예제 #1
def ferret2sww(basename_in, name_out=None,
               minlat=None, maxlat=None,
               minlon=None, maxlon=None,
               mint=None, maxt=None, mean_stage=0,
               origin=None, zscale=1,
               ): #FIXME: Bathymetry should be obtained
                                  #from MOST somehow.
                                  #Alternatively from elsewhere
                                  #or, as a last resort,
                                  #specified here.
                                  #The value of -100 will work
                                  #for the Wollongong tsunami
                                  #scenario but is very hacky
    """Convert MOST and 'Ferret' NetCDF format for wave propagation to
    sww format native to abstract_2d_finite_volumes.

    Specify only basename_in and read files of the form
    basefilename_ha.nc, basefilename_ua.nc, basefilename_va.nc containing
    relative height, x-velocity and y-velocity, respectively.

    Also convert latitude and longitude to UTM. All coordinates are
    assumed to be given in the GDA94 datum.

    min's and max's: If omitted - full extend is used.
    To include a value min may equal it, while max must exceed it.
    Lat and lon are assuemd to be in decimal degrees

    origin is a 3-tuple with geo referenced
    UTM coordinates (zone, easting, northing)

    nc format has values organised as HA[TIME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE]
    which means that longitude is the fastest
    varying dimension (row major order, so to speak)

    ferret2sww uses grid points as vertices in a triangular grid
    counting vertices from lower left corner upwards, then right

    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    _assert_lat_long(minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon)

    if name_out != None and name_out[-4:] != '.sww':
        raise IOError('Output file %s should be of type .sww.' % name_out)

    # Get NetCDF data
    if verbose: log.critical('Reading files %s_*.nc' % basename_in)

    # Wave amplitude (cm)
    file_h = NetCDFFile(basename_in + '_ha.nc', netcdf_mode_r) 
    # Velocity (x) (cm/s)
    file_u = NetCDFFile(basename_in + '_ua.nc', netcdf_mode_r)
    # Velocity (y) (cm/s)
    file_v = NetCDFFile(basename_in + '_va.nc', netcdf_mode_r)
    # Elevation (z) (m)
    file_e = NetCDFFile(basename_in + '_e.nc', netcdf_mode_r)  

    if name_out is None:
        swwname = basename_in + '.sww'
        swwname = name_out

    # Get dimensions of file_h
    for dimension in file_h.dimensions.keys():
        if dimension[:3] == 'LON':
            dim_h_longitude = dimension
        if dimension[:3] == 'LAT':
            dim_h_latitude = dimension
        if dimension[:4] == 'TIME':
            dim_h_time = dimension

    times = file_h.variables[dim_h_time]
    latitudes = file_h.variables[dim_h_latitude]
    longitudes = file_h.variables[dim_h_longitude]

    kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices(latitudes[:],
                                                  minlat, maxlat,
                                                  minlon, maxlon)
    # get dimensions for file_e
    for dimension in file_e.dimensions.keys():
        if dimension[:3] == 'LON':
            dim_e_longitude = dimension
        if dimension[:3] == 'LAT':
            dim_e_latitude = dimension

    # get dimensions for file_u
    for dimension in file_u.dimensions.keys():
        if dimension[:3] == 'LON':
            dim_u_longitude = dimension
        if dimension[:3] == 'LAT':
            dim_u_latitude = dimension

    # get dimensions for file_v
    for dimension in file_v.dimensions.keys():
        if dimension[:3] == 'LON':
            dim_v_longitude = dimension
        if dimension[:3] == 'LAT':
            dim_v_latitude = dimension

    # Precision used by most for lat/lon is 4 or 5 decimals
    e_lat = num.around(file_e.variables[dim_e_latitude][:], 5)
    e_lon = num.around(file_e.variables[dim_e_longitude][:], 5)

    # Check that files are compatible
    assert num.allclose(latitudes, file_u.variables[dim_u_latitude])
    assert num.allclose(latitudes, file_v.variables[dim_v_latitude])
    assert num.allclose(latitudes, e_lat)

    assert num.allclose(longitudes, file_u.variables[dim_u_longitude])
    assert num.allclose(longitudes, file_v.variables[dim_v_longitude])
    assert num.allclose(longitudes, e_lon)

    if mint is None:
        jmin = 0
        mint = times[0]
        jmin = num.searchsorted(times, mint)
        # numpy.int32 didn't work in slicing of amplitude below
        jmin = int(jmin)

    if maxt is None:
        jmax = len(times)
        maxt = times[-1]
        jmax = num.searchsorted(times, maxt)
        # numpy.int32 didn't work in slicing of amplitude below
        jmax = int(jmax)        

    kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices(latitudes[:],
                                                  minlat, maxlat,
                                                  minlon, maxlon)

    times = times[jmin:jmax]
    latitudes = latitudes[kmin:kmax]
    longitudes = longitudes[lmin:lmax]

    if verbose: log.critical('cropping')

    zname = 'ELEVATION'

    amplitudes = file_h.variables['HA'][jmin:jmax, kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]
    uspeed = file_u.variables['UA'][jmin:jmax, kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax] #Lon
    vspeed = file_v.variables['VA'][jmin:jmax, kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax] #Lat
    elevations = file_e.variables[zname][kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]

