예제 #1
def main() : 

  nev = int(sys.argv[1])
  outfile = sys.argv[2]

  chunk_size = 1000000  # Events will be generated in chunks of this size


  n = 0   # Current tuple size

  arrays = []

  while(True) : 

    # Create Dalitz plot sample
    unfiltered_sample = observables_phase_space.unfiltered_sample(chunk_size)  # Unfiltered array
    sample = observables_phase_space.filter(unfiltered_sample)
    size = sample.shape[0]
    print(f"Filtered chunk size = {size}")

    # Generate final state momenta from Dalitz plot and run through selection
    rnd = tf.random.uniform([size, random_array_size], dtype = atfi.fptype() )    # Auxiliary random array
    array = atfi.stack(generate_selection( true_cuts, rnd, constant_cuts = True ), axis = 1)

    arrays += [ array ]

    # Increment counters and check if we are done
    size = array.shape[0]
    n += size
    if n > nev : break
    print(f"Selected size = {n}, last = {size}")

  tfr.write_tuple(outfile, atfi.concat(arrays, axis = 0)[:nev,:], observables_toys)
예제 #2
def main():

    nev = 1000000
    outfile = "toy_tuple.root"

    atfi.set_seed(nev + 1)

    chunk_size = 1000000  # Events will be generated in chunks of this size

    bounds = {i[0]: (i[2], i[3])
              for i in parameters_list
              }  # Bounds and exponential factor for generation of cuts

    branches = generated_variables + [i[0] for i in parameters_list]

    n = 0  # Current tuple size

    arrays = []

    while (True):

        # Generate final state momenta from Dalitz plot and run through selection
        rnd = tf.random.uniform([chunk_size, random_array_size + len(bounds)],
                                dtype=atfi.fptype())  # Auxiliary random array
        array = atfi.stack(generate_candidates_and_cuts(rnd), axis=1)
        arrays += [array]

        # Increment counters and check if we are done
        size = array.shape[0]
        n += size
        if n > nev: break
        print(f"Selected size = {n}, last = {size}")

    tfr.write_tuple(outfile, atfi.concat(arrays, axis=0)[:nev, :], branches)
예제 #3
def main():

    nev = 2000000
    outfile = "toy_tuple.root"

    atfi.set_seed(nev + 1)

    chunk_size = 1000000  # Events will be generated in chunks of this size

    bounds = {i[0]: (i[2], i[3])
              for i in parameters_list
              }  # Bounds and exponential factor for generation of cuts

    branches = observables_toys + [i[0] for i in parameters_list]

    n = 0  # Current tuple size

    arrays = []

    while (True):

        # Create Dalitz plot sample
        unfiltered_sample = observables_phase_space.unfiltered_sample(
            chunk_size)  # Unfiltered array
        sample = observables_phase_space.filter(unfiltered_sample)

        size = sample.shape[0]
        print(f"Filtered chunk size = {size}")

        # Generate final state momenta from Dalitz plot and run through selection
        rnd = tf.random.uniform([size, random_array_size],
                                dtype=atfi.fptype())  # Auxiliary random array
        array = atfi.stack(selection_with_random_cuts(sample, rnd), axis=1)
        arrays += [array]

        # Increment counters and check if we are done
        size = array.shape[0]
        n += size
        if n > nev: break
        print(f"Selected size = {n}, last = {size}")

    tfr.write_tuple(outfile, atfi.concat(arrays, axis=0)[:nev, :], branches)
예제 #4
def generate_selection(cuts, rnd, constant_cuts=False):
    Call generation of fully combinatorial or combinatorial with intermediate K* or rho resonances with specified fractions. 
    Apply cuts to the final state particles and fill in output arrays. 
    meankpt = cuts[0]
    meanpipt = cuts[1]
    ptcut = cuts[2]
    pcut = cuts[3]
    meankstarpt = cuts[4]
    meanrhopt = cuts[5]
    kstarfrac = cuts[6]
    rhofrac = cuts[7]

    p4k_1, p4pi1_1, p4pi2_1 = generate_combinatorial(cuts, rnd)
    p4k_2, p4pi1_2, p4pi2_2 = generate_kstar(cuts, rnd)
    p4k_3, p4pi1_3, p4pi2_3 = generate_rho(cuts, rnd)

    thr1 = 1. - kstarfrac - rhofrac
    thr2 = 1. - rhofrac

    cond1 = atfi.stack(4 * [rnd[:, 11] < thr1], axis=1)
    cond2 = atfi.stack(4 * [rnd[:, 11] < thr2], axis=1)

    p4k = tf.where(cond1, p4k_1, tf.where(cond2, p4k_2, p4k_3))
    p4pi1 = tf.where(cond1, p4pi1_1, tf.where(cond2, p4pi1_2, p4pi1_3))
    p4pi2 = tf.where(cond1, p4pi2_1, tf.where(cond2, p4pi2_2, p4pi2_3))

    mb = atfk.mass(p4k + p4pi1 + p4pi2)
    mfit, moms = kinematic_fit(atfi.const(md), [p4k, p4pi1, p4pi2])

    sel = tf.greater(atfk.p(moms[0]), pcut)
    sel = tf.logical_and(sel, tf.greater(atfk.p(moms[1]), pcut))
    sel = tf.logical_and(sel, tf.greater(atfk.p(moms[2]), pcut))
    sel = tf.logical_and(sel, tf.greater(atfk.pt(moms[0]), ptcut))
    sel = tf.logical_and(sel, tf.greater(atfk.pt(moms[1]), ptcut))
    sel = tf.logical_and(sel, tf.greater(atfk.pt(moms[2]), ptcut))

    m2kpi = atfk.mass(moms[0] + moms[1])**2
    m2pipi = atfk.mass(moms[1] + moms[2])**2

    sample = dlz_phsp.from_vectors(m2kpi, m2pipi)
    mprime = dlz_phsp.m_prime_bc(sample)
    thetaprime = dlz_phsp.theta_prime_bc(sample)

    sel = tf.logical_and(
            tf.stack([mprime, thetaprime, mb], axis=1)))

    observables = []
    outlist = [mprime, thetaprime, mb, m2kpi, m2pipi]

    if not constant_cuts:
        outlist += [
            meankpt, meanpipt, ptcut, pcut, meankstarpt, meanrhopt, kstarfrac,
    for i in outlist:
        observables += [tf.boolean_mask(i, sel)]

    return observables