def tsm_analysis(df, window, sc): try: end = max(df.ts) start = min(df.ts) window.end = end window.start = start - timedelta(days=3) window.offsetstart = window.start - timedelta(days=( sc['subsurface']['num_roll_window_ops'] * window.numpts - 1) / 48.) tsm_name = df['tsm_name'].values[0] print(tsm_name) tsm_props = qdb.get_tsm_list(tsm_name)[0] data = proc.proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc, realtime=True, comp_vel=True).tilt.reset_index() node_data = data.groupby('node_id', as_index=False) tsm_kinematics = node_data.apply(node_disp).reset_index(drop=True) node_kinematics = tsm_kinematics.groupby('node_id', as_index=False) adj_node_movt = node_kinematics.apply( adj_movt, data=tsm_kinematics, num_nodes=tsm_props.nos).reset_index(drop=True) percent_movt = pd.merge(df, adj_node_movt, how='inner', on=['ts', 'tsm_name', 'node_id']) return percent_movt[[ 'ts', 'tsm_name', 'node_id', 'top_disp', 'bottom_disp', 'top_vel', 'bottom_vel', 'na_status' ]] except: pass
def get_tsm_data(tsm_name, start, end, plot_type, node_lst): tsm_props = qdb.get_tsm_list(tsm_name)[0] window, sc = rtw.get_window(end) window.start = pd.to_datetime(start) window.offsetstart = window.start - timedelta( (sc['subsurface']['num_roll_window_ops'] * window.numpts - 1) / 48.) data = proc.proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc, comp_vel=False, analysis=False) df = data.tilt.reset_index()[['ts', 'node_id', 'xz', 'xy']] df = df.loc[(df.ts >= window.start) & (df.ts <= window.end)] df = df.sort_values('ts') if plot_type == 'cml': xzd_plotoffset = 0 if node_lst != 'all': df = df[df.node_id.isin(node_lst)] df = plotter.cum_surf(df, xzd_plotoffset, tsm_props.nos) else: node_df = df.groupby('node_id', as_index=False) df = node_df.apply(zeroed, column='xz') df['zeroed_xz'] = df['zeroed_xz'] * 100 node_df = df.groupby('node_id', as_index=False) df = node_df.apply(zeroed, column='xy') df['zeroed_xy'] = df['zeroed_xy'] * 100 return df
def proc_data(tsm_name, endTS, startTS, sc, hour_interval, fixpoint): tsm_props = qdb.get_tsm_list(tsm_name)[0] #end if endTS == '': window, config = rtw.get_window() else: end = pd.to_datetime(endTS) end_year = end.year end_month = end.month end_day = end_hour = end.hour end_minute = end.minute if end_minute < 30: end_minute = 0 else: end_minute = 30 end = datetime.combine(date(end_year, end_month, end_day), time(end_hour, end_minute, 0)) window, config = rtw.get_window(end) if startTS != '': #start start = pd.to_datetime(startTS) start_year = start.year start_month = start.month start_day = start_hour = start.hour start_minute = start.minute if start_minute < 30: start_minute = 0 else: start_minute = 30 window.start = datetime.combine( date(start_year, start_month, start_day), time(start_hour, start_minute, 0)) #offsetstart window.offsetstart = window.start - timedelta(days=( sc['subsurface']['num_roll_window_ops'] * window.numpts - 1) / 48.) #colpos interval if hour_interval == '': if int((window.end - window.start).total_seconds() / (3600 * 24)) <= 5: hour_interval = 4 else: hour_interval = 24 sc['subsurface']['col_pos_interval'] = str(hour_interval) + 'H' sc['subsurface']['num_col_pos'] = int( (window.end - window.start).total_seconds() / (3600 * hour_interval)) + 1 if fixpoint in ['top', 'bottom']: sc['subsurface']['column_fic'] = fixpoint data = proc.proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc) tilt = data.tilt[window.start:window.end] tilt = tilt.reset_index().sort_values('ts', ascending=True) tilt = tilt[['ts', 'node_id', 'xz', 'xy', 'vel_xz', 'vel_xy']] return tilt, window, sc, tsm_props
def tsm_analysis(df, window, sc): try: end = max(df.ts) start = min(df.ts) window.end = end window.start = start - timedelta(days=3) window.offsetstart = window.start - timedelta(days=(sc['subsurface'] ['num_roll_window_ops']*window.numpts-1)/48.) tsm_name = df['tsm_name'].values[0] print(tsm_name) tsm_props = qdb.get_tsm_list(tsm_name)[0] data = proc.proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc, realtime=True, comp_vel=True).tilt.reset_index() # proc using lowess ## check treshold exceedance percent_movt = pd.merge(df, data, how='inner', on=['ts', 'tsm_name', 'node_id']) return percent_movt.loc[:, ['ts', 'tsm_name', 'node_id', 'na_status', 'pred']] except: pass
