예제 #1
    def ScorePhonemes(self, source=[], target=[]):
        """Compare the phonemes of a source and target sentence and determine 
        which of the target items were correctly transcribed
            hits_phonemes (nested list): list of bools corresponding to the accuracy
            of each phoneme in the target list for each sentence
        This scoring method has no word accuracy awareness. Phonemes from correctly input
        words may wind up as labeled wrong ( i.e. target:"with the" source: "with a" alignement: )
        Modified from Eser Aygün (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/alignment/1.0.9)        
        if not source:
            source = self.source_phonemes
        if not target:
            target = self.target_phonemes

        self.source_matched = []
        hits = []
        for x, ttup in enumerate(target):
            tphon, twordnum, tword = zip(*ttup)
            stup = source[x]
            if not stup:
                hitlist = [False] * len(tphon)
                bPhonOut = ['-'] * len(tphon)
                sphon, swordnum, sword = zip(*stup)
                # Create sequences to be aligned.
                a = Sequence(tphon)
                b = Sequence(sphon)

                # Create a vocabulary and encode the sequences.
                v = Vocabulary()
                aEncoded = v.encodeSequence(a)
                bEncoded = v.encodeSequence(b)

                # Create a scoring and align the sequences using global aligner.
                scoring = SimpleScoring(2, -1)
                aligner = GlobalSequenceAligner(scoring, -2)
                score, encodeds = aligner.align(aEncoded,
                encoded = encodeds[0]

                #Score based only on hits vs misses, insertions are ignored
                notInsert = encoded[:][0] != 0
                nonInsertMatched = encoded[notInsert][:]

                #Find the alignment in the target sequence
                aSeq = nonInsertMatched[:][0]
                bSeq = nonInsertMatched[:][1]

                #Label all items not aligned to the target as false
                hitlist = []
                y = 0
                for y in range(0, len(aEncoded) - len(aSeq) + 1):
                    aChunk = aEncoded[y:y + len(aSeq)]
                    #print aChunk
                    if sum(aChunk - aSeq) == 0:
                hitlist.extend([False] * (y))
                hitlist.extend(list(aSeq - bSeq == 0))
                hitlist.extend([False] * (len(aEncoded) - y - len(aSeq)))
                #Export the target aligned phonemes of the source sequence
                bPhons = np.zeros(len(aEncoded), int)
                bPhons[y:y + len(bSeq)] = bSeq
                bPhonOut = np.array(v.elements())[bPhons].tolist()
            self.hits_phonemes = hits
예제 #2
    def ScoreWords(self):
        """Aligns the words of the source sentence to match the target sentence
        to determine hit vs missed words
           hits (nested list): The target [0] and source [1] sentences in a nested list 
        Modified from Eser Aygün (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/alignment/1.0.9)
        target = self.target
        source = self.source
        self.source_matchWords = []
        hits = []
        wscore = np.empty(0)
        for tnum, tsent in enumerate(target):
            ssent = source[tnum]
            # Create sequences to be aligned.
            a = Sequence(tsent.split())
            b = Sequence(ssent.split())

            # Create a vocabulary and encode the sequences.
            v = Vocabulary()
            aEncoded = v.encodeSequence(a)
            bEncoded = v.encodeSequence(b)

            # Create a scoring and align the sequences using global aligner.
            scoring = SimpleScoring(5, -1)
            aligner = GlobalSequenceAligner(scoring, -1)
            score, encodeds = aligner.align(aEncoded, bEncoded, backtrace=True)
            encoded = encodeds[0]

            #Score based only on hits vs misses, insertions are ignored
            notInsert = encoded[:][0] != 0
            nonInsertMatched = encoded[notInsert][:]

            #Find the alignment in the target sequence
            aSeq = nonInsertMatched[:][0]
            bSeq = nonInsertMatched[:][1]

            #Label all items not aligned to the target as false
            hitlist = []
            x = 0
            for x in range(0, len(aEncoded) - len(aSeq) + 1):
                aChunk = aEncoded[x:x + len(aSeq)]
                #print aChunk
                if sum(aChunk - aSeq) == 0:
            hitlist.extend([False] * (x))
            hitlist.extend(list(aSeq - bSeq == 0))
            hitlist.extend([False] * (len(aEncoded) - x - len(aSeq)))
            #Export the target aligned words of the source sequence
            bWords = np.zeros(len(aEncoded), int)
            bWords[x:x + len(bSeq)] = bSeq
            bWordOut = np.array(v.elements())[bWords].tolist()
            iwscore = sum(hitlist) * 100 / float(len(hitlist))
            wscore = np.hstack([wscore, iwscore])
            print bWordOut
            self.hits = hits
            self.wscore = wscore