예제 #1
    def mount_volume_group(self, instance_id, volume_group_id, mount_point=None, automount=True):
        #TODO at some point these should probably be configurable
        #TODO check that volume group is attached and assembled
        mount_options = 'noatime,nodiratime,noauto'
        block_device_match_pattern = '^({0})\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([0-9])\s+([0-9]).*'

        self.db.execute("select "
                          "hv.mount_point, "
                          "host, "
                          "h.availability_zone, "
                          "vg.block_device, "
                          "vg.group_type, "
                          "vg.fs_type "
                          "from host_volumes hv "
                          "join hosts h on h.instance_id=hv.instance_id "
                          "join volume_groups vg on vg.volume_group_id=hv.volume_group_id "
                          "where hv.instance_id=%s and hv.volume_group_id=%s", (instance_id, volume_group_id))
        data = self.db.fetchone()
        if not data:
            raise VolumeGroupNotFound("Instance {0} not found; unable to lookup availability zone or host for instance".format(instance_id))

        cur_mount_point, host, availability_zone, block_device, volume_group_type, fs_type = data
        region = availability_zone[0:len(availability_zone) - 1]

        sh = SSHManager()
        sh.connect(hostname=host, port=self.settings.SSH_PORT, username=self.settings.SSH_USER, password=self.settings.SSH_PASSWORD, key_filename=self.settings.SSH_KEYFILE)

        if not mount_point:
            stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('cat /etc/fstab', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            mtab = stdout.split("\n")
            for line in mtab:
                m = re.match(block_device_match_pattern.format(block_device.replace('/', '\\/')), line)
                if m:
                    mount_point = m.group(2)
        if not mount_point:
            raise VolumeMountError("No mount point defined and none can be determined for volume group".format(volume_group_id))

        #TODO mkdir -p of the mount directory
        command = "mkdir -p {0}".format(mount_point)
        stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo(command=command, sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
        if int(exit_code) != 0:
            raise VolumeMountError("Unable to create mount directory: {0} with error: {1}".format(mount_point, stderr))
        command = 'mount {0} {1} -o {2} -t {3}'.format(block_device, mount_point, mount_options, fs_type)
        stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo(command=command, sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
        if int(exit_code) != 0:
            raise VolumeMountError("Error mounting volume with command: {0}\n{1}".format(command, stderr))

        self.db.execute("UPDATE host_volumes SET mount_point=%s WHERE instance_id=%s AND volume_group_id=%s", (mount_point, instance_id, volume_group_id))

        print "Volume group {0} mounted on {1} ({2}) at {3}".format(volume_group_id, host, instance_id, mount_point)

        #TODO add the entries to to /etc/mdadm.conf so the raid device is initialized on boot
        if automount:
             self.configure_volume_automount(volume_group_id, mount_point)
예제 #2
    def unmount_volume_group(self, volume_group_id):

        self.db.execute("select "
                          "hv.mount_point, "
                          "host, "
                          "hv.instance_id, "
                          "h.availability_zone, "
                          "vg.block_device, "
                          "vg.group_type, "
                          "vg.fs_type "
                          "from host_volumes hv "
                          "join hosts h on h.instance_id=hv.instance_id "
                          "join volume_groups vg on vg.volume_group_id=hv.volume_group_id "
                          "where hv.volume_group_id=%s", (volume_group_id, ))
        data = self.db.fetchone()
        if not data:
            raise VolumeGroupNotFound("Record for volume group {0} not found".format(volume_group_id))

        cur_mount_point, host, instance_id, availability_zone, block_device, volume_group_type, fs_type = data

        sh = SSHManager()
        sh.connect(hostname=host, port=self.settings.SSH_PORT, username=self.settings.SSH_USER, password=self.settings.SSH_PASSWORD, key_filename=self.settings.SSH_KEYFILE)
        #TODO check if mounted, if not then noop
        block_device_match_pattern = '^([^\s]+?)\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([0-9])\s+([0-9]).*'

        stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('cat /etc/mtab', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
        mtab = stdout.split("\n")
        block_device_to_unmount = None
        for line in mtab:
            m = re.match(block_device_match_pattern, line)
            if m:
                if volume_group_type == 'single':
                    if m.group(1) == block_device:
                        block_device_to_unmount = m.group(1)
                    elif m.group(1).replace('/dev/xvd', '/dev/sd') == block_device:
                        block_device_to_unmount = m.group(1)
                    elif m.group(1).replace('/dev/hd', '/dev/sd') == block_device:
                        block_device_to_unmount = m.group(1)
                    if m.group(1) == block_device:
                        block_device_to_unmount = m.group(1)

