def sidebar_menu(self): try: l = [] moderate_link = None forum_links = [] forums = DM.Forum.query.find(dict(, parent_id=None, deleted=False)) for f in forums: if has_access(f,'read')(): if f.url() in request.url and h.has_access(f, 'moderate')(): moderate_link = SitemapEntry('Moderate', "%smoderate/" % f.url(), ui_icon=g.icons['pencil'], small = DM.ForumPost.query.find({'discussion_id':f._id, 'status':{'$ne': 'ok'}}).count()) forum_links.append(SitemapEntry(, f.url(), small=f.num_topics)) l.append(SitemapEntry('Create Topic', + 'create_topic', ui_icon=g.icons['plus'])) if has_access(, 'configure')(): l.append(SitemapEntry('Add Forum', + 'new_forum', ui_icon=g.icons['conversation'])) l.append(SitemapEntry('Admin Forums', c.project.url()+'admin/'+self.config.options.mount_point+'/forums', ui_icon=g.icons['pencil'])) if moderate_link: l.append(moderate_link) # if we are in a thread and not anonymous, provide placeholder links to use in js if '/thread/' in request.url and c.user not in (None, M.User.anonymous()): l.append(SitemapEntry( 'Mark as Spam', 'flag_as_spam', ui_icon=g.icons['flag'], className='sidebar_thread_spam')) if forum_links: l.append(SitemapEntry('Forums')) l = l + forum_links l.append(SitemapEntry('Help')) l.append(SitemapEntry('Formatting Help', + 'markdown_syntax')) return l except: # pragma no cover log.exception('sidebar_menu') return []
def sidebar_menu(self): try: l = [] moderate_link = None forum_links = [] forums = DM.Forum.query.find( dict(, parent_id=None, deleted=False)) for f in forums: if has_access(f, 'read')(): if f.url() in request.url and h.has_access(f, 'moderate')(): moderate_link = SitemapEntry( 'Moderate', "%smoderate/" % f.url(), ui_icon=g.icons['pencil'], small=DM.ForumPost.query.find({ 'discussion_id': f._id, 'status': { '$ne': 'ok' } }).count()) forum_links.append( SitemapEntry(, f.url(), small=f.num_topics)) url = + 'create_topic/' url = h.urlquote(url + if getattr(c, 'forum', None) and else url) l.append(SitemapEntry('Create Topic', url, ui_icon=g.icons['plus'])) if has_access(, 'configure')(): l.append( SitemapEntry('Add Forum', + 'new_forum', ui_icon=g.icons['conversation'])) l.append( SitemapEntry('Admin Forums', c.project.url() + 'admin/' + self.config.options.mount_point + '/forums', ui_icon=g.icons['pencil'])) if moderate_link: l.append(moderate_link) # if we are in a thread and not anonymous, provide placeholder links to use in js if '/thread/' in request.url and c.user not in ( None, M.User.anonymous()): l.append( SitemapEntry('Mark as Spam', 'flag_as_spam', ui_icon=g.icons['flag'], className='sidebar_thread_spam')) if forum_links: l.append(SitemapEntry('Forums')) l = l + forum_links l.append(SitemapEntry('Help')) l.append( SitemapEntry('Formatting Help', + 'markdown_syntax')) return l except: # pragma no cover log.exception('sidebar_menu') return []
def create_common_wiki_menu(self, has_create_access, admin_menu=False): links = [] if has_create_access: links += [SitemapEntry('Create Page', self.url + 'create_wiki_page/', ui_icon=g.icons['add'], className='admin_modal')] if not admin_menu: links += [SitemapEntry(''), SitemapEntry('Wiki Home', self.url, className='wiki_home')] links += [SitemapEntry('Browse Pages', self.url + 'browse_pages/'), SitemapEntry('Browse Labels', self.url + 'browse_tags/')] discussion = self.config.discussion pending_mod_count = M.Post.query.find({ 'discussion_id': discussion._id, 'status': 'pending', 'deleted': False }).count() if discussion else 0 if pending_mod_count and h.has_access(discussion, 'moderate')(): links.append( SitemapEntry( 'Moderate', discussion.url() + 'moderate', ui_icon=g.icons['moderate'], small=pending_mod_count)) if not c.user.is_anonymous() and not admin_menu: subscribed = M.Mailbox.subscribed(app_config_id=self.config._id) subscribe_action = 'unsubscribe' if subscribed else 'subscribe' subscribe_title = '{}{}'.format( subscribe_action.capitalize(), '' if subscribed else ' to wiki') subscribe_url = '{}#toggle-{}'.format(self.url + 'subscribe', subscribe_action) links.append(SitemapEntry(None)) links.append(SitemapEntry(subscribe_title, subscribe_url, ui_icon=g.icons['mail'])) if not admin_menu: links += [SitemapEntry(''), SitemapEntry('Formatting Help', self.url + 'markdown_syntax/')] return links
