예제 #1
def add_server(server_ip, password):
    Add a new system.
    if not is_valid_ipv4(server_ip):
        return False, "Invalid IP format: %s" % server_ip
    (success, local_system_id) = get_system_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        return success, "Error retrieving the local system id"

    (success, response) = ansible_add_system(local_system_id=local_system_id,
    if not success:
        return success, "Cannot add the server to the system"

    trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",

    if not trigger_success:

    (success, response) = get_remote_server_id_from_server_ip(server_ip)

    return (success, response)
예제 #2
def add_server(server_ip, password):
    Add a new system.
    if not is_valid_ipv4(server_ip):
        return False, "Invalid IP format: %s" % server_ip
    (success, local_system_id) = get_system_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        return success, "Error retrieving the local system id"

    (success, response) = ansible_add_system(local_system_id=local_system_id,
    if not success:
        return success, "Cannot add the server to the system"

    trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",

    if not trigger_success:

    (success, response) = get_remote_server_id_from_server_ip(server_ip)

    return (success, response)
예제 #3
def apimethod_add_sensor(sensor_id, password, ctx):

    if password is not None:
        (success, response) = add_sensor(sensor_id, password)
        if not success:
            raise APICannotAddSensor(sensor_id, log=str(response))

    (success, job_id) = set_sensor_context(sensor_id, ctx)
    if not success:
        raise APICannotSetSensorContext(sensor_id)

    trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",

    if not trigger_success:

    return job_id
예제 #4
def apimethod_add_sensor(sensor_id, password, ctx):

    if password is not None:
        (success, response) = add_sensor(sensor_id, password)
        if not success:
            raise APICannotAddSensor(sensor_id,

    (success, job_id) = set_sensor_context(sensor_id, ctx)
    if not success:
        raise APICannotSetSensorContext(sensor_id)

    trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",

    if not trigger_success:

    return job_id
예제 #5
def set_interfaces_roles(system_ip,interface_roles):
    """ Check the role of subset of intefaces in the system
        @param system_ip      The system IP where we're going to operate
        @param inteface_roles  A json describing each interface we're going
                              to touch
        interface_role format:
        { "iface" : {"role":<role>, "ipaddress":<ipaddress>, "netmask":<netmask>}, ...}
        The possibles roles and params
            monitoring => no ipaddress and no netmask
            log_management => ipaddress and netmask must be present
            disable => no ipaddress and no netmask
        iface is the name of the network interface as configures (eth0, eth1, etc)
        iface SHOULD NOT BE the admin interface
    def get_admin_interface_from_current_status(current_status):
        for interface, interface_data in current_status.iteritems():
            if interface_data['role'] == 'admin':
                return interface
        return None

    # check params
    if system_ip == "":
        return False, "The system_ip should be a valid IP Address"
    if not isinstance(interface_roles, dict):
        return False, "The interface_roles should be a dictionary"
    if len(interface_roles)<=0:
        return False, "Empty interface roles"
    # Retrieve the current status.
    rc, net_current_status = get_iface_list(system_ip)

    if not rc:
        return False, "We can't retrieve the current status of the network configuration: %s" % net_current_status

    # The management interface can't be set.
    admin_interface = get_admin_interface_from_current_status(net_current_status)
    if admin_interface is not None:
        if admin_interface in interface_roles.keys():
            return False, "'%s' is the admin interface. You can't set the role" % admin_interface

    # Retrieve the network interface list from ansible facts
    response = ansible.run_module([system_ip],

    if system_ip in response['dark']:
        return False, "We can't retrieve the current network interface list: %s" % response['dark'][system_ip]

    if response['contacted'][system_ip].get('Failed',False) is True:
        return False, "We can't retrieve the current network interface list: %s" % response['contacted'][system_ip]

    # Ok, now in response we have all systems interfaces returned  by ansible
    # u'ansible_facts': {u'ansible_interfaces': [u'lo', u'bond0', u'eth2', u'eth1', u'eth0']}}}} 
    # First verify that the admin iface is in the list
    system_interfaces = response['contacted'][system_ip]['ansible_facts']['ansible_interfaces']
    if admin_interface not in system_interfaces:
        return False, "Internal error admin iface '%s' not in system interfaces '%s'" % \
                     (admin_interface, str(system_interfaces))

    # Check that all ifaces are included in system_ifaces
    if not set(interface_roles.keys()).issubset(set(system_interfaces)):
        return False, "There are interfaces in the request that are not present in the system"