    # Get missing values
    nan_ha = file_h.variables['HA'].missing_value
    nan_ua = file_u.variables['UA'].missing_value
    nan_va = file_v.variables['VA'].missing_value
    if hasattr(file_e.variables[zname],'missing_value'):
        nan_e  = file_e.variables[zname].missing_value
        nan_e = None

    # Cleanup
    missing = (amplitudes == nan_ha)
    if num.sometrue (missing):
        if fail_on_NaN:
            msg = 'NetCDFFile %s contains missing values' \
                  % basename_in + '_ha.nc'
            raise DataMissingValuesError, msg
            amplitudes = amplitudes*(missing==0) + missing*NaN_filler

    missing = (uspeed == nan_ua)
    if num.sometrue (missing):
        if fail_on_NaN:
            msg = 'NetCDFFile %s contains missing values' \
                  % basename_in + '_ua.nc'
            raise DataMissingValuesError, msg
            uspeed = uspeed*(missing==0) + missing*NaN_filler

    missing = (vspeed == nan_va)
    if num.sometrue (missing):
        if fail_on_NaN:
            msg = 'NetCDFFile %s contains missing values' \
                  % basename_in + '_va.nc'
            raise DataMissingValuesError, msg
            vspeed = vspeed*(missing==0) + missing*NaN_filler

    missing = (elevations == nan_e)
    if num.sometrue (missing):
        if fail_on_NaN:
            msg = 'NetCDFFile %s contains missing values' \
                  % basename_in + '_e.nc'
            raise DataMissingValuesError, msg
            elevations = elevations*(missing==0) + missing*NaN_filler

    number_of_times = times.shape[0]
    number_of_latitudes = latitudes.shape[0]
    number_of_longitudes = longitudes.shape[0]

    assert amplitudes.shape[0] == number_of_times
    assert amplitudes.shape[1] == number_of_latitudes
    assert amplitudes.shape[2] == number_of_longitudes

    if verbose:
        _show_stats((latitudes, longitudes), times, amplitudes, \
                    (uspeed, vspeed), elevations)

    # print number_of_latitudes, number_of_longitudes
    number_of_points = number_of_latitudes * number_of_longitudes
    number_of_volumes = (number_of_latitudes-1) * (number_of_longitudes-1) * 2


    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(swwname, netcdf_mode_w)

    description = 'Converted from Ferret files: %s, %s, %s, %s' \
                  % (basename_in + '_ha.nc',
                     basename_in + '_ua.nc',
                     basename_in + '_va.nc',
                     basename_in + '_e.nc')

    # Create new file
    starttime = times[0]

    sww = Write_sww(['elevation'], ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'])
    sww.store_header(outfile, times, number_of_volumes,
                     number_of_points, description=description,
                     verbose=verbose, sww_precision=netcdf_float)

    # Store
    from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn
    x = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  #Easting
    y = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  #Northing

    if verbose:
        log.critical('Making triangular grid')

    # Check zone boundaries
    refzone, _, _ = redfearn(latitudes[0], longitudes[0])

    vertices = {}
    i = 0
    for k, lat in enumerate(latitudes):       # Y direction
        for l, lon in enumerate(longitudes):  # X direction
            vertices[l, k] = i

            _, easting, northing = redfearn(lat, lon)

            #msg = 'Zone boundary crossed at longitude =', lon
            #assert zone == refzone, msg
            #print '%7.2f %7.2f %8.2f %8.2f' %(lon, lat, easting, northing)
            x[i] = easting
            y[i] = northing
            i += 1

    #Construct 2 triangles per 'rectangular' element
    volumes = []
    for l in range(number_of_longitudes-1):    # X direction
        for k in range(number_of_latitudes-1): # Y direction
            v1 = vertices[l, k+1]
            v2 = vertices[l, k]
            v3 = vertices[l+1, k+1]
            v4 = vertices[l+1, k]

            volumes.append([v1, v2, v3]) #Upper element
            volumes.append([v4, v3, v2]) #Lower element

    volumes = num.array(volumes, num.int)      #array default#

    if origin is None:
        origin = Geo_reference(refzone, min(x), min(y))
    geo_ref = write_NetCDF_georeference(origin, outfile)

    if elevation is not None:
        z = elevation
        if inverted_bathymetry:
            z = -1 * elevations
            z = elevations
    #FIXME: z should be obtained from MOST and passed in here

    #FIXME use the Write_sww instance(sww) to write this info
    z = num.resize(z, outfile.variables['elevation'][:].shape)
    outfile.variables['x'][:] = x - geo_ref.get_xllcorner()
    outfile.variables['y'][:] = y - geo_ref.get_yllcorner()
    #outfile.variables['z'][:] = z             #FIXME HACK for bacwards compat.
    outfile.variables['elevation'][:] = z
    outfile.variables['volumes'][:] = volumes.astype(num.int32) #For Opteron 64