def __json__(self): return dict( shortname=self.shortname,, _id=str(self._id), url=h.absurl(self.url()), private=self.private, short_description=self.short_description, summary=self.summary, external_homepage=self.external_homepage, socialnetworks=[dict(n) for n in self.socialnetworks], status=self.removal or 'active', moved_to_url=self.moved_to_url, preferred_support_tool=self.support_page, preferred_support_url=self.support_page_url, developers=[u.__json__() for u in self.users_with_role('Developer')], tools=[dict(name=t.tool_name, mount_point=t.options.mount_point, label=t.options.mount_label) for t in self.app_configs if h.has_access(t, 'read')], labels=list(self.labels), categories={ n: [t.__json__() for t in ts] for n, ts in self.all_troves().items()}, icon_url=h.absurl(self.url() + 'icon') if self.icon else None, screenshots = [ dict( url = h.absurl(self.url() + 'screenshot/' + urllib.quote(ss.filename)), thumbnail_url = h.absurl(self.url() + 'screenshot/' + urllib.quote(ss.filename) + '/thumb'), caption = ss.caption, ) for ss in self.get_screenshots() ] )
def create_common_wiki_menu(self, has_create_access, create_page_url, create_page_class, admin_menu=False): links = [] if has_create_access: links += [SitemapEntry('Create Page', create_page_url, ui_icon=g.icons['plus'], className=create_page_class)] if not admin_menu: links += [SitemapEntry(''), SitemapEntry('Wiki Home', self.url, className='wiki_home')] links += [SitemapEntry('Browse Pages', self.url + 'browse_pages/'), SitemapEntry('Browse Labels', self.url + 'browse_tags/')] discussion = pending_mod_count = M.Post.query.find( {'discussion_id': discussion._id, 'status': 'pending'}).count() if discussion else 0 if pending_mod_count and h.has_access(discussion, 'moderate')(): links.append( SitemapEntry( 'Moderate', discussion.url() + 'moderate', ui_icon=g.icons['pencil'], small=pending_mod_count)) if not admin_menu: links += [SitemapEntry(''), SitemapEntry('Formatting Help', self.url + 'markdown_syntax/')] return links
def index(self, new_forum=False, **kw): c.new_topic = self.W.new_topic c.new_topic = self.W.new_topic c.add_forum = self.W.add_forum c.announcements_table = self.W.announcements_table announcements = model.ForumThread.query.find( dict(, flags='Announcement', )).all() forums = model.Forum.query.find( dict(, parent_id=None, deleted=False)).all() forums = [f for f in forums if h.has_access(f, 'read')()] threads = dict() for forum in forums: threads[forum._id] = model.ForumThread.query.find( dict(discussion_id=forum._id, num_replies={'$gt': 0})).sort('mod_date', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(6).all() return dict(forums=forums, threads=threads, announcements=announcements, hide_forum=(not new_forum))
def get_projects(self): return [ project for project in self.user.my_projects() if project != c.project and ( self.user == c.user or h.has_access(project, 'read')) and not project.is_nbhd_project and not project.is_user_project ]
def get_projects(self): return [ project for project in self.user.my_projects() if project != c.project and (self.user == c.user or h.has_access(project, 'read')) and not project.is_nbhd_project and not project.is_user_project]
def prepare_context(self, context): context['projects'] = [ project for project in self.user.my_projects() if project != c.project and (self.user == c.user or h.has_access(project, 'read')) and not project.is_nbhd_project and not project.is_user_project] return context
def index(self, **kw): return dict(name=c.project.shortname, tools=[ dict(name=t.tool_name, mount_point=t.options.mount_point, label=t.options.mount_label) for t in c.project.app_configs if h.has_access(t, 'read') ])
def index(self, **kw): return dict( name=c.project.shortname, tools=[ dict(name=t.tool_name, mount_point=t.options.mount_point, label=t.options.mount_label) for t in c.project.app_configs if h.has_access(t, "read") ], )
