예제 #1
    def _set_commands(self, want_ace, have_ace):
        """A helped method that checks if there is
           a delta between the `have_ace` and `want_ace`.
           If there is a delta then it calls `_compute_commands`
           to create the ACE line.

        :rtype: A string
        :returns: An ACE generated from a structured ACE dictionary
                  via a call to `_compute_commands`

        if 'line' in want_ace:
            if want_ace['line'] != have_ace.get('line'):
                return self._compute_commands(want_ace)

            if ('prefix' in want_ace.get('source',
                                         {})) or ('prefix' in want_ace.get(
                                             'destination', {})):

            protocol_opt_delta = {}
            delta = dict_diff(have_ace, want_ace)

            # `dict_diff` doesn't work properly for `protocol_options` diff,
            # so we need to handle it separately
            if want_ace.get('protocol_options', {}):
                protocol_opt_delta = set(flatten_dict(have_ace.get('protocol_options', {}))) ^ \
                    set(flatten_dict(want_ace.get('protocol_options', {})))

            if delta or protocol_opt_delta:
                want_ace = self._dict_merge(have_ace, want_ace)
                return self._compute_commands(want_ace)
예제 #2
    def _purge_attribs(self, intf):
        """ The command generator for purging attributes
        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to purge attributes
        commands = []
        have_copy = deepcopy(intf)
        members = have_copy.pop("members", [])

        to_delete = dict_delete(have_copy,
                                remove_empties({"name": have_copy["name"]}))
        if to_delete:
            for key, value in iteritems(flatten_dict(
                    self._compute_commands(key=key, value=value, remove=True))

        if commands:
            pad_commands(commands, intf["name"])

        if members:
            members = param_list_to_dict(deepcopy(members),
            for key in members:
                member_cmd = ["no bundle id"]
                pad_commands(member_cmd, key)

        return commands
    def _render_bundle_del_commands(self, want, have):
        """The command generator for delete commands
            w.r.t bundles
        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to update member
        commands = []
        if not want:
            want = {"name": have["name"]}

        want_copy = deepcopy(want)
        have_copy = deepcopy(have)
        want_copy.pop("members", [])
        have_copy.pop("members", [])

        to_delete = dict_delete(have_copy, remove_empties(want_copy))
        if to_delete:
            for key, value in iteritems(
                    flatten_dict(remove_empties(to_delete)), ):
                    self._compute_commands(key=key, value=value,
                                           remove=True), )

        return commands
예제 #4
    def _state_merged(self, want, have):
        """ The command generator when state is merged

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to merge the provided into
                  the current configuration
        commands = []
        updates = dict_diff(have, want)
        if updates:
            for key, value in iteritems(flatten_dict(remove_empties(updates))):
                commands.append(self._compute_commands(key, value))

        return commands
예제 #5
    def _state_merged(want, have):
        """ The command generator when state is merged

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to merge the provided into
                  the current configuration
        commands = []

        updates = dict_diff(have, want)
        if updates:
            for key, value in iteritems(flatten_dict(remove_empties(updates['system']))):
                commands.append('lacp system {0} {1}'.format(key.replace('address', 'mac'), value))

        return commands
예제 #6
    def _state_deleted(self, want, have):
        """ The command generator when state is deleted

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to remove the current configuration
                  of the provided objects
        commands = []
        for key, value in iteritems(
                flatten_dict(dict_delete(have, remove_empties(want)))):
            cmd = self._compute_commands(key, value, remove=True)
            if cmd:

        return commands
예제 #7
    def _state_deleted(want, have):
        """ The command generator when state is deleted

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to remove the current configuration
                  of the provided objects
        commands = []

        for key, value in iteritems(flatten_dict(dict_delete(have, remove_empties(want)))):
            commands.append(Lacp_interfaces._compute_commands(key, value, remove=True))

        if commands:
            pad_commands(commands, have['name'])

        return commands
예제 #8
    def _state_merged(self, want, have):
        """ The command generator when state is merged

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to merge the provided into
                  the current configuration
        commands = []
        if not have:
            have = {"name": want["name"]}

        for key, value in iteritems(
                flatten_dict(remove_empties(dict_diff(have, want)))):
            commands.append(self._compute_commands(key, value))

        if commands:
            pad_commands(commands, want["name"])

        return commands
예제 #9
    def _state_merged(self, want, have):
        """ The command generator when state is merged

        :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to merge the provided into
                  the current configuration
        commands = []

        updates = dict_diff(have, want)
        if self.state == "rendered":
            updates = want
        if updates:
            for key, value in iteritems(
                commands.append("lacp system {0} {1}".format(
                    key.replace("address", "mac"), value))

        return commands
예제 #10
    def _render_bundle_updates(self, want, have):
        """ The command generator for updates to bundles
         :rtype: A list
        :returns: the commands necessary to update bundles
        commands = []
        if not have:
            have = {"name": want["name"]}

        want_copy = deepcopy(want)
        have_copy = deepcopy(have)

        want_copy.pop("members", [])
        have_copy.pop("members", [])

        bundle_updates = dict_diff(have_copy, want_copy)

        if bundle_updates:
            for key, value in iteritems(
                commands.append(self._compute_commands(key=key, value=value))

        return commands