def render(self, data): new_entry = self.context.get("clone", None) is None return [ a.breadcrumbs(["blog", data["blog_name"], blog_id=self.context.get("blog_id")) ], "New Blog Entry" if new_entry else "Clone Blog Entry"), a.form("Blog Entry", fields={ "data": a.field("Entry", "dorn", "primary", schema=data["blog_schema"], order=1), "enabled": a.field("Enabled", "switch", "primary", order=2) }, methods={ "create": a.method("Create" if new_entry else "Clone", "primary") }, data=data), a.links("Navigate", ["blog", "Go back", icon="chevron-left", blog_id=self.context.get("blog_id")),"blog_settings", "Edit Blog Settings", icon="cogs", blog_id=self.context.get("blog_id")) ]) ]
def render(self, data): return [ a.breadcrumbs([], "Create New"), a.form( "Create New Blog", fields={ "name": a.field("Blog Name", "text", "primary", "non-empty", order=1), "schema": a.field( "Blog Schema", "json", "primary", order=2, description= "A JSON Scheme every blog entry will be matched on. " "See docs below for more information."), "enabled": a.field("Enabled", "switch", "primary", order=3) }, methods={"create": a.method("Create", "primary")}, data=data), a.links("Navigate", ["index", "Go back", icon="chevron-left"), "", "See docs", icon="book") ]) ]
def render(self, data): return [ a.breadcrumbs([ "blog", data["name"], blog_id=self.context.get("blog_id")) ], "Settings"), a.form( "Blog Settings", fields={ "name": a.field("Blog Name", "text", "primary", "non-empty", order=1), "schema": a.field( "Blog Schema", "json", "primary", order=2, description= "A JSON Scheme every blog entry will be matched on. " "See docs below for more information."), "enabled": a.field("Enabled", "switch", "primary", order=3) }, methods={"update": a.method("Update", "primary")}, data=data), a.form("Danger", fields={}, methods={ "delete": a.method("Delete This Blog Forever", "danger") }, data=data, icon="warning"), a.links("Navigate", ["index", "Go back", icon="chevron-left"), "", "See docs", icon="book") ]) ]
def render(self, data): r = [ a.breadcrumbs(["server", "Server Code"), ], "Server Code Settings"), ServerCodeController.about_notice() ] if not data["repository_url"]: r.append(ServerCodeSettingsController.no_settings_notice()) r.extend([ a.form( "Server Code Settings", fields={ "repository_url": a.field("Git source code repository url (ssh only)", "text", "primary", description=""" You need to use SSH remote url in order to deploy source code to this service. See <a href="" target="_blank">this</a>. """, order=1), "repository_branch": a.field("Git branch to use on the source code repository", "text", "primary", order=2), "ssh_private_key": a.field("Private SSH key", "text", "primary", multiline=6, description=""" Please generate SSH key pair, paste private key (for example, <span class="label label-default">id_rsa</span>) here, and add public key (for example, <span class="label label-default"></span>) into user's SSH keys with read access to the repository above. For example, on GitHub, it can be done <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. """, order=3) }, methods={ "update_settings": a.method("Update Settings", "primary") }, data=data), a.links("Navigate", ["server", "Go back", icon="chevron-left"), ]) ]) return r
def render(self, data): return [ a.breadcrumbs(["blog", data["blog_name"], blog_id=self.context.get("blog_id")) ], "Blog Entry #{0}".format(self.context.get("entry_id"))), a.form("Blog Entry", fields={ "data": a.field("Entry", "dorn", "primary", schema=data["blog_schema"], order=1), "enabled": a.field("Enabled", "switch", "primary", order=2) }, methods={ "update": a.method("Update", "primary"), "delete": a.method("Delete", "danger") }, data=data), a.links("Navigate", ["blog", "Go back", icon="chevron-left", blog_id=self.context.get("blog_id")),"new_blog_entry", "Clone This Entry", icon="clone", blog_id=self.context.get("blog_id"), clone=self.context.get("entry_id")),"blog_settings", "Edit Blog Settings", icon="cogs", blog_id=self.context.get("blog_id")) ]) ]
def render(self, data): r = [ a.breadcrumbs(["index", "File Hosting"), ], "Settings"), a.form("Deployment method", fields={ "deployment_method": a.field( "Deployment method", "select", "primary", "non-empty", values=data["deployment_methods"] ) }, methods={ "update_deployment_method": a.method("Switch deployment method", "primary") }, data=data) ] deployment_method = data["deployment_method"] deployment_data = data["deployment_data"] if deployment_method: m = DeploymentMethods.get(deployment_method) if m.has_admin(): r.append(a.form("Update deployment", fields=m.render(a), methods={ "update_deployment": a.method("Update", "primary") }, data=deployment_data)) else: r.append(a.notice( "Please select deployment method", """ Players cannot upload files until the deployment is configured """)) r.extend([ a.links("Navigate", ["index", "Back", icon="chevron-left"), ]) ]) return r
