") realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm') for cont in realms['_items']: cls.realm_all = cont['_id'] # Get admin user users = cls.backend.get_all('user') for user in users['_items']: if user['name'] == 'admin': cls.user_admin = user # add commands data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_ping ="command", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_http ="command", data) cls.ping_cmd = data_cmd_http['_id'] # add 1 host data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_host ="host", data) # add 2 services data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_ping.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_ping ="service", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_http.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_http['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_http ="service", data) # Start arbiter module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_arbiter" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' # Update default check timers # check every x min if config in backend changed, if yes it will reload it # Default, every 5 minutes modconf.verify_modification = 1 # verify_modification 5 cls.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf) cls.objects = cls.arbmodule.get_objects()
def test_delete_host_service_detection(self): """Test if the hook detect we have deleted an host / service in the backend """ class Arbiter(object): conf = Config() pidfile = '/tmp/' arb = Arbiter() if os.path.exists('/tmp/'): os.remove('/tmp/') now = timegm(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple()) # add 1 host data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read()) data['check_command'] = self.ping_cmd data['name'] = 'srv002' del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = self.realm_all srv002 = self.data_host ="host", data) # Get our existing host hosts = self.backend.get_all('host') self.assertEqual(len(hosts['_items']), 3) # Start arbiter module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_arbiter" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' # Update default check timers # check every x min if config in backend changed, if yes it will reload it # Default, every 5 minutes modconf.verify_modification = 1 # verify_modification 5 self.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf) self.objects = self.arbmodule.get_objects() # No configuration check is done ... because it is not yet the moment to check. print("No configuration check") next_check = self.arbmodule.next_check print("Next check: %s" % (next_check)) assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_required is False assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_changelog == [] self.arbmodule.hook_tick(arb) print("Next check: %s / %s" % (next_check, self.arbmodule.next_check)) assert self.arbmodule.next_check == next_check assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_required is False assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_changelog == [] # delete the last host headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'If-Match': srv002['_etag'] } self.backend.delete('host/%s' % srv002['_id'], headers) hosts = self.backend.get_all('host') self.assertEqual(len(hosts['_items']), 2) # Set next check in the past to force a configuration check # Set check date in the future # And configuration has changed... print("Configuration check - a host has been deleted changed") self.arbmodule.next_check = now - 1 self.arbmodule.time_loaded_conf = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( now + 1).strftime(self.arbmodule.backend_date_format) print("Next check: %s" % (next_check)) assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_required is False assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_changelog == [] self.arbmodule.hook_tick(arb) print("Next check: %s / %s" % (next_check, self.arbmodule.next_check)) assert self.arbmodule.next_check > now assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_required is True assert len(self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_changelog) > 0
def setUpClass(cls): """ This method: * delete mongodb database * start the backend with uwsgi * log in the backend and get the token :return: None """ # Delete used mongo DBs exit_code = shlex.split( 'mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % 'alignak-backend') ) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen(['uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/']) time.sleep(3) cls.backend = Backend('') cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force") realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm') for cont in realms['_items']: cls.realm_all = cont['_id'] # add commands data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_ping ="command", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_http ="command", data) # add host data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_host ="host", data) # add 2 services data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_ping.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_ping ="service", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_http.