예제 #1
def extract_over_station(xls_in,
    it reads the gis file defined in the files
    then extract the data at coordinates defined in the xls_in
    and then write the data in the xls_out file
        xls_in: the name of the input xls file containing the co-ordinates of the plot
        xls_out: the xls file in which the output will be written
        files: the data source file name in the gis format, these files must be in the 
            tiff format
        band: band of the raster data to extract
        n: number of data fields in the input xls file
        sort: sort the files
    if type(files) is not list:
        raise TypeError('input files should be of list type')
    if sort:

    xy = xlsread(xls_in).get_cells('B2:BO3', 'Sheet1')
    book_out = xlwt.Workbook()

    extracted_data = np.empty((len(files), n))
    for gis_file, i in zip(files, range(len(files))):
        dataset = gdal.Open(gis_file, GA_ReadOnly)
        data = dataset.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray()
        GT = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
        dataset = None

        x, y = utm2image(GT, xy.T)
        extracted_data[i, :] = data[y, x]
        if verbose:
            print('%s' % gis_file)

    sheet = book_out.add_sheet('Sheet1')
    sheet.write(0, 0, 'File \ Plot no.')

    for i in range(extracted_data.shape[1]):
        sheet.write(0, i + 1, i + 1)

    for gis_file, i in zip(files, range(len(files))):
        sheet.write(i + 1, 0, os.path.basename(gis_file).split('.')[0])

    for i in range(extracted_data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(extracted_data.shape[1]):
            sheet.write(i + 1, j + 1, extracted_data[i, j])
예제 #2
def extract_over_station(xls_in, xls_out, files, band=1, n=66, sort=True, verbose=False):
    it reads the gis file defined in the files
    then extract the data at coordinates defined in the xls_in
    and then write the data in the xls_out file
        xls_in: the name of the input xls file containing the co-ordinates of the plot
        xls_out: the xls file in which the output will be written
        files: the data source file name in the gis format, these files must be in the 
            tiff format
        band: band of the raster data to extract
        n: number of data fields in the input xls file
        sort: sort the files
    if type(files) is not list:
        raise TypeError('input files should be of list type')
    if sort:
    xy = xlsread(xls_in).get_cells('B2:BO3', 'Sheet1')
    book_out = xlwt.Workbook()

    extracted_data = np.empty((len(files),n))
    for gis_file,i in zip(files,range(len(files))):
        dataset = gdal.Open(gis_file, GA_ReadOnly)
        data = dataset.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray() 
        GT = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
        dataset = None
        x,y = utm2image(GT,xy.T)
        extracted_data[i,:] = data[y,x]
        if verbose:
    sheet = book_out.add_sheet('Sheet1')   
    sheet.write(0,0,'File \ Plot no.')
    for i in range(extracted_data.shape[1]):
    for gis_file,i in zip(files,range(len(files))):
    for i in range(extracted_data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(extracted_data.shape[1]):
            sheet.write(i+1, j+1, extracted_data[i,j])
예제 #3
def extract_gis(xls_in,
    Extract the data from the tiff files over selected field plots.

    It reads the gis file defined in the ds then extract the data at
    coordinates defined in each sheet of the xls_in file
    and then write the data in the xls_out file
    the header of the data in the xls_out are written as defined in the

    xls_in : str
        the name of the input xls file containing the co-ordinates of the plot
    xls_out : str
        the xls file in which the output will be written
    ds : tiff file
        the data source file name in the gis format, these files must be in the tiff format
    ds_short_name :  list of str
        the name that will appear as header in the output xls file If None, than it will use the file names
    band : int
        band of the raster data to extract
    n : int
        number of data fields in the input xls file
    method : {median, mean, truncated}
        'median' for the median, 'mean' for the simple arithmetic mean, 'truncated' for the truncated mean of the data



    if type(ds) is not list:
        raise TypeError('input ds should be of list type')

    book_out = xlwt.Workbook()

    file_basename = []
    final_data = np.empty((n, 2, len(ds)))
    for k in range(len(ds)):
        dataset = gdal.Open(ds[k], GA_ReadOnly)
        data = dataset.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray()
        GT = dataset.GetGeoTransform()

        book = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_in)

        for i in xrange(n):
            sheet = book.sheet_by_name(str(i + 1))
            xy = np.empty((sheet.nrows - 1, 2))
            for j in range(xy.shape[0]):
                xy[j, 0] = sheet.cell_value(j + 1, 0)
                xy[j, 1] = sheet.cell_value(j + 1, 1)

            x, y = utm2image(GT, xy)

            extracted_data = data[y, x]