def sitemap(self, excluded_tools=None): """Return the project sitemap. :param list excluded_tools: tool names (AppConfig.tool_name) to exclude from sitemap """ from import SitemapEntry entries = [] anchored_tools = self.neighborhood.get_anchored_tools() i = len(anchored_tools) new_tools = self.install_anchored_tools() # Set menu mode delta_ordinal = i max_ordinal = i for sub in self.direct_subprojects: ordinal = sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({'ordinal':sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal,'entry':SitemapEntry(, sub.url())}) for ac in self.app_configs + [a.config for a in new_tools]: if excluded_tools and ac.tool_name in excluded_tools: continue # Tool could've been uninstalled in the meantime try: App = ac.load() # If so, we don't want it listed except KeyError as e: log.exception('AppConfig %s references invalid tool %s', ac._id, ac.tool_name) continue app = App(self, ac) if app.is_visible_to(c.user): for sm in app.main_menu(): entry = sm.bind_app(app) entry.tool_name = ac.tool_name entry.ui_icon = 'tool-%s' % entry.tool_name.lower() if not self.is_nbhd_project and (entry.tool_name.lower() in anchored_tools.keys()): ordinal = anchored_tools.keys().index(entry.tool_name.lower()) elif ac.tool_name == 'admin': ordinal = 100 else: ordinal = int(ac.options.get('ordinal', 0)) + delta_ordinal if self.is_nbhd_project and entry.label == 'Admin': entry.matching_urls.append('%s_admin/' % self.url()) if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({'ordinal':ordinal,'entry':entry}) if self == self.neighborhood.neighborhood_project and h.has_access(self.neighborhood, 'admin'): entries.append({'ordinal': max_ordinal + 1,'entry':SitemapEntry('Moderate', "%s_moderate/" % self.neighborhood.url(), ui_icon="tool-admin")}) max_ordinal += 1 entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda e: e['ordinal']) return [e['entry'] for e in entries]
def index(self, sort='alpha', limit=25, page=0, **kw): c.project = self.neighborhood.neighborhood_project if self.neighborhood.redirect: redirect(self.neighborhood.redirect) if not self.neighborhood.has_home_tool: mount = c.project.first_mount() if mount is not None: if 'ac' in mount: redirect(mount['ac'].options.mount_point + '/') elif 'sub' in mount: redirect(mount['sub'].url()) else: redirect(c.project.app_configs[0].options.mount_point + '/') c.project_summary = W.project_summary c.page_list = W.page_list limit, page, start = g.handle_paging(limit, page) pq = M.Project.query.find( dict( neighborhood_id=self.neighborhood._id, deleted=False, is_nbhd_project=False, )) if sort == 'alpha': pq.sort('name') else: pq.sort('last_updated', pymongo.DESCENDING) count = pq.count() nb_max_projects = self.neighborhood.get_max_projects() projects = pq.skip(start).limit(int(limit)).all() categories = M.ProjectCategory.query.find({ 'parent_id': None }).sort('name').all() c.custom_sidebar_menu = [] if h.has_access(self.neighborhood, 'register')() and (nb_max_projects is None or count < nb_max_projects): c.custom_sidebar_menu += [ SitemapEntry('Add a Project', self.neighborhood.url() + 'add_project', ui_icon=g.icons['plus']), SitemapEntry('') ] c.custom_sidebar_menu = c.custom_sidebar_menu + [ SitemapEntry(cat.label, self.neighborhood.url() + 'browse/' + for cat in categories ] return dict(neighborhood=self.neighborhood, title="Welcome to " +, text=g.markdown.convert(self.neighborhood.homepage), projects=projects, sort=sort, limit=limit, page=page, count=count)