    #Time stepping
    stage = outfile.variables['stage']
    xmomentum = outfile.variables['xmomentum']
    ymomentum = outfile.variables['ymomentum']

    if verbose:
        log.critical('Converting quantities')

    n = len(times)
    for j in range(n):
        if verbose and j % ((n+10)/10) == 0:
            log.critical('  Doing %d of %d' % (j, n))

        i = 0
        for k in range(number_of_latitudes):      # Y direction
            for l in range(number_of_longitudes): # X direction
                w = zscale * amplitudes[j, k, l] / 100 + mean_stage
                stage[j, i] = w
                h = w - z[i]
                xmomentum[j, i] = uspeed[j, k, l]/100*h
                ymomentum[j, i] = vspeed[j, k, l]/100*h
                i += 1


    #FIXME: Refactor using code from file_function.statistics
    #Something like print swwstats(swwname)
    if verbose:
        time_info = times, starttime, mint, maxt
        _show_sww_stats(outfile, swwname, geo_ref, time_info)

예제 #2
def urs2sts(basename_in,
    """Convert URS mux2 format for wave propagation to sts format

    Also convert latitude and longitude to UTM. All coordinates are
    assumed to be given in the GDA94 datum

    origin is a 3-tuple with geo referenced
    UTM coordinates (zone, easting, northing)


    basename_in: list of source file prefixes

        These are combined with the extensions:
        WAVEHEIGHT_MUX2_LABEL = '-z-mux2' for stage
        EAST_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL = '-e-mux2' xmomentum
        NORTH_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL = '-n-mux2' and ymomentum

        to create a 2D list of mux2 file. The rows are associated with each
        quantity and must have the above extensions
        the columns are the list of file prefixes.

    ordering: a .txt file name specifying which mux2 gauge points are
              to be stored. This is indicated by the index of the gauge
              in the ordering file.

              ordering file format:
              1st line:    'index,longitude,latitude\n'
              other lines: index,longitude,latitude

              If ordering is None or ordering file is empty then
               all points are taken in the order they
              appear in the mux2 file.

      basename_out: name of sts file in which mux2 data is stored.
    NOTE: South is positive in mux files so sign of y-component of velocity is reverted

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile
    from operator import __and__

    if not isinstance(basename_in, list):
        if verbose: log.critical('Reading single source')
        basename_in = [basename_in]

    # This is the value used in the mux file format to indicate NAN data
    # FIXME (Ole): This should be changed everywhere to IEEE NAN when
    #              we upgrade to Numpy
    NODATA = 99

    # Check that basename is a list of strings
    if not reduce(__and__, map(lambda z: isinstance(z, basestring),
        msg = 'basename_in must be a string or list of strings'
        raise Exception, msg

    # Find the number of sources to be used
    numSrc = len(basename_in)

    # A weight must be specified for each source
    if weights is None:
        # Default is equal weighting
        weights = num.ones(numSrc, num.float) / numSrc
        weights = ensure_numeric(weights)
        msg = 'When combining multiple sources must specify a weight for ' \
              'mux2 source file'
        assert len(weights) == numSrc, msg

    if verbose: log.critical('Weights used in urs2sts: %s' % str(weights))

    # Check output filename
    if basename_out is None:
        msg = 'STS filename must be specified as basename_out ' \
              'in function urs2sts'
        raise Exception, msg

    if basename_out.endswith('.sts'):
        stsname = basename_out
        stsname = basename_out + '.sts'

    # Create input filenames from basenames and check their existence
    files_in = [[], [], []]
    for files in basename_in:
        files_in[0].append(files + WAVEHEIGHT_MUX2_LABEL),
        files_in[1].append(files + EAST_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL)
        files_in[2].append(files + NORTH_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL)

    quantities = ['HA', 'UA', 'VA']  # Quantity names used in the MUX2 format
    for i in range(len(quantities)):
        for file_in in files_in[i]:
            if (os.access(file_in, os.R_OK) == 0):
                msg = 'File %s does not exist or is not accessible' % file_in
                raise IOError, msg

    # Establish permutation array
    if ordering_filename is not None:
        if verbose is True:
            log.critical('Reading ordering file %s' % ordering_filename)

        # Read ordering file
            fid = open(ordering_filename, 'r')
            file_header = fid.readline().split(',')
            ordering_lines = fid.readlines()
            msg = 'Cannot open %s' % ordering_filename
            raise Exception, msg

        reference_header = 'index, longitude, latitude\n'
        reference_header_split = reference_header.split(',')
        for i in range(3):
            if not file_header[i].strip() == reference_header_split[i].strip():
                msg = 'File must contain header: ' + reference_header
                raise Exception, msg

        if len(ordering_lines) < 2:
            msg = 'File must contain at least two points'
            raise Exception, msg

        permutation = [int(line.split(',')[0]) for line in ordering_lines]
        permutation = ensure_numeric(permutation)
        permutation = None

