예제 #1
 def test_bridge_in_linear_record(self):
     self.seqrec.annotations["topology"] = "linear"
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Features that bridge"):
         Record.from_biopython(self.seqrec, taxon='bacteria')
     self.seqrec.features[0] = self.seqgene
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Features that bridge"):
         Record.from_biopython(self.seqrec, taxon='bacteria')
 def test_bridge_in_linear_record(self):
     self.seqrec.annotations["topology"] = "linear"
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(SecmetInvalidInputError,
                                 "cannot determine correct exon ordering"):
         Record.from_biopython(self.seqrec, taxon='fungi')
     self.seqrec.features[0] = self.seqgene
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(SecmetInvalidInputError,
                                 "cannot determine correct exon ordering"):
         Record.from_biopython(self.seqrec, taxon='fungi')
예제 #3
    def test_record_conversion_from_biopython(self):
        before = list(Bio.SeqIO.parse(helpers.get_path_to_nisin_genbank(), "genbank"))[0]
        # sort notes, because direct comparisons otherwise are awful
        for feature in before.features:
            if "note" in feature.qualifiers:
                feature.qualifiers["note"] = sorted(feature.qualifiers["note"])
        before_features = sorted(map(str, before.features))
        type_counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        for feature in before.features:
            type_counts[feature.type] += 1
        record = Record.from_biopython(before, taxon="bacteria")
        after = record.to_biopython()

        # ensure new features are correct
        assert len(before_features) == len(after.features)
        for bef, aft in zip(before_features, sorted(map(str, after.features))):
            assert bef == aft

        # ensure we haven't changed the original record or feature list
        assert id(before) != id(after)
        assert id(before.features) != id(after.features)
        for i in range(len(before.features)):
            assert id(before.features[i]) != id(after.features[i])
        for bef, aft in zip(before_features, sorted(map(str, before.features))):
            assert bef == aft

        # ensure that the counts of each match
        assert type_counts["CDS"] == len(record.get_cds_features())
        assert type_counts["PFAM_domain"] == len(record.get_pfam_domains())
        assert type_counts["cluster"] == len(record.get_clusters())
        assert type_counts["aSDomain"] == len(record.get_antismash_domains())
    def test_cds_with_no_id(self):
        rec = Record.from_biopython(self.seqrec, taxon="bacteria")
        cdses = rec.get_cds_features()
        assert len(cdses) == 2
        assert cdses[0].location.start == 0
        assert cdses[0].location.end == 9
        assert cdses[0].get_name() == "bridge_LOWER"

        assert cdses[1].location.start == 12
        assert cdses[1].location.end == 21
        assert cdses[1].get_name() == "bridge_UPPER"
    def test_cds_split(self):
        for id_name in ["locus_tag", "gene"]:
            self.seqcds.qualifiers[id_name] = ["test"]
            rec = Record.from_biopython(self.seqrec, taxon="bacteria")
            cdses = rec.get_cds_features()
            assert len(cdses) == 2

            assert cdses[0].location.start == 0
            assert cdses[0].location.end == 9
            assert getattr(cdses[0], id_name) == "test_LOWER"
            assert cdses[0].get_name() == "test_LOWER"

            assert cdses[1].location.start == 12
            assert cdses[1].location.end == 21
            assert getattr(cdses[1], id_name) == "test_UPPER"
            assert cdses[1].get_name() == "test_UPPER"

    def test_gene_split(self):
        for id_name in ["locus_tag", "gene"]:
            self.seqgene.qualifiers[id_name] = [id_name + "_test"]
            expected = id_name + "_test"
            rec = Record.from_biopython(self.seqrec, taxon="bacteria")
            genes = rec.get_genes()
            assert len(genes) == 2

            if id_name == "gene":
                id_name = "gene_name"  # since a Gene doesn't have a gene member

            assert genes[0].location.start == 12
            assert genes[0].location.end == 21
            assert getattr(genes[0], id_name) == expected + "_UPPER"
            assert genes[0].get_name() == expected + "_UPPER"

            assert genes[1].location.start == 0
            assert genes[1].location.end == 9
            assert getattr(genes[1], id_name) == expected + "_LOWER"
            assert genes[1].get_name() == expected + "_LOWER"