def sitemap(self, excluded_tools=None): """Return the project sitemap. :param list excluded_tools: tool names (AppConfig.tool_name) to exclude from sitemap """ from import SitemapEntry entries = [] # Set menu mode delta_ordinal = 0 max_ordinal = 0 if self.is_user_project: entries.append( { "ordinal": delta_ordinal, "entry": SitemapEntry("Profile", "%sprofile/" % self.url(), ui_icon="tool-home"), } ) max_ordinal = delta_ordinal delta_ordinal = delta_ordinal + 1 for sub in self.direct_subprojects: ordinal = sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({"ordinal": sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal, "entry": SitemapEntry(, sub.url())}) for ac in self.app_configs: if excluded_tools and ac.tool_name in excluded_tools: continue App = ac.load() app = App(self, ac) if app.is_visible_to(c.user): for sm in app.main_menu(): entry = sm.bind_app(app) entry.ui_icon = "tool-%s" % ac.tool_name.lower() ordinal = int(ac.options.get("ordinal", 0)) + delta_ordinal if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({"ordinal": ordinal, "entry": entry}) if self == self.neighborhood.neighborhood_project and h.has_access(self.neighborhood, "admin"): entries.append( { "ordinal": max_ordinal + 1, "entry": SitemapEntry("Moderate", "%s_moderate/" % self.neighborhood.url(), ui_icon="tool-admin"), } ) max_ordinal += 1 entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda e: e["ordinal"]) return [e["entry"] for e in entries]
def index(self, sort='alpha', limit=25, page=0, **kw): text = None if self.neighborhood.use_wiki_page_as_root: default_wiki_page = get_default_wiki_page() if default_wiki_page: text = default_wiki_page.html_text elif self.neighborhood.redirect: redirect(self.neighborhood.redirect) elif not self.neighborhood.has_home_tool: mount = c.project.ordered_mounts()[0] if mount is not None: if 'ac' in mount: redirect(mount['ac'].options.mount_point + '/') elif 'sub' in mount: redirect(mount['sub'].url()) else: redirect(c.project.app_configs[0].options.mount_point + '/') else: text=g.markdown.cached_convert( self.neighborhood, 'homepage'), c.project_summary = W.project_summary c.page_list = W.page_list limit, page, start = g.handle_paging(limit, page) pq = M.Project.query.find(dict( neighborhood_id=self.neighborhood._id, deleted=False, is_nbhd_project=False, )) if sort == 'alpha': pq.sort('name') else: pq.sort('last_updated', pymongo.DESCENDING) count = pq.count() nb_max_projects = self.neighborhood.get_max_projects() projects = pq.skip(start).limit(int(limit)).all() categories = M.ProjectCategory.query.find( {'parent_id': None}).sort('name').all() c.custom_sidebar_menu = [] if h.has_access(self.neighborhood, 'register')() and (nb_max_projects is None or count < nb_max_projects): c.custom_sidebar_menu += [ SitemapEntry('Add a Project', self.neighborhood.url() + 'add_project', ui_icon=g.icons['add']), SitemapEntry('') ] c.custom_sidebar_menu = c.custom_sidebar_menu + [ SitemapEntry(cat.label, self.neighborhood.url() + 'browse/' + for cat in categories ] return dict(neighborhood=self.neighborhood, title="Welcome to " +, text=text, projects=projects, sort=sort, limit=limit, page=page, count=count)
def index(self, new_forum=False, **kw): c.add_forum = self.W.add_forum c.announcements_table = self.W.announcements_table announcements = model.ForumThread.query.find(dict(, flags='Announcement', )).all() forums = model.Forum.query.find(dict(, parent_id=None, deleted=False)).all() forums = [f for f in forums if h.has_access(f, 'read')()] return dict(forums=forums, announcements=announcements, hide_forum=(not new_forum))
def index(self, new_forum=False, **kw): c.add_forum = self.W.add_forum c.announcements_table = self.W.announcements_table announcements = model.ForumThread.query.find( dict(, flags='Announcement', )).all() forums = model.Forum.query.find( dict(, parent_id=None, deleted=False)).all() forums = [f for f in forums if h.has_access(f, 'read')()] return dict(forums=forums, announcements=announcements, hide_forum=(not new_forum))
def projects_count(self): from allura import model as M from allura.lib import helpers as h q = dict(deleted=False, is_nbhd_project=False, neighborhood_id=self._id) total = 0 for p in M.Project.query.find(q): if h.has_access(p, 'read')(): total = total + 1 if total == 100: return total return total
def projects_count(self): from allura import model as M from allura.lib import helpers as h q = dict( deleted=False, is_nbhd_project=False, neighborhood_id=self._id) total = 0 for p in M.Project.query.find(q): if h.has_access(p, 'read')(): total = total + 1 if total == 100: return total return total
