예제 #1
    def run_intsint(self, stepidx):
        Execute the SPPAS implementation of Intsint.

        @param stepidx index of this annotations in the parameters
        @return number of files processed successfully

        # Initializations
        stepname = self.parameters.get_step_name(stepidx)
        files_processed_success = 0

        # Get the list of input file names, with the ".wav" (or ".wave") extension
        filelist = self.set_filelist(".wav")#,not_start=["track_"])
        if len(filelist) == 0:
            return 0
        total = len(filelist)

        # Create annotation instance
            intsint = sppasIntsint( self._logfile )
        except Exception as e:
            if self._logfile is not None:
                self._logfile.print_message( "%s\n"%str(e), indent=1,status=1 )
            return 0

        # Execute annotation for each file in the list
        for i,f in enumerate(filelist):

            # Indicate the file to be processed
            self._progress.set_text( os.path.basename(f)+" ("+str(i+1)+"/"+str(total)+")" )
            if self._logfile is not None:
                self._logfile.print_message(stepname+" of file " + f, indent=1 )

            # Get the input file
            ext = ['-momel'+self.parameters.get_output_format()]
            for e in annotationdata.io.extensions_out:
                ext.append( '-momel'+e )

            inname = self._get_filename(f, ext)
            if inname is not None:

                # Fix output file names
                outname = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '-intsint' + self.parameters.get_output_format()

                # Execute annotation
                    intsint.run(inname, outname)
                    files_processed_success += 1
                    if self._logfile is not None:
                except Exception as e:
                    if self._logfile is not None:
                        self._logfile.print_message(outname+": %s"%str(e),indent=2,status=-1)
                if self._logfile is not None:
                    self._logfile.print_message("Failed to find a file with momel targets. Read the documentation for details.",indent=2,status=2)

            # Indicate progress
            if self._logfile is not None:

        # Indicate completed!
        self._progress.update(1,"Completed (%d files successfully over %d files).\n"%(files_processed_success,total))

        return files_processed_success
예제 #2
parser.add_argument("--non-elim-glitch", dest="nonglitch", action='store_true' )

if len(sys.argv) <= 1:

args = parser.parse_args()

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Momel and INTSINT are here
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

melodie = sppasMomel()

if args.win1:      melodie.momel.set_option_win1( args.win1 )
if args.lo:        melodie.momel.set_option_lo( args.lo )
if args.hi:        melodie.momel.set_option_hi( args.hi )
if args.maxerr:    melodie.momel.set_option_maxerr( args.maxerr )
if args.win2:      melodie.momel.set_option_win2( args.win2 )
if args.mind:      melodie.momel.set_option_mind( args.mind )
if args.minr:      melodie.momel.set_option_minr( args.minr )
if args.nonglitch: melodie.momel.set_option_elim_glitch(False)

melodie.run(args.i, args.o, outputfile=None)

if args.O:
    intsint = sppasIntsint()
    intsint.run( args.o, args.O )

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------