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_http['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_http ="service", data) # Start broker module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_scheduler" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.schedmodule = AlignakBackendScheduler(modconf) class scheduler(object): """ Fake scheduler class used to save and load retention """ def __init__(self): = None def get_retention_data(self): """ Get host and service data for save in backend :return: properties of host and services :rtype: dict """ all_data = {'hosts': {}, 'services': {}} all_data['hosts']['srv001'] = { 'latency': 0, 'last_state_type': 'HARD', 'state': 'UP', 'last_chk': 0, } all_data['hosts']['srv002'] = { 'latency': 0, 'last_state_type': 'HARD', 'state': 'UP', 'last_chk': 0, } all_data['services'][('srv001', 'check_http')] = { 'latency': 0, 'last_state_type': 'HARD', 'state': 'OK', 'last_chk': 0, } all_data['services'][('srv002', 'check_https')] = { 'latency': 0, 'last_state_type': 'HARD', 'state': 'WARNING', 'last_chk': 0, } return all_data def restore_retention_data(self, data): """ Load hoas and servcie from backend retention :param data: dict of hosts and service from retention backend :type data: dict """ = data cls.sched = scheduler()
def setUpClass(cls): # Set test mode for alignak backend os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ[ 'ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split('mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'])) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen([ 'uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/' ]) time.sleep(3) cls.backend = Backend('') cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force") realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm') for cont in realms['_items']: cls.realm_all = cont['_id'] timeperiods = cls.backend.get_all('timeperiod') for tp in timeperiods['_items']: if tp['name'] == '24x7': timeperiods_id = tp['_id'] # add commands data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_ping ="command", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_http ="command", data) # Add some realms data = {'name': 'All-A', '_parent': cls.realm_all} realm_a ="realm", data) cls.realm_all_a = realm_a['_id'] data = {'name': 'All-B', '_parent': cls.realm_all}"realm", data) data = {'name': 'All-A-1', '_parent': realm_a['_id']}"realm", data) # Get admin user resp = cls.backend.get_all('user') cls.user_admin = resp['_items'][0] # Add user # User 1 data = { 'name': 'user1', 'password': '******', 'back_role_super_admin': False, 'host_notification_period': cls.user_admin['host_notification_period'], 'service_notification_period': cls.user_admin['service_notification_period'], '_realm': realm_a['_id'], '_sub_realm': False } user1 ='user', data) data = { 'user': user1['_id'], 'realm': realm_a['_id'], 'resource': '*', 'crud': ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'] }'userrestrictrole', data) # Start arbiter backend module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_arbiter" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf) modconf2 = Module() modconf2.module_alias = "backend_arbiter" modconf2.username = "******" modconf2.password = "******" modconf2.api_url = '' cls.arbmodule2 = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf2)
def setUpClass(cls): """This method: * deletes mongodb database * starts the backend with uwsgi * logs in the backend and gets the token :return: None """ # Set test mode for alignak backend os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ[ 'ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split('mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'])) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen([ 'uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/' ]) time.sleep(3) cls.backend = Backend('') cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force") realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm') for cont in realms['_items']: cls.realm_all = cont['_id'] # add commands data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read()) data['name'] = 'other-ping' data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_ping ="command", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_http ="command", data) # add host data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_host ="host", data) # add 2 services data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_ping.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_ping ="service", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_http.