def is_field_number(report, field_name): model = loads(report.model) classobj = model.get_class_object() field = classobj._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0] if number_field_regex.match(field.get_internal_type()): return True return False
def display_chart(context, chart, skip_group=False): "Return HTML for chart" request = context['request'] response_format = 'html' if 'response_format' in context: response_format = context['response_format'] options = loads(chart.options) content = _get_report_content(, request) objs = content['set'] chart_dict = {} field_name = options['grouping'] model = loads( chart_dict['yAxis'] = {'allowDecimals': False, 'title': { 'text':'.')[-1] + " Count vs. " + field_name.replace('_', ' ').title()} } chart_dict['xAxis'] = {} try: xfield = objs[0]._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0] except: chart.delete() return def get_date(g, mindate): if g and g != return g else: return mindate if xfield.get_internal_type() == 'ManyToManyField': l = [] for obj in objs: for mi in getattr(obj, field_name).all(): l.append(unicode(mi)) elif xfield.get_internal_type() == 'DateTimeField' or xfield.get_internal_type() == 'DateField': chart_dict['xAxis']['labels'] = { # 'rotation':90, 'align': 'left', 'x': 3, 'y': 15} l, m, datelist = [], [], [] maxdate = None mindate = None for obj in objs: if getattr(obj, field_name): x = getattr(obj, field_name) if xfield.get_internal_type() == 'DateTimeField': x = if not maxdate or x > maxdate: maxdate = x if not mindate or x < mindate: mindate = x datelist.append(x) if unicode(x) not in m: m.append(unicode(x)) else: datelist.append( while in datelist: datelist.append(mindate) datelist.remove( datelist = sorted(datelist, key=lambda g: get_date(g, mindate)) l = [unicode(g) for g in datelist] # chart_dict['xAxis']['categories']=m chart_dict['xAxis']['type'] = 'datetime' td = maxdate - mindate # print (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6 chart_dict['zoomType'] = 'x' chart_dict['xAxis']['tickInterval'] = ( td.microseconds + ( td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10 ** 6) / 10 ** 4 # chart_dict['xAxis']['tickWidth']= 0, chart_dict['maxZoom'] = 14 * 24 * 3600000 # 2wks # chart_dict['xAxis']['gridLineWidth']= 1, chart_dict['series'] = [{'name':'.')[-1], 'data': []}] for x in set(l): chart_dict['series'][0]['data'].append(('{0!s} UTC'.format(x), l.count(x))) else: l = [unicode(obj.get_field_value(field_name)) for obj in objs] if 'series' not in chart_dict: chart_dict['series'] = [] # chart_dict['series'].append({'name':field_name, 'data': [{'name': x, 'y':l.count(x)} for x in set(l)]}) chart_dict['series'].append({'name': field_name.replace( '_', ' ').title(), 'data': [[x, l.count(x)] for x in set(l)]}) # for x in set(l): # chart_dict['series'].append({'name':x, 'data': l.count(x)}) # chart_dict['series'].append({'data':[{'name':x, 'y': [l.count(x)]} for x in set(l)]}) if 'xAxis' not in chart_dict: chart_dict['xAxis']['categories'] = [x for x in set(l)] # Chart type specific options if 'legend' in options and options['legend'] == 'on': chart_dict['legend'] = { 'layout': 'vertical', 'align': 'right', 'verticalAlign': 'top', 'x': -10, 'y': 100, 'borderWidth': 0 } if 'title' in options: chart_dict['title'] = {'text': options['title']} # Create a hash and use it as a unqiue div id and var name for the chart. hasher = hashlib.md5() hasher.update(str(random())) id = 'chartcontainer' + str(hasher.hexdigest()) # Disable animation for when saving as PDF chart_dict['chart'] = {'renderTo': id, 'defaultSeriesType': options['type']} # chart_dict['plotOptions'] = {'series': {'animation': False}} chart_dict['plotOptions'] = {'pie': { 'allowPointSelect': True, 'cursor': 'pointer', 'dataLabels': { 'enabled': False }, 'showInLegend': True }} chart_dict['credits'] = {'enabled': False} rendered_options = json.dumps(chart_dict) rendered_options = rendered_options[ :-1] + ", tooltip: {formatter: function() {return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.y;}}}" if 'type' in chart_dict['xAxis'] and chart_dict['xAxis']['type'] == 'datetime': rendered_options += """ datedata = []; jQuery.each(options.series[0].data, function(i,item){ date = Date.parse(item[0]); count = item[1]; datedata.push([date, count]); }); options.series[0].data = datedata; function merge_options(obj1,obj2){ var obj3 = {}; for (attrname in obj1) { obj3[attrname] = obj1[attrname]; } for (attrname in obj2) { obj3[attrname] = obj2[attrname]; } return obj3; } var dateoptions = { tooltip: { shared: true, crosshairs: true }, }; options = merge_options(options, dateoptions); """ return Markup(render_to_string('reports/tags/chart', {'rendered_options': rendered_options, 'id': id, 'chart_id':, 'chart': chart, 'name': options['title']}, context_instance=RequestContext(request), response_format=response_format))