    # Retrieves the current [sensor]interfaces from ossim_setup.conf
    (success, sensor_ifaces) = get_sensor_interfaces(system_ip)
    if not success:
        return False, "Can't get current sensor interfaces"
    sensor_ifaces = sensor_ifaces['sensor_interfaces']
    # Ok, now we must check that each param obeys the constrains

    # Retrieve the system configured interfaces
    (success,system_configured_ifaces) = get_conf_network_interfaces(system_ip, store_path=True)
    if not success:
        return False, "Can't retrieve the current configured interfaces"

    # Build a hash table with key=ethx and value False
    result_ifaces = dict([(x, False) for x in interface_roles.keys()])

    old_sensor_ifaces = sensor_ifaces[:]  # CLone, python use refs
    removed_interfaces = []
    added_interfaces = []

    # Before attempting to make changes we have to check if the result of the operation would be consistent
    future_net_status = net_current_status.copy()
    for iface, conf in interface_roles.items():
        role = conf.get('role', None)
        netmask = conf.get('netmask', None)
        address = conf.get('ipaddress', None)
        if future_net_status.has_key(iface):
            if future_net_status[iface]['role'] != role:
                future_net_status[iface].pop('ipv4', None) # Clear the old IPv4 because we have change roles
            future_net_status[iface]['role'] = role
            # We need to clear all the info if we changed the role
            future_net_status[iface]['promisc'] = False
            if role == 'monitoring':
                future_net_status[iface]['promisc'] = True
            if role == 'log_management':
                ipconf = {'network': "", 'netmask': netmask, 'address': address}
                future_net_status[iface]['ipv4'] = ipconf

    admin_interfaces_future_net_status = [iface for iface, data in future_net_status.iteritems() if
                                          data['role'] is 'admin']

    if len(admin_interfaces_future_net_status) > 1:
        return False, "The admin interface is: %s and it's not allowed to configure more than one %s" % (
        admin_interface, admin_interfaces_future_net_status)

    ip_interfaces = [data['ipv4']['address'] for iface, data in future_net_status.iteritems() if
                     'ipv4' in data and data['ipv4']['address'] is not None and data['role'] is not 'disabled' and data['role'] is not 'monitoring']

    if len(ip_interfaces) > len(set(ip_interfaces)):
        return False, "It's not allowed to have more than one interface with the same ip"

    for iface, conf in interface_roles.items():
        role = conf.get('role', None)
        if role == "log_management":
            iface_netmask = conf.get('netmask', None)
            iface_address = conf.get('ipaddress', None)

            if iface_address is None:
                result_ifaces[iface] = (False,
                                        "In order to configure the given interface (%s) as a log management "
                                        "interface we need an IP address(%s)" % (
                                            iface, iface_address))
            if iface_netmask is None:
                result_ifaces[iface] = (False,
                                        "In order to configure the given interface (%s) as a log management "
                                        "interface we need a valid netmask (%s)" % (
                                            iface, iface_netmask))

            (success, result) = set_conf_iface(system_ip, iface, iface_address, iface_netmask)
            if not success:
                api_log.error("Can't configure iface '%s' msg: %s " % (iface, str(result)))
                result_ifaces[iface] = (False, "Can't configure iface '%s' msg: %s" % (iface, str(result)))
            result_ifaces[iface] = (True, "Configured in /etc/network/interfaces")
            if iface in sensor_ifaces:

        elif role == 'disabled' or role == 'monitoring':
            # Check if the iface is in the
            if iface in system_configured_ifaces.keys():
                # Down iface
                (success,result) = iface_debian_down(system_ip,[iface])
                if not success:
                    api_log.error("Can't bring down configured iface '%s' " % iface)
                    result_ifaces[iface] = False,"Can't bring down configured iface '%s' " % iface
                (success,result) = delete_conf_iface (system_ip, iface)
                if not success:
                    result_ifaces[iface] = (False,
                                            "Can't delete iface from /etc/network/interfaces msg: %s" % str(result))

                result_ifaces[iface] = (True, "Removed from /etc/network/interfaces")
                result_ifaces[iface] = (True, "Not in /etc/network/interfaces")

            if role == 'disabled':
                if iface in sensor_ifaces:
                if iface not in sensor_ifaces:
            return False, "Invalid Role (%s) for the interface %s" % (role, iface)

