예제 #1
from amicable_numbers import d_n
from itertools import combinations

# lower limit is 20161

if __name__ == "__main__":
	abundants = set([ x for x in range(0, 47) if d_n(x) > x ])
	odds_under_945 = set([ x for x in range(0, 945) if x % 2 == 1 ])
	evens_under_945 = set([ x for x in range(0, 945) if x % 2 == 0 ])
	sums_of_abundants = sorted(set([ sum(x) for x in combinations(abundants,2) if sum(x) < 945]))
	#numbers_under_945 = odds_under_945.union(evens_under_945.difference(sums_of_abundants))
	#print numbers_under_945
	even_maybe_not_sums_of_non_abundant = set([ x for x in range(0,47) if x % 2 == 0 ])
	even_sum_of_non_abundants = even_maybe_not_sums_of_non_abundant.difference(sums_of_abundants)
	print sorted(even_sum_of_non_abundants)

	odds_over_945 = set([ x for x in range(945, 20162) if x % 2 == 1])
	print len(odds_over_945)

	print sorted(set([x for x in range(0,20161) if d_n(x) == x ]))
예제 #2
def is_abundant(n):
	return True if d_n(n) > n else False
예제 #3
from amicable_numbers import d_n
from itertools import combinations

# lower limit is 20161

def sums(abundant_list):
	combos = combinations(abundant_list + abundant_list, 2)
	#print list(combos)
	return [ sum(x) for x in combos if sum(x) < 28123 ]

if __name__ == "__main__":

	#abundants_to_945 = [ x for x in range(0,945) if d_n(x) > x ]

	# all evens above 46 are abundunt sums, evens under 46 may or maybe not abundant
	# all odds below 957 are not abundant sums, for the reason that the smallest odd abundant is 945,
	# thus the smallest odd sum of 2 abundants must be 957 (945 + 12)
	# odds above 957 and before 20161 maybe sums of abundants
	# any number below 24 are non-abundant sums

	all_abundants = [ x for x in range(0,28123) if d_n(x) > x ]
	sums_of_abundants = set(sums(all_abundants))

	non_abundant_sums = set(range(0,28123)).difference(sums_of_abundants)

	print len(non_abundant_sums)
	print sum(non_abundant_sums)