def __init__(self, object=None, config=None, filters=None): self.definition = object = definition_id(self.definition) self.type = self.definition.get('type') self.config = config if config else {} self.config['filters'] = [] if filters and len(filters) > 0: for raw_filter in filters: self.config['filters'].append(Filter(**raw_filter))
def discover_objects(self): if not self.objects: definition = dict(type=self.type, hostname=context.hostname, uuid=context.uuid) data = dict(hostname=context.hostname, uuid=context.uuid) object_id = definition_id(definition) sys_obj = SystemObject(definition=definition, data=data) self.objects = {object_id: sys_obj} context.top_object = sys_obj
def talk_with_cloud(self, top_object=None): # TODO: receive commands from cloud now = int(time.time()) if now <= self.last_cloud_talk_time + 60: return # talk to cloud try: cloud_response ='agent/', data=top_object) except: context.log.error('could not connect to cloud', exc_info=True) raise AmplifyCriticalException() # update special object configs changed_containers = [] for obj_config in cloud_response['objects']: obj = obj_config['object'] obj_type = obj['type'] container = self.containers[obj_type] obj_id = definition_id(obj) if container.object_configs.get(obj_id, {}) != obj_config['config']: container.object_configs[obj_id] = obj_config['config'] changed_containers.append(obj_type) for obj_type in changed_containers: self.containers[obj_type].stop_objects() # TODO work with messages messages = cloud_response['messages'] # global config changes config_changed = context.app_config.apply(cloud_response['config']) if config_changed and self.containers:'config has changed. now running with: %s' % pprint.pformat(context.app_config.config)) for container in self.containers.itervalues(): container.stop_objects() self.init_containers() self.last_cloud_talk_time = int(time.time())
def discover_objects(self): # save current ids existing_ids = self.objects.keys() # discover nginxes nginxes = self.find_all() # process all founded nginxes dicovered_ids = [] while len(nginxes): try: definition, data = nginxes.pop() object_id = definition_id(definition) dicovered_ids.append(object_id) if object_id not in self.objects: # new object - push it data.update(self.object_configs.get(object_id, {})) # push cloud config new_obj = NginxObject(definition=definition, data=data) # Send discover event. new_obj.eventd.event( level=INFO, message='nginx-%s master process found, pid %s' % (new_obj.version, ) self.objects[object_id] = new_obj elif object_id in self.objects: current_obj = self.objects[object_id] if current_obj.need_restart: # restart object if needed context.log.debug('config was changed (pid %s)' % data.update(self.object_configs.get(object_id, {})) # push cloud config new_obj = NginxObject(definition=definition, data=data) # Send nginx config changed event. new_obj.eventd.event( level=INFO, message='nginx-%s config changed, read from %s' % (new_obj.version, new_obj.conf_path) ) self.objects[object_id] = new_obj current_obj.stop(unregister=False) # stop old object elif != data['pid']: # check that object pids didn't change context.log.debug( 'nginx was restarted (pid was %s now %s)' % (, data['pid'] ) ) data.update(self.object_configs.get(object_id, {})) # push cloud config new_obj = NginxObject(definition=definition, data=data) # Send nginx master process restart/reload event. new_obj.eventd.event( level=INFO, message='nginx-%s master process restarted/reloaded, new pid %s, old pid %s' % ( new_obj.version,, ) ) self.objects[object_id] = new_obj current_obj.stop(unregister=False) # stop old object elif current_obj.workers != data['workers']: # check workers on reload context.log.debug( 'nginx was reloaded (workers were %s now %s)' % ( current_obj.workers, data['workers'] ) ) current_obj.workers = data['workers'] except psutil.NoSuchProcess: context.log.debug('nginx is restarting/reloading, pids are changing, we will wait') # check if we left something in objects (nginx could be stopped or something) dropped_ids = filter(lambda x: x not in dicovered_ids, existing_ids) if len(dropped_ids): for dropped_id in dropped_ids: dropped_object = self.objects[dropped_id] context.log.debug('nginx was stopped (pid was %s)' % dropped_object.stop() # this is necessary too! del self.objects[dropped_id] # this is necessary