예제 #1
	def frames_per_burst(self, frames_per_burst_amount):
		"""Creates messages to define how many frames are needed for every burst.
		:param frames_per_burst_amount: amount of frames
		input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 1099511627775, frames_per_burst_amount)
		self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:FPBurst ' + str(frames_per_burst_amount) + '\n')
		self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:FPBurst?\n'] = str(frames_per_burst_amount) + '\n'
예제 #2
	def inter_burst_gap(self, inter_burst_gap_value):
		"""Creates messages to define the Inter Burst Gap (IBG).
		:param inter_burst_gap_value: the IBG in ns.
		# First validate the user input
		input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 1200000000000, inter_burst_gap_value)
		# Append the associated command message to the self.commands list, to set a variable on the Anritsu
		self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IBG ' + str(inter_burst_gap_value) + '\n')
		# Write the corresponding query message to the self.stream_queries dictionary as a key and the input as it value.
		# Which is required to test a variable on the Anritsu with the users input value.
		self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IBG?\n'] = str(inter_burst_gap_value) + '\n'
예제 #3
	def burst_per_stream(self, burst_per_stream_amount):
		"""Creates messages to define how many burst are needed for this stream.
		:param burst_per_stream_amount: amount of burst
		# First validate the user input
		input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 1099511627775, burst_per_stream_amount)
		# Append the associated command message to the self.commands list, to set a variable on the Anritsu
		self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:BPSTream ' + str(burst_per_stream_amount) + '\n')
		# Write the corresponding query message to the self.stream_queries dictionary as a key and the input as it value.
		# Which is required to test a variable on the Anritsu with the users input value.
		self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:BPSTream?\n'] = str(burst_per_stream_amount) + '\n'
예제 #4
	def distribution(self, stream_distribution_type, jump_to_id=None, count=None):
		"""Creates messages to define the type of distribution of the stream.
		:param stream_distribution_type: can choose from 'CONT', 'CONT_BURST', 'STOP', 'NEXT', 'JUMP', 'JUMP_COUNT', 'JUMP_STOP'.
		:param jump_to_id: if the distribution type is 'JUMP', 'JUMP_COUNT', 'JUMP_STOP', this parameter represents to what stream ID to JUMP to. Expects to be a number between 1 and 256 (requirement: the stream id must be already set on the Anritsu)
		:param count: if the distribution type is 'JUMP_COUNT', 'JUMP_STOP'. This parameter sets the loop count, which is the amount of jumps, before this stream stops. Expects to be a number between 1 and 256.
		# First validate the user input
		input_validator.string_set(['CONT', 'CONT_BURST', 'STOP', 'NEXT', 'JUMP', 'JUMP_COUNT', 'JUMP_STOP'], stream_distribution_type)
		# Append the associated command message to the self.commands list, to set a variable on the Anritsu
		self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:DISTribution ' + str(stream_distribution_type) + '\n')
		# Write the corresponding query message to the self.stream_queries dictionary as a key and the input as it value.
		# Which is required to test a variable on the Anritsu with the users input value.
		self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:DISTribution?\n'] = str(stream_distribution_type) + '\n'
		# Expect extra parameters when a certain subset of the first argument is set and append the required command and query messages.
		if stream_distribution_type == 'JUMP':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 256, jump_to_id)
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:JTID ' + str(jump_to_id) + '\n')
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:JTID?\n'] = str(jump_to_id) + '\n'
		elif stream_distribution_type == 'JUMP_COUNT' or stream_distribution_type == 'JUMP_STOP':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 256, jump_to_id)
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 16000000, count)
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:JTID ' + str(jump_to_id) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:COUNt ' + str(count) + '\n')
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:JTID?\n'] = str(jump_to_id) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:COUNt?\n'] = str(count) + '\n'
예제 #5
	def test_frame(self, test_type, length_or_offset=None, flow_id=None):
		"""Adds a test frame in the frame its data field

		:param test_type: the type of test used, can select out of the following set: 'PRBS', 'flow'.
		:param length_or_offset: the length in bytes of a PRBS test frame and the offset in bytes of a flow test frame.
		:param flow_id: when a flow test frame is selected, this is the ID.

		input_validator.string_set(['PRBS', 'FLOW'], test_type)
		if test_type == 'PRBS':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(46, 65517, length_or_offset)
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:ENABle 1\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TYPE TEST_FRAME\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TFRame:TYPE '  + str(test_type) + '\n')
			self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:ENABle?\n'] = '1\n'
			self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:ITFRame?\n'] = '1\n'
			self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TYPE?\n'] = 'TEST_FRAME\n'
			self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TFRame:TYPE?\n'] = str(test_type) + '\n'
			if length_or_offset != None:
				self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:LENGth '  + str(length_or_offset) + '\n')
				self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:LENGth?\n'] = str(length_or_offset) + '\n'
		elif test_type == 'FLOW':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(28, 65499, length_or_offset)
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(0, 65535, flow_id)
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:ENABle 1\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TYPE TEST_FRAME\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TFRame:TYPE FLOW_ID\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TFRame:FID ' + str(flow_id) + '\n')
			self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:ENABle?\n'] = '1\n'
			self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TYPE?\n'] = 'TEST_FRAME\n'
			self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TFRame:TYPE?\n'] = 'FLOW_ID\n'
			self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:TFRame:FID?\n'] = str(flow_id) + '\n'
			if length_or_offset != None:
				self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:OFFSet ' + str(length_or_offset) + '\n')
				self.frame_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FRAMe:DFIeld1:OFFSet?\n'] = str(length_or_offset) + '\n'
예제 #6
	def frame_size(self, frame_size_type, frame_size_value=None, frame_size_maximum=None):
		"""Creates messages to define what frame size type is needed. 
