예제 #1
 def __init__(self, rule_id, min_time_delta, max_time_delta, max_artefacts_a_for_single_b=1, artefact_match_parameters=None):
     Create the correlation rule.
     @param artefact_match_parameters if not none, two artefacts A and B will be only treated as correlated when all the
     parsed artefact attributes identified by the list of attribute path tuples match.
     @param min_time_delta minimal delta in seconds, that artefact B may be observed after artefact A. Negative values are allowed
     as artefact B may be found before A.
     self.rule_id = rule_id
     self.min_time_delta = min_time_delta
     self.max_time_delta = max_time_delta
     self.max_artefacts_a_for_single_b = max_artefacts_a_for_single_b
     self.artefact_match_parameters = artefact_match_parameters
     self.history_a_events = []
     self.history_b_events = []
     self.last_timestamp_seen = 0.0
     self.correlation_history = LogarithmicBackoffHistory(10)
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, object_history=None, debug_match_result=False, match_action=None):
     Create a DebugHistoryMatchRule object.
     @param object_history use this ObjectHistory to collect the LogAtoms. When None, a default LogarithmicBackoffHistory for 10 items.
     if object_history is None:
         object_history = LogarithmicBackoffHistory(10)
     elif not isinstance(object_history, ObjectHistory):
         msg = 'object_history is not an instance of ObjectHistory'
         raise Exception(msg)
     self.object_history = object_history
     self.debug_match_result = debug_match_result
     self.match_action = match_action
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, max_items):
     """Initialize the history component."""
     LogarithmicBackoffHistory.__init__(self, max_items)
     self.event_id = 0
class CorrelationRule:
    This class defines a correlation rule to match artefacts A and B.
    A hidden event A* always triggers at least one artefact A and the the hidden event B*, thus triggering also at least one artefact B.
    def __init__(self,
        Create the correlation rule.
        @param artefact_match_parameters if not none, two artefacts A and B will be only treated as correlated when all the
        parsed artefact attributes identified by the list of attribute path tuples match.
        @param min_time_delta minimal delta in seconds, that artefact B may be observed after artefact A. Negative values are allowed
        as artefact B may be found before A.
        self.rule_id = rule_id
        self.min_time_delta = min_time_delta
        self.max_time_delta = max_time_delta
        self.max_artefacts_a_for_single_b = max_artefacts_a_for_single_b
        self.artefact_match_parameters = artefact_match_parameters
        self.history_a_events = []
        self.history_b_events = []
        self.last_timestamp_seen = 0.0
        self.correlation_history = LogarithmicBackoffHistory(10)

    def update_artefact_a(self, selector, log_atom):
        """Append entry to the event history A."""
        history_entry = self.prepare_history_entry(selector, log_atom)
        # Check if event A could be discarded immediately.

    def update_artefact_b(self, selector, log_atom):
        """Append entry to the event history B."""
        history_entry = self.prepare_history_entry(selector, log_atom)
        # Check if event B could be discarded immediately.