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_http['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_http ="service", data) # Get admin user users = cls.backend.get_all('user') cls.user_id = users['_items'][0]['_id'] # Start scheduler module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_scheduler" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.schedmodule = AlignakBackendScheduler(modconf) class scheduler(object): """ Fake scheduler class used to save and load retention """ def __init__(self): = None def get_retention_data(self): """ Get host and service data for save in backend :return: properties of host and services :rtype: dict """ all_data = {'hosts': {}, 'services': {}} all_data['hosts']['srv001'] = { 'latency': 0, 'last_state_type': 'HARD', 'state': 'UP', 'last_chk': 0, } all_data['hosts']['srv002'] = { 'latency': 0, 'last_state_type': 'HARD', 'state': 'UP', 'last_chk': 0, } all_data['services'][('srv001', 'check_http')] = { 'latency': 0, 'last_state_type': 'HARD', 'state': 'OK', 'last_chk': 0, } all_data['services'][('srv002', 'check_https')] = { 'latency': 0, 'last_state_type': 'HARD', 'state': 'WARNING', 'last_chk': 0, } return all_data def restore_retention_data(self, data): """ Load hoas and servcie from backend retention :param data: dict of hosts and service from retention backend :type data: dict """ = data cls.sched = scheduler()
def setUpClass(cls): # Set test mode for alignak backend os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ[ 'ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split('mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'])) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen([ 'uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/' ]) time.sleep(3) cls.backend = Backend('') cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force") realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm') for cont in realms['_items']: cls.realm_all = cont['_id'] # add commands data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_ping ="command", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_http ="command", data) # add host data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_host ="host", data) # add 2 services data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_ping.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_ping ="service", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_http.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_http['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_srv_http ="service", data) users = cls.backend.get_all('user') cls.user_id = users['_items'][0]['_id'] # Start broker module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_broker" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.brokmodule = AlignakBackendBroker(modconf)
def setUpClass(cls): # Set test mode for alignak backend os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print ("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split( 'mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME']) ) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen(['uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/']) time.sleep(3) cls.backend = Backend('') cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force") realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm') for cont in realms['_items']: cls.realm_all = cont['_id'] timeperiods = cls.backend.get_all('timeperiod') for tp in timeperiods['_items']: if tp['name'] == '24x7': timeperiods_id = tp['_id'] # add commands data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_ping ="command", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_http ="command", data) # add user data = {'name': 'jeronimo', 'host_notification_period': timeperiods_id, 'service_notification_period': timeperiods_id, '_realm': cls.realm_all} data_user_jeronimo ="user", data) # add usergroup data = {'name': 'admins', '_realm': cls.realm_all, 'users': [data_user_jeronimo['_id']]} data_usergroup ="usergroup", data) # add host template data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srvtemplate.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_host ="host", data) # add host data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data['users'] = [data_user_jeronimo['_id']] data['usergroups'] = [data_usergroup['_id']] cls.data_host ="host", data) # add service ping data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_ping.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data['users'] = [data_user_jeronimo['_id']] data['usergroups'] = [data_usergroup['_id']] cls.data_srv_ping ="service", data) # Add hostgroup data = {'name': 'allmyhosts', '_realm': cls.realm_all, 'hosts': [cls.data_host['_id']]}"hostgroup", data) # add service http data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_http.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_http['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data['users'] = [data_user_jeronimo['_id']] data['usergroups'] = [data_usergroup['_id']] cls.data_srv_http ="service", data) # Add some realms data = { 'name': 'All-A', '_parent': cls.realm_all } realm_a ="realm", data) data = { 'name': 'All-B', '_parent': cls.realm_all }"realm", data) data = { 'name': 'All-A-1', '_parent': realm_a['_id'] }"realm", data) # Start broker module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "alignakbackendarbit" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf) cls.objects = cls.arbmodule.get_objects()
