예제 #1
    def send(self, request, **kwargs):
        if (self._is_cache_disabled
            or request.method not in self._cache_allowable_methods):
            response = super(CachedSession, self).send(request, **kwargs)
            response.from_cache = False
            return response

        cache_key = self.cache.create_key(request)

        def send_request_and_cache_response():
            response = super(CachedSession, self).send(request, **kwargs)
            if response.status_code in self._cache_allowable_codes:
                self.cache.save_response(cache_key, response)
            response.from_cache = False
            return response

        response, timestamp = self.cache.get_response_and_time(cache_key)
        if response is None:
            return send_request_and_cache_response()

        if self._cache_expire_after is not None:
            difference = datetime.utcnow() - timestamp
            if difference > timedelta(seconds=self._cache_expire_after):
                return send_request_and_cache_response()
        # dispatch hook here, because we've removed it before pickling
        response = dispatch_hook('response', request.hooks, response, **kwargs)
        response.from_cache = True
        return response
예제 #2
def _request_send_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if self.method not in _config['allowable_methods']:
        return _original_request_send(self, *args, **kwargs)

    if self.method == 'POST':
        data = self._encode_params(getattr(self, 'data', {}))
        if isinstance(data, tuple): # old requests versions
            data = data[1]
        cache_url = self.full_url + str(data)
        cache_url = self.full_url

    def send_request_and_cache_response():
        result = _original_request_send(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if result and self.response.status_code in _config['allowable_codes']:
            _cache.save_response(cache_url, self.response)
        return result

    response, timestamp = _cache.get_response_and_time(cache_url)
    if response is None:
        return send_request_and_cache_response()

    if _config['expire_after'] is not None:
        difference = datetime.now() - timestamp
        if difference > timedelta(minutes=_config['expire_after']):
            return send_request_and_cache_response()

    response.from_cache = True
    self.sent = True
    self.response = response
    # TODO: is it stable api?
    if dispatch_hook is not None:
        dispatch_hook('response', self.hooks, self.response)
        r = dispatch_hook('post_request', self.hooks, self)
    return True
예제 #3
def _request_send_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if self.method not in _config['allowable_methods']:
        return _original_request_send(self, *args, **kwargs)

    if self.method == 'POST':
        data = self._encode_params(getattr(self, 'data', {}))
        if isinstance(data, tuple):  # old requests versions
            data = data[1]
        cache_url = self.full_url + str(data)
        cache_url = self.full_url

    def send_request_and_cache_response():
        result = _original_request_send(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if result and self.response.status_code in _config['allowable_codes']:
            _cache.save_response(cache_url, self.response)
        return result

    response, timestamp = _cache.get_response_and_time(cache_url)
    if response is None:
        return send_request_and_cache_response()

    if _config['expire_after'] is not None:
        difference = datetime.now() - timestamp
        if difference > timedelta(minutes=_config['expire_after']):
            return send_request_and_cache_response()

    response.from_cache = True
    self.sent = True
    self.response = response
    # TODO: is it stable api?
    if dispatch_hook is not None:
        dispatch_hook('response', self.hooks, self.response)
        r = dispatch_hook('post_request', self.hooks, self)
    return True