		:param frame_size_type: the type of frame size, which can be 'AUTO', 'FIXED', 'INCREMENT', 'RANDOM'
		:param frame_size_value param: if the frame size type is 'AUTO', this value is ignored. If 'FIXED' it is the frame size. If 'INCREMENT' or 'RANDOM', it is the minimum frame size.
		:param frame_size_maximum: ignored with frame size type 'AUTO' and 'FIXED'. If it is 'INCREMENT' or 'RANDOM' it is the maximum frame size.
		input_validator.string_set(['AUTO', 'FIXED', 'INCREMENT', 'RANDOM'], frame_size_type)
		if frame_size_type == 'AUTO':
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:TYPE ' + str(frame_size_type) + '\n')
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:TYPE?\n'] = str(frame_size_type) + '\n'
		elif frame_size_type == 'FIXED':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(8, 65280, frame_size_value)
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:TYPE ' + str(frame_size_type) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:VALue ' + str(frame_size_value) + '\n')
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:TYPE?\n'] = str(frame_size_type) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:VALue?\n'] = str(frame_size_value) + '\n'
		elif frame_size_type == 'INCREMENT':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(8, 65280, frame_size_value)
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:TYPE ' + str(frame_size_type) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:MINimum ' + str(frame_size_value) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:MAXimum ' + str(frame_size_maximum) + '\n')
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:TYPE?\n'] = str(frame_size_type) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:MINimum?\n'] = str(frame_size_value) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:MAXimum?\n'] = str(frame_size_maximum) + '\n'
		elif frame_size_type == 'RANDOM':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(8, 65280, frame_size_value)
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:TYPE ' + str(frame_size_type) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:MINimum ' + str(frame_size_value) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:MAXimum ' + str(frame_size_maximum) + '\n')
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:TYPE?\n'] = str(frame_size_type) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:MINimum?\n'] = str(frame_size_value) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:FSIZe:MAXimum?\n'] = str(frame_size_maximum) + '\n'
예제 #7
	def inter_frame_gap(self, inter_frame_gap_type, inter_frame_gap_value, inter_frame_gap_maximum=None):
		"""Creates messages to define the Inter Frame Gap (IFG).
		:param inter_frame_gap_type: the type of IFG, which can be 'FIXED' or 'RANDOM'. 
		:param inter_frame_gap_value: if the IFG type is 'FIXED', this will be the fixed IFG in nanosecond (ns). If its 'RANDOM', the keyword represents the minimum time in ns.
		:param inter_frame_gap_maximum: if the IFG type is 'RANDOM', this keyword is the maximum time in ns.
		# First validate the user input
		input_validator.string_set(['FIXED', 'RANDOM'], inter_frame_gap_type)
		if inter_frame_gap_type == 'FIXED':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 1200000000000, inter_frame_gap_value)
			# Append the associated command message to the self.commands list, to set a variable on the Anritsu
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:TYPE ' + str(inter_frame_gap_type) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:VALue ' + str(inter_frame_gap_value) + '\n')
			# Write the corresponding query message to the self.stream_queries dictionary as a key and the input as it value.
			# Which is required to test a variable on the Anritsu with the users input value.
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:TYPE?\n'] = str(inter_frame_gap_type) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:VALue?\n'] = str(inter_frame_gap_value) + '\n'
		if inter_frame_gap_type == 'RANDOM':
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 1200000000000, inter_frame_gap_value)
			input_validator.value_minimum_maximum(1, 1200000000000, inter_frame_gap_maximum)
			# Append the associated command message to the self.commands list, to set a variable on the Anritsu
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:TYPE ' + str(inter_frame_gap_type) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:MINimum ' + str(inter_frame_gap_value) + '\n')
			self.commands.append(':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:MAXimum ' + str(inter_frame_gap_maximum) + '\n')
			# Write the corresponding query message to the self.stream_queries dictionary as a key and the input as it value.
			# Which is required to test a variable on the Anritsu with the users input value.
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:TYPE?\n'] = str(inter_frame_gap_type) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:VALue?\n'] = str(inter_frame_gap_value) + '\n'
			self.stream_queries[':TSTReam:TABLe:ITEM:CONTrol:GAP:IFG:MAXimum?\n'] = str(inter_frame_gap_maximum) + '\n'