def index(self, new_forum=False, **kw): c.new_topic = self.W.new_topic c.new_topic = self.W.new_topic c.add_forum = self.W.add_forum c.announcements_table = self.W.announcements_table announcements=model.ForumThread.query.find(dict(, flags='Announcement', )).all() forums = model.Forum.query.find(dict(, parent_id=None, deleted=False)).all() forums = [f for f in forums if h.has_access(f, 'read')()] threads = dict() for forum in forums: threads[forum._id] = model.ForumThread.query.find(dict( discussion_id=forum._id, num_replies={'$gt': 0})).sort('mod_date', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(6).all() return dict(forums=forums, threads=threads, announcements=announcements, hide_forum=(not new_forum))
def __json__(self): return dict(shortname=self.shortname,, _id=str(self._id), url=h.absurl(self.url()), private=self.private, short_description=self.short_description, summary=self.summary, external_homepage=self.external_homepage, socialnetworks=[dict(n) for n in self.socialnetworks], status=self.removal or 'active', moved_to_url=self.moved_to_url, preferred_support_tool=self.support_page, preferred_support_url=self.support_page_url, developers=[ u.__json__() for u in self.users_with_role('Developer') ], tools=[ dict(name=t.tool_name, mount_point=t.options.mount_point, label=t.options.mount_label) for t in self.app_configs if h.has_access(t, 'read') ], labels=list(self.labels), categories={ n: [t.__json__() for t in ts] for n, ts in self.all_troves().items() }, icon_url=h.absurl(self.url() + 'icon') if self.icon else None, screenshots=[ dict( url=h.absurl(self.url() + 'screenshot/' + urllib.quote(ss.filename)), thumbnail_url=h.absurl(self.url() + 'screenshot/' + urllib.quote(ss.filename) + '/thumb'), caption=ss.caption, ) for ss in self.get_screenshots() ])
def related_artifacts(self, user=None): """Return all Artifacts that are related to this one. """ related_artifacts = [] for ref_id in self.refs + self.backrefs: ref = ArtifactReference.query.get(_id=ref_id) if ref is None: continue artifact = ref.artifact if artifact is None: continue artifact = artifact.primary() if artifact is None: continue # don't link to artifacts in deleted tools if hasattr(artifact, 'app_config') and artifact.app_config is None: continue try: if user and not h.has_access(artifact, 'read', user): continue except Exception: log.debug( 'Error doing permission check on related artifacts of {}, ' 'probably because the "artifact" is a Commit not a real artifact' .format(self.index_id()), exc_info=True) # TODO: This should be refactored. We shouldn't be checking # artifact type strings in platform code. if artifact.type_s == 'Commit' and not artifact.repo: ac = AppConfig.query.get( _id=ref.artifact_reference['app_config_id']) app = ac.project.app_instance(ac) if ac else None if app: artifact.set_context(app.repo) if artifact not in related_artifacts and (getattr( artifact, 'deleted', False) is False): related_artifacts.append(artifact) return sorted(related_artifacts, key=lambda a: a.url())
def create_common_wiki_menu(self, has_create_access, create_page_url, create_page_class, admin_menu=False): links = [] if has_create_access: links += [ SitemapEntry('Create Page', create_page_url, ui_icon=g.icons['plus'], className=create_page_class) ] if not admin_menu: links += [ SitemapEntry(''), SitemapEntry('Wiki Home', self.url, className='wiki_home') ] links += [ SitemapEntry('Browse Pages', self.url + 'browse_pages/'), SitemapEntry('Browse Labels', self.url + 'browse_tags/') ] discussion = pending_mod_count = M.Post.query.find({ 'discussion_id': discussion._id, 'status': 'pending' }).count() if discussion else 0 if pending_mod_count and h.has_access(discussion, 'moderate')(): links.append( SitemapEntry('Moderate', discussion.url() + 'moderate', ui_icon=g.icons['pencil'], small=pending_mod_count)) if not admin_menu: links += [ SitemapEntry(''), SitemapEntry('Formatting Help', self.url + 'markdown_syntax/') ] return links