def main(): # asks for tsm name while True: props = qdb.get_tsm_list(input('sensor name: ')) if len(props) == 1: break else: qdb.print_out('sensor name is not in the list') continue tsm_props = props[0] # asks if to plot from date activated (or oldest data) to most recent data while True: input_text = 'plot from start to end of data? (Y/N): ' plot_all_data = input(input_text).lower() if plot_all_data == 'y' or plot_all_data == 'n': break # asks if to specify end timestamp of monitoring window if plot_all_data == 'n': while True: input_text = 'specify end timestamp of monitoring window? (Y/N): ' test_specific_time = input(input_text).lower() if test_specific_time == 'y' or test_specific_time == 'n': break # ask for timestamp of end of monitoring window defaults to if test_specific_time == 'y': while True: try: input_text = 'plot end timestamp (format: 2016-12-31 23:30): ' end = pd.to_datetime(input(input_text)) break except: print('invalid datetime format') continue else: end = # monitoring window and server configurations window, sc = rtw.get_window(end) # asks if to plot with 3-day monitoring window while True: input_text = 'plot with 3-day monitoring window? (Y/N): ' three_day_window = input(input_text).lower() if three_day_window == 'y' or three_day_window == 'n': break # asks start of monitoring window defaults to values in server config if three_day_window == 'n': while True: input_text = 'start of monitoring window (in days) ' input_text += 'or datetime (format: 2016-12-31 23:30): ' start = input(input_text) try: window.start = window.end - timedelta(int(start)) break except: try: window.start = pd.to_datetime(start) break except: print('datetime format or integer only') continue # computes offsetstart from given start timestamp window.offsetstart = window.start - timedelta( days=(sc['subsurface']['num_roll_window_ops'] * window.numpts - 1) / 48.) else: # check date of activation query = "SELECT date_activated FROM tsm_sensors" query += " WHERE tsm_name = '%s'" % tsm_props.tsm_name try: date_activated = qdb.db.df_read(query).values[0][0] except: date_activated = pd.to_datetime('2010-01-01') #compute for start to end timestamp of data query = "(SELECT * FROM tilt_%s" % tsm_props.tsm_name query += " where ts > '%s' ORDER BY ts LIMIT 1)" % date_activated query += " UNION ALL" query += " (SELECT * FROM tilt_%s" % tsm_props.tsm_name query += " ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1)" start_end = qdb.db.df_read(query) end = pd.to_datetime(start_end['ts'].values[1]) window, sc = rtw.get_window(end) start_dataTS = pd.to_datetime(start_end['ts'].values[0]) start_dataTS_Year = start_dataTS.year start_dataTS_month = start_dataTS.month start_dataTS_day = start_dataTS_hour = start_dataTS.hour start_dataTS_minute = start_dataTS.minute if start_dataTS_minute < 30: start_dataTS_minute = 0 else: start_dataTS_minute = 30 window.offsetstart = datetime.combine( date(start_dataTS_Year, start_dataTS_month, start_dataTS_day), time(start_dataTS_hour, start_dataTS_minute, 0)) # computes offsetstart from given start timestamp window.start = window.offsetstart + timedelta(days=( sc['subsurface']['num_roll_window_ops'] * window.numpts - 1) / 48.) # asks if to plot velocity and asks for interval and legends to show in # column position plots if to plot all data or if monitoring window not # equal to 3 days if plot_all_data == 'y' or three_day_window == 'n': # asks for interval between column position plots while True: try: input_text = 'interval between column position plots, in hours: ' col_pos_interval = int(input(input_text)) break except: qdb.print_out('enter an integer') continue # computes for interval and number of column position plots sc['subsurface']['col_pos_interval'] = str(col_pos_interval) + 'H' sc['subsurface']['num_col_pos'] = int( (window.end - window.start).total_seconds() / (3600 * col_pos_interval) + 1) # asks if to plot all legends while True: input_text = 'show all legends in column position plot? (Y/N): ' show_all_legend = input(input_text).lower() if