def cytc_release_fit(): data_ch2 = data.bax_cytc_datach2 cytc_files = data_ch2.keys() ids = data_ch2.values() prefix = "../cyt_c/channel2/" suffix = ".csv" cytc_data = {} for i, f in enumerate(cytc_files): fname = prefix + f + suffix rows = tools.get_rows(fname, 4) cell_data = tools.get_val_time(rows, ids[i]) tools.filter_1(cell_data) tools.normalize_val_time(cell_data) cytc_data[f] = cell_data nfiles = len(cytc_files) color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] colorcycle = cycle(color) for i in range(nfiles): cytc_file = cytc_files[i] ids_list = ids[i] cdata = cytc_data[cytc_file] print cytc_file plot_cytc(cdata, fit=True, verbose=True)
def bax_oligo_fit(): prefix = "./data/" suffix = ".csv" data_files = data.bax_oligo_data #Import data files from bax_files = data_files.keys() ids = data_files.values() all_data = [] bax_data = {} for i, f in enumerate(bax_files): fname = prefix + f + suffix print f rows = tools.get_rows(fname, 4) cell_data = tools.get_val_time(rows, ids[i]) tools.filter_1(cell_data) tools.normalize_val_time(cell_data) bax_data[f] = cell_data all_data.append(cell_data) print cell_data nfiles = len(bax_files) color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] colorcycle = cycle(color) for i in range(nfiles): bax_file = bax_files[i] print bax_files[i] ids_list = ids[i] bdata = bax_data[bax_file] print bdata plot_bax_oligo(bdata, fit=True, verbose=True)
def oligo_rates(): prefix = "../bax_agg/" suffix = ".csv" data_files = data.bax_oligo_data #Import data files from names = [] ids_list = [] all_slopes = [] log_slopes = [] indiv_rates = {} cell_stds = [] scatterx = [] scattery = [] popt_k = [] popt_a = [] popt_b = [] param_list = [] for name, ids in data_files.items( ): #Create lists of file names and corresponding ids names.append(name) ids_list.append(ids) for i in range(len(names)): fname = prefix + names[i] + suffix print names[i] rows = tools.get_rows(fname, 4) val_time = tools.get_val_time(rows, ids_list[i]) tools.filter_1(val_time) tools.normalize_val_time(val_time) scatterxval = i + 1 cell_rate = [] for id, timeseries in val_time.items(): x, y = tools.get_xy(timeseries) try: xfit, yfit, popt, pcov = tools.bax_fit(timeseries, id) if popt != None and not isinstance(pcov, float): print yfit[-10], yfit[-1], popt i = tools.sigmoid_inflection(xfit, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4]) # print i, popt[1], len(xfit) if popt[1] > 0 and i != len(xfit) - 1: slope = tools.sigmoid_d1(xfit[i], popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4]) print slope, "= slope", id if slope > 0 and tools.filter_2(xfit, yfit) == None: print fname, id # plt.ylim(0,ymax=5) # plt.plot(x, y, xfit, yfit) # cell_rate.append(slope) all_slopes.append(slope) scatterx.append(scatterxval) scattery.append(slope) popt_k.append(popt[1]) popt_a.append(popt[3]) popt_b.append(popt[4]) x0, k, y0, a, b = popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[ 3], popt[4] x0_cov, k_cov, y0_cov, a_cov, b_cov = pcov[ 0, 0]**0.5, pcov[1, 1]**0.5, pcov[ 2, 2]**0.5, pcov[3, 3]**0.5, pcov[4, 4]**0.5 param_data = { 'id': id, 'a': a, 'b': b, 'k': k, 'x0': x0, 'y0': y0, 'x0_cov': x0_cov, 'k_cov': k_cov, 'y0_cov': y0_cov, 'a_cov': a_cov, 'b_cov': b_cov } param_list.append(param_data) except RuntimeError: continue if sum(cell_rate) != 0: cell_avg = sum(cell_rate) / len(cell_rate) cell_std = np.std(cell_rate) # print len(cell_rate), cell_avg, "=cellavg" cell_stds.append(cell_std) indiv_rates[fname] = [cell_std] for i in range(len(all_slopes) ): # log transformation for comparison between cell types log = math.log(all_slopes[i], 2) print log, all_slopes[i] if log < (-5.2 + (2 * 29)) and log > (-5.2 - (2 * 29)): log_slopes.append(log) else: continue avg_rate = sum(log_slopes) / len(log_slopes) std = np.std(log_slopes) print log_slopes print "Avg=", avg_rate, "Std=", std, "n=", len(log_slopes), len( cell_rate), len(all_slopes) norm_data = [] bins_bound = np.linspace(-10, 10, 51) n, bins, patches = plt.hist(log_slopes, bins_bound, color='white', linewidth=0) for i in range(len(n)): norm_log = (n[i] / sum(n)) norm_data.append(norm_log) norm_data.append(0) print norm_data, sum(norm_data), len(norm_data) width = bins_bound[1] - bins_bound[0], norm_data, width, color="gray") plt.ylim(ymax=0.4) plt.xlabel("Log(Rate of Oligomerization) ") plt.ylabel("Percent Frequency within bin *100") # plt.scatter(scatterx, scattery) df = pd.DataFrame(param_list) # df.to_csv('RGC_ONC.csv') avg_k = sum(popt_k) / len(popt_k) avg_a = sum(popt_a) / len(popt_a) avg_b = sum(popt_b) / len(popt_b) print 'k=', avg_k, 'a=', avg_a, 'b=', avg_b
def bax_cytc_orig(): data_ch1 = data.bax_cytc_datach1 #Import data files from data_ch2 = data.bax_cytc_datach2 bax_files = data_ch1.keys() cytc_files = data_ch2.keys() ids = data_ch1.values() ids2 = data_ch2.values() ch1_prefix = "../cyt_c/channel1/" ch2_prefix = "../cyt_c/channel2/" suffix = ".csv" bax_data = {} cytc_data = {} filt_ids = {} #ids filtered out for >5 data points. time_re_bax_initiation = [] release_rate = [] bax_rate = [] inf_slopes = [] slope_d1s = [] for i, f in enumerate(bax_files): fname = ch1_prefix + f + suffix rows = tools.get_rows(fname, 4) cell_data = tools.get_val_time(rows, ids[i]) tools.normalize_val_time(cell_data) tools.filter_1(cell_data) filt_ids[f] = cell_data.keys() bax_data[f] = cell_data for i, f in enumerate(cytc_files): fname = ch2_prefix + f + suffix rows = tools.get_rows(fname, 4) cell_data = tools.get_val_time(rows, ids2[i]) tools.normalize_val_time(cell_data) tools.filter_1(cell_data) for id, timeseries in cell_data.items(): cell_data[id] = [[entry[0] / timeseries[-1][0], entry[1]] for entry in timeseries] cytc_data[f] = cell_data #print "aa", filt_ids, "old", ids for i in range(len(bax_files)): bax_file = bax_files[i] cytc_file = bax_file.replace("ch1", "ch2") print "file=", bax_file, cytc_file ids_list = filt_ids[bax_file] bdata = bax_data[bax_file] cdata = cytc_data[cytc_file] bax_initiate = float('NaN') #diff = init_diff(bdata, cdata) #print(diff) for id in ids_list: bx, by = tools.get_xy(bdata[id]) cx, cy = tools.get_xy(cdata[id]) bgood = True cgood = True if bgood: bxfit, byfit, popt, pcov = tools.bax_fit(bdata[id], id) if bxfit == None: bgood = False print "bgood = False" else: i = tools.sigmoid_inflection( bxfit, *popt) #inflection point of fit_curve print "len_fit", len(bxfit), "len x/y", len(bx), len( by), "fit_inf=", i bslope_d1 = tools.sigmoid_d1(bxfit[i], *popt) print bslope_d1, "bslope_d1" if abs(bslope_d1) == 0 or math.isnan( bslope_d1) == True or tools.close(bslope_d1, 0): max_line = sum(byfit[:20]) / len(byfit[:20]) min_line = sum(byfit[480:]) / len(byfit[480:]) y_inflection = ((max_line - min_line) / 2) + min_line fl = tools.crosses( byfit, y_inflection ) #point where fit curve crosses infleciton point. x_inflection = bxfit[ fl] #defines x value of inflection point print max_line, min_line, x_inflection bax_initiation = x_inflection fast_rate = ((max_line - min_line) / (1)) bax_rate.append(fast_rate) else: y = [] ymin = [] b = byfit[i] - ( bxfit[i] * bslope_d1 ) #creating separate curve to determine max/min lines. #print xinf, yinf, bxfit[i], byfit[i], 'here' x = range(len(bxfit)) for value in range(len(x)): ys = (bslope_d1 * value) + b y.append(ys) xmin = np.arange(-500, 500, 5) for value in range(len(xmin)): ymins = tools.sigmoid(value, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4]) ymin.append(ymins) max_line2 = (sum(ymin[180:]) / len(ymin[180:])) min_line2 = max_line2 - (2 * (max_line2 - byfit[i])) print min_line2, max_line2, "max2" bax_initiation = tools.crosses(y, min_line2) bax_rate.append(bslope_d1) print "bax initiation", bax_initiation, bax_rate # print "fit_inf=", i, bxfit[i], popt[1], yinf, "bslope=", bslope, thr, "baxinitiate", bax_initiate, init_ymxb, "=init_ymxb" # plt.plot(bxfit, byfit, linewidth = 2) # #plt.scatter(xinf, yinf, color = 'red') # plt.axvline(x = init_ymxb, color = 'black') # plt.axvline(x = bax_initiate, color = 'green') # plt.axhline(y= max_line, color = 'black') # plt.axhline(y = min_line, color = 'black') # #plt.plot(x, y, color= 'red') # if cgood: cxfit, cyfit, cpopt = tools.cytc_fit(cdata[id], id) if cxfit == None: cgood = False print "No Cytc Fit" bax_rate.remove(bax_rate[-1]) else: cinf = tools.sigmoid_inflection( cxfit, *cpopt) #determine inflection index # if cinf != len(cxfit) - 1 and cinf != 0: slope_d1 = tools.sigmoid_d1( cxfit[cinf], *cpopt ) #first derivative of inflection index gives slope of line at inflection point max_line = sum(cyfit[:20]) / len(cyfit[:20]) min_line = sum(cyfit[480:]) / len(cyfit[480:]) y_inflection = ((max_line - min_line) / 2) + min_line fl = tools.crosses( cyfit, y_inflection ) #point where fit curve crosses infleciton point. x_inflection = cxfit[ fl] #defines x value of inflection point slope_decay = (min_line - max_line) / ( 1) #1 is max x distance for dataset print slope_decay, "=decay", slope_d1, "=d1" if slope_d1 > 0 and slope_decay > 0: cgood = False elif cinf == (len(cxfit) - 1) or slope_d1 > 0 or slope_decay > 0: cgood = False elif abs(slope_d1) == 0 or math.isnan( slope_d1) == True or tools.close( slope_d1, 0) == True or slope_d1 < slope_decay: release_rate.append(slope_decay) inf_slopes.append(slope_decay) # print slope_decay, "=decay", slope_d1, "=d1" print max_line, min_line, x_inflection b = y_inflection - ( x_inflection * 0 ) #using x,y of inflection point, determine b of y=mx+b x_line = range(len(cxfit)) for point in range(len(x_line)): y_line = (0 * point) + b cytc_decay = x_inflection #because slope is zero, x_inflection point denotes decay start # print slope_d1, "slope_d1", cytc_decay # plt.plot(cxfit, cyfit, color= 'green') # plt.axvline(x= x_inflection, color = 'black') # plt.plot(x_inflection, y_inflection, 'o', color= 'g') # else: release_rate.append(slope_d1) slope_d1s.append(slope_d1) yy = [] yymin = [] bb = cyfit[cinf] - (cxfit[cinf] * slope_d1) xx = range(len(cxfit)) for vals in range(len(xx)): yys = (slope_d1 * vals) + bb yy.append(yys) xxmin = np.arange(-500, 500, 5) for vals in range(len(xxmin)): yymins = tools.sigmoid(vals, cpopt[0], cpopt[1], cpopt[2], cpopt[3], cpopt[4]) yymin.append(yymins) cmin_line = (sum(yymin[180:]) / len(yymin[180:])) cmax_line = cmin_line + (2 * (cyfit[cinf] - cmin_line)) cmax_line2 = sum(yymin[:20]) / len(yymin[:20]) cytc_decay = tools.crosses(yy, cmax_line) # print "cslope", cslope, cytc_decay, 'cinf', cinf # plt.plot(xx, yy, color= 'red') # plt.xlim(xmax=65) plt.ylim(0, 10) # plt.plot(cxfit, cyfit, linewidth = 2) # plt.plot(cxfit[cinf], cyfit[cinf], 'o', color= 'red') # # #plt.scatter(xinf, yinf, color = 'red') # plt.axvline(x = c_init_ymxb, color = 'black') # #plt.axvline(x = bax_initiate, color = 'green') # plt.axhline(y= cmax_line, color = 'black') # plt.axhline(y = cmin_line, color = 'green', linewidth = 2) # # print release_rate #print bax_file, id, "List", time_re_bax_initiation if bgood and cgood: release_time = cytc_decay - bax_initiation print cytc_decay, bax_initiation, "values" time_re_bax_initiation.append(release_time) #print cytc_decay, bax_initiation, 'release intervals' plt.plot(cx, cy, cxfit, cyfit, color='green', linewidth=2, label="cytochrome c-GFP") plt.plot(bx, by, bxfit, byfit, color='blue', linewidth=2, label="mcherry-BAX") # plt.axvline(x = cytc_decay, color = 'green', linewidth= 1) #Bax initiation # plt.axvline(x = bax_initiation, color = 'blue', linewidth=1) # cytc Decay # plt.axhline(y=min(byfit), color = 'red') # plt.scatter(xinfl, yinfl, xfit_infl, yfit_infl, color= 'red') plt.axhline(y=0, linewidth=3, color='black') plt.xlabel("Time (min)", size=18) plt.ylabel("Fluorescence Intensity \n (Percent of Baseline)", size=18) plt.legend(loc=2, shadow=False, prop={'size': 8}, bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) plt.xticks(size=14) plt.yticks(size=14) plt.ylim(ymax=5, ymin=-1) plt.xlim(xmax=100) print bax_file, cytc_file, id, len(release_rate), len(bax_rate) print time_re_bax_initiation, # print len(release_rate), len(bax_rate), len(inf_slopes), len(slope_d1s) # print 'regular=', min(slope_d1s), max(slope_d1s), 'infinity', len(inf_slopes), #min(inf_slopes), max(inf_slopes) # r = np.corrcoef(bax_rate, release_rate)[0, 1] avg_release = sum(release_rate) / len(release_rate) std = np.std(release_rate) # plt.hist(release_rate) print avg_release, std plt.plot(release_rate, bax_rate, 'o', color='green') plt.ylim(-5, 5) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress( release_rate, bax_rate) print r_value