    # Read MUX2 files
    if (verbose): log.critical('reading mux2 file')

    mux = {}
    times_old = 0.0
    latitudes_old = 0.0
    longitudes_old = 0.0
    elevation_old = 0.0
    starttime_old = 0.0

    for i, quantity in enumerate(quantities):
        # For each quantity read the associated list of source mux2 file with
        # extention associated with that quantity

        times, latitudes, longitudes, elevation, mux[quantity], starttime \
            = read_mux2_py(files_in[i], weights, permutation, verbose=verbose)

        # Check that all quantities have consistent time and space information
        if quantity != quantities[0]:
            msg = '%s, %s and %s have inconsistent gauge data' \
                  % (files_in[0], files_in[1], files_in[2])
            assert num.allclose(times, times_old), msg
            assert num.allclose(latitudes, latitudes_old), msg
            assert num.allclose(longitudes, longitudes_old), msg
            assert num.allclose(elevation, elevation_old), msg
            assert num.allclose(starttime, starttime_old), msg
        times_old = times
        latitudes_old = latitudes
        longitudes_old = longitudes
        elevation_old = elevation
        starttime_old = starttime

        # Self check - can be removed to improve speed
        #ref_longitudes = [float(line.split(',')[1]) for line in ordering_lines]
        #ref_latitudes = [float(line.split(',')[2]) for line in ordering_lines]
        #msg = 'Longitudes specified in ordering file do not match those ' \
        #      'found in mux files. ' \
        #      'I got %s instead of %s (only beginning shown)' \
        #      % (str(longitudes[:10]) + '...',
        #         str(ref_longitudes[:10]) + '...')
        #assert allclose(longitudes, ref_longitudes), msg
        #msg = 'Latitudes specified in ordering file do not match those ' \
        #      'found in mux files. '
        #      'I got %s instead of %s (only beginning shown)' \
        #      % (str(latitudes[:10]) + '...',
        #         str(ref_latitudes[:10]) + '...')
        #assert allclose(latitudes, ref_latitudes), msg

    # Store timeseries in STS file
    msg = 'File is empty and or clipped region not in file region'
    assert len(latitudes > 0), msg

    number_of_points = latitudes.shape[0]  # Number of stations retrieved
    number_of_times = times.shape[0]  # Number of timesteps
    number_of_latitudes = latitudes.shape[0]  # Number latitudes
    number_of_longitudes = longitudes.shape[0]  # Number longitudes

    # The permutation vector of contains original indices
    # as given in ordering file or None in which case points
    # are assigned the trivial indices enumerating them from
    # 0 to number_of_points-1
    if permutation is None:
        permutation = num.arange(number_of_points, dtype=num.int)

    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(stsname, netcdf_mode_w)

    description = 'Converted from URS mux2 files: %s' % basename_in

    # Create new file
    sts = Write_sts()
                     times + starttime,

    # Store
    from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn

    x = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  # Easting
    y = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  # Northing

    # Check zone boundaries
    if zone is None:
        refzone, _, _ = redfearn(latitudes[0],
        refzone = zone

    old_zone = refzone
    old_easting = 0.0
    old_northing = 0.0

    for i in range(number_of_points):
        computed_zone, easting, northing = redfearn(
        x[i] = easting
        y[i] = northing
        if computed_zone != refzone:
            msg = 'All sts gauges need to be in the same zone. \n'
            msg += 'offending gauge:Zone %d,%.4f, %4f\n' \
                   % (computed_zone, easting, northing)
            msg += 'previous gauge:Zone %d,%.4f, %4f' \
                   % (old_zone, old_easting, old_northing)
            raise Exception, msg
        old_zone = computed_zone
        old_easting = easting
        old_northing = northing

    if origin is None:
        origin = Geo_reference(refzone, min(x), min(y))
    geo_ref = write_NetCDF_georeference(origin, outfile)

    elevation = num.resize(elevation, outfile.variables['elevation'][:].shape)
    outfile.variables['permutation'][:] = permutation.astype(
        num.int32)  # Opteron 64
    outfile.variables['x'][:] = x - geo_ref.get_xllcorner()
    outfile.variables['y'][:] = y - geo_ref.get_yllcorner()
    outfile.variables['elevation'][:] = elevation

    stage = outfile.variables['stage']
    xmomentum = outfile.variables['xmomentum']
    ymomentum = outfile.variables['ymomentum']

    if verbose: log.critical('Converting quantities')

    for j in range(len(times)):
        for i in range(number_of_points):
            ha = mux['HA'][i, j]
            ua = mux['UA'][i, j]
            va = mux['VA'][i, j]
            if ha == NODATA:
                if verbose:
                    msg = 'Setting nodata value %d to 0 at time = %f, ' \
                          'point = %d' % (ha, times[j], i)
                ha = 0.0
                ua = 0.0
                va = 0.0

            w = zscale * ha + mean_stage
            h = w - elevation[i]
            stage[j, i] = w

            xmomentum[j, i] = ua * h
            ymomentum[j, i] = -va * h  # South is positive in mux files


    if verbose:
        log.critical('Wrote sts file ' + stsname)
예제 #3
def urs2sts(basename_in, basename_out=None,
    """Convert URS mux2 format for wave propagation to sts format