def setUpClass(cls): # Set test mode for alignak backend os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1' os.environ[ 'ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test' # Delete used mongo DBs print("Deleting Alignak backend DB...") exit_code = shlex.split('mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' % os.environ['ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'])) assert exit_code == 0 cls.p = subprocess.Popen([ 'uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app', '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads', '--pidfile', '/tmp/' ]) time.sleep(3) cls.backend = Backend('') cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force") realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm') for cont in realms['_items']: cls.realm_all = cont['_id'] timeperiods = cls.backend.get_all('timeperiod') for tp in timeperiods['_items']: if tp['name'] == '24x7': timeperiods_id = tp['_id'] # add commands data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_ping ="command", data) data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read()) data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data_cmd_http ="command", data) # add user data = { 'name': 'jeronimo', 'customs': { '_OS': 'linux', 'licence': 'free ;)' }, 'host_notification_period': timeperiods_id, 'service_notification_period': timeperiods_id, '_realm': cls.realm_all } data_user_jeronimo ="user", data) # add usergroup data = { 'name': 'admins', '_realm': cls.realm_all, 'users': [data_user_jeronimo['_id']] } data_usergroup ="usergroup", data) # add host template data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srvtemplate.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all cls.data_host ="host", data) # add host data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read()) data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] del data['realm'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data['customs'] = {'_OS': 'linux', 'licence': 'free ;)'} data['users'] = [data_user_jeronimo['_id']] data['usergroups'] = [data_usergroup['_id']] cls.data_host ="host", data) # Add hostgroup data = { 'name': 'allmyhosts', '_realm': cls.realm_all, 'hosts': [cls.data_host['_id']] } cls.data_hostgroup ="hostgroup", data) # add service ping data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_ping.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data['users'] = [data_user_jeronimo['_id']] data['usergroups'] = [data_usergroup['_id']] cls.data_srv_ping ="service", data) # add service pong data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_pong.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data['users'] = [data_user_jeronimo['_id']] data['usergroups'] = [data_usergroup['_id']] data['hostgroups'] = [cls.data_hostgroup['_id']] cls.data_srv_pong ="service", data) # add service http data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_http.json').read()) data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id'] data['check_command'] = data_cmd_http['_id'] data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all data['customs'] = {'_OS': 'linux', 'licence': 'free ;)'} data['users'] = [data_user_jeronimo['_id']] data['usergroups'] = [data_usergroup['_id']] cls.data_srv_http ="service", data) # Add some realms data = {'name': 'All-A', '_parent': cls.realm_all} realm_a ="realm", data) data = {'name': 'All-B', '_parent': cls.realm_all}"realm", data) data = {'name': 'All-A-1', '_parent': realm_a['_id']}"realm", data) # Start arbiter backend module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_arbiter" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' cls.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf) cls.objects = cls.arbmodule.get_objects()
def test_alignak_configuration(self): """Test alignak configuration reading :return: """ # Start broker module modconf = Module() modconf.module_alias = "backend_broker" modconf.username = "******" modconf.password = "******" modconf.api_url = '' self.brokmodule = AlignakBackendBroker(modconf) # Get a program status brok brok_data = { # Some general information 'alignak_name': 'my_alignak', 'instance_id': '176064a1b30741d39452415097807ab0', 'instance_name': 'scheduler-master', # Some running information 'program_start': 1493969754, 'daemon_mode': 1, 'pid': 68989, 'last_alive': 1493970641, 'last_command_check': 1493970641, 'last_log_rotation': 1493970641, 'is_running': 1, # Some configuration parameters 'process_performance_data': True, 'passive_service_checks_enabled': True, 'event_handlers_enabled': True, 'command_file': '', 'global_host_event_handler': None, 'interval_length': 60, 'modified_host_attributes': 0, 'check_external_commands': True, 'modified_service_attributes': 0, 'passive_host_checks_enabled': True, 'global_service_event_handler': None, 'notifications_enabled': True, 'check_service_freshness': True, 'check_host_freshness': True, 'flap_detection_enabled': True, 'active_service_checks_enabled': True, 'active_host_checks_enabled': True } brok = Brok({'type': 'update_program_status', 'data': brok_data}) brok.prepare() # ------- # Configure to manage this brok (default is to ignore...) ! self.brokmodule.manage_update_program_status = True # Send program status brok self.brokmodule.manage_brok(brok) # This has