    # Here the code must be OK
    # How can we make and atomic "configuration" of this code

    # Now, check if we have to change the [sensor]interfaces
    # First, now ifdown
    (success,msg) = iface_down(system_ip, removed_interfaces)
    if not success:
        return False, "Something wrong has happened while setting down the interfaces %s" % msg
    # Give me up
    (success, msg) = iface_up(system_ip, added_interfaces)
    if not success:
        return False, "Something wrong has happened while setting up the interfaces %s" % msg

    if set(sensor_ifaces) != set(old_sensor_ifaces):
        # Set the ne sensors
        (success,msg) = set_sensor_interfaces(system_ip,",".join(sensor_ifaces))
        if not success:
            return False, result_ifaces

    # Regenerate /etc/alienvault/network/interfaces
    # It should be done until all the interface management is ported to use lib av_config

    return True, result_ifaces
예제 #6
파일: system.py 프로젝트: alienfault/ossim
def apimethod_delete_system(system_id):
    success, local_system_id = get_system_id_from_local()

    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the " + \
                    "local system id. %s" % str(local_system_id)
        return success, error_msg
    if system_id == 'local' or get_hex_string_from_uuid(local_system_id) == get_hex_string_from_uuid(system_id):
        error_msg = "You're trying to remove the local system, " + \
                    "which it's not allowed"
        return False, error_msg

    (success, system_ip) = get_system_ip_from_system_id(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the system ip " + \
                    "for the given system-id %s" % (str(system_ip))
        return success, error_msg

    # Check whether the remote system is reachable or not:
        remote_system_is_reachable = ping_system(system_id, no_cache=True)
    except APIException:
        remote_system_is_reachable = False

    # We need to take the sensor_id from the database before removing it from the db
    (success_f, sensor_id) = get_sensor_id_from_system_id(system_id)

    # 1 - Remove it from the database
    success, msg = db_remove_system(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot remove the system " + \
                    "from the database <%s>" % str(msg)
        return success, error_msg

    # 2 - Remove the firewall rules.
    if success_f:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:

    # 3 - Remove the remote certificates
    # success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip)
    # if not success:
    #     return (success,
    #            "Error while removing the remote certificates: %s" % str(msg))
    # 4 - Remove the local certificates and keys
    success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the local ip " + \
                    "<%s>" % str(local_ip)
        return success, error_msg

    #Remove remote system certificates on the local system
    success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip=local_ip,
    if not success:
        return success, "Cannot remove the local certificates <%s>" % str(msg)

    # 5 - Remove it from the ansible inventory.
        aim = AnsibleInventoryManager()
        del aim
    except Exception as aim_error:
        error_msg = "Cannot remove the system from the " + \
                    "ansible inventory file " + \
                    "<%s>" % str(aim_error)
        return False, error_msg

    # 6 - Try to connect to the child and remove the parent
    # using it's server_id
    success, own_server_id = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the server-id " + \
                    "from local <%s>" % str(msg)
        return success, error_msg

    if remote_system_is_reachable:
        success, msg = ansible_delete_parent_server(system_ip, own_server_id)
        if not success:
            error_msg = "Cannot delete parent server in child <%s>" % str(msg)
            return success, error_msg
        return True, ""

    msg = "The remote system is not reachable. " + \
          "We had not been able to remove the parent configuration"
    return True, msg
예제 #7
파일: system.py 프로젝트: alienfault/ossim
def add_system_from_ip(system_ip, password, add_to_database=True):
    Add a new system using system ip.
    (success, local_system_id) = get_system_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Something wrong happened retrieving " + \
                    "the local system id"
        return success, error_msg

    (success, response) = ansible_add_system(local_system_id=local_system_id,
    if not success:
        return success, response

    (success, system_info) = ansible_get_system_info(system_ip)
    if not success:
        return success, "Something wrong happened getting the system info"

    sensor_id = None
    if 'server' in system_info['profile']:
        # - Do not add the child server when I'm myself
        if system_info['server_id'] != local_system_id:
            success, msg = add_child_server(system_ip,
            if not success:
                error_msg = "Something wrong happened setting the child server"
                return False, error_msg

    if 'sensor' in system_info['profile']:
        if 'server' in system_info['profile'] and system_info['sensor_id']:
            # sensor and sensor profiles come with its own sensor_id
            sensor_id = system_info['sensor_id']
            # get sensor_id from ip
            sensor_ip = system_ip
            if system_info['vpn_ip']:
                sensor_ip = system_info['vpn_ip']
            (success, sensor_id) = get_sensor_id_from_sensor_ip(sensor_ip)
            if not success:
                sensor_id = None

    system_info['sensor_id'] = sensor_id

    if not system_info['admin_ip']:
        system_info['admin_ip'] = system_ip
    if system_info['admin_ip'] != system_ip:
        # We're natted
        system_info['admin_ip'] = system_ip
    if add_to_database:
        profile_str = ','.join(system_info['profile'])
        (success, msg) = db_add_system(system_id=system_info['system_id'],
        if not success:
            error_msg = "Something wrong happened inserting " + \
                        "the system into the database"
            return (False, error_msg)
            result, _ = get_system_ip_from_system_id (system_info['system_id'])
            if not result:
                error_msg = "System was not inserted, cannot continue"
                return (False, error_msg)