    Also convert latitude and longitude to UTM. All coordinates are
    assumed to be given in the GDA94 datum

    origin is a 3-tuple with geo referenced
    UTM coordinates (zone, easting, northing)


    basename_in: list of source file prefixes

        These are combined with the extensions:
        WAVEHEIGHT_MUX2_LABEL = '-z-mux2' for stage
        EAST_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL = '-e-mux2' xmomentum
        NORTH_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL = '-n-mux2' and ymomentum

        to create a 2D list of mux2 file. The rows are associated with each
        quantity and must have the above extensions
        the columns are the list of file prefixes.

    ordering: a .txt file name specifying which mux2 gauge points are
              to be stored. This is indicated by the index of the gauge
              in the ordering file.

              ordering file format:
              1st line:    'index,longitude,latitude\n'
              other lines: index,longitude,latitude

              If ordering is None or ordering file is empty then
               all points are taken in the order they
              appear in the mux2 file.

      basename_out: name of sts file in which mux2 data is stored.
    NOTE: South is positive in mux files so sign of y-component of velocity is reverted

    import os
    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile
    from operator import __and__

    if not isinstance(basename_in, list):
        if verbose: log.critical('Reading single source')
        basename_in = [basename_in]

    # This is the value used in the mux file format to indicate NAN data
    # FIXME (Ole): This should be changed everywhere to IEEE NAN when
    #              we upgrade to Numpy
    NODATA = 99

    # Check that basename is a list of strings
    if not reduce(__and__, map(lambda z:isinstance(z,basestring), basename_in)):
        msg= 'basename_in must be a string or list of strings'
        raise Exception, msg

    # Find the number of sources to be used
    numSrc = len(basename_in)

    # A weight must be specified for each source
    if weights is None:
        # Default is equal weighting
        weights = num.ones(numSrc, num.float) / numSrc
        weights = ensure_numeric(weights)
        msg = 'When combining multiple sources must specify a weight for ' \
              'mux2 source file'
        assert len(weights) == numSrc, msg

    if verbose: log.critical('Weights used in urs2sts: %s' % str(weights))

    # Check output filename
    if basename_out is None:
        msg = 'STS filename must be specified as basename_out ' \
              'in function urs2sts'
        raise Exception, msg

    if basename_out.endswith('.sts'):
        stsname = basename_out
        stsname = basename_out + '.sts'

    # Create input filenames from basenames and check their existence
    files_in = [[], [], []]
    for files in basename_in:
        files_in[0].append(files + WAVEHEIGHT_MUX2_LABEL),
        files_in[1].append(files + EAST_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL)
        files_in[2].append(files + NORTH_VELOCITY_MUX2_LABEL)

    quantities = ['HA','UA','VA'] # Quantity names used in the MUX2 format
    for i in range(len(quantities)):
        for file_in in files_in[i]:
            if (os.access(file_in, os.R_OK) == 0):
                msg = 'File %s does not exist or is not accessible' % file_in
                raise IOError, msg

    # Establish permutation array
    if ordering_filename is not None:
        if verbose is True: log.critical('Reading ordering file %s'
                                         % ordering_filename)

        # Read ordering file
            fid = open(ordering_filename, 'r')
            file_header = fid.readline().split(',')
            ordering_lines = fid.readlines()
            msg = 'Cannot open %s' % ordering_filename
            raise Exception, msg

        reference_header = 'index, longitude, latitude\n'
        reference_header_split = reference_header.split(',')
        for i in range(3):
            if not file_header[i].strip() == reference_header_split[i].strip():
                msg = 'File must contain header: ' + reference_header
                raise Exception, msg

        if len(ordering_lines) < 2:
            msg = 'File must contain at least two points'
            raise Exception, msg

        permutation = [int(line.split(',')[0]) for line in ordering_lines]
        permutation = ensure_numeric(permutation)
        permutation = None

    # Read MUX2 files
    if (verbose): log.critical('reading mux2 file')

    times_old = 0.0
    latitudes_old = 0.0
    longitudes_old = 0.0
    elevation_old = 0.0
    starttime_old = 0.0
    for i, quantity in enumerate(quantities):
        # For each quantity read the associated list of source mux2 file with
        # extention associated with that quantity

        times, latitudes, longitudes, elevation, mux[quantity], starttime \
            = read_mux2_py(files_in[i], weights, permutation, verbose=verbose)

        # Check that all quantities have consistent time and space information
        if quantity != quantities[0]:
            msg = '%s, %s and %s have inconsistent gauge data' \
                  % (files_in[0], files_in[1], files_in[2])
            assert num.allclose(times, times_old), msg
            assert num.allclose(latitudes, latitudes_old), msg
            assert num.allclose(longitudes, longitudes_old), msg
            assert num.allclose(elevation, elevation_old), msg
            assert num.allclose(starttime, starttime_old), msg
        times_old = times
        latitudes_old = latitudes
        longitudes_old = longitudes
        elevation_old = elevation
        starttime_old = starttime

