예제 #1
def create_analyzer(storage, script_list, apks_or_paths = None,
                   mode = ANALYZE_MODE_PARALLEL, concurrency = None,
                   serialize_apks = True
    Create the analyzer only.

    storage : RedundantStorage
        The store to use.
    script_list : list<str>
        List of paths to scripts (complete filename with extension).
    apks_or_paths: list<str> or list<Apk>, optional (default is None)
        List of `Apk` or paths to the apks which shall be analyzed with the given scripts
        If you analyze from paths the `import_date` is not set!
    mode : str, optional (default is `ANALYZE_MODE_PARALLEL`)
        Do an parallel analysis by default. Choose between : , , .
    concurrency : int, optional (default is number of cpu cores)
        Number of workers to spawn.
    serialize_apks : bool, optional (default is True)
        If true, serialize .apk .
        Otherwise id (hash) of the apk will be send and fetched by the worker from the result db.
        Be sure to import the apks to the result db first!
    from androlyze.model.script import ScriptUtil
    from androlyze.analyze.exception import AndroScriptError

        # list<type<AndroScript>>
        androscript_list = ScriptUtil.import_scripts(script_list)
        instantiated_scripts = sorted(ScriptUtil.instantiate_scripts(androscript_list, script_paths = script_list))

        if len(instantiated_scripts) == 0:
            log.warn("No scripts supplied!")

        # get hashes for `AndroScript`s so that we can set the hash directly next time we instantiate the script
        script_hashes = [s.hash for s in instantiated_scripts]
        min_script_needs = ScriptUtil.get_minimum_script_options(instantiated_scripts)

        # log infos about scripts
        clilog.info('Loaded scripts:\n%s', '\n'.join((str(s) for s in instantiated_scripts)))

        if apks_or_paths:

            def create_analyzer():

                analyzer = None
                # argument for BaseAnalyzer
                args = storage, androscript_list, script_hashes, min_script_needs, apks_or_paths
                log.info("Mode: %s", mode)

                # normal analyzer
                if mode == ANALYZE_MODE_NON_PARALLEL:
                    from androlyze.analyze.Analyzer import Analyzer
                    analyzer = Analyzer(*args)
                # use parallel analyzer
                elif mode == ANALYZE_MODE_PARALLEL:
                    from androlyze.analyze.parallel.ParallelAnalyzer import ParallelAnalyzer
                    analyzer = ParallelAnalyzer(*args, concurrency = concurrency)
                # use distributed one
                elif mode == ANALYZE_MODE_DISTRIBUTED:
                    from androlyze.analyze.distributed.DistributedAnalyzer import DistributedAnalyzer
                    analyzer = DistributedAnalyzer(*args, concurrency = concurrency, serialize_apks = serialize_apks)

                return analyzer

            return create_analyzer()

    except ApkImportError as e:
    except IOError as e:
        log.warn(AndroScriptError(e.filename, caused_by = e))
    except ImportError as e:
    except Exception as e: