예제 #1
파일: item.py 프로젝트: wanduow/amp-web
def display_site_landing(request):
    """ Display a list of all the available sites """
    page_renderer = get_renderer("../templates/site_landing.pt")
    body = page_renderer.implementation().macros['body']

    SCRIPTS = getCommonScripts() + [

    ampy = initAmpy(request)
    if ampy is None:
        print("Error starting ampy during item request")
        return None

    # get all sites that are in a source mesh, or that have a test scheduled
    # with them as the sources
    sources = ampy.get_amp_sources()
    sourcenames = [x["ampname"] for x in sources]
    sources.extend([x for x in ampy.get_amp_site_endpoints()
            if x["ampname"] not in sourcenames])
    sources.sort(key=lambda x: (x["longname"], x["ampname"]))

    # get all sites that are in a destination mesh, or are not in a mesh
    destinations = ampy.get_amp_destinations()
    destinations.sort(key=lambda x: (x["longname"], x["ampname"]))

    # exclude any sources from the destinations list
    sourcenames = [x["ampname"] for x in sources]
    destinations = [x for x in destinations if x["ampname"] not in sourcenames]

    banopts = getBannerOptions(request)

    # TODO can this be done automatically when generating the lists?
    for source in sources:
        source["urlname"] = escapeURIComponent(source["ampname"])
    for destination in destinations:
        destination["urlname"] = escapeURIComponent(destination["ampname"])

    return {
        "title": "AMP Measurement Sites",
        "body": body,
        "scripts": SCRIPTS,
        "styles": ["bootstrap.min.css"],
        "sources": sources,
        "destinations": destinations,
        "gtag": getGATrackingID(request),
        "show_dash": banopts['showdash'],
        "show_matrix": banopts['showmatrix'],
        "can_edit": has_permission("editconfig", request.context, request),
        "show_config": has_permission("viewconfig", request.context, request),
        "show_users": has_permission("editusers", request.context, request),
        "logged_in": authenticated_userid(request),
        "bannertitle": banopts['title'],
예제 #2
파일: item.py 프로젝트: wanduow/amp-web
def display_member_modal(request, ampname, category):
    """ Generate the content for the mesh membership modification modal """
    # TODO make sure all templates are in sensible places
    request.override_renderer = "../templates/member.pt"

    ampy = initAmpy(request)
    if ampy is None:
        print("Error starting ampy during mesh membership request")
        return None

    ampname = urllib.parse.unquote(ampname)

    if category == "site":
        members = ampy.get_meshes(None, site=ampname)
        available = ampy.get_meshes(None)
        members = get_mesh_members(ampy, ampname)
        available = ampy.get_amp_sites() # XXX exclude members

    return {
        "title": "Modify mesh membership",
        "ampname": ampname,
        "urlname": escapeURIComponent(ampname),
        "category": category,
        "members": members,
        "available": available, # XXX exclude members
예제 #3
def create_item(request):
    ampy = initAmpy(request)
    if ampy is None:
        return HTTPInternalServerError()

        body = request.json_body
        ampname = body["ampname"]
        longname = body["longname"]
        description = body["description"]
        if request.matched_route.name == "allsites":
            location = body["location"]
        elif request.matched_route.name == "allmeshes":
            public = body["public"]
            issource = body["issource"]
    except (ValueError, KeyError):
        return HTTPBadRequest(body=json.dumps({"error": "missing value"}))

    if re.search("[^.:/a-zA-Z0-9_-]", ampname) is not None:
        return HTTPBadRequest(
            body=json.dumps({"error": "bad characters in ampname"}))

    if request.matched_route.name == "allsites":
        result = ampy.add_amp_site(ampname, longname, location, description)
        url = request.route_url("onesite", name=escapeURIComponent(ampname))
        label = "site"
    elif request.matched_route.name == "allmeshes":
        result = ampy.add_amp_mesh(ampname, longname, description, public,
        url = request.route_url("onemesh", mesh=escapeURIComponent(ampname))
        label = "mesh"
        return HTTPBadRequest()

    if result:
        return HTTPCreated(headers=[("Location", url)],
                               {label: {
                                   "ampname": ampname,
                                   "url": url,

