예제 #1
def leapfrog(h, D, tMax):
    """Calculates the solution using the Leapfrog method, and plots against time"""

    t = np.arange(0, tMax, h)
    v = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta[0] = 0.1  #Using small initial angle

    v[1] = v[0] + (
        -theta[0] - D * v[0]
    ) * h  #First value in leapfrog method must actually be calculated using Euler Forward Scheme
    theta[1] = theta[0] + (v[0]) * h

    for i in range(2,
                   t.size):  #Iteratively obtaining theta values using Leapfrog
        v[i] = v[i - 2] + 2 * (-theta[i - 1] - D * v[i - 1]) * h
        theta[i] = theta[i - 2] + 2 * (v[i - 1]) * h

    trueValues = an.realSolution(theta[0], D,
                                 t)  #Obtaining the analytic solution

    fig = an.singlePlotting('Leapfrog', theta, t, h, D,
                            trueValues)  #Plotting the numerical solution
    energies = an.singleEnergy(
        theta, v, t,
        fig)  #Calculating energy values for numerical solution obtained
    an.stabilityCheck(energies)  #Performing stability check on this FDM
예제 #2
def largeEuler(h, D, tMax):
    """Calculates the solution using the Explicit Euler method (FOR LARGE ANGLES), and plots against time"""

    t = np.arange(0, tMax, h)
    v = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta[0] = 0.75 * np.pi  #Using large initial angle

    for i in range(
            t.size):  #Iteratively obtaining theta values using Explicit Euler
        v[i] = v[i - 1] + (
            -np.sin(theta[i - 1]) - D * v[i - 1]
        ) * h  #This time the small angle. approx is not made, as seen by the sine function
        theta[i] = theta[i - 1] + (v[i - 1]) * h

    trueValues = an.realSolution(theta[0], D,
                                 t)  #Obtaining the analytic solution

    fig = an.singlePlotting('Explicit Euler (Large Angle)', theta, t, h, D,
                            trueValues)  #Plotting the numerical solution
    energies = an.singleEnergy(
        theta, v, t,
        fig)  #Calculating energy values for numerical solution obtained
    an.stabilityCheck(energies)  #Performing stability check on this FDM
예제 #3
def implicit(h, D, tMax):
    """Calculates the solution using the Implicit Euler method, and plots against time"""

    t = np.arange(0, tMax, h)
    v = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta[0] = 0.1  #Using small initial angle

    denominator = 1 / (
        h**2 + D * h + 1
    )  #Coefficient of inverse matrix used in implicit euler method
    for i in range(
            t.size):  #Iteratively obtaining theta values using Implicit Euler
        v[i] = denominator * (-h * theta[i - 1] + v[i - 1])
        theta[i] = theta[i - 1] + v[i] * h

    trueValues = an.realSolution(theta[0], D,
                                 t)  #Obtaining the analytic solution

    fig = an.singlePlotting('Implicit Euler', theta, t, h, D,
                            trueValues)  #Plotting the numerical solution
    energies = an.singleEnergy(
        theta, v, t,
        fig)  #Calculating energy values for numerical solution obtained
    an.stabilityCheck(energies)  #Performing stability check on this FDM
예제 #4
def RK4(h, D, tMax):
    """Calculates the solution using the RK4 method, and plots against time"""

    t = np.arange(0, tMax, h)
    v = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta[0] = 0.1  #Using small initial angle

    for i in range(1, t.size):  #Iteratively obtaining theta values using RK4
        kv1 = -theta[i - 1] - D * v[i - 1]
        ktheta1 = v[i - 1]
        v1 = v[i - 1] + kv1 * h / 2.
        theta1 = theta[i - 1] + ktheta1 * h / 2.
        kv2 = -theta1 - D * v1
        ktheta2 = v1
        v2 = v[i - 1] + kv2 * h / 2.
        theta2 = theta[i - 1] + ktheta2 * h / 2.
        kv3 = -theta2 - D * v2
        ktheta3 = v2
        v3 = v[i - 1] + kv3 * h
        theta3 = theta[i - 1] + ktheta3 * h
        kv4 = -theta3 - D * v3
        ktheta4 = v3

        v[i] = v[i - 1] + h / 6. * (kv1 + 2 * kv2 + 2 * kv3 + kv4)
        theta[i] = theta[i - 1] + h / 6. * (
            ktheta1 + 2 * ktheta2 + 2 * ktheta3 + ktheta4
        )  #Final theta value calculated here per step

    trueValues = an.realSolution(theta[0], D,
                                 t)  #Obtaining the analytic solution

    fig = an.singlePlotting('RK4', theta, t, h, D,
                            trueValues)  #Plotting the numerical solution
    energies = an.singleEnergy(
        theta, v, t,
        fig)  #Calculating energy values for numerical solution obtained
    an.stabilityCheck(energies)  #Performing stability check on this FDM
예제 #5
def euler(h, D, tMax):
    """Calculates the solution using the Explicit Euler method, and plots against time"""

    t = np.arange(0, tMax, h)
    v = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta = np.zeros(t.size)
    theta[0] = 0.1  #Using small initial angle

    for i in range(
            t.size):  #Iteratively obtaining theta values using Explicit Euler
        v[i] = v[i - 1] + (-theta[i - 1] - D * v[i - 1]) * h
        theta[i] = theta[i - 1] + (v[i - 1]) * h

    trueValues = an.realSolution(theta[0], D,
                                 t)  #Obtaining the analytic solution

    fig = an.singlePlotting('Explicit Euler', theta, t, h, D,
                            trueValues)  #Plotting the numerical solution
    energies = an.singleEnergy(
        theta, v, t,
        fig)  #Calculating energy values for numerical solution obtained
    an.stabilityCheck(energies)  #Performing stability check on this FDM