def display_chart(context, chart, skip_group=False): "Return HTML for chart" request = context['request'] response_format = 'html' if 'response_format' in context: response_format = context['response_format'] options = loads(chart.options) content = _get_report_content(, request) objs = content['set'] chart_dict = {} field_name = options['grouping'] model = loads( chart_dict['yAxis'] = { 'allowDecimals': False, 'title': { 'text':'.')[-1] + " Count vs. " + field_name.replace('_', ' ').title() } } chart_dict['xAxis'] = {} try: xfield = objs[0]._meta.get_field_by_name(field_name)[0] except: chart.delete() return def get_date(g, mindate): if g and g != return g else: return mindate if xfield.get_internal_type() == 'ManyToManyField': l = [] for obj in objs: for mi in getattr(obj, field_name).all(): l.append(unicode(mi)) elif xfield.get_internal_type( ) == 'DateTimeField' or xfield.get_internal_type() == 'DateField': chart_dict['xAxis']['labels'] = { # 'rotation':90, 'align': 'left', 'x': 3, 'y': 15 } l, m, datelist = [], [], [] maxdate = None mindate = None for obj in objs: if getattr(obj, field_name): x = getattr(obj, field_name) if xfield.get_internal_type() == 'DateTimeField': x = if not maxdate or x > maxdate: maxdate = x if not mindate or x < mindate: mindate = x datelist.append(x) if unicode(x) not in m: m.append(unicode(x)) else: datelist.append( while in datelist: datelist.append(mindate) datelist.remove( datelist = sorted(datelist, key=lambda g: get_date(g, mindate)) l = [unicode(g) for g in datelist] # chart_dict['xAxis']['categories']=m chart_dict['xAxis']['type'] = 'datetime' td = maxdate - mindate # print (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6 chart_dict['zoomType'] = 'x' chart_dict['xAxis']['tickInterval'] = ( td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**4 # chart_dict['xAxis']['tickWidth']= 0, chart_dict['maxZoom'] = 14 * 24 * 3600000 # 2wks # chart_dict['xAxis']['gridLineWidth']= 1, chart_dict['series'] = [{ 'name':'.')[-1], 'data': [] }] for x in set(l): chart_dict['series'][0]['data'].append( ('{0!s} UTC'.format(x), l.count(x))) else: l = [unicode(obj.get_field_value(field_name)) for obj in objs] if 'series' not in chart_dict: chart_dict['series'] = [] # chart_dict['series'].append({'name':field_name, 'data': [{'name': x, 'y':l.count(x)} for x in set(l)]}) chart_dict['series'].append({ 'name': field_name.replace('_', ' ').title(), 'data': [[x, l.count(x)] for x in set(l)] }) # for x in set(l): # chart_dict['series'].append({'name':x, 'data': l.count(x)}) # chart_dict['series'].append({'data':[{'name':x, 'y': [l.count(x)]} for x in set(l)]}) if 'xAxis' not in chart_dict: chart_dict['xAxis']['categories'] = [x for x in set(l)] # Chart type specific options if 'legend' in options and options['legend'] == 'on': chart_dict['legend'] = { 'layout': 'vertical', 'align': 'right', 'verticalAlign': 'top', 'x': -10, 'y': 100, 'borderWidth': 0 } if 'title' in options: chart_dict['title'] = {'text': options['title']} # Create a hash and use it as a unqiue div id and var name for the chart. hasher = hashlib.md5() hasher.update(str(random())) id = 'chartcontainer' + str(hasher.hexdigest()) # Disable animation for when saving as PDF chart_dict['chart'] = { 'renderTo': id, 'defaultSeriesType': options['type'] } # chart_dict['plotOptions'] = {'series': {'animation': False}} chart_dict['plotOptions'] = { 'pie': { 'allowPointSelect': True, 'cursor': 'pointer', 'dataLabels': { 'enabled': False }, 'showInLegend': True } } chart_dict['credits'] = {'enabled': False} rendered_options = json.dumps(chart_dict) rendered_options = rendered_options[:-1] + ", tooltip: {formatter: function() {return '<b>'+ +'</b>: '+ this.y;}}}" if 'type' in chart_dict['xAxis'] and chart_dict['xAxis'][ 'type'] == 'datetime': rendered_options += """ datedata = []; jQuery.each(options.series[0].data, function(i,item){ date = Date.parse(item[0]); count = item[1]; datedata.push([date, count]); }); options.series[0].data = datedata; function merge_options(obj1,obj2){ var obj3 = {}; for (attrname in obj1) { obj3[attrname] = obj1[attrname]; } for (attrname in obj2) { obj3[attrname] = obj2[attrname]; } return obj3; } var dateoptions = { tooltip: { shared: true, crosshairs: true }, }; options = merge_options(options, dateoptions); """ return Markup( render_to_string('reports/tags/chart', { 'rendered_options': rendered_options, 'id': id, 'chart_id':, 'chart': chart, 'name': options['title'] }, context_instance=RequestContext(request), response_format=response_format))