    # Now that the system is in the database, check if it is a server and
    # open the firewall, if it is required.
    if 'server' in system_info['profile']:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:

    (success, msg) = create_directory_for_ossec_remote(system_info['system_id'])
    if not success:
        return (False, msg)

    return (True, system_info)
예제 #8
def set_interfaces_roles(system_ip,interface_roles):
    """ Check the role of subset of intefaces in the system
        @param system_ip      The system IP where we're going to operate
        @param inteface_roles  A json describing each interface we're going
                              to touch
        interface_role format:
        { "iface" : {"role":<role>, "ipaddress":<ipaddress>, "netmask":<netmask>}, ...}
        The possibles roles and params
            monitoring => no ipaddress and no netmask
            log_management => ipaddress and netmask must be present
            disable => no ipaddress and no netmask
        iface is the name of the network interface as configures (eth0, eth1, etc)
        iface SHOULD NOT BE the admin interface
    def get_admin_interface_from_current_status(current_status):
        for interface, interface_data in current_status.iteritems():
            if interface_data['role'] == 'admin':
                return interface
        return None

    # check params
    if system_ip == "":
        return False, "The system_ip should be a valid IP Address"
    if not isinstance(interface_roles, dict):
        return False, "The interface_roles should be a dictionary"
    if len(interface_roles)<=0:
        return False, "Empty interface roles"
    # Retrieve the current status.
    rc, net_current_status = get_iface_list(system_ip)

    if not rc:
        return False, "We can't retrieve the current status of the network configuration: %s" % net_current_status

    # The management interface can't be set.
    admin_interface = get_admin_interface_from_current_status(net_current_status)
    if admin_interface is not None:
        if admin_interface in interface_roles.keys():
            return False, "'%s' is the admin interface. You can't set the role" % admin_interface

    # Retrieve the network interface list from ansible facts
    response = ansible.run_module([system_ip],

    if system_ip in response['dark']:
        return False, "We can't retrieve the current network interface list: %s" % response['dark'][system_ip]

    if response['contacted'][system_ip].get('Failed',False) is True:
        return False, "We can't retrieve the current network interface list: %s" % response['contacted'][system_ip]

    # Ok, now in response we have all systems interfaces returned  by ansible
    # u'ansible_facts': {u'ansible_interfaces': [u'lo', u'bond0', u'eth2', u'eth1', u'eth0']}}}} 
    # First verify that the admin iface is in the list
    system_interfaces = response['contacted'][system_ip]['ansible_facts']['ansible_interfaces']
    if admin_interface not in system_interfaces:
        return False, "Internal error admin iface '%s' not in system interfaces '%s'" % \
                     (admin_interface, str(system_interfaces))

    # Check that all ifaces are included in system_ifaces
    if not set(interface_roles.keys()).issubset(set(system_interfaces)):
        return False, "There are interfaces in the request that are not present in the system"

    # Retrieves the current [sensor]interfaces from ossim_setup.conf
    (success, sensor_ifaces) = get_sensor_interfaces(system_ip)
    if not success:
        return False, "Can't get current sensor interfaces"
    sensor_ifaces = sensor_ifaces['sensor_interfaces']
    # Ok, now we must check that each param obeys the constrains

    # Retrieve the system configured interfaces
    (success,system_configured_ifaces) = get_conf_network_interfaces(system_ip, store_path=True)
    if not success:
        return False, "Can't retrieve the current configured interfaces"

    # Build a hash table with key=ethx and value False
    result_ifaces = dict([(x, False) for x in interface_roles.keys()])

    old_sensor_ifaces = sensor_ifaces[:]  # CLone, python use refs
    removed_interfaces = []
    added_interfaces = []