            if method == 'median':
                final_data[i, 0, k] = np.median(extracted_data)
                final_data[i, 1, k] = nanstd(extracted_data)
            elif method == 'mean':
                final_data[i, 0, k] = nanmean(extracted_data)
                final_data[i, 1, k] = nanstd(extracted_data)
            elif method == 'truncated':
                extracted_data = extracted_data[~np.isnan(extracted_data)]
                isort = np.argsort(extracted_data)
                n_extracted_data = len(extracted_data)
                extracted_data = extracted_data[isort[n_extracted_data *
                                                      alpha:n_extracted_data *
                                                      (1 - alpha)]]
                final_data[i, 0, k] = nanmean(extracted_data)
                final_data[i, 1, k] = nanstd(extracted_data)

                raise TypeError(
                    "method should be either 'median', 'mean', or 'truncated' "

        print('%i/%i' % (k + 1, len(ds)))

    dataset = None

    sheet_median = book_out.add_sheet('median')
    sheet_std = book_out.add_sheet('std')

    sheet_median.write(0, 0, 'Plot no.')
    sheet_std.write(0, 0, 'Plot no.')

    for i in range(final_data.shape[0]):
        sheet_median.write(i + 1, 0, i + 1)
        sheet_std.write(i + 1, 0, i + 1)

    if ds_short_name is None:
        ds_short_name = file_basename

    for i in range(len(ds)):
        sheet_median.write(0, i + 1, ds_short_name[i])
        sheet_std.write(0, i + 1, ds_short_name[i])

    for i in range(final_data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(final_data.shape[2]):
            sheet_median.write(i + 1, j + 1, final_data[i, 0, j])
            sheet_std.write(i + 1, j + 1, final_data[i, 1, j])
예제 #4
def extract_gis(xls_in, xls_out, ds, ds_short_name=None, band=1, n=66, method='median', alpha=0.1):
    Extract the data from the tiff files over selected field plots.

    It reads the gis file defined in the ds then extract the data at
    coordinates defined in each sheet of the xls_in file
    and then write the data in the xls_out file
    the header of the data in the xls_out are written as defined in the

    xls_in : str
        the name of the input xls file containing the co-ordinates of the plot
    xls_out : str
        the xls file in which the output will be written
    ds : tiff file
        the data source file name in the gis format, these files must be in the tiff format
    ds_short_name :  list of str
        the name that will appear as header in the output xls file If None, than it will use the file names
    band : int
        band of the raster data to extract
    n : int
        number of data fields in the input xls file
    method : {median, mean, truncated}
        'median' for the median, 'mean' for the simple arithmetic mean, 'truncated' for the truncated mean of the data


    if type(ds) is not list:
        raise TypeError('input ds should be of list type')

    book_out = xlwt.Workbook()

    file_basename = []
    final_data = np.empty((n, 2, len(ds)))
    for k in range(len(ds)):
        dataset = gdal.Open(ds[k], GA_ReadOnly)
        data = dataset.GetRasterBand(band).ReadAsArray()
        GT = dataset.GetGeoTransform()

        book = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_in)

        for i in xrange(n):
            sheet = book.sheet_by_name(str(i+1))
            xy = np.empty((sheet.nrows-1,2))
            for j in range(xy.shape[0]):
                xy[j,0] = sheet.cell_value(j+1,0)    
                xy[j,1] = sheet.cell_value(j+1,1)

            x, y = utm2image(GT,xy)

            extracted_data = data[y,x]

            if method == 'median':
                final_data[i,0,k] = np.median(extracted_data)
                final_data[i,1,k] = nanstd(extracted_data)
            elif method == 'mean':
                final_data[i,0,k] = nanmean(extracted_data)
                final_data[i,1,k] = nanstd(extracted_data)
            elif method == 'truncated':
                extracted_data = extracted_data[~np.isnan(extracted_data)]
                isort = np.argsort(extracted_data)
                n_extracted_data = len(extracted_data)
                extracted_data = extracted_data[isort[n_extracted_data*alpha:n_extracted_data*(1-alpha)]]
                final_data[i,0,k] = nanmean(extracted_data)
                final_data[i,1,k] = nanstd(extracted_data)
                raise TypeError("method should be either 'median', 'mean', or 'truncated' ")
    dataset = None
    sheet_median = book_out.add_sheet('median')   
    sheet_std = book_out.add_sheet('std')
    sheet_median.write(0,0,'Plot no.')
    sheet_std.write(0,0,'Plot no.')
    for i in range(final_data.shape[0]):
    if ds_short_name is None:
        ds_short_name = file_basename
    for i in range(len(ds)):
    for i in range(final_data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(final_data.shape[2]):
            sheet_median.write(i+1, j+1, final_data[i,0,j])
            sheet_std.write(i+1, j+1, final_data[i,1,j])