예제 #1
    def search(self,
               filter: dict = None,
               limit: int = None,
               page: int = None,
               sort: dict = None,
               return_total: bool = False,
               **kwargs) -> Union[ResourcesWithTotal, List[Resource]]:
        """Search users.

            filter: Search filter (refer to
                ``/search-users`` definition in the User
                and company management API for a detailed description
                of supported operators).

            limit: Optional Maximum number of results to extract.

            page: Optional Page number (starting at page 1).

            sort: Optional. Sort the results on the specified attributes
                (``1`` is sorting in ascending order,
                ``-1`` is sorting in descending order).

            return_total: Optional. Change the type of return:
                If ``False`` (default), the method will return a
                limited list of resources (limited by ``limit`` value).
                If ``True``, the method will return a namedtuple with the
                total number of all results, and the limited list of resources.

            **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments. Those arguments are
                passed as is to the API provider.

            Resources: A list of resources OR a namedtuple
                with total number of results and list of resources.

        return search(self,
예제 #2
    def search(self,
               filter: dict = None,
               limit: int = None,
               page: int = None,
               return_total: bool = False,
               **kwargs) -> Union[ResourcesWithTotal, List[Resource]]:
        """Search share tokens.

        Share token search is restricted to users with admin profile
        or a manager role on their company.

            filter: Search filter (refer to ``/search-share-tokens``
                definition in the Authentication API specification for
                a detailed description of supported operators).

            limit: Optional Maximum number of results to extract.

            page: Optional Page number (starting at page 1).

            return_total: Optional. Change the type of return:
                If ``False`` (default), the method will return a
                limited list of resources (limited by ``limit`` value).
                If ``True``, the method will return a namedtuple with the
                total number of all results, and the limited list of resources.

            List of share token resources (with ``token``, ``expiration_date`` and ``scope`` keys)
            or a namedtuple with total number of results and the list of resources.


        # sort is not supported yet
        if kwargs.get('sort') is not None:

        return search(self,
    def search(self,
               filter: dict = None,
               limit: int = None,
               page: int = None,
               sort: dict = None,
               return_total: bool = False,
               **kwargs) -> Union[ResourcesWithTotal, List[Resource]]:
        """Search collection tasks.

            filter: Search filter dictionary.

            limit: Optional Maximum number of results to extract.

            page: Optional Page number (starting at page 0).

            sort: Optional Sort the results on the specified attributes
                (``1`` is sorting in ascending order,
                ``-1`` is sorting in descending order).

            return_total: Optional. Change the type of return:
                If ``False`` (default), the method will return a
                limited list of resources (limited by ``limit`` value).
                If ``True``, the method will return a namedtuple with the
                total number of all results, and the limited list of resources.

            **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments. Those arguments are
                passed as is to the API provider.

            Resources: A list of collection task resources.


        return search(self,
예제 #4
    def search(self, *, filter: dict = None, fields: dict = None, limit: int = 100,
               page: int = None, sort: dict = None, return_total: bool = False,
               **kwargs) -> Union[ResourcesWithTotal, List[Resource]]:
        """Search flights.

            filter: Optional Search filter (refer to
                ``/search-flights`` definition in the Project
                management API for a detailed description
                of supported operators).

            fields: Optional Field names to include or exclude from the response.
                ``{"include: ["name", "creation_date"]}``
                ``{"exclude: ["name", "creation_date"]}``
                Do not use both `include` and `exclude`.

            limit: Optional Maximum number of results to extract (default is ``100``).

            page: Optional Page number (starting at page 1).

            sort: Optional. Sort the results on the specified attributes
                (``1`` is sorting in ascending order,
                ``-1`` is sorting in descending order).

            return_total: Optional. Change the type of return:
                If ``False`` (default), the method will return a
                limited list of resources (limited by ``limit`` value).
                If ``True``, the method will return a namedtuple with the
                total number of all results, and the limited list of resources.

            **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments. Those arguments are
                passed as is to the API provider.

        Resources: A list of resources OR a namedtuple
                with total number of results and list of resources.

            >>> # search flights by IDs (should use flights.describe() instead)
            >>> sdk.flights.search(filter={'_id': {'$eq': '5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'), ...]

            >>> # search flights of a wanted project (could use '$in' with an array of IDs)
            >>> sdk.flights.search(filter={'project': {'$eq': '41b9b3c7e6cd160006586688'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'), ...]

            >>> # search flights of wanted missions
            >>> sdk.flights.search(filter={
            ...     'mission': {'$in': ['5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3861', '60924899669e6e0007f8d262'}
            ... })
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'), ...]