    # Before attempting to make changes we have to check if the result of the operation would be consistent
    future_net_status = net_current_status.copy()
    for iface, conf in interface_roles.items():
        role = conf.get('role', None)
        netmask = conf.get('netmask', None)
        address = conf.get('ipaddress', None)
        if future_net_status.has_key(iface):
            if future_net_status[iface]['role'] != role:
                future_net_status[iface].pop('ipv4', None) # Clear the old IPv4 because we have change roles
            future_net_status[iface]['role'] = role
            # We need to clear all the info if we changed the role
            future_net_status[iface]['promisc'] = False
            if role == 'monitoring':
                future_net_status[iface]['promisc'] = True
            if role == 'log_management':
                ipconf = {'network': "", 'netmask': netmask, 'address': address}
                future_net_status[iface]['ipv4'] = ipconf

    admin_interfaces_future_net_status = [iface for iface, data in future_net_status.iteritems() if
                                          data['role'] is 'admin']

    if len(admin_interfaces_future_net_status) > 1:
        return False, "The admin interface is: %s and it's not allowed to configure more than one %s" % (
        admin_interface, admin_interfaces_future_net_status)

    ip_interfaces = [data['ipv4']['address'] for iface, data in future_net_status.iteritems() if
                     'ipv4' in data and data['ipv4']['address'] is not None and data['role'] is not 'disabled' and data['role'] is not 'monitoring']

    if len(ip_interfaces) > len(set(ip_interfaces)):
        return False, "It's not allowed to have more than one interface with the same ip"

    for iface, conf in interface_roles.items():
        role = conf.get('role', None)
        if role == "log_management":
            iface_netmask = conf.get('netmask', None)
            iface_address = conf.get('ipaddress', None)

            if iface_address is None:
                result_ifaces[iface] = (False,
                                        "In order to configure the given interface (%s) as a log management "
                                        "interface we need an IP address(%s)" % (
                                            iface, iface_address))
            if iface_netmask is None:
                result_ifaces[iface] = (False,
                                        "In order to configure the given interface (%s) as a log management "
                                        "interface we need a valid netmask (%s)" % (
                                            iface, iface_netmask))

            (success, result) = set_conf_iface(system_ip, iface, iface_address, iface_netmask)
            if not success:
                api_log.error("Can't configure iface '%s' msg: %s " % (iface, str(result)))
                result_ifaces[iface] = (False, "Can't configure iface '%s' msg: %s" % (iface, str(result)))
            result_ifaces[iface] = (True, "Configured in /etc/network/interfaces")
            if iface in sensor_ifaces:

        elif role == 'disabled' or role == 'monitoring':
            # Check if the iface is in the
            if iface in system_configured_ifaces.keys():
                # Down iface
                (success,result) = iface_debian_down(system_ip,[iface])
                if not success:
                    api_log.error("Can't bring down configured iface '%s' " % iface)
                    result_ifaces[iface] = False,"Can't bring down configured iface '%s' " % iface
                (success,result) = delete_conf_iface (system_ip, iface)
                if not success:
                    result_ifaces[iface] = (False,
                                            "Can't delete iface from /etc/network/interfaces msg: %s" % str(result))

                result_ifaces[iface] = (True, "Removed from /etc/network/interfaces")
                result_ifaces[iface] = (True, "Not in /etc/network/interfaces")

            if role == 'disabled':
                if iface in sensor_ifaces:
                if iface not in sensor_ifaces:
            return False, "Invalid Role (%s) for the interface %s" % (role, iface)

    # Here the code must be OK
    # How can we make and atomic "configuration" of this code

    # Now, check if we have to change the [sensor]interfaces
    # First, now ifdown
    (success,msg) = iface_down(system_ip, removed_interfaces)
    if not success:
        return False, "Something wrong has happened while setting down the interfaces %s" % msg
    # Give me up
    (success, msg) = iface_up(system_ip, added_interfaces)
    if not success:
        return False, "Something wrong has happened while setting up the interfaces %s" % msg

    if set(sensor_ifaces) != set(old_sensor_ifaces):
        # Set the ne sensors
        (success,msg) = set_sensor_interfaces(system_ip,",".join(sensor_ifaces))
        if not success:
            return False, result_ifaces

    # Regenerate /etc/alienvault/network/interfaces
    # It should be done until all the interface management is ported to use lib av_config

    return True, result_ifaces
예제 #9
def apimethod_delete_system(system_id):
    success, local_system_id = get_system_id_from_local()

    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the " + \
                    "local system id. %s" % str(local_system_id)
        return success, error_msg
    if system_id == 'local' or get_hex_string_from_uuid(
            local_system_id) == get_hex_string_from_uuid(system_id):
        error_msg = "You're trying to remove the local system, " + \
                    "which it's not allowed"
        return False, error_msg

