예제 #1
def make_vgc(alpha):
    # inputs
    x = amnet.Variable(2, name='x')

    # affine transformations
    zero1 = amnet.Constant(x, np.zeros(1))
    e = amnet.atoms.select(x, 0)
    edot = amnet.atoms.select(x, 1)
    ae = amnet.Linear(np.array([[alpha, 0]]), x)
    neg_e = amnet.Linear(np.array([[-1, 0]]), x)
    neg_edot = amnet.Linear(np.array([[0, -1]]), x)

    or0 = amnet.atoms.gate_or(zero1, ae, neg_e, neg_edot)

    or1 = amnet.atoms.gate_or(or0, ae, e, edot)

    # create naming context of the retval
    ctx = amnet.vis.NamingContext(or1)
    ctx.rename(x, 'x')
    ctx.rename(zero1, 'zero')
    ctx.rename(e, 'e')
    ctx.rename(edot, 'edot')
    ctx.rename(ae, 'ae')
    ctx.rename(neg_e, 'neg_e')
    ctx.rename(neg_edot, 'neg_edot')
    ctx.rename(or0, 'or0')
    ctx.rename(or1, 'or1')

    return or1, ctx
예제 #2
    def test_SmtEncoder_gates(self):
        xy_z1z2 = amnet.Variable(2+2+1+1, name='xyz1z2')
        x = amnet.Linear(
            np.eye(2, 6, 0),
        y = amnet.Linear(
            np.eye(2, 6, 2),
        z1 = amnet.atoms.select(xy_z1z2, 4)
        z2 = amnet.atoms.select(xy_z1z2, 5)

        phi_and = amnet.atoms.gate_and(x, y, z1, z2)
        phi_or = amnet.atoms.gate_or(x, y, z1, z2)
        phi_xor = amnet.atoms.gate_xor(x, y, z1, z2)
        phi_not = amnet.atoms.gate_not(x, y, z1)

        # check dimensions
        self.assertEqual(xy_z1z2.outdim, 6)
        self.assertEqual(x.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(y.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(z1.outdim, 1)
        self.assertEqual(z2.outdim, 1)

        self.assertEqual(phi_and.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_or.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_xor.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_not.outdim, 2)

        # true gate functions
        def true_and(fpin):
            return fpin[0:2] if (fpin[4] <= 0 and fpin[5] <= 0) else fpin[2:4]

        def true_or(fpin):
            return fpin[0:2] if (fpin[4] <= 0 or fpin[5] <= 0) else fpin[2:4]

        def true_xor(fpin):
            return fpin[0:2] if ((fpin[4] <= 0) != (fpin[5] <= 0)) else fpin[2:4]

        def true_not(fpin): # ignores last input
            return fpin[2:4] if (fpin[4] <= 0) else fpin[0:2]

        # evaluate
        vals = np.array([1, -2, -3, 4])
        sels = itertools.product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=2)
        onvals = [np.concatenate((vals, sel), axis=0) for sel in sels]

        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_and, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_and)
        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_or, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_or)
        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_xor, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_xor)
        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_not, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_not)
예제 #3
def max_aff(A, b, phi):
    """ returns an AMN that evaluates to 
        max_i(sum_j a_{ij} phi_j + b_i) """
    (m, n) = A.shape
    assert len(b) == m
    assert phi.outdim == n
    assert m >= 1 and n >= 1

    # OLD: inefficient
    #phi_aff = amnet.Affine(
    #    A,
    #    phi,
    #    b
    #return max_all(phi_aff)

    outlist = []
    for i in range(m):
        if b[i] == 0:
            outlist.append(amnet.Linear(A[i, :].reshape((1, n)), phi))
                amnet.Affine(A[i, :].reshape((1, n)), phi, b[i].reshape(
                    (1, ))))
    assert len(outlist) == m
    return max_list(outlist)
예제 #4
def sub2(x, y):
    assert x.outdim == y.outdim
    n = x.outdim

    xy = amnet.Stack(x, y)