    def check_status(self, newest_timestamp, max_violations=20):
        """@return None if status is OK. Return a tuple containing a descriptive message and a list of violating log data lines on error."""
        # This part of code would be good target to be implemented as native library with optimized algorithm in future.
        a_pos = 0
        check_range = len(self.history_a_events)
        violation_logs = []
        violation_message = ''
        num_violations = 0
        while a_pos < check_range:
            deleted = False
            check_range = len(self.history_a_events)
            a_event = self.history_a_events[a_pos]
            if a_event is None:
            a_event_time = a_event[0]
            b_pos = 0
            while b_pos < len(self.history_b_events):
                b_event = self.history_b_events[b_pos]
                if b_event is None:
                b_event_time = b_event[0]
                delta = b_event_time - a_event_time
                if delta < self.min_time_delta:
                    # See if too early, if yes go to next element. As we will not check again any older aEvents in this loop, skip
                    # all bEvents up to this position in future runs.
                    if b_pos < len(self.history_b_events):
                        violation_line = a_event[3].match_element.match_string
                        if isinstance(violation_line, bytes):
                            violation_line = violation_line.decode()
                            if num_violations <= max_violations:
                                violation_message += 'FAIL: B-Event for \"%s\" (%s) was found too early!\n' % (
                                    violation_line, a_event[2].action_id)
                            del self.history_a_events[a_pos]
                            del self.history_b_events[b_pos]
                            deleted = True
                            check_range = check_range - 1
                            num_violations = num_violations + 1
                # Too late, no other b_event may match this a_event
                if delta > self.max_time_delta:
                    violation_line = a_event[3].match_element.match_string
                    if isinstance(violation_line, bytes):
                        violation_line = violation_line.decode()
                        if num_violations <= max_violations:
                            violation_message += 'FAIL: B-Event for \"%s\" (%s) was not found in time!\n' % (
                                violation_line, a_event[2].action_id)
                        del self.history_a_events[a_pos]
                        del self.history_b_events[b_pos]
                        deleted = True
                        check_range = check_range - 1
                        num_violations = num_violations + 1
                # So time range is OK, see if match parameters are also equal.
                violation_found = False
                for check_pos in range(4, len(a_event)):  # skipcq: PTC-W0060
                    if a_event[check_pos] != b_event[check_pos]:
                        violation_line = a_event[3].match_element.match_string
                        if isinstance(violation_line, bytes):
                            violation_line = violation_line.decode()
                            if num_violations <= max_violations:
                                violation_message += 'FAIL: \"%s\" (%s) %s is not equal %s\n' % (
                                    violation_line, a_event[2].action_id,
                                    a_event[check_pos], b_event[check_pos])
                            del self.history_a_events[a_pos]
                            del self.history_b_events[b_pos]
                            deleted = True
                            check_range = check_range - 1
                            num_violations = num_violations + 1
                            violation_found = True
                check_pos = check_pos + 1
                if violation_found:

                # We want to keep a history of good matches to ease diagnosis of correlation failures. Keep information about current line
                # for reference.
                del self.history_a_events[a_pos]
                del self.history_b_events[b_pos]
                deleted = True
                check_range = check_range - 1
                b_pos = b_pos + 1
            if deleted is False:
                a_pos = a_pos + 1
        # After checking all aEvents before a_pos were cleared, otherwise they violate a correlation rule.
        for a_pos in range(0, check_range):
            a_event = self.history_a_events[a_pos]
            if a_event is None:
            delta = newest_timestamp - a_event[0]
            if delta > self.max_time_delta:
                violation_line = a_event[3].match_element.match_string
                if isinstance(violation_line, bytes):
                    violation_line = violation_line.decode()
                    if num_violations <= max_violations:
                        violation_message += 'FAIL: B-Event for \"%s\" (%s) was not found in time!\n' % (
                            violation_line, a_event[2].action_id)
                    del self.history_a_events[a_pos]
                    deleted = True
                    check_range = check_range - 1
                    num_violations = num_violations + 1

        if num_violations > max_violations:
            violation_message += '... (%d more)\n' % (num_violations -
        if num_violations != 0 and len(
                self.correlation_history.get_history()) > 0:
            violation_message += 'Historic examples:\n'
            for record in self.correlation_history.get_history():
                violation_message += '  "%s" (%s) ==> "%s" (%s)\n' % (
                    record[0].decode(), record[1], record[2].decode(),

        if num_violations == 0:
            return None
        return violation_message, violation_logs

    def prepare_history_entry(self, selector, log_atom):
        """Return a history entry for a parser match."""
        parser_match = log_atom.parser_match
        timestamp = log_atom.get_timestamp()
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = time.time()
        length = 4
        if self.artefact_match_parameters is not None:
            length += len(self.artefact_match_parameters)
        result = [None] * length
        result[0] = timestamp
        result[1] = 0
        result[2] = selector
        result[3] = parser_match

        if result[0] < self.last_timestamp_seen:
            msg = 'Timestamps unsorted!'
            raise Exception(msg)
        self.last_timestamp_seen = result[0]

        if self.artefact_match_parameters is not None:
            pos = 4
            v_dict = parser_match.get_match_dictionary()
            for artefact_match_parameter in self.artefact_match_parameters:
                for param_path in artefact_match_parameter:
                    match_element = v_dict.get(param_path, None)
                    if match_element is not None:
                        result[pos] = match_element.match_object
                        pos += 1
        return result