def plot_training_curves(ags): df = ags[ags.test_nodes == 64].copy() df['g'] = + df.test_nodes.astype(str) return (pn.ggplot( df, pn.aes(x='train_flops', y='400/np.log(10)*elo', group='g', color='factor(boardsize)')) + pn.geom_line() + pn.geom_point(size=.5) + pn.scale_x_continuous(trans='log10') + pn.scale_color_discrete(name='Boardsize') + pn.labs(x='Training FLOPS', y='Elo v. perfect play', title='All agents\' training curves') + plot.mpl_theme() + plot.poster_sizes())
def plot_params(ags): df = ags.query('boardsize == 9 & test_nodes == 64').copy() df['params'] = df.train_flops / df.samples return ( pn.ggplot( df, pn.aes(x='train_flops', y='400/np.log(10)*elo', color='params', group='run')) + pn.geom_line() + pn.geom_point() + pn.scale_x_continuous(trans='log10') + pn.scale_color_continuous(trans='log10', name='Params') + pn.labs( title= 'Smaller networks are more compute efficient for lower performances, but plateau earlier', y='Elo v. perfect play', x='Train FLOPS') + plot.mpl_theme() + plot.poster_sizes() + plot.no_colorbar_ticks())
def plot_sample_efficiency(ags): df = ags.query('boardsize == 9 & test_nodes == 64').copy() df['params'] = df.train_flops / df.samples return ( pn.ggplot( df, pn.aes(x='samples', y='400/np.log(10)*elo', color='params', group='run')) + pn.geom_line() + pn.geom_point() + pn.scale_x_continuous(trans='log10') + pn.scale_color_continuous(trans='log10', name='Params') + pn.labs( title= 'Bigger networks might not be comute efficient, but they are sample efficient', y='Elo v. perfect play', x='Train FLOPS') + plot.mpl_theme() + plot.poster_sizes() + plot.no_colorbar_ticks())
def plot_resid_var_trends(ags): resid_var = data.residual_vars(ags) return ( pn.ggplot( resid_var, pn.aes(x='ratio', y='rv', color='factor(predicted)', group='predicted')) + pn.geom_line(size=2) + pn.geom_text(pn.aes(label='seen'), nudge_y=-.1, size=14) + pn.geom_point(size=4) + pn.scale_x_continuous(trans='log10') + pn.scale_y_continuous(trans='log10') + pn.scale_color_discrete(name='Predicted frontier') + pn.labs( x='(cost of observed frontier)/(cost of predicted frontier)', y='residual variance in performance', title= 'Frontiers of small problems are good, cheap proxies for frontiers of expensive problems' ) + plot.mpl_theme() + plot.poster_sizes())
def plot_flops_frontier(ags): df = data.modelled_elos(ags) return ( pn.ggplot( df, pn.aes( x='train_flops', color='factor(boardsize)', group='boardsize')) + pn.geom_line(pn.aes(y='400/np.log(10)*elo'), size=2) + pn.geom_line( pn.aes(y='400/np.log(10)*elohat'), size=1, linetype='dashed') + pn.labs( x='Training FLOPS', y='Elo v. perfect play', title= 'Performance is a sigmoid of compute, linearly scaled by board size' ) + pn.scale_x_continuous(trans='log10') + pn.scale_color_discrete(name='Boardsize') + pn.coord_cartesian(None, (None, 0)) + plot.mpl_theme() + plot.poster_sizes())