    return HTTPBadRequest()
예제 #4
파일: item.py 프로젝트: wanduow/amp-web
def convert_schedule_item(source, item, mesh_info, site_info):
    item["period"] = _period_string(item["start"], item["end"],
            item["frequency"], item["period"])
    item["raw_frequency"] = item["frequency"]
    item["frequency"] = _frequency_string(item["frequency"])
    item["fullargs"] = _full_arg_strings(item["test"], item["args"])
    item["source"] = {
        "ampname": source["ampname"],
        "longname": source["longname"],
        "urlname": escapeURIComponent(source["ampname"])
    item["meshes"] = []
    item["sites"] = []
    for target in item["dest_mesh"]:
    for target in item["dest_site"]:
        # strip any address family suffixes that might be present
        prefix = target.split("!", 1)[0]
        if target == prefix:
            info = site_info[prefix]
            # copy the info so we can overwrite the ampname and longname
            info = site_info[prefix].copy()
            info["ampname"] = target
            suffixes = target.split("!")[1:]
            count = None
            family = None
            # print extra human readable information about the suffixes used
            for suffix in suffixes:
                if suffix == "v4":
                    family = "IPv4"
                elif suffix == "v6":
                    family = "IPv6"
                elif suffix == "1":
                    count = suffix + " address"
                    # XXX this assumes suffix is a useful number
                    count = suffix + " addresses"
            info["longname"] += " (%s)" % (
                    ",".join(x for x in [count, family] if x))
    return item
예제 #5
파일: item.py 프로젝트: wanduow/amp-web
def display_mesh_landing(request):
    """ Display a list of all the available meshes """
    page_renderer = get_renderer("../templates/mesh_landing.pt")
    body = page_renderer.implementation().macros['body']

    SCRIPTS = getCommonScripts() + [

    ampy = initAmpy(request)
    if ampy is None:
        print("Error starting ampy during item request")
        return None

    meshes = ampy.get_meshes(None)
    banopts = getBannerOptions(request)

    for mesh in meshes:
        mesh["urlname"] = escapeURIComponent(mesh["ampname"])

    return {
        "title": "AMP Measurement Meshes",
        "body": body,
        "scripts": SCRIPTS,
        "styles": ["bootstrap.min.css"],
        "meshes": meshes,
        "gtag": getGATrackingID(request),
        "show_dash": banopts['showdash'],
        "show_matrix": banopts['showmatrix'],
        "can_edit": has_permission("editconfig", request.context, request),
        "show_config": has_permission("viewconfig", request.context, request),
        "show_users": has_permission("editusers", request.context, request),
        "logged_in": authenticated_userid(request),
        "bannertitle": banopts['title'],
예제 #6
파일: item.py 프로젝트: wanduow/amp-web
def display_item_info(request, ampname, category):
    """ Display an information page about a single site or mesh """
    page_renderer = get_renderer("../templates/item.pt")
    body = page_renderer.implementation().macros['body']

    SCRIPTS = getCommonScripts() + [

    STYLES = [

    ampname = urllib.parse.unquote(ampname)

    ampy = initAmpy(request)
    if ampy is None:
        print("Error starting ampy during schedule request")
        return None

    if category == "site":
        source = ampy.get_amp_site_info(ampname)
        members = meshes = ampy.get_meshes(None, site=ampname)
        meshes = {}
        source = ampy.get_amp_mesh_info(ampname)
        members = get_mesh_members(ampy, ampname)

    for member in members:
        member["urlname"] = escapeURIComponent(member["ampname"])

    if "unknown" in source and source["unknown"] is True:
        return HTTPNotFound()

    # turn the list of dicts into a dict of dicts, keyed by ampname
    full_mesh_info = dict((x["ampname"], x) for x in ampy.get_meshes(None))
    # XXX
    for mesh in full_mesh_info:
        full_mesh_info[mesh]["urlname"] = escapeURIComponent(

    # get full info for any possible destinations that we have
    destinations = ampy.get_amp_destinations()
    full_dest_info = dict((x["ampname"], x) for x in destinations)
    # XXX
    for dest in full_dest_info:
        full_dest_info[dest]["urlname"] = escapeURIComponent(

    # load the schedule for this particular source
    schedule = ampy.get_amp_source_schedule(ampname)
    schedule = [convert_schedule_item(
            source, x, full_mesh_info, full_dest_info) for x in schedule]

    # if it belongs to any meshes, then load those schedules too
    for mesh in meshes:
        mesh_schedule = ampy.get_amp_source_schedule(mesh["ampname"])
        mesh_schedule = [convert_schedule_item(
                mesh, x, full_mesh_info, full_dest_info) for x in mesh_schedule]

    # sort the schedule by test, then from most frequent to less frequent
    schedule.sort(key=lambda x: x["end"])
    schedule.sort(key=lambda x: x["start"])
    schedule.sort(key=lambda x: x["raw_frequency"])
    schedule.sort(key=lambda x: x["test"])

    # report on the current certificate status if possible
    if category == "site":
        source["pki"] = get_certificate_status(ampname)

    banopts = getBannerOptions(request)

    return {
        "title": "AMP Measurement Schedules for %s" % ampname,
        "page": "schedule",
        "body": body,
        "scripts": SCRIPTS,
        "styles": STYLES,
        "category": category,
        "ampname": ampname,
        "urlname": escapeURIComponent(ampname),
        "item": source,
        "members": members,
        "schedule": schedule,
        "gtag": getGATrackingID(request),
        "show_dash": banopts['showdash'],
        "show_matrix": banopts['showmatrix'],
        "can_edit": has_permission("editconfig", request.context, request),
        "show_config": has_permission("viewconfig", request.context, request),
        "show_users": has_permission("editusers", request.context, request),
        "logged_in": authenticated_userid(request),
        "bannertitle": banopts['title'],