def initiation_time(): # Per Mitochondria And Per Cell prefix = "../bax_agg/" suffix = ".csv" data_files = data.bax_oligo_data #Import data files from names = [] ids_list = [] time_oligo = [] #initiation time. time_complete = [] #completion time. scattery = [] log_y = [] avg_ymax = [] cell_rates = defaultdict(list) ## key: [vals] = fname: [rates of ea. mito] cell_inits = defaultdict(list) cell_compls = defaultdict(list) ###fname: [total completion time of mito] log_inits = defaultdict(list) cell_pcntrates = defaultdict( list) ## fname: [%rate or total cellrates of ea. mito] cell_pcntinits = defaultdict(list) avg_cell_rates = [] #list of avg rates(mito)/cell for all cells avg_cell_inits = [] avg_cell_completions = [] std_pcntof_avgrates = [] #list of std as percent over average per cell std_pcntof_avginits = [] #list of std as percent over average per cell std_cell_rates = [] #list of stdevs(mito)/cell for all cells std_cell_inits = [] cell_number = [] cell_number2 = [] duration = [] plos_list = [] for name, ids in data_files.items( ): #Create lists of file names and corresponding ids names.append(name) ids_list.append(ids) for i in range(len(names)): print(i, names[i]) label = (names[i]) rows1 = tools.get_rows("../bax_agg/Image Acquisition Times.csv", 4) lag_name, lag_time = tools.get_lagtime(rows1, names[i]) #print lag_name, lag_time, "da;lkfsdjf" fname = prefix + names[i] + suffix rows = tools.get_rows(fname, 4) val_time = tools.get_val_time(rows, ids_list[i]) tools.filter_1(val_time) tools.normalize_val_time(val_time) for lagger in range(len(lag_name)): #print lag_name[lagger], names[i] if names[i] == lag_name[lagger]: cell_lag = lag_time[lagger] print lag_name[lagger], cell_lag else: continue # cell_lag = 50 for id, timeseries in val_time.items(): x, y = tools.get_xy(timeseries) # plt.plot(x, y, color = 'blue') xfit, yfit, popt, pcov = tools.bax_fit(val_time[id], id) if xfit == None: print "No fit" else: i = tools.sigmoid_inflection( xfit, *popt ) #i = xfit where crosses zero. xfit[i] = inflection point. # print "SFIts", yfit[0], yfit[-1] # plt.plot(xfit, yfit, x, y) # if popt[1] > 0 and i != len(xfit) - 1 and tools.close( yfit[0], yfit[-1]) == False: # plt.plot(xfit, yfit, x, y) # slope = tools.sigmoid_d1(xfit[i], *popt) y = [] ymin = [] b = yfit[i] - ( xfit[i] * slope ) #creating separate curve to determine max/min lines. xx = range(len(xfit)) for value in range(len(xx)): ys = (slope * value) + b y.append(ys) xmin = np.arange(-500, 500, 5) for value in range(len(xmin)): ymins = tools.sigmoid(value, popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3], popt[4]) ymin.append(ymins) max_line = (sum(ymin[180:]) / len(ymin[180:])) minimumval = sum(ymin[:20]) / len( ymin[:20]) #to calc max Y value delta_y = (max_line - minimumval) + 1 #change in y plus norm value 1 min_line = max_line - (2 * (max_line - yfit[i])) init_ymxb = tools.crosses(y, min_line) sat = tools.crosses(y, max_line) print max_line, '=maxline', min_line, minimumval, delta_y, '=deltay' # changey = min_line + ((max_line- min_line) * 0.05) # init_chan = tools.crosses(yfit, changey) # init_chanfix = (init_chan / 500) * len(x) + (x[0] - 1) # print init_chan, '=initchangey' # max_thry = (max_line - 0.05 * max_line) # max threshold of extended curve. y value. total_time = init_ymxb + cell_lag oligo_dur = int(sat - init_ymxb) if slope > 0 and math.isnan( slope ) == False and init_ymxb != 499 and tools.close( slope, 0) == False and tools.close(oligo_dur, 0) == False: # print oligo_dur, sat, init_ymxb # log_dur = math.log(oligo_dur, 