def render(self, data): reports = [{ "see": ["report", str(r.report_id), icon="flag", report_id=r.report_id) ], "account_id": ["app_version", str(r.account_id), icon="filter", app_name=self.context.get("app_name"), app_version=self.context.get("app_version"), account_id=r.account_id) ], "message": r.message, "category": ["app_version", str(r.category), icon="filter", app_name=self.context.get("app_name"), app_version=self.context.get("app_version"), category=r.category) ], "info": [a.json_view(], "time": str(r.time) } for r in data["reports"]] methods = { "filter": a.method("Filter reports", "primary", order=1), "export_reports": a.method("Export reports to CSV", "default", icon="download", order=3), } if self.context.get("account_id") or self.context.get("info"): methods["clear_filters"] = a.method("Clear filters", "default", order=2) r = [ a.breadcrumbs(["index", "Reports"),"apps", "Applications"),"app", data["app_title"], app_name=self.context.get("app_name")), ], self.context.get("app_version")), a.content("Reports: {0} total".format(data["total_count"]), [{ "id": "see", "title": "See" }, { "id": "message", "title": "Report Message" }, { "id": "category", "title": "Report Category" }, { "id": "account_id", "title": "Reporter" }, { "id": "info", "title": "Report info" }, { "id": "time", "title": "Report Time" }], reports, "default", empty="No reports to display") ] if data["pages_count"]: r.append(a.pages(data["pages_count"])) r.extend([ a.form("Filters", fields={ "account_id": a.field("Reporter Account", "text", "primary", order=1), "report_message": a.field("Report Message", "text", "primary", order=2), "category": a.field("Report Category", "text", "primary", order=3), "info": a.field("Report Info", "json", "primary", order=4, height=120), }, methods=methods, data=data, icon="filter"), a.links("Navigate", ["app", "Go back", icon="chevron-left", app_name=self.context.get("app_name")) ]) ]) return r
def render(self, data): r = [a.breadcrumbs([], "Server Code")] if data["commits_history"] is None: if data["server_fetch_error"]: r.append( a.notice( "Failed to update repository", "Please check repository settings: {0}".format( data["server_fetch_error"]), "danger")) else: r.append( a.notice("Repository is in progress", "Please wait until repository is updated")) else: methods = { "switch_to_latest_commit": a.method("Update To The Last Commit", "primary", order=1), "pull_updates": a.method("Pull Updates", "default", order=2), } if data["current_commit"]: methods["detach_version"] = a.method( "Disable Server Code", "danger", order=3, danger= "Are you sure you would like to disable the Server Code from launching? After this action, " "services would not be able to call functions on the Server Code." ) else: r.append(ServerCodeController.no_commit_notice()) r.extend([ a.form("Actions", fields={}, methods=methods, data=data), a.content( title="Recent Commits History", headers=[{ "id": "actions", "title": "Actions" }, { "id": "message", "title": "Commit Message" }, { "id": "hash", "title": "Commit Hash" }, { "id": "date", "title": "Commit Date" }, { "id": "author", "title": "Commit Author" }], items=[{ "hash": [a.status(commit.hexsha[:7], "default")], "message": commit.message[:48], "date": str(commit.committed_datetime), "author": str( + " (" + + ")", "actions": [ a.status("Current Commit", "success", "check") if data["current_commit"] == commit.hexsha else a.button("server", "Use This", "primary", _method="switch_commit_context", commit=str(commit.hexsha)) ] } for commit in data["commits_history"]], style="primary") ]) r.extend([ ServerCodeController.about_notice(), a.links("Navigate", ["index", "Go back", icon="chevron-left"),"server_settings", "Server Code Settings", icon="cogs") ]) ]) return r
def render(self, data): r = [ a.breadcrumbs(["apps", "Applications"),"app", data["app_name"], app_id=self.context.get("app_id")), ], self.context.get("app_version")) ] if data["commits_history"] is None: r.append( a.notice("Repository is in progress", "Please wait until repository is updated")) else: methods = { "switch_to_latest_commit": a.method("Update To The Last Commit", "primary", order=1), "pull_updates": a.method("Pull Updates", "default", order=2), } if data["current_commit"]: methods["detach_version"] = a.method( "Disable This Version", "danger", order=3, danger= "Are you sure you would like to disable this version from launching? After this action, " "users would not be able to open sessions on this version." ) else: r.append( ApplicationVersionController.no_commit_notice( self.context.get("app_version"))) r.extend([ a.form("Actions", fields={}, methods=methods, data=data), a.content( title="Recent Commits History", headers=[{ "id": "actions", "title": "Actions" }, { "id": "message", "title": "Commit Message" }, { "id": "hash", "title": "Commit Hash" }, { "id": "date", "title": "Commit Date" }, { "id": "author", "title": "Commit Author" }], items=[{ "hash": [a.status(commit.hexsha[:7], "default")], "message": commit.message[:48], "date": str(commit.committed_datetime), "author": str( + " (" + + ")", "actions": [ a.status("Current Commit", "success", "check") if data["current_commit"] == commit.hexsha else a.button( "app_version", "Use This", "primary", _method="switch_commit_context", commit=str(commit.hexsha), app_id=self.context.get("app_id"), app_version=self.context.get("app_version")) ] } for commit in data["commits_history"]], style="primary") ]) r.extend([ a.links("Navigate", ["app", "Go back", icon="chevron-left", app_id=self.context.get("app_id")) ]) ]) return r