def __json__(self): result = dict( shortname=self.shortname,, _id=str(self._id), url=h.absurl(self.url()), private=self.private, short_description=self.short_description, creation_date=plugin.ProjectRegistrationProvider.get().registration_date(self).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), summary=self.summary, external_homepage=self.external_homepage, video_url=self.video_url, socialnetworks=[dict(n) for n in self.socialnetworks], status=self.removal or 'active', moved_to_url=self.moved_to_url, preferred_support_tool=self.support_page, preferred_support_url=self.support_page_url, developers=[u.__json__() for u in self.users_with_role('Developer')], tools=[self.app_instance(t) for t in self.app_configs if h.has_access(t, 'read')], labels=list(self.labels), categories={n: [t.__json__() for t in ts] for n, ts in self.all_troves().items()}, icon_url=h.absurl(self.url() + 'icon') if self.icon else None, screenshots=[ dict( url=h.absurl(self.url() + 'screenshot/' + urllib.quote(ss.filename.encode('utf8'))), thumbnail_url=h.absurl( self.url( ) + 'screenshot/' + urllib.quote(ss.filename.encode('utf8')) + '/thumb'), caption=ss.caption, ) for ss in self.get_screenshots() ] ) if self.is_user_project: result['profile_api_url'] = h.absurl('/rest' + self.url() + 'profile/') return result
def related_artifacts(self, user=None): """Return all Artifacts that are related to this one. """ related_artifacts = [] for ref_id in self.refs + self.backrefs: ref = ArtifactReference.query.get(_id=ref_id) if ref is None: continue artifact = ref.artifact if artifact is None: continue artifact = artifact.primary() if artifact is None: continue # don't link to artifacts in deleted tools if hasattr(artifact, 'app_config') and artifact.app_config is None: continue try: if user and not h.has_access(artifact, 'read', user): continue except Exception: log.debug('Error doing permission check on related artifacts of {}, ' 'probably because the "artifact" is a Commit not a real artifact'.format(self.index_id()), exc_info=True) # TODO: This should be refactored. We shouldn't be checking # artifact type strings in platform code. if artifact.type_s == 'Commit' and not artifact.repo: ac = AppConfig.query.get(_id=ref.artifact_reference['app_config_id']) app = ac.project.app_instance(ac) if ac else None if app: artifact.set_context(app.repo) if artifact not in related_artifacts and (getattr(artifact, 'deleted', False) is False): related_artifacts.append(artifact) return sorted(related_artifacts, key=lambda a: a.url())
def index(self, limit=None, page=0, count=0, **kw): latest = if not latest or (latest._id.split(':')[1] == '1' and h.has_access(, 'write')()): return dict(allow_fork=False, log=[]) redirect(latest.url() + 'tree/')
def sitemap(self, excluded_tools=None): """Return the project sitemap. :param list excluded_tools: tool names (AppConfig.tool_name) to exclude from sitemap """ from import SitemapEntry entries = [] anchored_tools = self.neighborhood.get_anchored_tools() i = len(anchored_tools) new_tools = self.install_anchored_tools() self.app_config('admin').options.ordinal = 100 # Set menu mode delta_ordinal = i max_ordinal = i for sub in self.direct_subprojects: ordinal = sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({ 'ordinal': sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal, 'entry': SitemapEntry(, sub.url()) }) for ac in self.app_configs + [a.config for a in new_tools]: if excluded_tools and ac.tool_name in excluded_tools: continue # Tool could've been uninstalled in the meantime try: App = ac.load() # If so, we don't want it listed except KeyError as e: log.exception('AppConfig %s references invalid tool %s', ac._id, ac.tool_name) continue app = App(self, ac) if app.is_visible_to(c.user): for sm in app.main_menu(): entry = sm.bind_app(app) entry.tool_name = ac.tool_name entry.ui_icon = 'tool-%s' % entry.tool_name.lower() if not self.is_nbhd_project and (entry.tool_name.lower() in anchored_tools.keys()): ordinal = anchored_tools.keys().index( entry.tool_name.lower()) else: ordinal = int(ac.options.get('ordinal', 0)) + delta_ordinal if self.is_nbhd_project and entry.label == 'Admin': entry.matching_urls.append('%s_admin/' % self.url()) if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({'ordinal': ordinal, 'entry': entry}) if self == self.neighborhood.neighborhood_project and h.has_access( self.neighborhood, 'admin'): entries.append({ 'ordinal': max_ordinal + 1, 'entry': SitemapEntry('Moderate', "%s_moderate/" % self.neighborhood.url(), ui_icon="tool-admin") }) max_ordinal += 1 entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda e: e['ordinal']) return [e['entry'] for e in entries]
def sitemap(self, excluded_tools=None): """Return the project sitemap. :param list excluded_tools: tool names (AppConfig.tool_name) to exclude from sitemap """ from import SitemapEntry entries = [] # Set menu mode delta_ordinal = 0 max_ordinal = 0 if self.is_user_project: entries.append({ 'ordinal': delta_ordinal, 'entry': SitemapEntry('Profile', "%sprofile/" % self.url(), ui_icon="tool-home") }) max_ordinal = delta_ordinal delta_ordinal = delta_ordinal + 1 for sub in self.direct_subprojects: ordinal = sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({ 'ordinal': sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal, 'entry': SitemapEntry(, sub.url()) }) for ac in self.app_configs: if excluded_tools and ac.tool_name in excluded_tools: continue App = ac.load() app = App(self, ac) if app.is_visible_to(c.user): for sm in app.main_menu(): entry = sm.bind_app(app) entry.ui_icon = 'tool-%s' % ac.tool_name.lower() ordinal = int(ac.options.get('ordinal', 0)) + delta_ordinal if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({'ordinal': ordinal, 'entry': entry}) if self == self.neighborhood.neighborhood_project and h.has_access( self.neighborhood, 'admin'): entries.append({ 'ordinal': max_ordinal + 1, 'entry': SitemapEntry('Moderate', "%s_moderate/" % self.neighborhood.url(), ui_icon="tool-admin") }) max_ordinal += 1 entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda e: e['ordinal']) return [e['entry'] for e in entries]
def doap(self): root = ET.Element('rdf:RDF', { 'xmlns:rdf': "", 'xmlns:rdfs': "", }) project = ET.SubElement(root, 'Project', { 'xmlns': "", 'xmlns:foaf': "", 'xmlns:sf': "", 'xmlns:rss': "", 'xmlns:dc': "", 'xmlns:beer': "", 'rdf:about': "", }) # Basic fields ET.SubElement(project, 'name').text = self.shortname ET.SubElement(project, 'dc:title').text = ET.SubElement(project, 'sf:id').text = str(self._id) ET.SubElement(project, 'sf:private').text = self.private ET.SubElement(project, 'shortdesc', {'xml:lang': 'en'}).text = self.short_description ET.SubElement(project, 'description', {'xml:lang': 'en'}).text = self.description if self.external_homepage: ET.SubElement(project, 'homepage', {'rdf:resource': self.external_homepage}) # Categories for cat in TroveCategory.query.find({'_id': {'$in': self.trove_audience}}): ET.SubElement(project, 'audience').text = cat.fullname for cat in TroveCategory.query.find({'_id': {'$in': self.trove_os}}): ET.SubElement(project, 'os').text = cat.fullname for cat in TroveCategory.query.find({'_id': {'$in': self.trove_language}}): ET.SubElement(project, 'programming-language').text = cat.fullname for cat in TroveCategory.query.find({'_id': {'$in': self.trove_license}}): ET.SubElement(project, 'license').text = cat.fullname for cat in TroveCategory.query.find({'_id': {'$in': self.trove_environment}}): ET.SubElement(project, 'sf:environment').text = cat.fullname for cat in TroveCategory.query.find({'_id': {'$in': self.trove_root_database}}): ET.SubElement(project, 'sf:database').text = cat.fullname all_troves = ( self.trove_root_database + self.trove_developmentstatus + self.trove_audience + self.trove_license + self.trove_topic + self.trove_os + self.trove_language + self.trove_natlanguage + self.trove_environment ) for cat in TroveCategory.query.find({'_id': {'$in': all_troves}}): ET.SubElement(project, 'category', {'rdf:resource': '' % cat.trove_cat_id}) # Awards