2) time_oligo.append(total_time) # for population data cell_inits[label].append( total_time) #for per cell data scattery.append(slope) # for population data log_num = math.log(slope, 2) #log_init = math.log(total_time, 2) # if log_num < (-4 + (2*15)) and log_num > (-4 - (2*15)): cell_rates[label].append(log_num) # for per cell data plos_data1 = { 'Cell': label, 'id': id, "Mito_Rate": log_num, 'Mito_Initiation': total_time } plos_list.append(plos_data1) # else: # continue time_complete.append(sat + cell_lag) #population data #log_inits[label].append(log_init) cell_compls[label].append(oligo_dur) # duration.append(log_dur) #log2 of duration of oligomerization creates normal distribution avg_ymax.append( delta_y ) # for ymax values avg next to plot compiled curves # print init_ymxb, oligo_dur, avg_ymax, 'avg ymax' else: continue print slope, '=slope' # # print 'id=', id, 'init_ymxb', init_ymxb, 'total_time=', total_time, cell_lag, 'completion==', sat # plt.plot(xfit, yfit, linewidth=2, color='blue') #x, y gives slope line # plt.plot(xmin, ymin, linewidth=2, color= 'green') # plt.scatter(xfit[i], yfit[i], color='red') # plt.axhline(y = max_line, color='black', linewidth=1) # plt.axhline(y = minimumval, color = 'black', linewidth=1) # # plt.axvline(x= init_chanfix, color= 'red', linewidth=1) # plt.axvline(x = init_ymxb, color = 'black', linewidth=1) # avg_oligo = sum(time_oligo) / len(time_oligo) std_oligo = np.std(time_oligo) # print 'intiation time=', time_oligo, avg_oligo, std_oligo, len(time_oligo), cell_lag # cell_rate_std = np.std(cell_rates) # cell_init_std = np.std(cell_inits) # print names[i], "rate std", cell_rate_std, "initiation std", cell_init_std for item in range(len(names)): # gets values for individual cells # print item, "fname, len of mitos, rates", names[item], len(cell_rates[names[item]]) if len(cell_rates[names[item]]) > 1 and len( cell_inits[names[item]]) > 1 and len( cell_compls[names[item]]) > 1: avg_ratepc = sum(cell_rates[names[item]]) / len( cell_rates[names[item]]) # avg of mitochondria in one cell std_ratepc = np.std( cell_rates[names[item]]) #std of mito in one cell # print avg_ratepc, '=avg_key', names[item], std_ratepc avg_initpc = sum(cell_inits[names[item]]) / len( cell_inits[names[item]]) std_initpc = np.std(cell_inits[names[item]]) # print avg_initpc, std_initpc, names[item], #cell_rates[names[item]] avg_complpc = sum(cell_compls[names[item]]) / len( cell_compls[names[item]]) std_complpc = np.std(cell_compls[names[item]]) # print avg_complpc, std_complpc, "compeltions per cell" # plos_data2 = {'Cell': names[item], 'Cell_rate': avg_ratepc, 'Std_rate': std_ratepc, 'Cell_initiation': avg_initpc, 'Std_initiation': std_initpc} # plos_list.append(plos_data2) avg_cell_rates.append( avg_ratepc) # list of avg rate within a single cell avg_cell_inits.append(avg_initpc) avg_cell_completions.append(avg_complpc) std_cell_rates.append( std_ratepc) #list of std of rates within a single cell std_cell_inits.append(std_initpc) qs3, qs4, qs5, qs6 = avg_ratepc, std_ratepc, avg_initpc, std_initpc std_pcntof_avgrates.append( abs((std_ratepc) / (avg_ratepc)) ) # COEFF OF VARIANCE =stdevs as a percentage of the cell average