            >>> # search flights updated after December 15th 2021
            >>> sdk.flights.search(filter={'modification_date': {'$gt': '2021-12-15T00:00:00'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'), ...]

            >>> # search flights having 1000+ photos
            >>> sdk.flights.search(filter={'number_of_photos': {'$gte': 1000}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'), ...]

            >>> # search uncompleted flights of wanted mission (prefer describe_uploads_status())
            >>> sdk.flights.search(filter={
            ...     'status.name': {'$ne': 'completed'},
            ...     'mission': {'eq': '5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3861'},
            ... })
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'), ...]

            >>> # get second page of the same search
            >>> sdk.flights.search(filter={...}, page=2)
            [Resource(_id='60924899669e6e0007f8d266'), ...]

            >>> # search 400 last created flights, in 2 calls (prefer search_generator() to get all)
            >>> sdk.flights.search(sort={'creation_date': -1}, limit=200)
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'), ...]
            >>> sdk.flights.search(sort={'creation_date': -1}, limit=200, page=2)
            [Resource(_id='60924899669e6e0007f8d266'), ...]

            >>> # search flights and also get the total results
            >>> sdk.flights.search(filter={...}, return_total=True)
            ResourcesWithTotal(total=612, results=[Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3865'), ...])

        if kwargs.get('project'):
            raise QueryError('"project" keyword not exists anymore in flights.search()')
        if kwargs.get('mission'):
            raise QueryError('"mission" keyword not exists anymore in flights.search()')
        return search(
예제 #5
    def search(self,
               filter: dict = None,
               fields: dict = None,
               limit: int = 100,
               page: int = None,
               sort: dict = None,
               return_total: bool = False,
               **kwargs) -> Union[ResourcesWithTotal, List[Resource]]:
        """Search projects.

            filter: Optional Search filter (refer to
                ``/search-projects`` definition in the Project
                management API for a detailed description
                of supported operators).

            fields: Optional Field names to include or exclude from the response.
                ``{"include: ["name", "creation_date"]}``
                ``{"exclude: ["name", "creation_date"]}``
                Do not use both `include` and `exclude`.

            limit: Optional Maximum number of results to extract (default is ``100``).

            page: Optional Page number (starting at page 1).

            sort: Optional Sort the results on the specified attributes
                (``1`` is sorting in ascending order,
                ``-1`` is sorting in descending order).

            return_total: Optional. Change the type of return:
                If ``False`` (default), the method will return a
                limited list of resources (limited by ``limit`` value).
                If ``True``, the method will return a namedtuple with the
                total number of all results, and the limited list of resources.

            **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments. Those arguments are
                passed as is to the API provider.

        Resources: A list of resources OR a namedtuple
                with total number of results and list of resources.

            >>> # search projects with name exacty equals to 'my project'
            >>> sdk.projects.search(filter={'name': {'$eq': 'my project'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'), ...]

            >>> # search projects having 'my' in their name (case-insensitive)
            >>> sdk.projects.search(filter={'name': {'$match': 'my'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'), ...]

            >>> # search projects having 'my' in their name or place name or tags (case-insensitive)
            >>> sdk.projects.search(filter={'search': {'$match': 'my'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'), ...]

            >>> # search projects by IDs (should use projects.describe() instead)
            >>> sdk.projects.search(filter={'_id': {'$eq': '5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'), ...]

            >>> # search projects of a wanted company (could use '$in' with an array of IDs)
            >>> sdk.projects.search(filter={'company': {'$eq': '41b9b3c7e6cd160006586688'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'), ...]

            >>> # search projects updated after December 15th 2021
            >>> sdk.projects.search(filter={'modification_date': {'$gt': '2021-12-15T00:00:00'}})
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'), ...]

            >>> # get second page of the same search
            >>> sdk.projects.search(filter={...}, page=2)
            [Resource(_id='60924899669e6e0007f8d261'), ...]

            >>> # search 400 first projects sorted by name ascending, in 2 calls
            >>> sdk.projects.search(sort={'name': 1}, limit=200)
            [Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'), ...]
            >>> sdk.projects.search(sort={'name': 1}, limit=200, page=2)
            [Resource(_id='60924899669e6e0007f8d261'), ...]

            >>> # search projects and also get the total results
            >>> sdk.projects.search(filter={...}, return_total=True)
            ResourcesWithTotal(total=940, results=[Resource(_id='5d6e0dcc965a0f56891f3860'), ...])

        if kwargs.get('name'):
            raise QueryError(
                '"name" keyword not exists anymore in projects.search()')
        if kwargs.get('deleted'):
            raise QueryError(
                '"deleted" keyword not exists anymore in projects.search()')
        return search(self,