show_all_legend == 'y' or show_all_legend == 'n': break if show_all_legend == 'y': show_part_legend = False # asks which legends to show elif show_all_legend == 'n': while True: try: show_part_legend = int(input('every nth legend to show: ')) if show_part_legend <= sc['subsurface']['num_col_pos']: break else: input_text = 'integer should be less than ' input_text += 'the number of colpos dates to plot: ' input_text += '%s' % (sc['subsurface']['num_col_pos']) qdb.print_out(input_text) continue except: qdb.print_out('enter an integer') continue while True: plotvel = input('plot velocity? (Y/N): ').lower() if plotvel == 'y' or plotvel == 'n': break if plotvel == 'y': plotvel = True else: plotvel = False three_day_window = False else: plotvel = True show_part_legend = True three_day_window = True # asks which point to fix in column position plots while True: input_text = 'column fix for colpos (top/bottom). ' input_text += 'press enter to skip; ' input_text += 'default for monitoring is fix bottom: ' column_fix = input(input_text).lower() if column_fix in ['top', 'bottom', '']: break if column_fix == '': column_fix = 'bottom' sc['subsurface']['column_fix'] = column_fix # mirror xz and/or xy colpos while True: try: mirror_xz = bool(int(input('mirror image of xz colpos? (0/1): '))) break except: print('Invalid. 1 for mirror image of xz colpos else 0') continue while True: try: mirror_xy = bool(int(input('mirror image of xy colpos? (0/1): '))) break except: print('Invalid. 1 for mirror image of xy colpos else 0') continue while True: print_disp_vel = input( 'print displacement and velocity to csv? (Y/N): ').lower() if print_disp_vel == 'y' or print_disp_vel == 'n': break data = proc.proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc, realtime=True, comp_vel=plotvel, analysis=False) if print_disp_vel == 'y': tilt = data.tilt.reset_index() accel = data.accel_data.reset_index() df = pd.merge(tilt, accel, on=['ts', 'node_id', 'tsm_name'], how='outer').sort_values(['ts', 'node_id']) df.to_csv('{}_{}-{}.csv'.format(tsm_props.tsm_name, window.start.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'), window.end.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')), index=False) plotter.main(data, tsm_props, window, sc, plotvel=plotvel, show_part_legend=show_part_legend, realtime=True, plot_inc=False, three_day_window=three_day_window, mirror_xz=mirror_xz, mirror_xy=mirror_xy) return data
def main(tsm_name='', end='', end_mon=False): run_start = qdb.print_out(run_start) qdb.print_out(tsm_name) if tsm_name == '': tsm_name = sys.argv[1].lower() if end == '': try: end = pd.to_datetime(sys.argv[2]) except: end = else: end = pd.to_datetime(end) window, sc = rtw.get_window(end) tsm_props = qdb.get_tsm_list(tsm_name)[0] data = proc.proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc) tilt = data.tilt[window.start:window.end] lgd = data.lgd tilt = tilt.reset_index().sort_values('ts', ascending=True) if lgd.empty: qdb.print_out('%s: no data' % tsm_name) return nodal_tilt = tilt.groupby('node_id', as_index=False) alert = nodal_tilt.apply(lib.node_alert, colname=tsm_props.tsm_name, num_nodes=tsm_props.nos, disp=float(sc['subsurface']['disp']), vel2=float(sc['subsurface']['vel2']), vel3=float(sc['subsurface']['vel3']), k_ac_ax=float(sc['subsurface']['k_ac_ax']), lastgooddata=lgd, window=window, sc=sc).reset_index(drop=True) alert.loc[:, 'col_alert'] = -1 col_alert = pd.DataFrame({ 'node_id': range(1, tsm_props.nos + 1), 'col_alert': [-1] * tsm_props.nos }) node_col_alert = col_alert.groupby('node_id', as_index=False) node_col_alert.apply(lib.column_alert, alert=alert, num_nodes_to_check=int( sc['subsurface']['num_nodes_to_check']), k_ac_ax=float(sc['subsurface']['k_ac_ax']), vel2=float(sc['subsurface']['vel2']), vel3=float(sc['subsurface']['vel3'])) valid_nodes_alert = alert.loc[~alert.node_id.isin(data.inv)] if max(valid_nodes_alert['col_alert'].values) > 0: pos_alert = valid_nodes_alert[valid_nodes_alert.col_alert > 0] site_alert = trend.main(pos_alert, tsm_props.tsm_id, window.end, data.inv) else: site_alert = max( lib.get_mode(list(valid_nodes_alert['col_alert'].values))) tsm_alert = pd.DataFrame({ 'ts': [window.end], 'tsm_id': [tsm_props.tsm_id], 'alert_level': [site_alert], 'ts_updated': [window.end] }) qdb.alert_to_db(tsm_alert, 'tsm_alerts') qdb.write_op_trig(tsm_props.site_id, window.end) qdb.print_out(tsm_alert) qdb.print_out('run time = ' + str( - run_start)) return tilt