    return amnet.Linear(np.concatenate((np.eye(n), -np.eye(n)), axis=1), xy)
예제 #5
    def test_SmtEncoder_dag(self):
        xyz = amnet.Variable(3, name='xyz')
        x = amnet.atoms.select(xyz, 0)
        yz = amnet.Linear(
            np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]),

        maxyz = amnet.atoms.max_all(yz)
        twoxp1 = amnet.Affine(
        twox = amnet.atoms.add2(x, x)
        threex = amnet.atoms.add2(x, twox)
        fivexp1 = amnet.atoms.add2(twoxp1, threex)
        phi = amnet.atoms.add2(fivexp1, maxyz)

        def true_dag(fpin):
            x, y, z = fpin
            return 5*x + 1 + max(y, z)

            onvals=itertools.product(self.floatvals2, repeat=3),
예제 #6
    def test_stack(self):
        x = amnet.Variable(3, name='x')

        w1 = np.array([[1, -2, 3]])
        b1 = np.zeros(1)

        w2 = np.array([[-5, 6, -7], [-8, 9, 10]])
        b2 = np.array([11, -12])

        w3 = np.array([[7, 8, 9]])
        b3 = np.array([-1])

        y1 = amnet.Linear(w1, x)
        y2 = amnet.Affine(w2, x, b2)
        y3 = amnet.Affine(w3, x, b3)

        y4 = x

        ystack = amnet.atoms.from_list([y1, y2, y3, y4])
        self.assertEqual(ystack.outdim, 4+3)
        self.assertEqual(ystack.indim, 3)

        def ystack_true(xinp):
            y1v = np.dot(w1, xinp) + b1
            y2v = np.dot(w2, xinp) + b2
            y3v = np.dot(w3, xinp) + b3
            y4v = xinp
            return np.concatenate((y1v, y2v, y3v, y4v), axis=0)

        for (xv0, xv1, xv2) in product(self.floatvals2, repeat=3):
            xinp = np.array([xv0, xv1, xv2])
            ysv = ystack.eval(xinp)
            ytv = ystack_true(xinp)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(norm(ysv - ytv), 0)
예제 #7
def add2(x, y):
    """main n-d add method on which all add routines rely"""
    assert x.outdim == y.outdim
    n = x.outdim

    xy = amnet.Stack(x, y)

    return amnet.Linear(np.concatenate((np.eye(n), np.eye(n)), axis=1), xy)
예제 #8
def select(phi, k):
    """ returns kth component of phi """
    assert (0 <= phi.outdim) and (k < phi.outdim)

    # optimization: prevent creating an affine transformation
    #               if phi is one-dimensional
    if phi.outdim == 1 and k == 0:
        return phi

    # otherwise, select the appropriate component
    return amnet.Linear(np.eye(1, phi.outdim, k), phi)
예제 #9
    def test_SmtEncoder_add_list(self):
        xyz = amnet.Variable(2+2+2, name='xyz')
        x = amnet.Linear(np.eye(2, 6, 0), xyz)
        y = amnet.Linear(np.eye(2, 6, 2), xyz)
        z = amnet.Linear(np.eye(2, 6, 4), xyz)
        phi_add_list = amnet.atoms.add_list([x, y, z])

        self.assertEqual(x.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(y.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(z.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_add_list.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_add_list.indim, 6)

        def true_add(fpin):
            x, y, z = fpin[0:2], fpin[2:4], fpin[4:6]
            return x + y + z

            onvals=itertools.product(self.floatvals3, repeat=phi_add_list.indim),
예제 #10
    def test_max2_min2(self):
        xy = amnet.Variable(6, name='xy')
        x = amnet.Linear(
        y = amnet.Linear(
        max_xy = amnet.atoms.max2(x, y)
        min_xy = amnet.atoms.min2(x, y)

        def true_max2(xinp, yinp):
            return np.maximum(xinp, yinp)

        def true_min2(xinp, yinp):
            return np.minimum(xinp, yinp)

        for xyv in itertools.product(self.floatvals2, repeat=6):
            xyinp = np.array(xyv)
            xinp = xyinp[:3]
            yinp = xyinp[3:]