    (success, system_ip) = get_system_ip_from_system_id(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the system ip " + \
                    "for the given system-id %s" % (str(system_ip))
        return success, error_msg

    # Check whether the remote system is reachable or not:
        remote_system_is_reachable = ping_system(system_id, no_cache=True)
    except APIException:
        remote_system_is_reachable = False

    # We need to take the sensor_id from the database before removing it from the db
    (success_f, sensor_id) = get_sensor_id_from_system_id(system_id)

    # 1 - Remove it from the database
    success, msg = db_remove_system(system_id)
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot remove the system " + \
                    "from the database <%s>" % str(msg)
        return success, error_msg

    # 2 - Remove the firewall rules.
    if success_f:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:

    # 3 - Remove the remote certificates
    # success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip)
    # if not success:
    #     return (success,
    #            "Error while removing the remote certificates: %s" % str(msg))
    # 4 - Remove the local certificates and keys
    success, local_ip = get_system_ip_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the local ip " + \
                    "<%s>" % str(local_ip)
        return success, error_msg

    #Remove remote system certificates on the local system
    success, msg = ansible_remove_certificates(system_ip=local_ip,
    if not success:
        return success, "Cannot remove the local certificates <%s>" % str(msg)

    # 5 - Remove it from the ansible inventory.
        aim = AnsibleInventoryManager()
        del aim
    except Exception as aim_error:
        error_msg = "Cannot remove the system from the " + \
                    "ansible inventory file " + \
                    "<%s>" % str(aim_error)
        return False, error_msg

    # 6 - Try to connect to the child and remove the parent
    # using it's server_id
    success, own_server_id = get_server_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Cannot retrieve the server-id " + \
                    "from local <%s>" % str(msg)
        return success, error_msg

    if remote_system_is_reachable:
        success, msg = ansible_delete_parent_server(system_ip, own_server_id)
        if not success:
            error_msg = "Cannot delete parent server in child <%s>" % str(msg)
            return success, error_msg
        return True, ""

    msg = "The remote system is not reachable. " + \
          "We had not been able to remove the parent configuration"
    return True, msg
예제 #10
def add_system_from_ip(system_ip, password, add_to_database=True):
    Add a new system using system ip.
    (success, local_system_id) = get_system_id_from_local()
    if not success:
        error_msg = "Something wrong happened retrieving " + \
                    "the local system id"
        return success, error_msg

    (success, response) = ansible_add_system(local_system_id=local_system_id,
    if not success:
        return success, response

    (success, system_info) = ansible_get_system_info(system_ip)
    if not success:
        return success, "Something wrong happened getting the system info"

    sensor_id = None
    if 'server' in system_info['profile']:
        # - Do not add the child server when I'm myself
        if system_info['server_id'] != local_system_id:
            success, msg = add_child_server(system_ip,
            if not success:
                error_msg = "Something wrong happened setting the child server"
                return False, error_msg

    if 'sensor' in system_info['profile']:
        if 'server' in system_info['profile'] and system_info['sensor_id']:
            # sensor and sensor profiles come with its own sensor_id
            sensor_id = system_info['sensor_id']
            # get sensor_id from ip
            sensor_ip = system_ip
            if system_info['vpn_ip']:
                sensor_ip = system_info['vpn_ip']
            (success, sensor_id) = get_sensor_id_from_sensor_ip(sensor_ip)
            if not success:
                sensor_id = None

    system_info['sensor_id'] = sensor_id

    if not system_info['admin_ip']:
        system_info['admin_ip'] = system_ip
    if system_info['admin_ip'] != system_ip:
        # We're natted
        system_info['admin_ip'] = system_ip
    if add_to_database:
        profile_str = ','.join(system_info['profile'])
        (success, msg) = db_add_system(system_id=system_info['system_id'],
        if not success:
            error_msg = "Something wrong happened inserting " + \
                        "the system into the database"
            return (False, error_msg)
            result, _ = get_system_ip_from_system_id(system_info['system_id'])
            if not result:
                error_msg = "System was not inserted, cannot continue"
                return (False, error_msg)

    # Now that the system is in the database, check if it is a server and
    # open the firewall, if it is required.
    if 'server' in system_info['profile']:
        trigger_success, msg = fire_trigger(system_ip="",
        if not trigger_success:

     msg) = create_directory_for_ossec_remote(system_info['system_id'])
    if not success:
        return (False, msg)

    return (True, system_info)