        # Self check - can be removed to improve speed
        #ref_longitudes = [float(line.split(',')[1]) for line in ordering_lines]
        #ref_latitudes = [float(line.split(',')[2]) for line in ordering_lines]
        #msg = 'Longitudes specified in ordering file do not match those ' \
        #      'found in mux files. ' \
        #      'I got %s instead of %s (only beginning shown)' \
        #      % (str(longitudes[:10]) + '...',
        #         str(ref_longitudes[:10]) + '...')
        #assert allclose(longitudes, ref_longitudes), msg
        #msg = 'Latitudes specified in ordering file do not match those ' \
        #      'found in mux files. '
        #      'I got %s instead of %s (only beginning shown)' \
        #      % (str(latitudes[:10]) + '...',
        #         str(ref_latitudes[:10]) + '...')
        #assert allclose(latitudes, ref_latitudes), msg

    # Store timeseries in STS file
    msg = 'File is empty and or clipped region not in file region'
    assert len(latitudes > 0), msg

    number_of_points = latitudes.shape[0]      # Number of stations retrieved
    number_of_times = times.shape[0]           # Number of timesteps
    number_of_latitudes = latitudes.shape[0]   # Number latitudes
    number_of_longitudes = longitudes.shape[0] # Number longitudes

    # The permutation vector of contains original indices
    # as given in ordering file or None in which case points
    # are assigned the trivial indices enumerating them from
    # 0 to number_of_points-1
    if permutation is None:
        permutation = num.arange(number_of_points, dtype=num.int)

    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(stsname, netcdf_mode_w)

    description = 'Converted from URS mux2 files: %s' % basename_in

    # Create new file
    sts = Write_sts()

    # Store
    from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn

    x = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  # Easting
    y = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  # Northing

    # Check zone boundaries
    if zone is None:
        refzone, _, _ = redfearn(latitudes[0], longitudes[0],
        refzone = zone

    old_zone = refzone
    old_easting = 0.0
    old_northing = 0.0

    for i in range(number_of_points):
        computed_zone, easting, northing = redfearn(latitudes[i], longitudes[i],
        x[i] = easting
        y[i] = northing
        if computed_zone != refzone:
            msg = 'All sts gauges need to be in the same zone. \n'
            msg += 'offending gauge:Zone %d,%.4f, %4f\n' \
                   % (computed_zone, easting, northing)
            msg += 'previous gauge:Zone %d,%.4f, %4f' \
                   % (old_zone, old_easting, old_northing)
            raise Exception, msg
        old_zone = computed_zone
        old_easting = easting
        old_northing = northing

    if origin is None:
        origin = Geo_reference(refzone, min(x), min(y))
    geo_ref = write_NetCDF_georeference(origin, outfile)

    elevation = num.resize(elevation, outfile.variables['elevation'][:].shape)
    outfile.variables['permutation'][:] = permutation.astype(num.int32) # Opteron 64
    outfile.variables['x'][:] = x - geo_ref.get_xllcorner()
    outfile.variables['y'][:] = y - geo_ref.get_yllcorner()
    outfile.variables['elevation'][:] = elevation

    stage = outfile.variables['stage']
    xmomentum = outfile.variables['xmomentum']
    ymomentum = outfile.variables['ymomentum']

    if verbose: log.critical('Converting quantities')

    for j in range(len(times)):
        for i in range(number_of_points):
            ha = mux['HA'][i,j]
            ua = mux['UA'][i,j]
            va = mux['VA'][i,j]
            if ha == NODATA:
                if verbose:
                    msg = 'Setting nodata value %d to 0 at time = %f, ' \
                          'point = %d' % (ha, times[j], i)
                ha = 0.0
                ua = 0.0
                va = 0.0

            w = zscale*ha + mean_stage
            h = w - elevation[i]
            stage[j,i] = w

            xmomentum[j,i] = ua * h
            ymomentum[j,i] = -va * h # South is positive in mux files

    if verbose:
        log.critical('Wrote sts file ' + stsname)    
def ferret2sww(
        inverted_bathymetry=True):  #FIXME: Bathymetry should be obtained
    #from MOST somehow.
    #Alternatively from elsewhere
    #or, as a last resort,
    #specified here.
    #The value of -100 will work
    #for the Wollongong tsunami
    #scenario but is very hacky
    """Convert MOST and 'Ferret' NetCDF format for wave propagation to
    sww format native to abstract_2d_finite_volumes.

    Specify only basename_in and read files of the form
    basefilename_ha.nc, basefilename_ua.nc, basefilename_va.nc containing
    relative height, x-velocity and y-velocity, respectively.