        if block_device_to_unmount:
            command = 'umount {0}'.format(block_device_to_unmount)
            stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo(command=command, sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            if int(exit_code) != 0:
                raise VolumeMountError("Error unmounting volume with command: {0}\n{1}".format(command, stderr))
            print "Volume group {0} unmounted from host {1} ".format(volume_group_id, host)
            print "Volume group {0} is not mounted ".format(volume_group_id)

        self.db.execute("UPDATE host_volumes SET mount_point=%s WHERE instance_id=%s AND volume_group_id=%s", (None, instance_id, volume_group_id))
예제 #3
    def detach_volume_group(self, volume_group_id, force=False):
        self.db.execute("select "
                        "instance_id, "
                        "host, "
                        "mount_point, "
                        "v.availability_zone, "
                        "vg.group_type, "
                        "vg.block_device, "
                        "v.block_device, "
                        "volume_id "
                        "from volume_groups vg "
                        "join volumes v using(volume_group_id) "
                        "left join host_volumes hv using(volume_group_id) "
                        "left join hosts h using(instance_id) "
                        "where volume_group_id=%s", (volume_group_id,))

        voldata = self.db.fetchall()
        if not voldata:
            raise VolumeGroupNotFound("Volume group {0} not found".format(volume_group_id))

        instance_id, host, mount_point, availability_zone, volume_type, block_device = voldata[0][:6]

        if mount_point and not force:
            raise VolumeMountError("Volume group {0} is currently mounted on {1}, not detaching".format(volume_group_id, mount_point))

        if not host and not force:
            raise VolumeNotAvailable("Volume group {0} does not appear to be attached, use force option to force the detachment")

        if volume_type == 'raid' and host:
            sh = SSHManager()
            sh.connect(hostname=host, port=self.settings.SSH_PORT, username=self.settings.SSH_USER, password=self.settings.SSH_PASSWORD, key_filename=self.settings.SSH_KEYFILE)
            command = 'mdadm --stop {0}'.format(block_device)
            stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo(command=command, sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            if int(exit_code) != 0:
                raise VolumeMountError("Error stopping the software raid on volume group {0} with command: {1}\n{2}".format(volume_group_id, command, stderr))

        volids = []
        for d in voldata:

        region = availability_zone[0:len(availability_zone) - 1]
        botoconn = self.__get_boto_conn(region)
        vols = botoconn.get_all_volumes(volids)

        success = True
        for vol in vols:
            if vol.status == 'in-use':
                detached = vol.detach(force)
                if not detached:
                    success = False

        if success:
            self.configure_volume_automount(volume_group_id, None, True)
            self.db.execute("delete from host_volumes where volume_group_id=%s", (volume_group_id, ))
            print "Volume group {0} detached from instance {1}".format(volume_group_id, instance_id)
            print "Volume group {0} not detached".format(volume_group_id)
예제 #4
    def configure_volume_automount(self, volume_group_id, mount_point=None, remove=False):
        mount_options = "noatime,nodiratime 0 0"
        block_device_match_pattern = '^({0})\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([^\s]+?)\s+([0-9])\s+([0-9]).*'
        self.db.execute("select "
                          "hv.mount_point, "
                          "host, "
                          "vg.block_device, "
                          "vg.group_type, "
                          "vg.fs_type "
                          "from hosts h "
                          "join host_volumes hv on h.instance_id=hv.instance_id and hv.volume_group_id=%s "
                          "join volume_groups vg on vg.volume_group_id=hv.volume_group_id", (volume_group_id, ))
        info = self.db.fetchone()
        if not info:
            raise VolumeMountError("instance_id, volume_group_id, or host_volume association not found")

        defined_mount_point, host, block_device, group_type, fs_type = info
        if not block_device:
            raise VolumeMountError("block device is not set for volume group {0}, check that the volume group is attached".format(volume_group_id))

        sh = SSHManager()
        sh.connect(hostname=host, port=self.settings.SSH_PORT, username=self.settings.SSH_USER, password=self.settings.SSH_PASSWORD, key_filename=self.settings.SSH_KEYFILE)

        if not remove:
            if not mount_point:
                if defined_mount_point:
                    mount_point = defined_mount_point
                    stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('cat /etc/mtab', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
                    mtab = stdout.split("\n")
                    for line in mtab:
                        m = re.match(block_device_match_pattern.format(block_device.replace('/', '\\/')), line)
                        if m:
                            mount_point = m.group(2)

            if not mount_point:
                raise VolumeMountError("No mount point defined and none can be determined for volume group".format(volume_group_id))

        new_fstab_line = "{0} {1} {2} {3}".format(block_device, mount_point, fs_type, mount_options)
        stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('cat /etc/fstab', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)