            max_xy_tv = true_max2(xinp, yinp)
            max_xy_v  = max_xy.eval(xyinp)

            min_xy_tv = true_min2(xinp, yinp)
            min_xy_v = min_xy.eval(xyinp)

            self.assertEqual(len(max_xy_tv), 3)
            self.assertEqual(len(max_xy_v), 3)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(norm(max_xy_v - max_xy_tv), 0)

            self.assertEqual(len(min_xy_tv), 3)
            self.assertEqual(len(min_xy_v), 3)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(norm(min_xy_v - min_xy_tv), 0)
예제 #11
def identity(phi):
    """returns phi, wrapped in an identity affine transformation"""
    return amnet.Linear(np.eye(phi.outdim, phi.outdim), phi)
예제 #12
def neg(phi):
    """returns the negative of phi """
    assert phi.outdim >= 1
    # XXX: make more efficient by peeking inside Affine, Linear, Stack, and Mu
    return amnet.Linear(np.diag(-np.ones(phi.outdim)), phi)
예제 #13
    def test_SmtEncoder_cmp(self):
        xyz = amnet.Variable(2+2+1, name='xyz')
        x = amnet.Linear(
            np.eye(2, 5, 0),
        y = amnet.Linear(
            np.eye(2, 5, 2),
        z = amnet.atoms.select(xyz, 4)

        phi_eq = amnet.atoms.cmp_eq(x, y, z)
        phi_neq = amnet.atoms.cmp_neq(x, y, z)
        phi_ge = amnet.atoms.cmp_ge(x, y, z)
        phi_gt = amnet.atoms.cmp_gt(x, y, z)
        phi_le = amnet.atoms.cmp_le(x, y, z)
        phi_lt = amnet.atoms.cmp_lt(x, y, z)

        # check dimensions
        self.assertEqual(xyz.outdim, 5)
        self.assertEqual(x.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(y.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(z.outdim, 1)

        self.assertEqual(phi_eq.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_neq.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_ge.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_gt.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_le.outdim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(phi_lt.outdim, 2)

        # true cmp functions
        def true_eq(fpin):
            x, y, z = fpin[0:2], fpin[2:4], fpin[4]
            return x if z == 0 else y

        def true_neq(fpin):
            x, y, z = fpin[0:2], fpin[2:4], fpin[4]
            return x if z != 0 else y

        def true_ge(fpin):
            x, y, z = fpin[0:2], fpin[2:4], fpin[4]
            return x if z >= 0 else y

        def true_gt(fpin):
            x, y, z = fpin[0:2], fpin[2:4], fpin[4]
            return x if z > 0 else y

        def true_le(fpin):
            x, y, z = fpin[0:2], fpin[2:4], fpin[4]
            return x if z <= 0 else y

        def true_lt(fpin):
            x, y, z = fpin[0:2], fpin[2:4], fpin[4]
            return x if z < 0 else y

        # evaluate
        vals = np.array([1, -2, -3, 4])
        sels = itertools.product([-1.1, -0.5, 0, 0.0, 0.01, 1, 12.0], repeat=1)
        onvals = [np.concatenate((vals, sel), axis=0) for sel in sels]

        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_eq, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_eq)
        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_neq, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_neq)
        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_ge, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_ge)
        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_gt, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_gt)
        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_le, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_le)
        self.validate_outputs(phi=phi_lt, onvals=onvals, true_f=true_lt)
예제 #14
import numpy as np
import amnet
import amnet.vis

# a two-dimensional input variable
x = amnet.Variable(2, name='x')

# choose components
x0 = amnet.Linear(np.array([[1, 0]]), x)
x1 = amnet.Linear(np.array([[0, 1]]), x)

# subtract x0 from x1
z = amnet.Linear(np.array([[-1, 1]]), x)

# maximum of x0 and x1
phimax = amnet.Mu(x0, x1, z)

print phimax
print phimax.eval([1, -2])  # returns: 1

# visualize
dot = amnet.vis.amn2gv(phimax, title='max2(var0)')
dot.render(filename='max.gv', directory='vis')

print dot