    Also convert latitude and longitude to UTM. All coordinates are
    assumed to be given in the GDA94 datum.

    min's and max's: If omitted - full extend is used.
    To include a value min may equal it, while max must exceed it.
    Lat and lon are assuemd to be in decimal degrees

    origin is a 3-tuple with geo referenced
    UTM coordinates (zone, easting, northing)

    nc format has values organised as HA[TIME, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE]
    which means that longitude is the fastest
    varying dimension (row major order, so to speak)

    ferret2sww uses grid points as vertices in a triangular grid
    counting vertices from lower left corner upwards, then right

    from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

    _assert_lat_long(minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon)

    if name_out != None and name_out[-4:] != '.sww':
        raise IOError('Output file %s should be of type .sww.' % name_out)

    # Get NetCDF data
    if verbose: log.critical('Reading files %s_*.nc' % basename_in)

    # Wave amplitude (cm)
    file_h = NetCDFFile(basename_in + '_ha.nc', netcdf_mode_r)

    # Velocity (x) (cm/s)
    file_u = NetCDFFile(basename_in + '_ua.nc', netcdf_mode_r)

    # Velocity (y) (cm/s)
    file_v = NetCDFFile(basename_in + '_va.nc', netcdf_mode_r)

    # Elevation (z) (m)
    file_e = NetCDFFile(basename_in + '_e.nc', netcdf_mode_r)

    if name_out is None:
        swwname = basename_in + '.sww'
        swwname = name_out

    # Get dimensions of file_h
    for dimension in list(file_h.dimensions.keys()):
        if dimension[:3] == 'LON':
            dim_h_longitude = dimension
        if dimension[:3] == 'LAT':
            dim_h_latitude = dimension
        if dimension[:4] == 'TIME':
            dim_h_time = dimension

    times = file_h.variables[dim_h_time]
    latitudes = file_h.variables[dim_h_latitude]
    longitudes = file_h.variables[dim_h_longitude]

    kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices(latitudes[:], longitudes[:],
                                                 minlat, maxlat, minlon,
    # get dimensions for file_e
    for dimension in list(file_e.dimensions.keys()):
        if dimension[:3] == 'LON':
            dim_e_longitude = dimension
        if dimension[:3] == 'LAT':
            dim_e_latitude = dimension

    # get dimensions for file_u
    for dimension in list(file_u.dimensions.keys()):
        if dimension[:3] == 'LON':
            dim_u_longitude = dimension
        if dimension[:3] == 'LAT':
            dim_u_latitude = dimension

    # get dimensions for file_v
    for dimension in list(file_v.dimensions.keys()):
        if dimension[:3] == 'LON':
            dim_v_longitude = dimension
        if dimension[:3] == 'LAT':
            dim_v_latitude = dimension

    # Precision used by most for lat/lon is 4 or 5 decimals
    e_lat = num.around(file_e.variables[dim_e_latitude][:], 5)
    e_lon = num.around(file_e.variables[dim_e_longitude][:], 5)

    # Check that files are compatible
    assert num.allclose(latitudes, file_u.variables[dim_u_latitude])
    assert num.allclose(latitudes, file_v.variables[dim_v_latitude])
    assert num.allclose(latitudes, e_lat)

    assert num.allclose(longitudes, file_u.variables[dim_u_longitude])
    assert num.allclose(longitudes, file_v.variables[dim_v_longitude])
    assert num.allclose(longitudes, e_lon)

    if mint is None:
        jmin = 0
        mint = times[0]
        jmin = num.searchsorted(times, mint)

        # numpy.int32 didn't work in slicing of amplitude below
        jmin = int(jmin)

    if maxt is None:
        jmax = len(times)
        maxt = times[-1]
        jmax = num.searchsorted(times, maxt)

        # numpy.int32 didn't work in slicing of amplitude below
        jmax = int(jmax)

    kmin, kmax, lmin, lmax = get_min_max_indices(latitudes[:], longitudes[:],
                                                 minlat, maxlat, minlon,

    times = times[jmin:jmax]
    latitudes = latitudes[kmin:kmax]
    longitudes = longitudes[lmin:lmax]

    if verbose: log.critical('cropping')

    zname = 'ELEVATION'

    amplitudes = file_h.variables['HA'][jmin:jmax, kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]
    uspeed = file_u.variables['UA'][jmin:jmax, kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]  #Lon
    vspeed = file_v.variables['VA'][jmin:jmax, kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]  #Lat
    elevations = file_e.variables[zname][kmin:kmax, lmin:lmax]

    # Get missing values
    nan_ha = file_h.variables['HA'].missing_value
    nan_ua = file_u.variables['UA'].missing_value
    nan_va = file_v.variables['VA'].missing_value
    if hasattr(file_e.variables[zname], 'missing_value'):
        nan_e = file_e.variables[zname].missing_value
        nan_e = None

