예제 #1
    def get_var(self, *keys, **kwargs):
        """Get deeply nested values from task_vars.

        Ansible task_vars structures are Python dicts, often mapping strings to
        other dicts. This helper makes it easier to get a nested value, raising
        OpenShiftCheckException when a key is not found.

        Keyword args:
            On missing key, return this as default value instead of raising exception.
            Supply a function to apply to normalize the value before returning it.
            None is the default (return as-is).
            This function should raise ValueError if the user has provided a value
            that cannot be converted, or OpenShiftCheckException if some other
            problem needs to be described to the user.
        if len(keys) == 1:
            keys = keys[0].split(".")

            value = reduce(operator.getitem, keys, self.task_vars)
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            if "default" not in kwargs:
                raise OpenShiftCheckException(
                    "This check expects the '{}' inventory variable to be defined\n"
                    "in order to proceed, but it is undefined. There may be a bug\n"
                    "in Ansible, the checks, or their dependencies."
                    "".format(".".join(map(str, keys))))
            value = kwargs["default"]

        convert = kwargs.get("convert", None)
            if convert is None:
                return value
            elif convert is bool:  # interpret bool as Ansible does, instead of python truthiness
                return ansible_to_bool(value)
                return convert(value)

        except ValueError as error:  # user error in specifying value
            raise OpenShiftCheckException(
                'Cannot convert inventory variable to expected type:\n'
                '  "{var}={value}"\n'
                '{error}'.format(var=".".join(keys), value=value, error=error))

        except OpenShiftCheckException:  # some other check-specific problem

        except Exception as error:  # probably a bug in the function
            raise OpenShiftCheckException(
                'There is a bug in this check. While trying to convert variable \n'
                '  "{var}={value}"\n'
                'the given converter cannot be used or failed unexpectedly:\n'
                '{type}: {error}'.format(var=".".join(keys),
예제 #2
    def get_var(self, *keys, **kwargs):
        """Get deeply nested values from task_vars.

        Ansible task_vars structures are Python dicts, often mapping strings to
        other dicts. This helper makes it easier to get a nested value, raising
        OpenShiftCheckException when a key is not found.

        Keyword args:
            On missing key, return this as default value instead of raising exception.
            Supply a function to apply to normalize the value before returning it.
            None is the default (return as-is).
            This function should raise ValueError if the user has provided a value
            that cannot be converted, or OpenShiftCheckException if some other
            problem needs to be described to the user.
        if len(keys) == 1:
            keys = keys[0].split(".")

            value = reduce(operator.getitem, keys, self.task_vars)
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            if "default" not in kwargs:
                raise OpenShiftCheckException(
                    "This check expects the '{}' inventory variable to be defined\n"
                    "in order to proceed, but it is undefined. There may be a bug\n"
                    "in Ansible, the checks, or their dependencies."
                    "".format(".".join(map(str, keys)))
            value = kwargs["default"]

        convert = kwargs.get("convert", None)
            if convert is None:
                return value
            elif convert is bool:  # interpret bool as Ansible does, instead of python truthiness
                return ansible_to_bool(value)
                return convert(value)

        except ValueError as error:  # user error in specifying value
            raise OpenShiftCheckException(
                'Cannot convert inventory variable to expected type:\n'
                '  "{var}={value}"\n'
                '{error}'.format(var=".".join(keys), value=value, error=error)

        except OpenShiftCheckException:  # some other check-specific problem

        except Exception as error:  # probably a bug in the function
            raise OpenShiftCheckException(
                'There is a bug in this check. While trying to convert variable \n'
                '  "{var}={value}"\n'
                'the given converter cannot be used or failed unexpectedly:\n'
                '{error}'.format(var=".".join(keys), value=value, error=error)