        # Checking that stdout is not empty is a safety check to make sure that fstab does not get blown away in case there is some issue getting
        # current contents of fstab file. Based on an observed bug that effectively renders an instance useless on reboot
        # as /dev/pts doesn't get mounted so ssh does not work
        if stdout.strip():
            fstab = stdout.split("\n")
            found = False
            for i in range(0, len(fstab)):
                line = fstab[i]
                m = re.match(block_device_match_pattern.format(block_device.replace('/', '\\/')), line)
                if m:
                    if remove:
                        fstab[i] = ''
                        fstab[i] = new_fstab_line
                    found = True
            if not found and not remove:

            stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo("mv -f /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.prev")
            sh.sudo("echo '{0}' > /etc/fstab".format("\n".join(fstab).replace("\n\n", "\n")), sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            sh.sudo("chmod 0644 /etc/fstab", sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)

        if not remove:
            self.db.execute("update host_volumes set mount_point=%s where volume_group_id=%s", (mount_point, volume_group_id))

        # at this point /etc/fstab is fully configured

        # if problems on debian (or other OS's), there may be more steps needed to get mdadm to autostart
        # http://superuser.com/questions/287462/how-can-i-make-mdadm-auto-assemble-raid-after-each-boot
        if group_type == 'raid':
            print "Reading /etc/mdadm.conf"
            stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo("cat /etc/mdadm.conf", sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            conf = stdout.split("\n")
            if not remove:
                print "Reading current mdadm devices"
                stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo("mdadm --detail --scan ", sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
                scan = stdout.split("\n")

                mdadm_line = None
                for line in scan:
                    m = re.match('^ARRAY\s+([^\s]+)\s.*', line)
                    if m:
                        if m.group(1) == block_device:
                            mdadm_line = m.group(0)
                            stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo("ls -l --color=never {0}".format(m.group(1)) + " | awk '{print $NF}'", sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
                            if stdout.strip():
                                if os.path.basename(stdout.strip()) == os.path.basename(block_device):
                                    mdadm_line = m.group(0).replace(m.group(1), block_device)

                if not mdadm_line:
                    raise VolumeMountError("mdadm --detail --scan did not return an mdadm configuration for {0}".format(block_device))

            found = False
            for i in range(0, len(conf)):
                line = conf[i]
                m = re.match('^ARRAY\s+([^\s]+)\s.*', line)
                if m and m.group(1) == block_device:
                    if remove:
                        conf[i] = ''
                        conf[i] = mdadm_line
                    found = True
            if not found and not remove:

            print "Backing up /etc/mdadm.conf to /etc/mdadm.conf.prev"
            sh.sudo('mv -f /etc/mdadm.conf /etc/mdadm.conf.prev', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            print "Writing new /etc/mdadm.conf file"
            for line in conf:
                if line:
                    sh.sudo("echo '{0}' >> /etc/mdadm.conf".format(line), sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
예제 #5
    def assemble_raid(self, instance_id, volume_group_id, new_raid=False):
        #TODO check that the volumes are attached
        self.db.execute("SELECT availability_zone, host from hosts where instance_id=%s", (instance_id, ))
        data = self.db.fetchone()
        if not data:
            raise InstanceNotFound("Instance {0} not found; unable to lookup availability zone or host for instance".format(instance_id))
        availability_zone, host = data
        region = availability_zone[0:len(availability_zone) - 1]

        self.db.execute("select "
                          "vg.raid_level, "
                          "vg.stripe_block_size, "
                          "vg.fs_type, "
                          "vg.group_type, "
                          "v.volume_id, "
                          "v.block_device, "
                          "v.raid_device_id "
                          "from volume_groups vg join volumes v on vg.volume_group_id = v.volume_group_id "
                          "where vg.volume_group_id=%s order by raid_device_id", (volume_group_id, ))
        voldata = self.db.fetchall()

        if not voldata:
            raise VolumeGroupNotFound("Metadata not found for volume_group_id: {0}".format(volume_group_id))

        sh = SSHManager()
        sh.connect(hostname=host, port=self.settings.SSH_PORT, username=self.settings.SSH_USER, password=self.settings.SSH_PASSWORD, key_filename=self.settings.SSH_KEYFILE)

        fs_type = voldata[0][2]

        if voldata[0][3] == 'raid':
            stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('ls --color=never /dev/md[0-9]*', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            d = stdout.split(' ')
            current_devices = []
            for i in d:
                if i: current_devices.append(str(i))