    # Cleanup
    missing = (amplitudes == nan_ha)
    if num.sometrue(missing):
        if fail_on_NaN:
            msg = 'NetCDFFile %s contains missing values' \
                  % basename_in + '_ha.nc'
            raise_(DataMissingValuesError, msg)
            amplitudes = amplitudes * (missing == 0) + missing * NaN_filler

    missing = (uspeed == nan_ua)
    if num.sometrue(missing):
        if fail_on_NaN:
            msg = 'NetCDFFile %s contains missing values' \
                  % basename_in + '_ua.nc'
            raise_(DataMissingValuesError, msg)
            uspeed = uspeed * (missing == 0) + missing * NaN_filler

    missing = (vspeed == nan_va)
    if num.sometrue(missing):
        if fail_on_NaN:
            msg = 'NetCDFFile %s contains missing values' \
                  % basename_in + '_va.nc'
            raise_(DataMissingValuesError, msg)
            vspeed = vspeed * (missing == 0) + missing * NaN_filler

    missing = (elevations == nan_e)
    if num.sometrue(missing):
        if fail_on_NaN:
            msg = 'NetCDFFile %s contains missing values' \
                  % basename_in + '_e.nc'
            raise_(DataMissingValuesError, msg)
            elevations = elevations * (missing == 0) + missing * NaN_filler

    number_of_times = times.shape[0]
    number_of_latitudes = latitudes.shape[0]
    number_of_longitudes = longitudes.shape[0]

    assert amplitudes.shape[0] == number_of_times
    assert amplitudes.shape[1] == number_of_latitudes
    assert amplitudes.shape[2] == number_of_longitudes

    if verbose:
        _show_stats((latitudes, longitudes), times, amplitudes, \
                    (uspeed, vspeed), elevations)

    # print number_of_latitudes, number_of_longitudes
    number_of_points = number_of_latitudes * number_of_longitudes
    number_of_volumes = (number_of_latitudes - 1) * (number_of_longitudes -
                                                     1) * 2


    # NetCDF file definition
    outfile = NetCDFFile(swwname, netcdf_mode_w)

    description = 'Converted from Ferret files: %s, %s, %s, %s' \
                  % (basename_in + '_ha.nc',
                     basename_in + '_ua.nc',
                     basename_in + '_va.nc',
                     basename_in + '_e.nc')

    # Create new file
    starttime = times[0]

    sww = Write_sww(['elevation'], ['stage', 'xmomentum', 'ymomentum'])

    # Store
    from anuga.coordinate_transforms.redfearn import redfearn
    x = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  #Easting
    y = num.zeros(number_of_points, num.float)  #Northing

    if verbose:
        log.critical('Making triangular grid')

    # Check zone boundaries
    refzone, _, _ = redfearn(latitudes[0], longitudes[0])

    vertices = {}
    i = 0
    for k, lat in enumerate(latitudes):  # Y direction
        for l, lon in enumerate(longitudes):  # X direction
            vertices[l, k] = i

            _, easting, northing = redfearn(lat, lon)

            #msg = 'Zone boundary crossed at longitude =', lon
            #assert zone == refzone, msg
            #print '%7.2f %7.2f %8.2f %8.2f' %(lon, lat, easting, northing)
            x[i] = easting
            y[i] = northing
            i += 1

    #Construct 2 triangles per 'rectangular' element
    volumes = []
    for l in range(number_of_longitudes - 1):  # X direction
        for k in range(number_of_latitudes - 1):  # Y direction
            v1 = vertices[l, k + 1]
            v2 = vertices[l, k]
            v3 = vertices[l + 1, k + 1]
            v4 = vertices[l + 1, k]

            volumes.append([v1, v2, v3])  #Upper element
            volumes.append([v4, v3, v2])  #Lower element

    volumes = num.array(volumes, num.int)  #array default#

    if origin is None:
        origin = Geo_reference(refzone, min(x), min(y))
    geo_ref = write_NetCDF_georeference(origin, outfile)

    if elevation is not None:
        z = elevation
        if inverted_bathymetry:
            z = -1 * elevations
            z = elevations
    #FIXME: z should be obtained from MOST and passed in here

    #FIXME use the Write_sww instance(sww) to write this info
    z = num.resize(z, outfile.variables['elevation'][:].shape)
    outfile.variables['x'][:] = x - geo_ref.get_xllcorner()
    outfile.variables['y'][:] = y - geo_ref.get_yllcorner()
    #outfile.variables['z'][:] = z             #FIXME HACK for bacwards compat.
    outfile.variables['elevation'][:] = z
    outfile.variables['volumes'][:] = volumes.astype(
        num.int32)  #For Opteron 64

    #Time stepping
    stage = outfile.variables['stage']
    xmomentum = outfile.variables['xmomentum']
    ymomentum = outfile.variables['ymomentum']

    if verbose:
        log.critical('Converting quantities')

    n = len(times)
    for j in range(n):
        if verbose and j % (old_div((n + 10), 10)) == 0:
            log.critical('  Doing %d of %d' % (j, n))

        i = 0
        for k in range(number_of_latitudes):  # Y direction
            for l in range(number_of_longitudes):  # X direction
                w = old_div(zscale * amplitudes[j, k, l], 100) + mean_stage
                stage[j, i] = w
                h = w - z[i]
                xmomentum[j, i] = old_div(uspeed[j, k, l], 100) * h
                ymomentum[j, i] = old_div(vspeed[j, k, l], 100) * h
                i += 1


    #FIXME: Refactor using code from file_function.statistics
    #Something like print swwstats(swwname)
    if verbose:
        time_info = times, starttime, mint, maxt
        _show_sww_stats(outfile, swwname, geo_ref, time_info)