rate. std_pcntof_avginits.append(abs((std_initpc) / (avg_initpc))) # print std_pcntof_avgrates, fname, avg_cell_rates avg_pcrates = sum(avg_cell_rates) / len( avg_cell_rates) #total avg of rates/cells for avg line in graph avg_pcinits = sum(avg_cell_inits) / len(avg_cell_inits) std_pcrates = np.std( avg_cell_rates) #std of total avgs. dont really need this std_pcinits = np.std(avg_cell_inits) avg_std_pcrates = sum(std_cell_rates) / len(std_cell_rates) #avg of stdevs avg_std_pcinits = sum(std_cell_inits) / len(std_cell_inits) ss_rates = np.std(std_cell_rates) #std of stdevs. ss_inits = np.std(std_cell_inits) avg_pcnt_pcrates = sum(std_pcntof_avgrates) / len( std_pcntof_avgrates) #total avg of Variance(%cell rates/cell) avg_pcnt_pcinits = sum(std_pcntof_avginits) / len(std_pcntof_avginits) std_pcnt_pcrates = np.std(std_pcntof_avgrates) #std of stdevs. std_pcnt_pcinits = np.std(std_pcntof_avginits) cell_number.append(range(len(std_pcntof_avgrates))) # print "list of completions", avg_cell_completions, (sum(avg_cell_completions)/len(avg_cell_completions)), np.std(avg_cell_completions) print len(cell_number), len( std_pcntof_avgrates), std_pcntof_avgrates, avg_pcnt_pcrates plt.scatter(cell_number, std_pcntof_avgrates, label="Rate Std/Avg (as percent)", color='blue', marker='o') plt.scatter(cell_number, std_pcntof_avginits, label="Initiation Std/Avg (as percent)", color='red', marker='o') plt.axhline(y=avg_pcnt_pcrates, label="Avg cell rate", color='blue') plt.axhline(y=avg_pcnt_pcinits, label="avg cell Initiation", color='red') plt.title("Rate/Init as Percent std/avg per cell") plt.legend(loc=1, shadow=False, prop={'size': 8}, bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure) plt.xlim(-5, 75) plt.ylim(-1, 2) avg_ymaxs = sum(avg_ymax) / len(avg_ymax) std_ymax = np.std(avg_ymax) print "values needed", avg_pcrates, std_pcrates, avg_pcinits, std_pcinits, "avg,std of varianece", avg_pcnt_pcrates, std_pcnt_pcrates, avg_pcnt_pcinits, std_pcnt_pcinits # print "per cell info", avg_cell_rates, avg_cell_inits, std_cell_inits, avg_ymaxs, std_ymax for it in range(len( scattery)): # log transformation for comparison between cell types log = math.log(scattery[it], 2) # if log < (-5 + 2*29) and log > (-5 - 2*29): log_y.append(log) # else: # time_oligo.remove(time_oligo[it]) plt.plot(time_oligo, log_y, 'o', color='blue') # plt.axhline(y = 0, linewidth=3, color='black') # plt.axvline(x=0, linewidth=3, color="black") plt.ylim(-10, ymax=5) plt.xlim(0, xmax=1000) plt.xlabel("Initiation Time (min)") plt.ylabel("Rate of Oligomerization (RFU/min)") plot_agg_initiation(time_oligo) # outliers_rem = [] #creating list of completions without the outlier values # for t in range(len(avg_cell_completions)): # print avg_cell_completions[t] # if 3.6< avg_cell_completions[t] < 17.4: # outliers_rem.append(avg_cell_completions[t]) # print 'add' # else: # continue # new_avg = (sum(outliers_rem))/(len(outliers_rem)) # new_std = np.std(outliers_rem) # print new_avg, new_std, len(outliers_rem), outliers_rem # dur_avg = (sum(duration))/(len(duration)) # dur_std = np.std(duration) # print 'a', dur_avg, dur_std, len(duration) # plt.hist(duration) # df = pd.DataFrame(plos_list) print plos_list df.to_csv('HCTKO_all.csv')