def main(alert): site_id = alert.site_id site = alert.site_code ts = alert.ts_last_retrigger source_id = alert.source_id alert_id = alert.stat_id #### Open config files sc = mem.get('server_config') output_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')) # OutputFP= os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')) #os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/{} {}/'.format(site, ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H%M")) OutputFP = '{}/olivia_plots/' + '{} {} {}/'.format( output_path + sc['fileio']['output_path'], alert_id, site, ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H%M")) OutputFP = OutputFP.replace("\\", "/") if not os.path.exists(OutputFP): os.makedirs(OutputFP) else: return False if source_id == 1: ts_before = ts.round('4H') - td(hours=4) queryalert = """SELECT na_id,ts,t.tsm_id,tsm_name,node_id,disp_alert,vel_alert FROM node_alerts inner join tsm_sensors as t on t.tsm_id=node_alerts.tsm_id where site_id={} and (ts between '{}' and '{}') order by tsm_name, node_id, ts desc""".format( alert.site_id, ts_before, ts) dfalert = db.df_read(queryalert, connection="analysis").groupby( ['tsm_id', 'node_id']).first().reset_index() print("ok") # plot colpos & disp vel tsm_props = qdb.get_tsm_list(dfalert.tsm_name[0])[0] window, sc = rtw.get_window(ts) data = proc.proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc) plotter.main(data, tsm_props, window, sc, plot_inc=False) plot_path_sensor = output_path + sc['fileio']['realtime_path'] for img in os.listdir(plot_path_sensor): shutil.move("{}/{}".format(plot_path_sensor, img), OutputFP) # plot node data for i in dfalert.index: print(dfalert.tsm_name[i], dfalert.node_id[i], dfalert.ts[i]) xyz.xyzplot(dfalert.tsm_id[i], dfalert.node_id[i], dfalert.ts[i], OutputFP) elif source_id == 3: rain.main(site_code=site, end=ts, write_to_db=False, print_plot=True) plot_path_rain = output_path + sc['fileio']['rainfall_path'] for img in os.listdir(plot_path_rain): shutil.move("{}/{}".format(plot_path_rain, img), OutputFP) elif source_id == 2: # print("marker") # query_alert = ("SELECT marker_id FROM marker_alerts " # "where ts = '{}' and alert_level >0".format(ts)) # dfalert=db.df_read(query_alert,connection = "analysis") #for m_id in dfalert.marker_id: marker.generate_surficial_alert(site_id=site_id, ts=ts) #, marker_id=m_id) plot_path_meas = output_path + sc['fileio']['surficial_meas_path'] plot_path_trend = output_path + sc['fileio']['surficial_trending_path'] for img in os.listdir(plot_path_meas): shutil.move("{}/{}".format(plot_path_meas, img), OutputFP) for img in os.listdir(plot_path_trend): shutil.move("{}/{}".format(plot_path_trend, img), OutputFP) return OutputFP
"on monitoring_event_alerts.event_id = monitoring_events.event_id " "inner join monitoring_releases " "on monitoring_event_alerts.event_alert_id = monitoring_releases.event_alert_id " "inner join public_alert_symbols " "on public_alert_symbols.pub_sym_id = monitoring_event_alerts.pub_sym_id " "where monitoring_event_alerts.pub_sym_id >= 2 and validity > Now() and data_ts >= NOW()-INTERVAL 4 hour " "AND site_code in ('msu','msl') " "order by alert_symbol desc") cur_alert = db.df_read(query, connection="website") # remove repeating site_code cur_alert = cur_alert.groupby("site_code").first().reset_index() if len(cur_alert) > 0: # plot colpos & disp vel tsm_props = qdb.get_tsm_list("msuta")[0] window, sc = rtw.get_window(pd.to_datetime( data = proc.proc_data(tsm_props, window, sc) plotter.main(data, tsm_props, window, sc, plot_inc=False) #, output_path=OutputFP) plot_path_sensor = output_path + sc['fileio']['realtime_path'] try: for img in os.listdir(plot_path_sensor): if"colpos", img): cmd = "{} {}/ --conversation-id {} --image '{}/{}'".format( python_path, file_path, mesolong_plots, plot_path_sensor, img) os.system(cmd)