for a in self.accolades: award = ET.SubElement(project, 'sf:awarded') award = ET.SubElement(award, 'beer:Award') ET.SubElement(award, 'beer:awardCategory').text = a.award.full ET.SubElement(award, 'beer:awardedAt').text = # Maintainers admins = self.admins() for u in admins: person = ET.SubElement(project, 'maintainer') person = ET.SubElement(person, 'foaf:Person', { 'xmlns:foaf': "", 'xmlns:rdf': ""}) ET.SubElement(person, 'foaf:name').text = u.display_name ET.SubElement(person, 'foaf:nick').text = u.username ET.SubElement(person, 'foaf:homepage', {'rdf:resource': h.absurl(u.url())}) # Developers devs = [u for u in self.users_with_role('Developer') if u not in admins] for u in devs: person = ET.SubElement(project, 'developer') person = ET.SubElement(person, 'foaf:Person', { 'xmlns:foaf': "", 'xmlns:rdf': ""}) ET.SubElement(person, 'foaf:name').text = u.display_name ET.SubElement(person, 'foaf:nick').text = u.username ET.SubElement(person, 'foaf:homepage', {'rdf:resource': h.absurl(u.url())}) # Basic tool info apps = [self.app_instance(ac) for ac in self.app_configs if h.has_access(ac, 'read')] for app in apps: app.doap(project) return ET.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8')
def sitemap(self, excluded_tools=None, included_tools=None, tools_only=False, per_tool_limit=SITEMAP_PER_TOOL_LIMIT): """ Return the project sitemap. :param list excluded_tools: Tool names (AppConfig.tool_name) to exclude from sitemap. :param list included_tools: Tool names (AppConfig.tool_name) to include. Use `None` to include all tool types. :param bool tools_only: Only include tools in the sitemap (exclude subprojects). :param int per_tool_limit: Max number of entries included in the sitemap for a single tool type. Use `None` to include all. """ from import SitemapEntry entries = [] anchored_tools = self.neighborhood.get_anchored_tools() i = len(anchored_tools) new_tools = self.install_anchored_tools() # Set menu mode delta_ordinal = i max_ordinal = i # Keep running count of entries per tool type tool_counts = Counter({tool_name: 0 for tool_name in g.entry_points['tool']}) if not tools_only: for sub in self.direct_subprojects: ordinal = sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({'ordinal': sub.ordinal + delta_ordinal, 'entry': SitemapEntry(, sub.url())}) for ac in self.app_configs + [a.config for a in new_tools]: if per_tool_limit: # We already have max entries for every tool type if min(tool_counts.values()) >= per_tool_limit: break # We already have max entries for this tool type if tool_counts.get(ac.tool_name, 0) >= per_tool_limit: continue if excluded_tools and ac.tool_name in excluded_tools: continue if included_tools and ac.tool_name not in included_tools: continue # Tool could've been uninstalled in the meantime try: App = ac.load() # If so, we don't want it listed except KeyError as e: log.exception('AppConfig %s references invalid tool %s', ac._id, ac.tool_name) continue app = App(self, ac) if app.is_visible_to(c.user): for sm in app.main_menu(): entry = sm.bind_app(app) entry.tool_name = ac.tool_name entry.ui_icon = 'tool-%s' % entry.tool_name.lower() if not self.is_nbhd_project and (entry.tool_name.lower() in anchored_tools.keys()): ordinal = anchored_tools.keys().index( entry.tool_name.lower()) elif ac.tool_name == 'admin': ordinal = 100 else: ordinal = int(ac.options.get('ordinal', 0)) + \ delta_ordinal if self.is_nbhd_project and entry.label == 'Admin': entry.matching_urls.append('%s_admin/' % self.url()) if ordinal > max_ordinal: max_ordinal = ordinal entries.append({'ordinal': ordinal, 'entry': entry}) tool_counts.update({ac.tool_name: 1}) if (not tools_only and self == self.neighborhood.neighborhood_project and h.has_access(self.neighborhood, 'admin')): entries.append({ 'ordinal': max_ordinal + 1, 'entry': SitemapEntry( 'Moderate', "%s_moderate/" % self.neighborhood.url(), ui_icon="tool-admin") }) max_ordinal += 1 entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda e: e['ordinal']) return [e['entry'] for e in entries]