def exec_command(request): ret = '' if request.method == 'POST': action = request.get_full_path().split('=')[1] if action == 'exec': target = request.POST.get('target') command = request.POST.get('command') tgtcheck = Host.objects.filter(name=target) argcheck = command not in DANGER_COMMAND if tgtcheck and argcheck: results = Runner(pattern=target, forks=10, module_name='command', module_args=command).run() if results.get('dark'): ret = 'Failed. Please run again.' else: ret = results.get('contacted') elif not tgtcheck: ret = 'No specific host.' elif not argcheck: ret = 'Please contact admistrator.' return render(request, 'exec_command.html', locals())
databases = ['scm', 'amon', 'rman', 'metastore'] for db in databases: owner = db if db == 'metastore': owner = 'hive' log.debug("Creating database {0} with owner {1}".format(db, owner)) try: r = Runner(inventory=Inventory(['localhost']), transport='local', sudo=True, sudo_user='******', module_name="postgresql_db", module_args=("name={0} owner={1} encoding='UTF-8'" .format(db, owner)) ).run() if r.get('contacted', {}).get('localhost', {}).get('failed'): msg = r.get('contacted', {}).get('localhost', {}).get('msg', 'N/A') log.error("Creating the database filed: {0}".format(msg)) except Exception, e: log.error("Exception creating database {0}: {1}".format(db, e)) # Alter one of the DBs sql_cmds = [ "ALTER DATABASE metastore SET standard_conforming_strings = off" ] for sql_cmd in sql_cmds: misc.run_psql_command(sql_cmd, 'postgres',, 5432) # Prepare the scm database cmd = ("/usr/share/cmf/schema/ -h localhost postgresql scm scm {0}" .format(self.db_pwd)) # Make sure we have a clean DB env
databases = ['scm', 'amon', 'rman', 'metastore'] for db in databases: owner = db if db == 'metastore': owner = 'hive' log.debug("Creating database {0} with owner {1}".format(db, owner)) try: r = Runner(inventory=Inventory(['localhost']), transport='local', become=True, become_user='******', module_name="postgresql_db", module_args=("name={0} owner={1} encoding='UTF-8'" .format(db, owner)) ).run() if r.get('contacted', {}).get('localhost', {}).get('failed'): msg = r.get('contacted', {}).get('localhost', {}).get('msg', 'N/A') log.error("Creating the database filed: {0}".format(msg)) except Exception, e: log.error("Exception creating database {0}: {1}".format(db, e)) # Alter one of the DBs sql_cmds = [ "ALTER DATABASE metastore SET standard_conforming_strings = off" ] for sql_cmd in sql_cmds: misc.run_psql_command(sql_cmd, 'postgres',, 5432) # Prepare the scm database cmd = ("/usr/share/cmf/schema/ -h localhost postgresql scm scm {0}" .format(self.db_pwd)) # Make sure we have a clean DB env