created an `alignak` resource... # Now we call the Arbiter hook function to get this created configuration # Will get all the `alignak` resources because no arbiter name is defined ... fake_arb = Arbiter() self.arbmodule.hook_read_configuration(fake_arb) configuration = self.arbmodule.get_alignak_configuration() print(("Configuration: %s" % configuration)) expected = brok_data.copy() print(("Expected: %s" % expected)) expected['name'] = expected.pop('alignak_name') # Some fields are valued as default by the backend configuration.pop('_created') configuration.pop('_updated') configuration.pop('_id') configuration.pop('_etag') configuration.pop('_realm') configuration.pop('_sub_realm') configuration.pop('_links') configuration.pop('schema_version') # TODO need add this new fields in alignak brok creation for field_name in ['use_timezone', 'illegal_macro_output_chars', 'illegal_object_name_chars', 'cleaning_queues_interval', 'max_plugins_output_length', 'enable_environment_macros', 'log_initial_states', 'log_active_checks', 'log_host_retries', 'log_service_retries', 'log_passive_checks', 'log_notifications', 'log_event_handlers', 'log_external_commands', 'log_flappings', 'log_snapshots', 'enable_notifications', 'notification_timeout', 'timeout_exit_status', 'execute_host_checks', 'max_host_check_spread', 'host_check_timeout', 'check_for_orphaned_hosts', 'execute_service_checks', 'max_service_check_spread', 'service_check_timeout', 'check_for_orphaned_services', 'flap_history', 'low_host_flap_threshold', 'high_host_flap_threshold', 'low_service_flap_threshold', 'high_service_flap_threshold', 'event_handler_timeout', 'no_event_handlers_during_downtimes', 'host_perfdata_command', 'service_perfdata_command', 'accept_passive_host_checks', 'host_freshness_check_interval', 'accept_passive_service_checks', 'service_freshness_check_interval', 'additional_freshness_latency']: configuration.pop(field_name) expected['alias'] = expected['name'] expected['notes'] = '' expected['notes_url'] = '' expected['global_host_event_handler'] = str(expected['global_host_event_handler']) expected['global_service_event_handler'] = 'None' self.assertEqual(configuration, expected) # Get another program status brok brok_data = { # Some general information 'alignak_name': 'my_alignak_2', 'instance_id': '176064a1b30741d39452415097807ab0', 'instance_name': 'scheduler-master', # Some running information 'program_start': 1493969754, 'daemon_mode': 1, 'pid': 68989, 'last_alive': 1493970641, 'last_command_check': 1493970641, 'last_log_rotation': 1493970641, 'is_running': 1, # Some configuration parameters 'process_performance_data': True, 'passive_service_checks_enabled': True, 'event_handlers_enabled': True, 'command_file': '', 'global_host_event_handler': 'None', 'interval_length': 60, 'modified_host_attributes': 0, 'check_external_commands': True, 'modified_service_attributes': 0, 'passive_host_checks_enabled': True, 'global_service_event_handler': 'None', 'notifications_enabled': True, 'check_service_freshness': True, 'check_host_freshness': True, 'flap_detection_enabled': True, 'active_service_checks_enabled': True, 'active_host_checks_enabled': True } brok = Brok({'type': 'update_program_status', 'data': brok_data}) brok.prepare() # Send program status brok self.brokmodule.manage_brok(brok) # This has created an `alignak` resource... # Now we call the Arbiter hook function to get this created configuration # Get the configuration for a specific arbiter / alignak # It will be the first one created fake_arb = Arbiter(arbiter_name='my_alignak') self.arbmodule.hook_read_configuration(fake_arb) configuration = self.arbmodule.get_alignak_configuration() # Some fields are valued as default by the backend configuration.pop('_created') configuration.pop('_updated') configuration.pop('_id') configuration.pop('_etag') configuration.pop('_realm') configuration.pop('_sub_realm') configuration.pop('_links') configuration.pop('schema_version') # TODO need add this new fields in alignak brok creation for field_name in ['use_timezone', 'illegal_macro_output_chars', 'illegal_object_name_chars', 'cleaning_queues_interval', 'max_plugins_output_length', 'enable_environment_macros', 'log_initial_states', 'log_active_checks', 'log_host_retries', 'log_service_retries', 'log_passive_checks', 'log_notifications', 'log_event_handlers', 'log_external_commands', 'log_flappings', 'log_snapshots', 'enable_notifications', 'notification_timeout', 'timeout_exit_status', 'execute_host_checks', 'max_host_check_spread', 'host_check_timeout', 'check_for_orphaned_hosts', 'execute_service_checks', 'max_service_check_spread', 'service_check_timeout', 'check_for_orphaned_services', 'flap_history', 'low_host_flap_threshold', 'high_host_flap_threshold', 'low_service_flap_threshold', 'high_service_flap_threshold', 'event_handler_timeout', 'no_event_handlers_during_downtimes', 'host_perfdata_command', 'service_perfdata_command', 'accept_passive_host_checks', 'host_freshness_check_interval', 'accept_passive_service_checks', 'service_freshness_check_interval', 'additional_freshness_latency']: configuration.pop(field_name) self.assertEqual(configuration, expected)