def test_branching(): argv1 = claripy.BVS("argv1", 8 * 16) state = proj.factory.entry_state(args=[proj.filename, argv1]) e = ExploreInteractive(proj, state) e.do_run("") state = e.state # Try stepping and check that the state has not been changed e.do_step("") assert state == e.state, "State is not equal anymore" # Check that branch info is as expected. Bit hacky because the generated name of the variable might change during testing e.g. to argv1_51_128 instead of argv1_0_128 assert e.state.context_view._pstr_branch_info( ) == "IP: 0x40119a <main+0x51 in sym_exec.elf (0x119a)>\tCond: <Bool %s[127:120] == 80>\n\tVars: frozenset({'%s'})\n" % ( argv1.args[0], argv1.args[0]), "Branch info not as expected" s1, s2 = # Pick wrong branch e.do_run("1") # One state should be deadended assert len(e.simgr.deadended) == 1, "Incorrect number of deadended states" # The other state of the last branch should now be the active one assert e.state == s1 for _ in range(0, 8): e.do_run("0") assert b'PASSWORD' in e.simgr.deadended[1].solver.eval(argv1, cast_to=bytes)
def test_proper_termination(): state = proj.factory.entry_state() e = ExploreInteractive(proj, state) for _ in range(0, 20): e.do_step("") # Final step e.do_step("") # One state should be deadended assert len(e.simgr.deadended) == 1 # Stepping without active states should not throw an exception e.do_step("")