            # find an available md* block device that we can use for the raid
            md_id = 0
            block_device = "/dev/md" + str(md_id)
            while block_device in current_devices:
                md_id += 1
                block_device = "/dev/md" + str(md_id)

            devcount = 0
            devlist = ''
            md_dev_pattern = ''
            for row in voldata:
                devcount += 1
                devlist += row[5] + " "
                # /dev/sd
                md_dev_pattern = '([a-z]+{0}).*?'.format(row[5][6:]) + md_dev_pattern
            md_dev_pattern = '(md[0-9]+).*?' + md_dev_pattern

            if new_raid:
                raid_level = voldata[0][0]
                stripe_block_size = voldata[0][1]
                command = 'mdadm --create {0} --level={1} --chunk={2} --raid-devices={3} {4}'.format(block_device, raid_level, stripe_block_size, devcount, devlist)
                stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo(command=command, sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
                if int(exit_code) != 0:
                    raise RaidError("There was an error creating raid with command:\n{0}\n{1}".format(command, stderr))

                command = 'mkfs.{0} {1}'.format(fs_type, block_device)
                stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo(command=command, sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
                if int(exit_code) != 0:
                    raise RaidError("There was an error creating filesystem with command:\n{0}\n{1}".format(command, stderr))

                # find out if the raid was auto assembled as a new md device before trying to assemble it
                stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('cat /proc/mdstat', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
                mdstat = stdout.split('\n')

                dev_found = None
                for line in mdstat:
                    m = re.match(md_dev_pattern, line)
                    if m:
                        dev_found = m.group(1)

                if dev_found:
                    print "Waiting 10 seconds to allow raid device to get ready"
                    block_device = '/dev/' + dev_found
                    command = 'mdadm --assemble {0} {1}'.format(block_device, devlist)
                    stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo(command=command, sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
                    if int(exit_code) != 0:
                        raise RaidError("There was an error creating raid with command:\n{0}\n{1}".format(command, stderr))

            block_device = voldata[0][5]
            if new_raid:
                command = 'mkfs.{0} {1}'.format(fs_type, block_device)
                stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo(command=command, sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
                if int(exit_code) != 0:
                    raise RaidError("There was an error creating filesystem with command:\n{0}\n{1}".format(command, stderr))

        #TODO add check in here to cat /proc/mdstat and make sure the expected raid is setup

        self.db.execute("INSERT INTO host_volumes set instance_id=%s, volume_group_id=%s, mount_point=NULL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mount_point=NULL", (instance_id, volume_group_id))
        self.db.execute("UPDATE volume_groups set block_device=%s where volume_group_id=%s", (block_device, volume_group_id))
예제 #6
    def configure_hostname(self, instance_id, hostname, configure_server=False):
        self.db.execute("select instance_id, hostname_external, hostname_internal from hosts where host=%s",(hostname, ))
        rows = self.db.fetchall()
        # This updates any hosts with the hostname given to their external or internal hostname before applying that hostname to another host
        if rows:
            for row in rows:
                hn = None
                if row[2]:
                    hn = row[2]
                if row[1]:
                    hn = row[1]

                self.db.execute("update hosts set host=%s where instance_id=%s", (hn, row[0]))
        self.db.execute("update hosts set host=%s where instance_id=%s", (hostname, instance_id))

        self.db.execute("select instance_id, host, uname from hosts where instance_id=%s", (instance_id, ))
        row = self.db.fetchone()
        if not row:
            self.logger.error("Unable to find instance metadata")

        # if there is a uname set then we will use that rather than the hostname to set the system uname
        uname = row[1]
        if row[2]:
            uname = row[2]

        sh = SSHManager()
        sh.connect(hostname=hostname, port=self.settings.SSH_PORT, username=self.settings.SSH_USER, password=self.settings.SSH_PASSWORD, key_filename=self.settings.SSH_KEYFILE)

        self.logger.info("Setting the running value for hostname on the instance")
        stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('hostname {0}'.format(uname), sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
        if int(exit_code) != 0:
            self.logger.error("There was an error setting the running hostname of the instance\n" + stderr)

        permanent = False
        # Redhat/CentOS uses a "HOSTNAME=somehost.example.com" line in /etc/sysconfig/network to set hostname permanently
        stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('cat /etc/sysconfig/network', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
        if int(exit_code) == 0:
            self.logger.info("/etc/sysconfig/network file found, modifying HOSTNAME")
            hoststring = "HOSTNAME={0}".format(uname)
            lines = stdout.strip().split("\n")
            found = False
            for i in range(0, len(lines)):
                if lines[i][0:8] == 'HOSTNAME':
                    lines[i] = hoststring
                    found = True
            if not found:

            sh.sudo('mv -f /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig/network.prev', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            for line in lines:
                sh.sudo('echo {0} >> /etc/sysconfig/network'.format(line), sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            permanent = True

        # Ubuntu uses "somehost.example.com" as the contents of /etc/hostname to set hostname permanently
        stdout, stderr, exit_code = sh.sudo('cat /etc/hostname', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
        if int(exit_code) == 0:
            self.logger.info("/etc/hostname file found, setting hostname")
            sh.sudo('cp /etc/hostname /etc/hostname.prev', sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            sh.sudo('echo {0} > /etc/hostname'.format(uname), sudo_password=self.settings.SUDO_PASSWORD)
            permanent = True

        if permanent:
            self.logger.info("Hostname configured permanently on instance")